Anyone ever seen a UFO?

No it doesn't.

Nope. What you is come up with inane drivel and convince yourself that it has meaning.

Hmm, judging by the evidence you've never found anything to be fun, since you consistently fail to learn.


You mean "convince yourself you have a clue".

Not really.

Actually when you say me, you actually mean you. Psychology is to mirror oneself against another, and if you can't make sense of it yourself apply that the other is not making sense. But in your case you have not heard my full theory, so your guesses are that I am not brighter than you. Which is self belief, and you don't want your self belief broken. But to me, your whole brain is broken.
Which actually proves my point.

Re your edit:
Psychology is to mirror oneself against another
Um, no it's not.

and if you can't make sense of it yourself apply that the other is not making sense.
Close. What actually occurs is that if the other isn't making then I conclude that they aren't making sense.

But in your case you have not heard my full theory
Because not only do you not have a "full theory" you don't have any theory.

so your guesses are that I am not brighter than you
Really? Is that a supposition on your part?

But to me, your whole brain is broken.
Hmm, would this be a case of declaring me to be not brighter than you, in order to preserve your self-belief?

Re your edit:

Um, no it's not.

Close. What actually occurs is that if the other isn't making then I conclude that they aren't making sense.

Because not only do you not have a "full theory" you don't have any theory.

Really? Is that a supposition on your part?

Hmm, would this be a case of declaring me to be not brighter than you, in order to preserve your self-belief?

No, my self-belief is based on myself predicting most of the new physics over the last 7 years before they were discovered. My self belief is based on me understanding things that I have not been taught by anyone. And my belief of myself being smarter than you is based on the fact that everything you say is just a negative response to what somebody else has written. You are trying to be right by laws of averages that with all of these theories being different that you can say wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and no way can all of the theories be right, so you win 99% of the time. But then I came along, the 1% lose situation. By habit, you don't know how to handle the 1% lose. By lack of thought you forgot that the Theory Of Everything would always end up in Pseudo-science. There is no way that it could end up in science, because science was never correct enough to handle it. The Big Bang, and singularity, and relativity would automatically push the theory in here. Then the lack of maths, because nature isn't based on maths would cause people a headache. So it would always end up in here, and you would always eventually lose by just saying wrong, wrong, wrong.
No, my self-belief is based on myself predicting most of the new physics over the last 7 years before they were discovered.
But you haven't done that.

My self belief is based on me understanding things that I have not been taught by anyone.
Nor that. You simply convince yourself that your "explanation" is correct.

And my belief of myself being smarter than you is based on the fact that everything you say is just a negative response to what somebody else has written.
Also incorrect.

You are trying to be right by laws of averages that with all of these theories being different that you can say wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and no way can all of the theories be right, so you win 99% of the time. But then I came along, the 1% lose situation.

By lack of thought you forgot that the Theory Of Everything would always end up in Pseudo-science. There is no way that it could end up in science, because science was never correct enough to handle it.
Not quite correct. It ended up in Pseudoscience because it contains no science. And you forget that you have admitted that you are ignorant of science.
But you haven't done that.

Nor that. You simply convince yourself that your "explanation" is correct.

Also incorrect.


Not quite correct. It ended up in Pseudoscience because it contains no science. And you forget that you have admitted that you are ignorant of science.

Lol.. I like the way you have switched from wrong to incorrect, not quite correct.. cause, and effect. You are a cause, and effect machine. That's why you need cause (scientific teaching) to get the effect (I know everything now). Try doing something for yourself, start science from scratch. Don't allow anything in science that you can't account for.. Gravity is an unknown in science, yet science allows it to be the hinge of their entire theory. Not allowed in my science... Pinchoism is the new word for true science. And you have to be a lot more thorough.
I love cranks and woo woo's a great deal. But, because I lack the knowledge to distinguish some wild claims from legitimate science, it's nice to have guys like Dywyddyr to stomp on them as they appear. I have to google a lot of things I read on this site so that I can better understand the topic and sometimes I find that it's just beyond my scope of comprehension (ie: any post by Rpenner). I have spent hours and hours reading up on a variety of subjects I find in threads from here. I have learned a lot and am thankful. I do get a little "pissy" with people that make grand statements and then do not back them up. I'm forced to look a subject up only to find out that the person is full of it. I find that a waste of my time. James R., Arioch, Dywyddyr, AlexG, Tiassa, MacGyver and others help thickies like me a great deal by steering us in the right direction to find information (real information).
My apologies, what did you see, would you care to describe it?
The first one was in the sixties. Simply a white light in the sky (clear early autumn night) that followed a triangular (sharp-cornered) path. No idea of altitude, no idea of size. The triangle sides were longer than thumb to outstretched little finger when the arm was held up. Witnessed by myself and a school friend. Not a clue as to what it could have been.

The second was best described as dual-rotating nebulous spirals of light (think of two large-pitch springs slightly interlocked). Apparent distance was a couple of hundred yards and apparent size was 50 feet high and a few yards in diameter. On closer investigation (i.e. scrambling over a tall fence and trekking through a muddy field) I soon established that my size and distance estimates were off considerably (I must have covered the best part of a mile trying to get closer). This was a frosty November night, low cloud. It was still there after a couple of hours (a friend and his wife saw it when I pointed it out to them later).
This, disappointingly, turned out to be a reflection of searchlights from the low cloud - searchlights on because it was part of the light show for the opening of a new shopping centre about 5 miles further than I'd gone!
It was reported the following day in the local newspaper that the police had received approx. 4,000 UFO calls. And, despite the newspaper report the police were still getting back-dated "UFO sighting claims" a week later.
I love cranks and woo woo's a great deal. But, because I lack the knowledge to distinguish some wild claims from legitimate science, it's nice to have guys like Dywyddyr to stomp on them as they appear. I have to google a lot of things I read on this site so that I can better understand the topic and sometimes I find that it's just beyond my scope of comprehension (ie: any post by Rpenner). I have spent hours and hours reading up on a variety of subjects I find in threads from here. I have learned a lot and am thankful. I do get a little "pissy" with people that make grand statements and then do not back them up. I'm forced to look a subject up only to find out that the person is full of it. I find that a waste of my time. James R., Arioch, Dywyddyr, AlexG, Tiassa, MacGyver and others help thickies like me a great deal by steering us in the right direction to find information (real information).
Thanks Ellis. It's nice to find someone who appreciates us.
PS, don't EVER listen to MacGyver! He'll say anything if you promise him enough beer. ;)
Wrong = incorrect. The "not quite correct" was sarcasm. :rolleyes:

It's not even science.

There's no hope for you if your reply to break free of human teachings is to use sarcasm, a human form of humour passed on mainly in science forums, and losing rounds of arguments. You'll be using the pink fairies quote next.
I've only seen UFOs in dreams.
And not for awhile.

Perhaps earthling science taught them something they didn't already comprehend.
They all ran off to check out dark flow.
Perhaps a wild goose chase.
Those earthlings are geniuses.
What evidence have you seen that's overwhelming? I haven't. I'm open to view any credible links you can provide.

just read books , youtube

I have done this for many yrs

specifically , Jim Marrs , recently , book very ,very good

I have seen paintings with sky craft , etc. just watch any program , read books on the subject , with critisism

the eventuality of the reality of UFO's will come about in the end

they have been around for thousands of yrs

a good start would be ( now that I think about it ) the history of the Sumerians

fascinating , really
Yes it is.

WTF is a "professional of air deviation"?

No we don't.

You would. But then again you've displayed little ability to think rationally.

haven't you seen the news? air avation is all about helping people land and not crash into each other. their the ones falling asleep lately in the towers.

your ignorence is obvious so i really can not take you as being very intelligent with these remarks and i know your very smart. so why the insults? you know i have good reasons to say their is sound evidence for ufo's. to say there isn't shows how irrational your behaving. im not just your book reader hearsayer. i've eyewitnessed ufo's and not like you who was easily fooled some time back. eyewitnesses were with me and they can not explain what it was.

I watch those who like to prove things as fake or how things appear to be ufo's. it helps me to keep ground perspective on what it could be.

Just because I've seen something or say something is happening that has been deemed impossible, does not prove me to be irrational. not when i bring others into purposely question that very thing. Im at least trying to share and offer evidence here.

that is what people seek. and if you just automatically assume im irrational than thats fine. I don't blame you. but if you become the problem in allowing me to share. than i can promise you this. if there is even the slightest chance that I can do so than I hope the chance to be given to do so. and if not than everyone loses here.

that is why I am still here.
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just read books , youtube

I have done this for many yrs

specifically , Jim Marrs , recently , book very ,very good

I have seen paintings with sky craft , etc. just watch any program , read books on the subject , with critisism

the eventuality of the reality of UFO's will come about in the end

they have been around for thousands of yrs

a good start would be ( now that I think about it ) the history of the Sumerians

fascinating , really

UFO nuts enthusists have a remarkably low standard for what they will call 'evidence'. They are eager to believe just about anything and everything.