Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

Sissy, Arachnakid,

The point of this thread is to give people with real psychic / paranormal ability an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE their ability and make some cash in the process if successful.

I have no issue with people talking about their experiences, but this isn't the thread for it.

On a sidenote, 100% of the demonstrations have failed to date.
Sissy, Arachnakid,

The point of this thread is to give people with real psychic / paranormal ability an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE their ability and make some cash in the process if successful.

I have no issue with people talking about their experiences, but this isn't the thread for it.

On a sidenote, 100% of the demonstrations have failed to date.

Understood CC. It will not be derailed so help me god.. I think we get the picture, and I hope the experiences will first be discussed and the proper form is held,

so a warning to all,

I sincerely apoligize, it was not my intention to take such a long birdwalk. I don't really have anything more to say here, since I'm not sure how I could demonstrate in a way that would prove it to you.

The reason it probably appears evident in my previous post to you or response to you, about "explaination" being needed is that we at least need to be able to discuss something of our experiences.

Do you agree?

On occasion when an experience is disregarded entirely one is left with the feeling of being unable to respond with some background to their "real or parapsychologicial ability", weather or not they believe everyone has the ability or some other something.

But as this is not a parapsychology thread or whatnot designed with the purpose in mind to discuss all of the word games leading up to the reasoning behind some peoples psychic theory or phenomonon then it appears right to not allow it.

I believe though that my experience with psychic phenomonon is real. When discredited and unable to explain myself to you all it is sort of unreasonable.

But continue on with your thread as it is interesting and obvious that no one is going to prove that they have a special ability even if the ability lies within some other mainframe or justification.
Oh my..seems as though entropy has had its way here as well!

CC, please forgive me. You're right about assuming that another weekly attempt at the challenge would likely fail in the same manner, ~the manner of which is not indicative of any evidence that is more substantial than just a lack of evidence ;)

(I'm currently in the midst of chaos, unfortunately, and must dismiss myself temporarily as my focused attention is required elsewhere at the moment.) It was fun and I'm very sorry to go. Thank you, much, for both your effort and hospitality..

"I'll be back"
I have predicted the future in my dreams on multiple occasions.

I put it down to coincidence.
Oh my..seems as though entropy has had its way here as well!

It actually started as a zombification before the entropy set.

CC, please forgive me. You're right about assuming that another weekly attempt at the challenge would likely fail in the same manner, ~the manner of which is not indicative of any evidence that is more substantial than just a lack of evidence ;)

Say that ten times in a row and I'll let you get me drunk :).

(I'm currently in the midst of chaos, unfortunately, and must dismiss myself temporarily as my focused attention is required elsewhere at the moment.) It was fun and I'm very sorry to go. Thank you, much, for both your effort and hospitality..

"I'll be back"

Good luck.

P.S. Buy a house... don't rent.
what exactly is a psychic?

the map is not the territory, folks If I may, quickly..

I have a friend that is a master dowser, philosopher, activist, etc. who explained the mechanics of his craft in a way that actually made sense:
He said that our bodies are aware of so much more than we are, consciously.
The dowsing rod is only a tool used to communicate with the body~ an ability that, with practice, enables the conscious mind to interpret what the environment really is according to what the body senses.

Science: (Naturally, our minds need to simplify and categorize things in order to encode them..our natural habit is to see what we feel that we need to see. Everything else is filtered out by the reticular formation, etc.)

critical thinking does require a suspension of judgment, doesn't it?
-^- The two of you rhetorically use the word 'judgement' in different contexts.

If the psychic abilities deal with the realm of the non-physical then any attempt of explaining them is futile. They, like religion, require a leap of faith (look up Soren Kierkegaard). It is up to the individual whether he'd observe the body of Science to have an animating force within or perhaps a Gestalt or emergent attributes that suggest more than the sum of its parts, or not to do so or to do his own other interpretation.
-^- The two of you rhetorically use the word 'judgement' in different contexts.

If the psychic abilities deal with the realm of the non-physical then any attempt of explaining them is futile. They, like religion, require a leap of faith (look up Soren Kierkegaard). It is up to the individual whether he'd observe the body of Science to have an animating force within or perhaps a Gestalt or emergent attributes that suggest more than the sum of its parts, or not to do so or to do his own other interpretation.

This is an old avoidance argument. You are presuming that there is a phenomenon to explain. Anyhow, it's irrelevant. If you can demonstrate such an ability you're welcome to; otherwise, your comments belong in another thread.
Personally, I think the most obvious sign of paranormal activity is something that people almost take for granted. It's the feeling of being observed.

I experimented with this ever since I was young. I'd look at people.. and in a way I'd want to be them. It's like I'd reach and try to understand what they were feeling, what they were thinking. Many times they'd look back. Now if they were facing me, this is somewhat understandable; peripheral vision.. although peripheral vision seems to work best for moving objects, not for stationary ones. But what of the people who were looking the other way.. and yet turned around after a bit of what I was doing? When I was around 10 or so, I remember looking at this woman from many stories up in a hotel. I wanted to watch her unobserved. I figured that at this height she couldn't possibly turn in my direction and I'd be able to look at her as long as she was there. And then she looked back (I quickly ducked my head below the concrete 'rail').

This is the point where I decided I would never be able to do what I was doing without them sensing it in some way. Many people have trained themselves not to look even if they feel they are being observed. But even there, I feel there are telltale signs. Like an animal that knows he's being hunted but having these rules of 'don't look back', etc. grafted on. This has happened to me too; the feeling that I'm being watched but also thinking it would look silly to look in the direction I feel the 'stare' coming from.

A lot of the time I think the paranormal is stronger the more meaningful it is to you. For instance, when 2 twins are separated (even countries apart) and one dies, the other can sometimes 'feel' it. Many times, the bond between twins is very strong.

Anyway, in regards to this type of paranormal activity (essentially types of telepathy), this area is explored in many places; Star Wars certainly brings it up (call it telepathy lite), as does Star Trek (full telepathy) and ofcourse there are TV shows as well.