Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

-Is it my turn?!

Dude, I'm still a believer in the 100th Monkey theory! Your not going to find any means of hard, conclusive evidence here..

If, however, your interested in the universal conscienceness thing..Same princible, right? .. could make a dent in the experimental world. Could you measure rates for synchronistic votes..maybe ask a large group a weighted question, compare response times with answers? some kind of lewd experiment could be done right on this board, couldn't it? I'd sign up!
.. just a thought.

:) I could try such an experiment but, I would need to repeat
the conditions multiple times, calculate the average accuracy,
and then perform the same experiment again against non-psi
folks. It would probably take me the rest of my life getting enough
samples over this forum :).

Anyhow, in one of your posts you implied that you could
facilitate "More than one sharing the same experience and being
able to describe it". If you can really do this (I would share
your same experience and describe it) then that would be a ticket
to a quick $500. :D
Hey, there...:cool:

How about this: I'll send you a picture..

Write your own description of what you see in the picture-or, better yet- what you are thinking when you look at the picture.

Send your description to a friend, to keep yourself checked.

Send me back that same picture- Do no let anyone else look at it.

I will send you something comparible to your description-or what you were thinking.

Repeat with different pics for consistency...

Draw distinctive guides for description: what color stuck out the most; what emotion if any did it make you feel; could you refer it to one kind of animal; scale of 1- 10 on a personal preference; random thoughts..

I think it might be a little harder to do by mail, but that might be more accurate...

Oh, CC-

The belief in the universal consciousness is that we are all connected by thought-whether we could be considered psi
or not. I think Jung has it in the bag!

If we are different in some manners, it might be because some people use different means of focused observation? (Like some might notice and focus on sound? Others by sight?) If you speak
to just about anyone that has seen auras, they would tell you that there are only a few 'colors' shared by people who seem to have the same traits..very strange.) All in all- if you could allow for personal preferences, (frequencies,)-you might find strong similarities in these sets of thought.

Don't mean to stray- defining the UCS is part of my own personal quest.

I'm game. If you have a scanner, you could turn your pix
into .bmp files, ZIP em' up, and email them too me. If not,
then I will email you my RL address.

One thing however... as we both know there are a variety
of pictures for which human thought can be very accurately
predicted. For example:

A) A picture of a cute baby (chubby cheeks, smooth facial
features, oversized head).
Reason) These physical features elicit instinctual feelings of
of caring, tenderness, etc... and similar thoughts
would probably follow.

B) A picture of a snarling carnivore (dog or something).
Reason) These physical features elicit instinctual feelings of
fear/terror/etc. Similar thoughts would follow.

So, lets try to avoid these type of pix ok?


p.s. interesting Jung stuff in that last post.

I don't have winzip:eek:
I'm not sure if it would work on the computer either. We
could try it though, I guess. Why don't you draw a quick, very loose contour drawing and send it to me. Do you have any colored pencils or something? (Just a little test to see if it might work for me?) -You have a scanner, right?
I'm going to see if I can find a download for winzip somewhere..

Take care, I'll keep an eye out for ya'.

I don't know most of you but I would be quite interested in this picture thing.

I could probably find something that would wake some quite individual feelings, surreal like images.

How about it.


Nice picture, Moonman. Is it yours?

I'm not sure how that will work because of the sexual
undertones-I can't keep from blushing;)
-Here, I'll try out the description guidelines?

I immediately thought about the color: first I saw the red, then the gold, then the brown, a little grey..but settled on the purple.

I thought it looked sexual, then maybe mystical..and settled on sensual.

On a scale of 1-10, I gave it a 7.9..;)

(This is where I blush.) I've never seen this type of approach by a female personally but sort of envisioned it as a memory? Then got a feeling of want for the beauty of it. Someone please tell me that this random thought :bugeye: is not mine??
Well if were talking about the same thing then i thought it was a robot, specifically one of those robots from Super Bomberman (a computer game). I can also see a little monkey face with wings lol

I'll draw a pic for you within the next couple of days, scan it,
and send it to you (I'll need an email address I can send it
to). BTW, you can download WinZip at:

Thanks, CC

I had sent you an IM this morning, I think. It had my addie
in it..You didn't get it, huh? (I wonder who did??)

I'll try again..

I actually did get... I just didn't realize that I had. That IM
feature is not something I was familiar with. Apparently, a slew
of people from this forum tried to IM me multiple times... lol.
I think I got your email address. I sent a test email to you, so
simply reply if all is good.


Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. School has been a bitch lately.

Anyways, you say something about a "demonstration"? What exactly do you mean by that? Just a personal demonstration. Or are you trying to get involved in that 1 million dollar thing by recording it on video or something? This is just out of curiousity now that I know your not coming for sure. My uncle actually gets a lot of truthseekers. Some he considers a nuisance since they come with such a godless attitude, thinking that the world owes them some kind of an explanation - and that he is the tool. Others come with a genuine spiritual gap and try to find some meaning in order to better live their lives...Theres a huge difference between the two, though you might not see it.

Now the problem is that I'm not sure which one of the two manifests itself more greatly in you. If you'd be willing to travel that far, but still have this "Godles" attitude perse then your probably walking the fence.
You see,, Caballah simply isnt anything to be played with. Only in the last half of this century has it been able to surface in the public eye. Few people, even these days know how its been used in the past/ Nostradamus (a Jew in Hiding) for example used it in his making some of his predictions. There this technique where he punched holes in to something.,..adna...I cant remember....

Again, sorry I couldn't respond earlier. IB simply wont rest until my creativity is in sync with that of a baked potato. But I'll leave you with this. If you're still interested, than maybe I could hook you two up on the phone. I know he does counselling via phone line.

Im sorry but many skeptics i see that are famous think they're all that. They have an ego so huge that unless someone can make float a lump of coal around the room and turn it into a diamond then they probably wont believe anything that comes in front of them. I'd gladly take the test by Mr. Randi, but i dont nearly have strong enough powers and would definitly screw up lol.:)

Glad to hear from you :). I thought you had disappeared on me.
Just a sidenote, if you're gonna disappear for a while (due to
school or anything else) it would really help if you let me know
otherwise I would declare you as MIA (which I did in this case).

When I say 'demonstration', I mean 'personal demonstration'.
I have no interest in that 1mil challenge and will say right here
that unless I reference it explicitly, it is totally unrelated from
what I am writing.

There is still a possibility that I might be able to pull a fast one
and change my business meeting back to NY NY. Even if I don't,
I really see no reason why I still could not come to Brooklyn
and visit.

I am not coming in with your definition of a 'godless attitude'
or a spiritual gap. Both concepts are completely unrelated to
my motive... which is basically to 'know' fact. So, concerning
which side I am on more... assign both sides a range of 0 to 100
and put me down for a 0 on both sides.

So, I guess I still need to know... is your Grandfather willing to be
a part of this? If he thinks it's more important for me to be there
in person then that can be arranged. If he feels comefortable
doing things over the phone then thats just fine.



P.S. Me and bluemommaphish are working on something offline.
If she does actually provide a valid proof before anyone
else then that $500 I offered will go to her.