Anyone ever seen a UFO?

6% of the population has seen an unidentified flying object.. an object flying that they can't see properly. 90% of the population has seen something that they can't see properly on a Saturday night, and taken it home.

Only 90%? :D I thought it would be over 100% (cuz lots of us have done this more than once).
I think alot of ufo's can be man made. However what I've witnessed was not even remotely possible. Unless we have the ability to move our crafts through matter!:eek:

Also there are alot of pilots that of course are aware of air crafts and their abilities that have had run in's with ufo and uso's.:cool:

I think in time we will learn how to draw energy out of surroundings to supply crafts of all kinds with alternative energy or even anti energy.

Its not a guess or theoretic on my part, but know how. Its happening and being done as we speak. Reports from professionals of air deviation through out the years have witnessed the impossible flights of unknown objects.

That means we have enough credible evidence from eye witness testimony that allows us to keep the discussion on not if anyone is really seeing anything, but what are these things. where do they come from!

it wasn't just a mistaken id of a missile, when police helicoptors are being chased and on ground patrol helps collabroate what is being witnessed from below.

or when a commercial air pilot witnesses a large craft and its also on the radar.

I would say that is alot of substancial evidence that we have crafts flying in our surroundings that do not belong to us.:p
Its not a guess or theoretic on my part
Yes it is.

Reports from professionals of air deviation through out the years have witnessed the impossible flights of unknown objects.
WTF is a "professional of air deviation"?

That means we have enough credible evidence from eye witness testimony
No we don't.

I would say that is alot of substancial evidence that we have crafts flying in our surroundings that do not belong to us.:p
You would. But then again you've displayed little ability to think rationally.
I think we will have to wait until the professionals of gravity displacement submit their report to know for sure.
Yes it is.

WTF is a "professional of air deviation"?

No we don't.

You would. But then again you've displayed little ability to think rationally.

Dyw, quit being lazy.. at least refute the fragment if you can't quote an entire sentence in context.
What has he posted that's coherent enough to refute?
I'm still wondering what the hell a "professional of air deviation" is. Someone who spots breezes in the wrong place for a living? Who notifies the government that that volume of air should be over Ireland by now and it's running late?
Dywyddyr, please don't chase people away :d. I really want to read some stories. It's interesting to find others that have the same kind of experiences.
6% of the population has seen an unidentified flying object.. an object flying that they can't see properly. 90% of the population has seen something that they can't see properly on a Saturday night, and taken it home.

:p Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.
@whynot --

However what I've witnessed was not even remotely possible. Unless we have the ability to move our crafts through matter!

Reports from professionals of air deviation through out the years have witnessed the impossible flights of unknown objects.

Experiences such as these are what is medically known as a "hallucination". Everyone, regardless of age, gender, or race, is susceptible to hallucinations, it's a fact of our biology.

That means we have enough credible evidence from eye witness testimony that allows us to keep the discussion on not if anyone is really seeing anything, but what are these things. where do they come from!

The best explanation is that such people are hallucinating. These objects are coming from inside our own brains.

I would say that is alot of substancial evidence that we have crafts flying in our surroundings that do not belong to us.

And I'd say that that's about the least parsimonious explanation I've ever heard.
Being as I have the absolutely real theory of everything, I have some idea of what a UFO is capable of, how it would need to work, what types of propulsion are possible. What shapes would seem the most likely to accommodate certain types of engines.

Firstly.. Invisibility. It is very likely that a Alien technology UFO would be invisible. There are two reasons. First.. a negative mass ship wouldn't collide so much with matter at the speeds required, and negative mass is invisible to us. Second just to cloak from observation. That's what we would do if we got to the position to visit an alien world.

There aren't that many ways to achieve faster than light travel. You can create a particle torch which shines out Dark Flow. Then get the ship into the Dark Flow.. speed up the dark flow, and accelerate whilst at the same time accelerate the Dark Flow. Best not to point the beam at your destination though, best to point it at a nearby moon, because you will make a crater.

Another way is to create a massive bow shock. This is really destructive, but compresses time, and shortens the distance to where you want to go.

And the last way that I can think of is not so fast, but generates unlimited energy, but is quite dangerous. You have to fold space time, but not shorten it like a worm hole, because I don't seem to have figured that out. But fold it to create an engine. You will get a vortex that propels you.. but you are limited to mass tolerances. So nowhere near the speed of light. A UFO using this technology would stand out a mile, because it would look peculiar, with a big disc of plasma in the middle.

Some combinations of these.. switch positive mass on behind you, switch negative mass in front of you, and you will be in some sort of space tidal wave. This is anti-gravity really.. you have switched gravity around, but also strengthened it.

Can't really think of any more ways apart from the obvious solar sails etc.

We can't do any of the UFO versions until science gets a grip on negative mass. And I haven't come up with a way to see it either. But the two slit experiment, neutrinos, quantum tubes of silicon, and Quantum Gold stand out for me as the most likely candidates to come up with the answers. Mirrors too.. possibly.
@Dywyddyr --

Do you hear a dripping noise? I think that it might be my brain leaking out of my ears.
Being as I have the absolutely real theory of everything, I have some idea of what a UFO is capable of, how it would need to work, what types of propulsion are possible. What shapes would seem the most likely to accommodate certain types of engines.

Having a theory of everything would not entail you knowing everything.
That would be impossible for a human brain.
So, your boast is fairly empty.

As for myself,
Even though I have NO theory of everything,
I have some idea of what a UFO would be capable of, how it would need to work,
what types of propulsion are possible.
What shapes would seem the most likely to accommodate certain types of engines.

Not a lot of idea, but some idea, same as you.
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Having a theory of everything would not entail you knowing everything.
That would be impossible for a human brain.
So, your boast is fairly empty.

As for myself,
Even though I have NO theory of everything,
I have some idea of what a UFO would be capable of, how it would need to work,
what types of propulsion are possible.
What shapes would seem the most likely to accommodate certain types of engines.

Not a lot of idea, but some idea, same as you.

TOE doesn't mean know everything, it means have a system to know everything when you want to know it. That's what I do. If I feel that something sounds fun to learn about, I add it to my agenda. My theory then solves it.. sometimes it takes a week or more for me to figure out which parts of my system the theory is using. Err well, action at a distance took 3 years.. so not always easy.

Would they be anything like Da Vinci's versions?

No.. they are the UFO ideas that I posted.. the equivalent.
TOE doesn't mean know everything, it means have a system to know everything when you want to know it.
No it doesn't.

That's what I do.
Nope. What you is come up with inane drivel and convince yourself that it has meaning.

If I feel that something sounds fun to learn about, I add it to my agenda.
Hmm, judging by the evidence you've never found anything to be fun, since you consistently fail to learn.

My theory then solves it.

sometimes it takes a week or more for me to figure out which parts of my system the theory is using.
You mean "convince yourself you have a clue".

No.. they are the UFO ideas that I posted.. the equivalent.
Not really.