Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

heyya all :)

man of jade ...


funny how SKEPTICS ONLY PROFIT from proving things are NOT REAL.

they are ruled by greed!!!

its soo funny to watch!!!
enjoy the show all :D

peace light truth love

PS... AND SELF LOATHING/HATE IS ALSO A LARGE SUBCONSEUS component of the "skeptic" .. as such named.

Well, that was probably targeted at me... so I will respond by
saying that I think you're a flaming idiot... but I wont hold that
against you :). Peace on earth pimple-of-death.
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heyya all :)

Crunchy Cat...
you will find your nivana if you extract it between the facts of passing comments!
however that would be a self defeating one!

... no it was not directed at you!!!
it was directed at the part of the psyche that addresses that issue in all people.
and i was making fun of the the way i have heard
"self proclaimed skeptics" taunt people saying they only seek financial reward from having psychic abilities.

...and so it seems in many cases that the skeptic is writing a book to sell yet the psychic is just trying to prove thier existance...
the balance is usualy tilted to the idea of the skeptic proposing profit from the event as being the ultimate goal...
how sad and all too common of an occurance.

i hope that clears up any muddy water and thus will free your mind to concentrate on more cruel insults.
ps domestic cats are bread like toys for humans to play god with...
and find a cheap outlet for thier consience.
so the owner can pretend they are doing something to help the environment, ... when in fact they are creating a bigger problem for which they offer no help, only hindrance.

what a funny ol world

groove on all

peace light truth love
A wooden nipple makes your blue jeans riple

of-death. Send your domestic cats to me. I'm hungry.
heyya all :)

"Yo, ... Cappin 'C"

Would not, such an event lend notion to ones own inditement of things outside the perceptive communal explative???

seek to move forward while examining all rather than retrospective re-analyses to find absolutism...

science should be fluid like creative thought

your just lucky i dont consider you a friend!!!
for that would be certification of all encompassing lunacy.

:D :D :D

groove on all :)
Ripleofdeath, your words are too copius for my diminit of comprehension...maybe if you annunciated more explicitly I might be able to comprehend you...

(j/k)-you weren't talking to me anyway..;)

Science is a beautiful thing. It, in itself, has become an institution,
ripped from the arms of philosophy- it's grown to dispute its foundation even..But, science still allows itself to be a tool..

Allow a 'nother a notion of idea. How can you explore a mystery without stepping out of line to get a picture first before finding a means of examination..That first step has the potential to flow as well as, and into, science..

Maybe these abilities are something we all have..If you could find a means to better define them, might it lead to an awakening in others abilities? Think about it: A new world where we find we truly are connected-where money holds less precidence pertaining to power, and material things themselves become less important. OOhhhAaahhh...Its all about commune-ication.
Why would it not be a goal to be considered ethical?

These abilities are acknowledged by soo many..It seems as if the frontiers of science are so close to discovering the mechanics of it..Anyway..I'm babbling.

Hopefully I'm not killing the taste for the answer by peppering it with motivations..-especially when it goes so well with roasted cat..

Groove on all...

i used to premitnitions of which simpsons episiod was on next on the local TV station

was the wierdest thing ever!!!

it happened for about a year then it stoped

i had a thoughts that id get into a car crash before the end of the year... and i did... but i dont think it was a premitnition.... just paranioa
Originally posted by LordRavenHawk

My abilites are more empathic than anything else. I can sense emotions, a persons physical conditions for example. I can pin point scars people have even sometimes how they might have gotten them. I can find things in peoples memories but all of this shows up to me as impressions blurry images and sensations.

I have several friends with the same empathic abilty. One friend in particular defines his ability as a gift to change the world for the better.

Hi, would your friend be up for a little experiment?

BTW, everone else... bluemommaphish is in the process of
sending me a pic by snail mail. What's going to happen is:

* I am going to look at a pic and write down whatever goes
through my mind at that moment.
* Submit my thoughts to a 3rd party.
* Send the same pic back to bluemmomphish.
* Bluemommaphish will tell the 3rd party what was on my mind
when I looked at the pic and the 3rd party will confirm/deny.

I'll keep the thread posted as to the results.

P.S. Looks like Elbaz is MIA again.
My abilities have been more empathic than anything else
I have abilities pretty much just like that, glad to know im not the only one:D

CC, I don't know if I mentioned this before or not (too lazy to check), but although I'm ready to give you contact, I can't post any numbers on the internet unless your aware of the fact that my UNCLE (not grandfather) will almost definately charge you. It could be for a series of calls or maybe just one, whatever is necessary to get the job done. I have no way of knowing how much, but I can practically guarantee you theres a price attached. If your willing to accept the cost, than I'll be able to get you his number in a few days, or, it might be preferable that you give me your number to pass along to him. Either way, I'm not really comfortable posting that type of thing on the internet for any Joe blow that asks.

Come to think of it...this type of thing may be better suited for the pm system. :eek:

Glad to hear from you again. I can accept the cost; however,
I need to know these explcit things:

A) What exactly is it that your Uncle is going to 'demo' for me (set
my expectations)?
B) If the demo fails there will be no charge correct?

Anything that you don't want to post publicly (numbers, etc) you
can PM me. I'll keep an eye on my PMs.


Hi, you mentioned that your empathic abilities are similar to
bluemmomphish. Would that process I outlined:

* I am going to look at a pic and write down whatever goes
through my mind at that moment.
* Submit my thoughts to a 3rd party.
* Send the same pic back to bluemmomphish.
* Bluemommaphish will tell the 3rd party what was on my mind
when I looked at the pic and the 3rd party will confirm/deny.

also apply to your abilities?

