Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?


You have alot of opinions, make alot of assumptions, and back
up nothing with fact. If you're not interested then go away.
Hey Nascere, thanks for communicating your expreinces with my, I'm not going to say anything though, your experiences seem to be a lot stronger than mine, so I'd be useless in trying to tell you what they mean, but I'd say find somebody who is, I've got to go I think somebody wants to use the computer, but good luck
O.k. C.C.

All I have to offer is empathy..maybe an eye toward the future..There is no way that I know of to prove it other than to share the experiences with others. How's that for proof? More than one sharing the same experience and being able to describe it...and matching it up with others' experiences..

Whats your motive anyway, dude?
Of course I have psychic powers. I knew you were going to post this thread.

- Warren

Yo, can you 'share' an experience with me? I am assuming one
or more of my senses would experience what yours do? If so,
that would work just fine; however, if I am mis-interpreting what
it is that you are offering then by all means correct me.

In regards to my motive... it's just personal interest. I find the
idea of psychic/paranormal abilities very Intriguing, but have
never seen any 'hard' proof of it. So I want to know if this is fact
or if this is fiction. No other motive.



My uncle doesn't do it only for the money. He like to help people and will often accept much less for those in desperate need. Sometimes for free. AND sometimes for much more than a $1000 dollars. Those who Can afford more will pay more. How much are his services worth to you and how much can you pay? Its not all about the money. IF you are trully a richeous person than you should be willing to sacrifice material good for spiritual betterment. You see, its a two way thing. He's kind of used as a medium If you dont want it bad enough, than he cant give it to you. And the only way you can physcially want it bad enough is by making a painful sacrifice - in the form of money. Difficult to explain. Phone up a real Kaballist for the facts and it'll make pefect sense.

But you also have to understand that its a very draining practice. More than 1-2 hours of day will make you very sick. He also has a huge family to support, 10 kids and doing so in New York isn't easy especially when your ill. You also have to understand that in New York, and all across North America, there are people willing to pay you big $$$ if you can help them get what they want, IE a true love, a cure to your disease, but most commonly help with family problems. which he's done. Theres nothing immoral about doing your job unless money is your sole concern which his is quite definately not.

Though, I cant speak for my uncle, I can tell you he is a very generous AND genuine man.

Crunchy Cat
Now, this guy has studied the Torah (Jewish Bible) and other books for his entire life, including the Zohar. Kaballah is a lot more that psychic abilities though. Its about become more spiritual and attaining a higher level of existance. Psychic powers may just be a byproduct. You have to fine tune your brain to attain this and studying this literature is the way to do it. Kaballah basically boils the world into a science. To quote a famous Rabbi, The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches a practical (and scientific) method to attain the upper world and source of our existence. By realizing our true purpose in life, man attains perfection, tranquility, unbound enjoyment and the ability to transcend the limitations of time and space while still living in this world. Difficult to explain really. You see, in Judaism we believe that events down here on earth first occur at a higher level, on a higher plane of existance. We feel the breath of this plane perse, comes down here, and these "breaths" can be seperated and classified differently, for example there is the gevurah, in other words the right hand among other things which are symbolic of these "breaths". SERIOUSLY, you have no Idea how difficult it is to explain in a few simply sentences, especially since I am not learned in this art. However, I can recommend a good site which will explain the art of Kaballah quite well to you.

There are a few articles on here that I especially recommend you read. One in particular tries to explain the meaning of life and does so quite well. You have to understand the spirtituality before you can understand what exactly "psychic" powers are.

I know you may be interested in attaining the actual psychic powers, but if you manage to attain existance on a higher level than psychic powers will become a peripheral interest. Kabballah really isn't mysticism. Its somewhat of a science. How else, could a book written a thousand years ago know so much about how the human body works? about enzymes and hormones - though they werent alluded to under those names. including all types of basic anatomy. Not to mention anomalies we haven't yet discovered, and things we are on the brink of discovering, ie the nature of consciousness.

I'll give you a few examples of this kaballah I've been witness to or directly heard of.

One day, me my dad and my uncle walked into a Jewish delicattesin. Immediately, someone recognized him as being this great Kaballist and practically begged my uncle to do something psychic, to show him that it was for real. So, my uncle went on about his family, about the daughter who had an abortion and things which went on in his family, he did not know, or even suspect. You see, my uncle knows this stuff because he sits higher on the plane of existance. Its like staring of a cliff into a canyon of time. YOu can see much further than if you were actually inside the canyon like the rest of us.

There really isn't much I can explain about it. You have to read the articles firsthand in order to trully understand what kaballah is and I can guarantee you that its the best information on kabballah existant on the net. THeres alot of false crap you might find on the net. THis is the real shit, though you may be dissapointed in what you read because it's not magic. Like yoga, or whatever the practices are in eastern culture, you can train your brain to get on a higher plane of existance by understanding existance itself. This translates into eventual psychic powers. Keep in mind, my uncle has been studying this stuff since the age of 6 way the hell away in Morocco, so dont expect to contact evil spirits or anything ;) Everybody has psychic powers. SOme brains are more fit that others. I think its the hypothalamus part of the brain thats sensitive to quantum vibrations in your surroundings. Kinda like a radio tuner.

-Have fun!

BTW, its 1:30 am, I'm very incoherent right not, but may have some things to add in the morning.
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heyya all...
just a quick question ...
do israeli people think they are the most important and only species that deservse to live in peace and comfort?

this is the repeating message that seems to come from the jewish expresion...


groove on all :)
peace love truth love
No, Israeli people do not think they are the most important and only species that deservse to live in peace and comfort. Infact they aren't even a seperate species :eek:

If you're going to stereotype all Israeli people than your being nothing more than an asshole. And I can do no more than pity you for being lost. Just as lost as segregationists, serial killers...

But I'll tell you this much from my visits to Israel: MOst Israeli's are very warm people. Its usually EXTREMELY difficult to not get invited to somebodies house for Shabbat numerous times on o friday. Have you ever got the chance to meet an actual Israeli? As in get to know them personally? Most are stiffnecked and can be rude sometimes. It's the Israeli way to be proud of yourself and your people. But I can guarantee you this much: they are not a self absorbed, intolerant and scummy people. Most Israeli's are more peace hungry than you and I, and it's been that way for a long time. You should read more into it if you'd like to understand them better.

my understanding stretches as far as your war criminal primeminister, and the children shot dead by Israeli professional soldiers.
Those who attain strength are measured in the ways of application.

IM sure there must be allot of Israelis who think they should not have a butcher for a primeminister

"segregationists, serial killers"... umm...err "Sharon"??? :rolleyes:

It is an all too common problem for most countrys, that many people in one country do not want a certain person to be their leader...
like the U$A and so they cheat and steal and lie and murder to get office... just like Mr. BUSH, preaching democracy when he cheated the system so the democratic vote was disregarded.

i can sympathise with the people who would like to leave these countrys and do not have the means to do so...
and can only hope that they would start to kill some of the killers.
*is there one that is more evil to use a gun in place of starvation for a means of genocide???

white, orange, green, blue, gold, brown black...
An excuse for what?

Here is my issue with the Jewish religion...
Since you seem to venomously defending its violence, ...
Something i think not many would be too keen to jump up and down about...
2 issues
1 Jews being the chosen race???
Which god chose them and to do what?
Take over the world???
Think about it from another religious viewpoint...PLEASE!
2 circumcision..
What right does any person have to chop off parts of another person???
Is he not gods creation in the eyes of your own beliefs
perfect in love perfect in space.
It’s as psychologically flawed as female circumcision.

i can only hope that fair and just elections may give the true democracy a voice before all are brainwashed beyond redemtion.

groove on all

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above

Religious zeal has no place in discussions about psychic abilities!
It only creates segregation!

Thanks for the great explanation of Kabballah (along with the
examples). From what I am understanding, it's an attainment
of a different ('higher') level of conciousness which has the
side affect of allowing the practicing individual to see and control
various aspects time and space (something non-practitioner of
Kabbalah would not be able to do).

So I guess my next question would be, would your Uncle be
interested in demonstrating the pshychic 'side-effects' of Kaballah
to me? It was not clear to me where you live (US, Isreal, other),
but I live in the US (California more specifically). If your
grandfather agrees (but lives out of state/country), I'll be more
than happy to make the necessary travel arrangements.


Not to kill your thread, but if *I* had some paranormal senses that I felt I could demonstrate well enough to convince someone else, I'd run over to James Randi's site and throw an e-mail his way.

$1 Million Paranormal Challenge

Might as well get something for your abilities. :)

I honestly have no desire to debate religious or political beliefs right now. If you want, we can dedicate a thread on the world events forum and take it from there. This thread is specifically dedicated to paranormal/psychic abilities and I'd like to keep it that way. Too many a time have good threads crashed because somebody decided to take it off on a tangent. So what do you think; do you want to open a formal thread on the world events forum?

Crunchy Cat, bluemommaphish, and anybody else who is interested,

So I guess my next question would be, would your Uncle be interested in demonstrating the pshychic 'side-effects' of Kaballah to me? It was not clear to me where you live (US, Isreal, other), but I live in the US (California more specifically). If your
grandfather agrees (but lives out of state/country), I'll be more
than happy to make the necessary travel arrangements.



Well, I live it Canada, though typing through exhuastion at 1 am will make me sound Israeli. LOL. My uncle, lives in Brooklyn, New York. Now, I'm not completely sure if He would be interested in demostrating. Quite possibly he would. It really depends. For what purpose? Are you having problems in your family life, is this a scientific thing, are you just a curious george? He can perform a wide varitey of tasks (paranormal I mean, but I'm not sure about telekenesis). Now, for certain situations, he made need to look through his holy Book, and of coarse, in other situations, he may just psychicly know. I'm not sure about the details. You'll have to talk to him person to person. I'll try to get you his number soon.

Chances are IMO most likely yes, but I'd like to reitterate that I cannot say for sure. He's travelled accross North America, and has had people travel to him on countless occassions. Either way, I'm gonna try and get you his number (my dad has it), and address, and you could probably arrange a meeting together sometime in the future, given that he, baruch Hashem, remains in good health. I think he can do this thing over the phone, but it works much better person to person. Could you tell me a little bit about your reasons for wanting to travel across the US to see these psychic powers? Scientific, or whatever they are.

kabballah, like I said, really is much more of a science, though things we'd consider to be far fetched are the norm. So if you're looking for black magic, than you've found something much better.....

Oh ya, Jaxom,
I'm not sure about why he hasn't chosen to contact this "foundation", or even if its a legitamite organization. My best guess is that it's not a richeous cause. You see Kabballah has existed for more than a thousand years, and in all that time, it was meant to be kept a secret, for if it fell in the wrong hands, somebody could use it wrongly, IE they may use it to create weapons or to propogate their hate. Before somebody learns Kaballah, they should be fully learned in the Torah, and be a richeous person. But thanks to the internet, alot of this information is now seeing the light of day. Just like Einstein concealed his knowledge of the philadelphia experiment. The world isjust not ready. Or is it? Either way, he will use his powers only for a richeous cause.

For what purpose? Are you having problems in your family life, is this a scientific thing, are you just a curious george?

The only purpose is so that I can *know* that such abilities
exist. Call it personal research. Please let me know if your
Grandfather is up to it. I am semi-familiar with Boorklyn because
some of my older relatives live there. I would have no problems
with going there. We can exchange numbers offline if your
Grandfather agrees.

At this point I think it's fair to set your (and your Grandfather's)
expectations about myself. I am a person who defines the
concept of 'belief' as 'acceptance without proof'... and I don't
accept things without proof :). I am of course always willing to
test a hypothesis and I try my best not to hold any bias towards
the outcome of the test or the actual hypothesis itself.

Anyhow, it would be interesting to know ahead of time (assuming
your Grandfather is up to this), what he could demonstrate to



And it looks like Randi has been unsuccessful in all his $1 mil
attempts. I might be unsuccessful too; however, there is a small
difference between our strategies. He seems to be waiting for
something to drop in his lap. I am actively searching (this forum
is not the only place I am exploring :)).


Elbaz (I need an answer on this)

Elbaz, I have an opportunity to visit NY NY Feb 3-4 for
business. I need to know if your Grandfather is willing to
volunteer for the psi-demo AND if this date is ok with him.
I don't mean to pressure you, but I will need to make a decision
by the end of this week (otherwise I will elect to conduct my
business in March in SF).


Elbaz (times up)

I will not be taking that NY NY busness trip because I did not
hear from you. Oddly enough, I get the impression that I am
never going to hear from you again...

bluemommaphish you're up.