Anyone ever seen a UFO?

What about a star chart, we are here, we sent you a signal you can pick this signal up at these coordinates, monitor this area and you will hear the signal? Instead we get something that would take just as long to accomplish. Travel to our planet, and fold some wheat.

We've exhausted the subject so you want to change it.
Any geologic probing of a planet for future deep core mining would begin with surface markers left for later extraction/entry locations. Who cares about your wheat?
We've exhausted the subject so you want to change it.
Any geologic probing of a planet for future deep core mining would begin with surface markers left for later extraction/entry locations. Who cares about your wheat?

So the mining is always best under a wheat field? :D

Well, that made me laugh anyway.
How can your example "clearly elaborate ONE region" if there are, per your own words, "such specific regions throughout the world"?
We've exhausted the subject so you want to change it
Why would one example be expected to elaborate on all possible examples ?
We've exhausted the subject so you want to change it
False. I'm simply replying to YOUR post.

Why would one example be expected to elaborate on all possible examples ?
Then why did YOU refer to one example?

Maybe you have learning difficulties. If so please let me know and I'll do my best to compensate.
Here is a site with the best ufo pictures.

I know about balls of lightening and energy releases from the ground, but this thing we saw in 1992 by renton boeing area was not just some ball of lightening. Our car was being jerked around, than the dash board lights went out, and than we saw the big ball of light just hovering in the air above an apartment complex. It flew in a horizontal path with a speed unknown to air crafts and we had some jets fly over here that broke the sound so I know. This made no sound and it disappeared into the ground.

I think to just explain it away as something other than a ufo is silly. if you can match this object up with something known, than please by all means give me an answer and stop calling me unintelligent because I seek answers for what I have personally experienced.
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Here is a site with the best ufo pictures.

I know about balls of lightening and energy releases from the ground, but this thing we saw in 1992 by renton boeing area was not just some ball of lightening. Our car was being jerked around, than the dash board lights went out, and than we saw the big ball of light just hovering in the air above an apartment complex. It flew in a horizontal path with a speed unknown to air crafts and we had some jets fly over here that broke the sound so I know. This made no sound and it disappeared into the ground.

I think to just explain it away as something other than a ufo is silly. if you can match this object up with something known, than please by all means give me an answer and stop calling me unintelligent because I seek answers for what I have personally experienced.

You ruined your validity with a photo of a bird, and then some UFO sites. This story sounds like close encounters. If UFO's are real they wouldn't all just come to you. You see too many, you don't identify them very well.
You ruined your validity with a photo of a bird, and then some UFO sites. This story sounds like close encounters. If UFO's are real they wouldn't all just come to you. You see too many, you don't identify them very well.

Well the first ufo sighting I had was in my teens swimming during a meteor shower. and no these were no meteors. I did not have a camera than.

Also my other sighting was heading home after a hard days work and over an 8 hr shift. Tired but sober. and completely aware this was something out of the usual. I did not have a camera than either.

When I took the picture I shared it was because it appeared in the picture and it looked like a possible ufo. I was very open to peoples opinon of this picture.

My other picture is lossed so sorry I could not post it here.

If another one happens to come around and I capture it on camera or film than I will happily share it.

if it sounds like a movie its because most movies are based on actual facts from eye witnesses like myself. so that is what actually takes place with ufo's and people who run into them. that just verifies that what I went through was real.

Why I have seen two sighting in my many years, I do not know. But I have seen several cryptics too. so go figure. and yes these were with eyewitnesses too. :rolleyes:

maybe they like to pick on us unintelligent ones . lol!:D
UFO's are the modern equivalent of the headless horseman.

I don't know how equivalent it is to ufo's but very good accounts of something unusual. It could be like the village movie. People use scare tactics to control the people from going places late at night for reasons that could be its felt unsafe. Used to control children.

Or it could be a real ghost.

ever seen paranormal witness? the second episode? where this lady has the ability to remote view in her dreams? she helped the police find out what had happen to this lady who went missing and crashed her car along the side of the road. with this lady's help the car was found and the son was still alive after several days missing. if it wasn't for her his life would possibly be gone. these are actual accounts with police and others involved like family who can testify as to what occured and how they believe she was able to help them.
Or it could be a real ghost.
Define "real ghost".

ever seen paranormal witness? the second episode? where this lady has the ability to remote view in her dreams? she helped the police find out what had happen to this lady who went missing and crashed her car along the side of the road. with this lady's help the car was found and the son was still alive after several days missing. if it wasn't for her his life would possibly be gone. these are actual accounts with police and others involved like family who can testify as to what occured and how they believe she was able to help them.
Oh great, now he's using TV programmes as evidence. :rolleyes:
And have you bothered (or even considered) checking the validity of those claims? Have you looked at both sides of the stories?

Or would you rather just take that site's word for it?

I've done alot of checking out of stories and their validity. I also watch a show called fact or faked paranormal. Its a good series to watch because it shows alot of these really popular sightings and puts them to the test. I've learned about alot of the faked and lied about popular sightings because of this show. a must watch for those wanting truth.

the question is have you checked out all these stories?

Like I've mentioned I'm after the truth not selling anything or trying to pull a prank.

I don't have money to pull a prank really. All I have is a small cheap camera that can video tape.

in fact there was a good ufo sighting one night on fact or faked that was done where they try to fake the sighting and were unable to. their belief is that is enough credible evidence to not be able to reject the video and the claim. they even used light up frisbies and a boat with balloons but could not reduplicate the video that was made using the same kind of camera I have. :cool:
Define "real ghost".

Oh great, now he's using TV programmes as evidence. :rolleyes:

well programes can give alot of insight to facts by eyewitnesses. so yeah if its a detailed true story and not made up , and you have the actual police officers name and the actual names of the eyewitnesses than yes, I will use what ever comes around.:p

now are you calling these people liars because it doesn't fit into what you believe possible? or are you going to compare this show to lost video tapes which is a made up account using alot of true accounts to make up a story?
I've done alot of checking out of stories and their validity.
Really? How?

I also watch a show called fact or faked paranormal. Its a good series to watch because it shows alot of these really popular sightings and puts them to the test. I've learned about alot of the faked and lied about popular sightings because of this show. a must watch for those wanting truth.
No TV show is worth watching for science. They're subject to too many other considerations.

the question is have you checked out all these stories?
Far more than you, apparently.

Like I've mentioned I'm after the truth not selling anything or trying to pull a prank.
And this is why you persistently go for the non-scientific "explanation"?
well programes can give alot of insight to facts by eyewitnesses. so yeah if its a detailed true story and not made up , and you have the actual police officers name and the actual names of the eyewitnesses than yes, I will use what ever comes around.
Oh dear. How do you know that what is presented is fact, rather than hyped-up nonsense?

now are you calling these people liars because it doesn't fit into what you believe possible? or are you going to compare this show to lost video tapes which is a made up account using alot of true accounts to make up a story?
Hmm, let me see. You claimed that "she helped the police find out what had happen to this lady who went missing and crashed her car along the side of the road. with this lady's help the car was found and the son was still alive after several days missing. if it wasn't for her his life would possibly be gone. these are actual accounts with police and others involved like family who can testify as to what occured and how they believe she was able to help them."
Yet we also have this:
No police department reported any instances of a psychic investigator providing information that was more helpful than other information received during the course of a case

See also this and this.

Tell me again about "facts" from TV shows. :rolleyes:
Crop circles are guesswork. What would make you think that they are real? Maybe some unknown science in the patterns? Maybe a warning? The technology that makes them could also make them in other materials.. sand.. clouds, poppy fields, somebody's lawn. I think that the proof would come from seeing the shapes in more incredible places.

Why not leave a crop circle on the moon?
Not with crops, but in the dust.
A big complicated New Age shape on the moon that looks like it was made by hippies or pranksters,.
That'd give the earthlings something to think about.