Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

Hi Captain Kremmen,

I apologise for not having read the whole thread. Am simply replying to your provocative post question:

Interesting challenge. It's all been done before and people still think they can predict the future. As the future hasn't been created yet it would be a little difficult don't you think? Everyone is psychic... it's a bit like fitness... we can exercise or not. Some have greater natural abilities than others... we're not all runners and we're not all clairvoyants. However, predicting the future is a mug's game. We can see possibilities for the future - that is all. The future, as they say, has not been created yet.

Proving that we are psychic is a bit of a joke as we are ALL psychic. Is anyone special because they can run? Same with being psychic. We do have people who are more gifted in both these things but that still doesn't make them special. It does make a person more responsible if they have a greater psychic ability.

What I was told recently was that I need to focus more on the journey than the destination. We all want to live in a bigger, better, brighter future. We think this will be the answer to our problems. If we could live in the now and enjoy the journey we might be better off.

Perhaps you would like to google Victor Zammit and check out some of the scientific facts on his site. Being psychic is like breathing... we can all do that.

The greatest art of our time was jeered when it was first shown. The greatest discoveries in our history were all jeered and mocked when they were mooted. (Who can forget the flat earth thing?) It's a small-minded, fearful person who knocks things they haven't even bothered to investigate and study in any depth.

Our greatest disability in our generation (like all generations) is our ability to hold with something we 'believe' no matter what evidence is out there. Keep doggedly hanging onto your beliefs as they are comforting. No need to get the facts when you 'know' you are right?
Everyone is psychic...
Unsupported and untrue.

Proving that we are psychic is a bit of a joke as we are ALL psychic.
Er, no we aren't.

It does make a person more responsible if they have a greater psychic ability.
A greater ability at something that doesn't exist?

Perhaps you would like to google Victor Zammit and check out some of the scientific facts on his site.
There are NO scientific facts supporting "psychic" abilities.
[Edit]And no science on Zammit's website, just a lot of supposition and badly performed attempts at linking science to bullshit.[Endedit]

Being psychic is like breathing... we can all do that.
The way we can all be gullible, but some do it better?

The greatest art of our time was jeered when it was first shown. The greatest discoveries in our history were all jeered and mocked when they were mooted.

(Who can forget the flat earth thing?)
And the Flat Earth "thing" would be...?

It's a small-minded, fearful person who knocks things they haven't even bothered to investigate and study in any depth.
And what's the description for someone who believes in things that don't exist?

Our greatest disability in our generation (like all generations) is our ability to hold with something we 'believe' no matter what evidence is out there.
Or alternatively, believing in something when it's actually contradicted by evidence.

Keep doggedly hanging onto your beliefs as they are comforting. No need to get the facts when you 'know' you are right?
I suggest you re-read Kremm's post: it was a little thing called "sarcasm". :rolleyes:
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Hi Captain Kremmen,

I apologise for not having read the whole thread. Am simply replying to your provocative post question:

Interesting challenge. It's all been done before and people still think they can predict the future. As the future hasn't been created yet it would be a little difficult don't you think? Everyone is psychic... it's a bit like fitness... we can exercise or not. Some have greater natural abilities than others... we're not all runners and we're not all clairvoyants. However, predicting the future is a mug's game. We can see possibilities for the future - that is all. The future, as they say, has not been created yet.

Proving that we are psychic is a bit of a joke as we are ALL psychic. Is anyone special because they can run? Same with being psychic. We do have people who are more gifted in both these things but that still doesn't make them special. It does make a person more responsible if they have a greater psychic ability.

What I was told recently was that I need to focus more on the journey than the destination. We all want to live in a bigger, better, brighter future. We think this will be the answer to our problems. If we could live in the now and enjoy the journey we might be better off.

Perhaps you would like to google Victor Zammit and check out some of the scientific facts on his site. Being psychic is like breathing... we can all do that.

The greatest art of our time was jeered when it was first shown. The greatest discoveries in our history were all jeered and mocked when they were mooted. (Who can forget the flat earth thing?) It's a small-minded, fearful person who knocks things they haven't even bothered to investigate and study in any depth.

Our greatest disability in our generation (like all generations) is our ability to hold with something we 'believe' no matter what evidence is out there. Keep doggedly hanging onto your beliefs as they are comforting. No need to get the facts when you 'know' you are right?

IID, unless you have some psychic ability you can demonstrate your post is better suited for another thread.
Zammit is a deep believer who is very easily convinced when the subject is the paranormal. He may be a very intelligent man but even brilliant people can be fooled.

Over the last couple of years he has been going on about one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever. He is referring to David Thompson's mediumship. Basically they are all sitting in the dark while someone sneaks into the room (or its Thompson himself) and does Louis Armstrong impressions. There are also a few of the standard tricks that Houdini was debunking nearly a century ago, and that is supposedly concrete evidence. Because he is a lawyer he considers himself an authority on evidence and he assures us he couldn't be wrong. Naturally the lights can't be turned on because that would cause the ectoplasm to be destroyed and Thompson might die...... I can't remember what the excuse was about night vision ..
who the Fuck are you two?? guess i forgot to slip in a p.s. i'm one hell of an angry individual so be mindful of any of the bullshit that you post that'll either offend me or suggest that my life's work is In Any Way faulted or insignificant. cordon bleu, get the fuck of the internet. you are Not as intelligent as you hope to be... desirable traits? bitch Flying is a desirable trait... good looks are desirable traits. so stop with the vague and general usages of the term PSYCHIC and for God's sake clean up your thoughts and perspectives and ask relevant, yes or no questions, or offer suggestions and theories into the art of Human Thinking ... What the HELL ELSE ARE YOU HERE FOR? yappity yap yap yap.

faulty logic Oli? kiss my ass... how's that for faulty logic?....

my post was non-aggressive, but maybe you were fired up over the other arguments you were in, i know what that's like. if you wanna be all angry and defensive, fine, but can you at least TRY and answer the questions in my earlier post? they are:

-if you're christian, don't psychic powers conflict with your beliefs, or the beliefs of other christians?
-if you understand natural selection, and assuming it is at play, shouldn't more people have psychic abilities?

if you wanna tell people you have what they'll refer to as magic powers, expect them to be skeptical, abusive etc. that's what people are like. a few hundred years ago you would have been burnt at a stake, does that put things in perspective?
my post was non-aggressive, but maybe you were fired up over the other arguments you were in, i know what that's like. if you wanna be all angry and defensive, fine, but can you at least TRY and answer the questions in my earlier post? they are:

-if you're christian, don't psychic powers conflict with your beliefs, or the beliefs of other christians?
-if you understand natural selection, and assuming it is at play, shouldn't more people have psychic abilities?

if you wanna tell people you have what they'll refer to as magic powers, expect them to be skeptical, abusive etc. that's what people are like. a few hundred years ago you would have been burnt at a stake, does that put things in perspective?

ok, i am Not claiming to be psychic. (lol though i'm psychic to an extent) i'm claiming to be able to provide proof of its existence. this isn't the xmen kids. an example of a "psychic power" talked about in the bible is the interpretation of dreams that foresaw into the future. i guess the only difference between me and those who were part of the bible is that with me i'm not really being used by God to be instructed to do anything... i just get to do it.

or perhaps i'm helping lead more people to God through my abilites.

so no they dont conflict with my beliefs and even if they did what the Hell would that have to do with anything? totally irrelevant question.

the point of me bringing up my Christianity... even though i merely said God as opposed to Jesus Christ... was to share with you that if i'm batting for a winning team what the hell do i have to lie about? if anything i'm one of three things for Crunchy Cat... another failed attempt at proving psychic ability, his first successful provider of psychic proof, or a helping hand to prove and better understand psychic ability.

"shouldn't more people have psychic ability" you have any statistics?
lets just put it like this...
they say 1 in 4 people living in america have aids and dont even know it.
could it be people are just unaware of what they're minds are capable of?

Perhaps you would like to google Victor Zammit and check out some of the scientific facts on his site. Being psychic is like breathing... we can all do that.

Yes, I'll do that.
I would love paranormal abilities to be a true phenomenon, and am willing to be convinced by any normal standards of proof.
Unfortunately, I find that professional psychics are either self deluded or downright charlatans. They use methods that anyone could copy, and always fail when tested in scientific conditions.
Do you mean that you were able to take over the REM cycle for another individual and they were able to sleep without one?

Can you learn facts about individuals that are not discernable regardless of how well you know the individual?

youre thinking way too deep into this one.
can someone ever own someone else's body? no
likewise they cant take over their rem cycles, or breathe for them, etc.

can a person touch another person and determine that person's temperature? somewhat. similarly they can pick up on the texture of their skin, firmness of muscle, and so on. is it possible that through touch information can pass from one person to another that connects them on a far greater basis than just mere association? i believe so.

in the end we're just sperm cells and ovaries arent we?

what do you think?

ive dreamt a reoccuring dream of a friend of mine
who had never shared with me having had such a dream.
I apologise for not having read the whole thread.
Although not addressed to me, nobody ever reads the whole thread.

What I was told recently was that I need to focus more on the journey than the destination. We all want to live in a bigger, better, brighter future. We think this will be the answer to our problems. If we could live in the now and enjoy the journey we might be better off.

It's all very well falling to a path of Apathy, however it doesn't exactly enrich your journey or anyone else's for that matter. You have to image that if you are travelling a road, so are many others. That road if ignored falls to disrepair and while you could enjoy the follies of Apathy, does it truly enrich you as a human when you do reach "A destination". (Incidentally destinations are never A -> B but more like A -> Z via B through X with a few random numbers added in there for good measure as "waypoints")

Perhaps you should look for your destinations as being the closest waypoint and then choose your next path from that. This is of course how to generate small instance of Order from a life of Chaos.

Of course really this should of been posted in the Philosophy subforum.

As for Psychic's, well we could try a little experiment, I could of course be psychic myself by predicting an outcome, or just a very good cold reader when it comes to Law and Order.

The Psychics Paradox
(This is a purely theoretical experiment, which I have no intention of conducting...
no matter how Psychic you are or how big the size of my truck is!)
Let's say I found a psychic crossing a road and I was driving a truck.

Due to them claiming they are psychic, I decide to test them by driving faster and aiming for them.

When I hit them , I would presume to be arrested for Murder (at the very least manslaughter)
and be placed into prison for a very long time.

I also presume even though an elaborate defence would be employed suggesting that...
"If they were truly Psychic, then to be hit by the truck was actually Suicide since they foresaw that event",
the judge wouldn't let me off for this cruel and brutal snubbing of a life and possibly even question
my sanity.

The paradox is quite simply, if they were truly Psychic they would of been able to foresee this "Attempt" on their life and perhaps not cross the road there, or wait till I'd passed that stretch of road or planned their entire day differently. Instead they are squished flatter than a pancake and still no more psychic.

As for my "assumption", that'ss not psychic, it is actually "presumption" based upon my limited understanding of the law and empathy (The ability to image putting yourself in another man's shoes and perhaps walking at least a few steps in them to generate a presumption, which indeed is the same method used with cold reading which expressions or responses are then calculated upon to generate "accurate" responses).

In fact to go further with my presumptions. If a Psychic got squished, other psychics would suggest (as a cop-out) "We have a gift that we can't control", "Our gift can't be used for ourself as it's only meant for others" or some other rot to get around the fact that they weren't actually psychic at all.
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IID said:
I apologise for not having read the whole thread.

Although not addressed to me, nobody ever reads the whole thread.

Actually, gluon claimed to have read the now closed WTC collapses thread, back when it was only 100 pages long, before getting into it. He didn't get much into it, but if he really did read the 100 pages before starting, that's quite a feat; not necessarily a feat i'd recommend, but quite a feat nonetheless :).
youre thinking way too deep into this one.
can someone ever own someone else's body? no
likewise they cant take over their rem cycles, or breathe for them, etc.

Oddly enough, there are people out there who claim they can do things that would violate the known constraints of reality.

can a person touch another person and determine that person's temperature? somewhat. similarly they can pick up on the texture of their skin, firmness of muscle, and so on. is it possible that through touch information can pass from one person to another that connects them on a far greater basis than just mere association? i believe so.

This type of thinking is more or less accurate. Humans can pick up an immense amount of information about other people through their senses. Did you know that humans can smell fear?

in the end we're just sperm cells and ovaries arent we?

what do you think?

We're more accurately difference detection machines that collect energy and persist.

ive dreamt a reoccuring dream of a friend of mine
who had never shared with me having had such a dream.

What was the content of the dream and how accurate was yours compared to his (ex. scenario accurate, contextually accurate, explicit details accurate, etc.)?

Our brains put a minimal version of our consciousness through simulation every night (i.e. dreams) and there are common scenarios that most if not all people will experience.

I'm still interested in your answer to the card reading question by the way.
so no they dont conflict with my beliefs and even if they did what the Hell would that have to do with anything? <b>totally irrelevant question.</b>

the point of me bringing up my Christianity... even though i merely said God as opposed to Jesus Christ... <b>was to share with you that if i'm batting for a winning team what the hell do i have to lie about?</b>

"shouldn't more people have psychic ability" you have any statistics?
lets just put it like this...
they say 1 in 4 people living in america have aids and dont even know it.
could it be people are just unaware of what they're minds are capable of?

this thread's about people with powers. i'm asking what its like having powers as a christian, which you strangely brought up. not a huge leap. not something i'd call totally irrelevant. if you don't want to answer my questions, don't.

so you're saying that because you're a christian, you have no reason to lie? Right...

if you're saying your psychic power comes from god, then an argument based on natural selection is inappropriate, natural selection relies on biological factors. i'm quitting that line of argument anyway, i have better arguments against it than for it.

you said you could provide proof of psychic powers. bullshit.
wow. i definitely wouldnt prove them for an individual as absent minded as yourself. even in the face of an arguement one should hold their ground, defending their points and accelerating towards an end ... one right the other wrong. if i'm Telling you i have no reason to lie then you either Accept it or Reject it. i know you have no way of determining whether i am or am not, but its a thing called trust buddy. other then for entertainment purposes why else would i be here? trust me i have a life outside of the internet. i grew up around technology, which has helped advance me as an individual... so yes i agree if natural selection goes off of biological factors then consider yourself in a brand new world where computers and information are mainstream, Definitely having an impact on us humans and our biology.

crunchy, the first time i found myself able to tap into that kind of information, foresight, i was going through a serious break up with the girl i thought i'd spend the rest of my life with. my mother was going through breast cancer and i was Also feeling as though 2 decades of my life were all about fighting for a prize i ultimately didn't even want. so even though in the past two years ive been able to narrow down like espn world series poker probabilities and then sense the right card to come, like i said, i haven't mastered this art yet. just like if i was claiming to swim the english canal i'm sure id have to warm up for it :)

so i truly do consider it a divine heads up emotion that i gather as an individual... and so its not like im gonna watch 300 episodes to see how many cards i sense correctly or incorrectly, because no sort of divinity is gonna set place for such an irrelevant act.

most consider it divine to even exist, consider that all you naysayers. lol gotta head to work... lemme know what you think, and what kind of proof you'd like.
quick question to anyone willing to respond. if someone made the claim that something like 9/11 would happen and considering 9/11, what would your requirements for a prediction be? is "sometime during the fall of 01 a terrorist attack will occur" the same as "on thursday (or what have you) two planes will crash into two buildings."? because apparently this Captain Cremepie wants something good for the headlines of Time magazine or some shit..... off my nuts you asshole. psychic practice is an art not a show for your dimwitted behind.
Neither would be sufficient evidence.
Neither could be claimed to predict 9/11 (as it is so quaintly written).
Both are so nebulous as be capable of being assigned post facto to something that could happen anywhere in the world.
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...crunchy, the first time i found myself able to tap into that kind of information, foresight, i was going through a serious break up with the girl i thought i'd spend the rest of my life with. my mother was going through breast cancer and i was Also feeling as though 2 decades of my life were all about fighting for a prize i ultimately didn't even want. so even though in the past two years ive been able to narrow down like espn world series poker probabilities and then sense the right card to come, like i said, i haven't mastered this art yet. just like if i was claiming to swim the english canal i'm sure id have to warm up for it :)

Lets say I made a deck of 52 cards randomly from a pool of 520 cards (10 decks). Within that 52 card deck, would you be able to consistently forsee the cards correctly in that deck greater than chance probability?
quick question to anyone willing to respond. if someone made the claim that something like 9/11 would happen and considering 9/11, what would your requirements for a prediction be? is "sometime during the fall of 01 a terrorist attack will occur" the same as "on thursday (or what have you) two planes will crash into two buildings."? because apparently this Captain Cremepie wants something good for the headlines of Time magazine or some shit..... off my nuts you asshole. psychic practice is an art not a show for your dimwitted behind.

A prediction is something that anybody can do. Input some information and output a potential outcome. Whether a prediction comes true or not doesn't change the fact that the predictor doesn't have direct experience of the outcome ahead of time.

Psychic prediction is something different. It concerns people who claim to literally experience future events. If someone made a psychic prediction that on 9/11, flights xxx and yyy were going to be flown by terrorists into the world trade center towers at time x and time y respectively, that would be evidence.
so tell me this, if the prediction is more personal, for example i see myself being randomly attacked at the end of the month and i were to tell you and sure enough it happens, would you consider that sufficient scientific proof? visions are what they are...
so tell me this, if the prediction is more personal, for example i see myself being randomly attacked at the end of the month and i were to tell you and sure enough it happens, would you consider that sufficient scientific proof? visions are what they are...

I would want details for starters.
intricate: i'm Telling you i have no reason to lie then you either Accept it or Reject it. i know you have no way of determining whether i am or am not, but its a thing called trust buddy.

i thought i established that i rejected it. i don't trust people claiming to have magic powers. just look at what you wrote: "i know you have no way of determining whether i am [truthful] or not", "other then for entertainment purposes why else would i be here?" you seem to understand my position pretty well really.

intricate: i grew up around technology, which has helped advance me as an individual... so yes i agree if natural selection goes off of biological factors then consider yourself in a brand new world where computers and information are mainstream, Definitely having an impact on us humans and our biology.

you're discussing knowledge you've acquired, not change to your genetic structure. in the context of natural selection and psychic powers, explain the impact of technology? your strange argument is kinda pointing towards a poor understanding of natural selection.

i tried to point out that there's a lot of flaws in the argument that natural selection would lead to increased prevalence of psychic powers, if you're interested i can expand on that but we're better off forgetting about natural selection. i think my changed stance on that was the reason for ur next quote.

intricate: even in the face of an arguement one should hold their ground, defending their points and accelerating towards an end

this isn't an argument, this is discussion. i'm trying to make sense of something, as i change opinions i'm saying it out loud. i'm not out to 'beat' you, i'm learning about something.

intricate: so i truly do consider it a divine heads up [when i use/experience my powers]... no sort of divinity is gonna set place for such an irrelevant act [attempting to predict cards to measure his ability].

you've kinda got this theme going, suggesting that ur psychic ability is more to do with the gods than ur own abilities. i wish i was god's favourite.

intricate: "sometime during the fall of 01 a terrorist attack will occur"

that's so vague as to be useless, and so likely to occur it lends you zero credibility. be specific. if it is god giving you these visions, what purpose does it serve if the information can't be used?

intricate: "if i were to see myself being attacked... [and it happens] would you consider that sufficient?"

you might cause that yourself, deliberately or even by appearing fearful or aggressive whilst anticipating an attack. it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. you could be attacked by people or animals. the more specific you were about the kind of attack, when/where it would take place, and the likelihood of you masterminding the attack (if we were the only living creatures on earth, then aliens landed, punched you and took your wallet, i would believe you're psychic) would affect how credible your predictions are.