Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

also think that the ESP detection must be part of the visceral system of the body (just a guess)
or ... Parasympathetic nervous system...maybe...

[instinctive / intuitive autonomic awareness ]

You have heard of instinctive intelligence too I guess...? [ intelligence that operates in the background instinctively and devoted to orderly functioning of our Parasympathetic reactions ]
or ... Parasympathetic nervous system...maybe...

[instinctive / intuitive autonomic awareness ]

You have heard of instinctive intelligence too I guess...? [ intelligence that operates in the background instinctively and devoted to orderly functioning of our Parasympathetic reactions ]
This side of the subject is totally new to me. I'm interested to learn more. Is there related magazine articles perhaps?
This side of the subject is totally new to me. I'm interested to learn more. Is there related magazine articles perhaps?
None specifically as it has never been given much thought.
I started a thread ages ago that dealt with the possibility of defining God as an instinctive intelligence..[ non-sentient].[in philosophy ] I 'll see if I can dig it out of archives.
Thanks for the links QQ. Do you believe in a 'connective dimension' between all people? It's not something I'm a great believer in though.
Thanks for the links QQ. Do you believe in a 'connective dimension' between all people? It's not something I'm a great believer in though.
belief would be incorrect, as know would be more precise.
The interconnectedness you talk of is a universal constant and part of the universal constant. The same one that generates exact constancy of gravity, inertia and a few other rather mundane things...
Every piece of matter in this universe including organic matter is entangled universally. [ quantum entanglement describes the process rather well I tend to think.]
It provides a confirmation feedback loop that allows us a sense of objectivity or shared experience of this universe, as it too experiences us.
some people call it GOD scientists call it entanglement, me? I don't care what it's called but it what ever you call it, knows everything about everything. omniscience and then provides the instinctive intelligence the objective information it needs to function.
check out this thread:
Objectivity and how it can be acheived - a robot analogy
it is all part of a book yet to be published if I get the time to complete it: "The physics of God"
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Every piece of matter in this universe including organic matter is entangled universally. [ quantum entanglement describes the process rather well I tend to think.]
some people call it GOD scientists call it entanglement
Utter nonsense. You are simply dropping the buzzword 'entanglement' and saying you you think it's 'rather good' when you know nothing about it.

me? I don't care what it's called but it what ever you call it, knows everything about everything.
If you don't care what it's called, why you do you lie about what scientists call it?

it is all part of a book yet to be published if I get the time to complete it: "The physics of God"
I hope to hell you aren't married or have children because if you pay to get your book self published you'll be taking money out of your pocket which would be better spent on your family.
Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
it is all part of a book yet to be published if I get the time to complete it: "The physics of God"

I hope to hell you aren't married or have children because if you pay to get your book self published you'll be taking money out of your pocket which would be better spent on your family.

Rubbish... i predict you'r book will sell very well.!!!
Thanks kmguru

"The quantum mind hypothesis proposes that classical mechanics cannot fully explain consciousness and suggests that quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum entanglement and superposition may play an important part in the brain's function and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness.

Supporters of the quantum mind hypothesis have not submitted any evidence to support its claims for peer review, but the hypothesis has also not been falsified. As such, the hypothesis is still in its early phases.
c/o wiki...

if you have another look at the Objectivity and how it can be acheived thread you can actually start to see the possibility of a quantum explanation for the universal consciousness that generates the entanglements...and vica versa how entanglements could possibly generate universal consciousness.
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You may recall I have used the "unlocked safe door that automatically locks when you attempt to open it" analogy?
This is the experience that they have found when trying to promote communication between two entangled half particles. The entanglement changes so that this information can not be transmitted.

I have been writing about why psychic communicative events can not be proven in quite a few threads:

This basic law if you like is why psychic communciations of any type can not be proved deliberately as a general rule of thumb.
As soon as the attempt is made deliberately the safe door locks...see?
But of course "accidental", "instinctive" or coincidental communciations happen all the time...
the locking of the door is analoguous with "inertia" or resistance to change.
Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
it is all part of a book yet to be published if I get the time to complete it: "The physics of God"

Rubbish... i predict you'r book will sell very well.!!!

thanks clueluss.....I have given up on what's his names attitude...and stalking