Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

The results are in...

The results of the experiment are complete (although the
delay is strictly my fault). To recap, Bluemommaphish graciously
participated in an experiment where:

* She drew a picture and snail-mailed it to me.
* I looked at the picture and wrote down exactly what I thought
when I saw it.
* I snail-mailed the picture back to her.
* She looked at the picture and wrote down what would
hopefully have been comparable to what I wrote (thus
demonstrating a type of psychic ability she feels she has).
* We sent each other our descriptions for comparison.

Consequently I offered $500.00 cash reward for a successful
'proof of ability' (which still stands to anyone whom can
demonstrate their abilities to me). The results are:

* Crunchy Cat: Orange Evil Eyes, Fear Infinite
* Bluemommaphish: pink, cold, ice>fast moving, drawing messy

Unfortunately (as can be seen from the responses) the
experiment failed; however, I want to thank Bluemommaphish
for participating.

To recap on some statistics, the following people stepped forward
with claims of psychic abilities and when asked to demonstrate
them the following results occured:

* LaulavaPuu - Committed to the experiment and flaked out.
* Elbaz - Potentially offered a demonstration and stopped
* odefro - Offered a demonstration and stopped responding.
* Bluemommaphish - Complete the experiment (which
unfortunately failed) - but thanks
nonetheless Bluemommaphish! ;) -.

The following people are welcome to have a shot at this (if
you still feel inclined to do so).

* man_of_jade
* silver

Similarly, I invite anyone who feels they can demonstrate a
reproducable phsychic ability to step forth and show me the
voodoo that you do so well :). Once again, this is just for my
personal knowledge and interest (no other reasons) and if
you are successful I'll give you a nice $500.00 'thank you' gift.

Thanks all,


P.S. Special thanks goes to everyone else who has made positive
contributions to this thread.
Lol, no proof will be forthcoming from me.

However, i claim to be able to see snapshots of the future.

Lemme explain

I get deja vu's

Where you feel like you've been in a place but you know you couldnt have.

When i sleep in the past i've seen like a picture of an event.

And more recently i think its become more like a mini clip, altough i've never been able to remember it.

When i wake up i wont remember the dream usually, but days or months might pass, and then that picture will be overlaid with everything else in the space around me and i'll just realize i've had another de ja vu.

I;ve heard it can be developed in three levels (a) the picture experience, b) having a mini clip of an event c) being able to see the event and what it means to the person, intuitive insight
hi, if you are serious about seeing purple

i see gray around people who are sick or going to die. its awful really, i have been able to tell when people are going to croak. i hate it. i have been able to do this since i was a little kid.

told a doctor once when i became an adult, and he said subconciously i knew they were sick and old, so my mind made something up to handle it...

well that is bull shit... cause i see it around people that are young, i have seen it around a whole family before.

well just to let you know you are not the only one who sees a color around people ... if you call gray a color. i call it death.

i see gray around people who are sick or going to die. its awful really, i have been able to tell when people are going to croak. i hate it. i have been able to do this since i was a little kid.

told a doctor once when i became an adult, and he said subconciously i knew they were sick and old, so my mind made something up to handle it...

well that is bull shit... cause i see it around people that are young, i have seen it around a whole family before.

well just to let you know you are not the only one who sees a color around people ... if you call gray a color. i call it death.


Let's see some evidence.
well i would have to know you for a while...

time limit, seems to be immediate to 2 years.

1. saw it around 17 year old 3 weeks later he killed him self
2. babies born at hospital, look through window like every one else.
3. old people, 6 months to 2 years.
4. 50 year horse trainer lived for 2 months
5. whole family , 7 people, only happened once. i thought, must be going out
like in a car wreck or something. nope i was wrong, just the 18 year old
in middle 3 months latter paddles on his heart, they thought him dead, one
more paddle his mom told me, and he started breathing, had infection in
his heart. he lived, only thing i could figure, if this kid would of stayed
dead, his family would of died. been past 2 year mark, and i saw family
together at soccer field, no gray... yipee...

i guess, i could tell you next person, which is my cross the street neighbor, and
in under 2 years show her newspaper obituary... ????
do not know how else... the problem is not the time limit, my experience has given me.. but the exact day in that time limit....

am not going to be hanging around people who are going to die....

not me.... think... would you want this???
and to make perfectly clear. this is not psychic ability, this is nothing but bull shit. cause i am not supposed to be knowing this crap.

i once asked anyone on this internet if they ever saw gray, and only 2 people answered, 2, and one said i had something wrong with my brain, and i should see a doctor... yea... right... done that.

i wish something good would come of it, but nothing is good about it...

wish i could find missing kids, or know the numbers of a lottery,... oh no...
just some one telling me... hey ya know so and so... he kicked off last night...
and you say in your head, yep... under the 2 year mark... oh so lucky me.

Somtimes I think I have "clairvoyant" dreams...or dreams that come true or have happened or will happen. Obviously this is unprovable. There is no way, that I know of, to record dreams. I write down and tell close loved ones what I see, but there is no actual way to prove I dreamt it, unfortunately. In the realms of science, my dream diary wouldn't even be seen as evidence because no matter the date or time I could have faked it or people could lie for me. Still, I know what I see and my loved ones take me seriously, so that's all that matters to me. The only experiment I can see plausible for proving "clairvoyant' dreams, would be for me to do a sleep experiment, where I stay in a lab and record my dreams on camera every morning or something like that and then compare them to events taking place around me in every day life...but even then people would just say it is coincidence or circumstantial or whatever. I don't know. Even I don't always believe them. After all, they could just be very concise dreams.
A lot of people see auras around people, whether live, in TV or in a photograph. They call it correctly. Since I do not see them, I do not have any explanation for it. All I know is that some humans have this amazing ability....
actually no , i have never seen any one with gray around them on t.v. and after reading a post be low me, did not know anyone could do this... ugh... thank god i don't, then i wouldn't even be able to watch t.v. anymore.

so no, i do not see gray on t.v.
Mind reading, Telekenesis,... you get the point. If you do,
would you be able to prove it to me? I am not trying to bait you
for a flame and I am genuinely serious about the request.

Thanks folks,


I've seen events before they happen in dreams, quite a few times actually.

Though, i dare say, there will probably be more people that think i'm more of a nut for saying that.

Oh well.
My predictions that I make in my daily life have a far greater success rate than nearly all of the self-proclaimed "psychics" you see on TV and radio or the internet. Although one could very legitimately state that my predictions based on the knowledge I have are well within the statistical bounds of what one calls an "educated guess", I suppose the very fact that I beat out so many of these "psychics" makes me "psychic" as well. Geez, must be a pretty crappy, depressing world if people are so desperate and deluded to believe in this stuff.
A lot of people see auras around people, whether live, in TV or in a photograph. They call it correctly. Since I do not see them, I do not have any explanation for it. All I know is that some humans have this amazing ability....

Scientific testing has shown over and over that people claiming to see auras fail consistently to do so when exposed to simple controlled testing. James Randi's experiments are a good example- all psychic ability vanishes 100% in the presence of that guy. Hmmm I wonder why? As to your claim, I say: GONG!
I;ve heard it can be developed in three levels (a) the picture experience, b) having a mini clip of an event c) being able to see the event and what it means to the person, intuitive insight

Where were all the people with these "abilities" on September 10, 2001, to warn the rest of us? Sylvia Brown claimed she predicted the event, but the interview where she supposedly made this prediction didn't occur until well after the actual incident. Plus Sylvia Brown belongs in jail for the proven fraud she is.
actually no , i have never seen any one with gray around them on t.v. and after reading a post be low me, did not know anyone could do this... ugh... thank god i don't, then i wouldn't even be able to watch t.v. anymore.

so no, i do not see gray on t.v.

What's the next big event with real people that you are going to?
I've seen events before they happen in dreams, quite a few times actually.

Though, i dare say, there will probably be more people that think i'm more of a nut for saying that.

Oh well.

What is the time frame between dream and actual event?
Scientific testing has shown over and over that people claiming to see auras fail consistently to do so when exposed to simple controlled testing. James Randi's experiments are a good example- all psychic ability vanishes 100% in the presence of that guy. Hmmm I wonder why? As to your claim, I say: GONG!

People who have those abilities generally do not claim them publicly. Those who do...are usually frauds. Whether you have a GONG! or not I really do not care. I do not want to share my advantages with the world....I have no benefits....
I only see those who take advantage of others with this so called "ability". They make money convincing others what they do is real but it is all a SCAM!