Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

i can do public announcements especially when im high. also i can play music in my head so that other people in the room hear it too (being high or in the right mood helps here too).

Whats special about public announcements? It seems to me
you would simply talk to the public.

Regarding your music ability... now THAT is something! If I
am understanding you correclty, if you are high/in the right
mood and you play some music in your head then I will hear
it if I'm in the same room? If I've got it right then please let me
know as I will definately want to meet you and witness this
event in person (I'll even spring for the chronic - or whatever you
use -) if its real.
I have no heath problems that I'm aweare of, so don't take any meds, though my diets probably a little worring, the dots I see sound much like what Lyfe is seeing, but they don';t gereneral change into anything greater, I do also see aruas though, and this is a different thing again, as Lyfe said they seem to be on my retina or something, were as the aruas are around things, the dots themselves come (mostly, not always) at intense moments of thought, and varry in colour size and intensity depending on the nature of my thoughts, for example if I'm thinking something that I know is wrong, but am contemplating it anyway, at a dessive moment (regardless of the dots, or sparks is I think a better term) of reasoning, I might see a dark spot flare up for a moment, like a tiny pin prick in my visual field, or in an opposite situation I might be guided by a Golden colour, thats realy piognant, telling me that I'm on the right track, as I said it seems to be a guide, one that is intimately conected with my own brain, you can feel the influx of bioelectric energy into specific ereas of the brain when the dots apear, as well as I said the intetense thought, like those "Ahhhh" moments,
I will say this though because it tries into another thing Lyfe was saying, one night I was laying down in bed, doing some sort of home grown meditational practices, all was quite, then I heard somebody calling my name, yelling it but from a distance, so it was sort of muffled, but I knew were it was comming from, the area of bushland behind my house, I got up and desided to go check it out, but I was pretty scared, a lot of other stuff was going on at the time and I could tell this wasn't a pretty voice, it was like calling me, or trying to lure me into the bush, so I thought I probably shouldn't go, right then the wholoe shy lit up for an instant, just for helf a second, as qick as I could note it, a colour that was white, but like a light or clear fog, so I thought that a pretty clear indication that I souldn't go up there and when back to be, followed by a few other strange occurence on the same night I think,

And yes I hear the sounds that Lyfe does, if they're the same, I think they would be, it the Omkara or divine sound, it comes from the internalisation of the senses, the sounds (I don't know about the explosions) are the movments of your organs (Heart sounds like a huge drum, and helps in the same way that tribal drum beatrs do in inducing trances) and the movements of the bioelectric energy in the body, thats a far as I know anyway, the small amount of investigation (scientific) into this seems to show this anyway,

Any ideas you have I would love to hear

Sorry for taking so long to respond bud. LaulavaPuu took our
conversation offline and I forgot to respond :) to this thread.
Anyhow, the behaviors you mentioned are quite interesting.
Some of the visuals you mentioned (like the dark spot) might be
an indication of a medical problem called 'retinal detachment'. I
would have a professional check it out because it can lead to
blindness if not treated (as I understand it).

The sounds you hear... I wonder if thats what it is? Amplified
bloodflow/heartbeet. Most interesting indeed.

On a sidenote, LaulavaPuu and I communicated offline and
when I tried to schedule a time of 'proof', he disappeared off
my radar... big suprise. But... I unfortunately expected as much
and my expectations were met.


:bugeye: this is me, I have been meaning to get my eyes and ears checked out, just to be on the safe side, so yeh I'm not completely conviced in my own case, thanks for the nice message though,
I have a friend who can see aura. I tested her with a ginko-choline cocktail which improves her aura reading quite a lot. Her aura reading can be corelated with a persons health and mental condition prior to knowing the person's status.

Hey, can you ask her if she would mind being a part of a 'proof'
experiment where she would have to read people in loose cloaks
with face masks? If so, I would be more than happy to facilitate
the event.


naturally no response

Interesting point.

A) Those who claim to have psychic powers but cannot assert
any real control over them are completely responsive to
communication via this thread.

B) Those who claim to have psychic powers that CAN be controlled
in a reproducable manner disappear off of the face of the
planet the moment they are asked to deliver proof.

but for those reading...

My last post was not meant to be a slam on paranormal abilities,
it was just pointing out a trend.
honestly i have not read the whole thread as it threw me for a loop "not what i expected i guess". I would like to know though have you ever know when people are going to die? I mean not everyone , Just the ones close to you ? I have had it happen to me several times since i was a child . I use to get no, no everything is going to be alright but after the 5th time people listened and as i grew older i felt foolish , so i let nature take its corse but i still have these strange happening occure , yet sometime i can stop them and sometimes i cant! I mean you just dont look at someone and start crying saying your going to die please dont go ! YOu would be put in a nut ward!Anyone else ever have this happen?

Hi... do you think people who have REAL psychic abilities need to actually <i>profess</i> that they have it in them?

And if he has,why whould he come to Sciforums to tell each one of us?

thanks for your time.

:m:-why in the world is there a p*t leaf emoticon on here??

I'm curious also, about how this stuff works...It seems like the more people who confess and describe-their own experiences, the better you can define each ability..and how it works,right?

How do ya'all feel about mind affecting matter? (Especially the space around you.) It might offer a means of reason for empathy, western healing technique, aura reading...

It seems more and more like some mysterious demention carries emotion and thought..some demention not entirely included with the movement of time....

Sup y'all =)

Hey there evolve, good to know you can relate to some of the experiences I've had. And nah I dont think your going blind or deaf or anything, cuz I havent. I still see flying colored dots at times but its become something more now. It becomes symbols , shapes, faces and such. The most exciting experience I seen so far was last week, real late at night I woke up with an urge to go outside. So I went to the backyard and just sat there smoking. I close my eyes and open them, all of a sudden a see fog but it was purple... and it was everywhere. I can see the street lights beaming through them as if it was real fog. It was real beautiful, its hard to explain exactly what I was seeing, it was as if I was dreaming, the fog was making big swirls like a hurricane I would guess. It was an AAAAAHHHHH moment.
Its not the first time I've experienced this, but this was the most intense. Before I use to see purple hazes around objects at times.
The ringing in my ear is different too, its not the annoying sound anymore but a soft sound that seems to be coming from up above my head. I once heard bird songs when I was meditating.
I don't try to meditate like I use to much anymore, but I usually am even if I dont realize it. I can bring the vibes in my body on will whenever I want wherever I want much easier, even when I'm walking which gives me a lightness of body feeling and if I try hard enough the vibes become something more intense that goes up the spine.
I havent got sick even when everyone around me is. I heal a lot faster than I'd expect.
And to think I didnt try to do or learn all these things that has happend. I guess its part of gaining spirituality, which is still all too vague as why I want to be spiritual. I guess its something thats a part of me. Long time ago which it seems like when I use to go by treelyfe I was about to go to sleep on the floor and right above me next to my head I saw an image of a man sitting cross legged floating in the air with a gold aura around him . I think he was ancient chinese, he had a shaved head, wearing yellowish golden silk shirt with puffy sleeves and baggy pants and over his shirt he had a reddish orange breast plate type of armor with symbols on the the belt. He looked like a warrior monk. I'm not sure but I felt comfortable seeing him. He was there for like 5 seconds then when I blinked he was gone. Was that me in past life? or a guide? I dont see him popping out in thin air anymore but I see him in my mind along with another image of a boy that I felt same way about.
I was once in a trance for 1 and half day when I was meditating. But I dont remember anything about it. I woke out of if in same place same position and thinking its only been 30 mins..... time manipulation? heh just a thought.
As for the new name I got it in a dream and I liked it, it had a ring to it for me.
This whole spirituality thing has got me back to where I started before I even knew about it, but life is different now, I dont look at it like I use to. When I first started I was a "Dreamer", then came the emotional stage when I use to ask whats life? And in response I use to get depressed , happy, sad, hyper, etc etc all in one day. I think its becuz I wanted to understand myself with more heart. And then came the times of the "word" which I call it. Its when my "conscious" I would think, came up with all these meanings and sayings that built up morals and will. Giving more meaning to life. During all this I began seeing things, dreaming dreams more vivid, getting vibes and such. But I'm still lost though on the right path.

Cya everyone, take care



Hi... do you think people who have REAL psychic abilities need to actually profess that they have it in them?

And if he has,why whould he come to Sciforums to tell each one of us?

thanks for your time.


You must have missed the point of my thread, But I'll sum it up
nice and easy for ya'. I am looking for a VOLUNTEER with
reproducable psychic/paranormal abilities to demonstrate these
abilities to me. That it.

But your question brings up a point... more specifically the ol'
'what's in it for me?' question. What is the motivation for someone
to volunteer in the first place (aside from the satisfaction of
demonstrating something cool)? I can understand that, so let
me fix this oversight.

The volunteer who successfully demonstrates such an ability to
me will receive $500 in cash directly from me. Much better eh?

I'm not really psychic....

My uncle makes about $1000 dollars an hour - at the very least, for his psychic services. Kaballah. And it actually works. I've seen it in play.

Kaballah's actually a bit of a science. Really neat stuff.
Do you actualy think someone with these abilities could accept a profit and live without shame? If someone was to realy have this and use it as if it had purpose or " that thay had purpose " you'd think they would be out helping others , not making it public knowledge! Dont You? If a higher power has given someone this gift I truely believe it must be for a reason "and a good one". I havent quite figured out the reason or purpose ! But i do recall a part of the bible saying that this was'nt a good thing!

Can you tell me a little more about this psychic art? What does
it do (tangibly)?

