Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

what's up crunch.

i'm 22, psychic to an extent, and very able to demonstrate my abilities.
lol that 500 dollar reward still game? ;-P
I'm psychic when watching psychics.

I get this feeling that they are going to use cold reading techniques and give people general information that could apply to anyone, and then they do it.
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What can you do?

really just beginner things... so im excited to see how much meeting and interacting with you and other believers will advance my intermediate abilities.. i'm able to see into the future on rare occassions via dreams or thoughts. my mind seems to be able to correctly piece together probable events in the near (relevant) future based on given circumstances and situations, to where i wind up blessed enough to get the early edition or heads up on either the most randomest of things or seriously significant futures. its not something that i believe control over is possible so with that i cant offer you any on-demand proof (unless it just so happens to occur sometime soon), but if it does happen as it's happened in the past i'd love to share the experience with y'all.

i'm a God loving man by the that'll probably help clear up any of the specticism or speculation some may get by either damnin themselves (in a sense) by not believing or blessing them substantially if they can see the bigger, and yet more elusive picture.

another of my abilities is to access raw knowledge that to most is considered impossible to know of, or tap into, but isnt. for those who don't fear anything then being scared isnt ever an issue now is it? for those who understand that all things are possible and everything exists but in its own right is to say that the information that i'm able to furrow out isn't really the hidden or locked secrets of the universe but open and accessible knowledge that just has to be filtered out and determined. i.e. for a 52 card deck to hold 4 13 card sequences that gets shuffled by complete random, the order of the cards in the end is never truly a mystery. just an order that must be sensed through divine understanding. i went through a phase that every card i pulled i somehow knew what it'd be ahead of time.

those two are the only major abilities i've found that i can perform...
but id love to definitely talk about other paraphysical/psychic abilities
that i'm not sure if i'd be able to handle, but would definitely love to
attempt for you.

And it looks like Randi has been unsuccessful in all his $1 mil
attempts. I might be unsuccessful too; however, there is a small
difference between our strategies. He seems to be waiting for
something to drop in his lap. I am actively searching (this forum
is not the only place I am exploring :)).



lol i just looked up the definition to paranormal...something lacking scientific explanation. what idiots. everything is able to be explained through science the way everything is unargueably a 10 letter word. so if you could prove that something is unproveable then didnt you just prove it??? haha i'll take two million smackers for that one ;-D lets schedule a chat crunchy cat....
Ooh what a wonderful display of faulty logic.
All yours Crunchy....
i'm a God loving man by the that'll probably help clear up any of the specticism or speculation some may get by either damnin themselves

the only christians i've spoken to on the matter of psychic abilities were jehovah's witnesses, and they thought that all forms of card reading, voodoo magic, witchcraft blah blah blah were demons possessing you and misleading you. what do other christians/the bible think of u psychic abilities?

taking the old atheist approach, from an evolutionary perspective wouldn't psychic abilities be one of the most desirable traits in a person? so why's psychic ability amongst so few individuals? especially considering anyone with decent psychic talent would be especially suited to survival and reproduction. poor inheritability's an explanation i suppose, assuming psychic abilities are related to the biological structure of the individual anyways.
Ooh what a wonderful display of faulty logic.
All yours Crunchy....

the only christians i've spoken to on the matter of psychic abilities were jehovah's witnesses, and they thought that all forms of card reading, voodoo magic, witchcraft blah blah blah were demons possessing you and misleading you. what do other christians/the bible think of u psychic abilities?

taking the old atheist approach, from an evolutionary perspective wouldn't psychic abilities be one of the most desirable traits in a person? so why's psychic ability amongst so few individuals? especially considering anyone with decent psychic talent would be especially suited to survival and reproduction. poor inheritability's an explanation i suppose, assuming psychic abilities are related to the biological structure of the individual anyways.

who the Fuck are you two?? guess i forgot to slip in a p.s. i'm one hell of an angry individual so be mindful of any of the bullshit that you post that'll either offend me or suggest that my life's work is In Any Way faulted or insignificant. cordon bleu, get the fuck of the internet. you are Not as intelligent as you hope to be... desirable traits? bitch Flying is a desirable trait... good looks are desirable traits. so stop with the vague and general usages of the term PSYCHIC and for God's sake clean up your thoughts and perspectives and ask relevant, yes or no questions, or offer suggestions and theories into the art of Human Thinking ... What the HELL ELSE ARE YOU HERE FOR? yappity yap yap yap.

faulty logic Oli? kiss my ass... how's that for faulty logic?....
who the Fuck are you two??
Does it matter?

guess i forgot to slip in a p.s. i'm one hell of an angry individual
So so scary as well.

so be mindful of any of the bullshit that you post that'll either offend me or suggest that my life's work is In Any Way faulted or insignificant.
Got it.
It's okay for you to post bullshit, be offensive and make suggestions, but not for anyone to do that to you.
Fine. :rolleyes:

you are Not as intelligent as you hope to be...
Possibly, but some of us actually are.

faulty logic Oli? kiss my ass... how's that for faulty logic?....
Can't recognise it?
faulty logic Oli? kiss my ass... how's that for faulty logic?....

Your powers are weak if you can't tell what he means. :xctd:

Seriously, as it's stated time and time again on this forum, there is no evidence of any "real" psychic or para-psychological powers, if there was then it would be fully known, evidence would be all too knowingly abundant and accurate outcomes observable.

The problem is that peoples claims rarely stand up to scientific testing, most of the time the "psychics" believe that the testers are moving goal posts or making the test results faulty through falsifying. The "psychics" tend to neglect that they just can't live up to what they "believe" is real in reality.

Incidentally responding angrily here will not aid your understanding, belief or presentation to others of it, if anything it will just aid in the long run of proving their is more background to your overall story involving some form of imbalance. (That's not meant as an attack, just a heads up)
wow... and let this be the last time you ever hear from me oli. "who are you two" does it matter "well hell i'd like to think it matters."

lmao dont you think you matter?

i came here to aid in the understanding of the human mind and psychic ability, not fight meaningless wars against people who Literally have nothing better to do then to get online and start conversations with complete strangers attempts to prove they are "intimidatingly competent."

- shockingly good.
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Your powers are weak if you can't tell what he means. :xctd:

Seriously, as it's stated time and time again on this forum, there is no evidence of any "real" psychic or para-psychological powers, if there was then it would be fully known, evidence would be all too knowingly abundant and accurate outcomes observable.

The problem is that peoples claims rarely stand up to scientific testing, most of the time the "psychics" believe that the testers are moving goal posts or making the test results faulty through falsifying. The "psychics" tend to neglect that they just can't live up to what they "believe" is real in reality.

Incidentally responding angrily here will not aid your understanding, belief or presentation to others of it, if anything it will just aid in the long run of proving their is more background to your overall story involving some form of imbalance. (That's not meant as an attack, just a heads up)

i'm sorry dude... Who asked you? lol

just to go on the record "the problem is" that there isn't a problem at all.
it's simply all you nut jobs and disbelievers attacking the shit out of anyone
with a legitimate claim. if michael jordan would of claimed to be able to
dunk the ball with his legs spread at a 90 or whatever degree angle
What the Hell makes you think he would of shown anyone
if he was met this kind of ignorance and stupidity?

terrible analogy. lol

====> so as to not start my experience on the wrong foot
i'm totally understanding that i overreact in situations. so forgive me.

but honestly words are like daggers and though my skin is definitely
impermiable, i hope the same goes for all my "challengers".

oh yeah and crunchy, definitely did perform a few empathic acts in my brief history..... dreamt dreams for others, learned facts about individuals prior to getting to know them well enough to discern such information, etc. etc. would love to see if this could happen again w/ you. that's the kind of proof that is far more comprehendable than just 0's and 1's...

that's that "is Jennifer Lopez or Angelina Jolie or Gwen Stefani,
Gwenith Paltrow, or Susan Summers, or Calista Flockhart hot?"
kinda "hell yes they are" proof :-D
wow... and let this be the last time you ever hear from me oli. "who are you two" does it matter "well hell i'd like to think it matters."
It matters WHO I am rather than the information and view I have?
How so?

lmao dont you think you matter?
I know it doesn't.
If I told who I am how would affect anything?

i came here to aid in the understanding of the human mind and psychic ability,
Psychic ability?
Delusion and/or coincidence.

not fight meaningless wars against people who Literally have nothing better to do then to get online and start conversations with complete strangers attempts to prove they are "intimidatingly competent."
Well you've demonstrated that you can read English, even if you can't write it.

just to go on the record "the problem is" that there isn't a problem at all.
it's simply all you nut jobs and disbelievers attacking the shit out of anyone
with a legitimate claim. if michael jordan would of claimed to be able to
dunk the ball with his legs spread at a 90 or whatever degree angle
What the Hell makes you think he would of shown anyone
if he was met this kind of ignorance and stupidity?
Just to "go on record" - this is a science site: no evidence no support.
It can't be claimed to be legitimate if it isn't backed up.
Simple really... :rolleyes:
...i'm able to see into the future on rare occassions via dreams or thoughts.

Do you mean you see the future with 100% accuracy of every detail or you see a probable type of generic event that corresponds to a real event that happens later (but with different details)? mind seems to be able to correctly piece together probable events in the near (relevant) future based on given circumstances and situations, to where i wind up blessed enough to get the early edition or heads up on either the most randomest of things or seriously significant futures.

That's something that the human brain does. It's good at taking contextual data and predicting outcomes (or even simulating those outcomes in dreams so you get practice dealing with them before the potential real thing). It's very cool but not quite psychic.

another of my abilities is to access raw knowledge that to most is considered impossible to know of, or tap into, but isnt. for those who don't fear anything then being scared isnt ever an issue now is it? for those who understand that all things are possible and everything exists but in its own right is to say that the information that i'm able to furrow out isn't really the hidden or locked secrets of the universe but open and accessible knowledge that just has to be filtered out and determined. i.e. for a 52 card deck to hold 4 13 card sequences that gets shuffled by complete random, the order of the cards in the end is never truly a mystery. just an order that must be sensed through divine understanding. i went through a phase that every card i pulled i somehow knew what it'd be ahead of time.

If I were to hand you my own personal deck of cards, could you reproduce that?

those two are the only major abilities i've found that i can perform...
but id love to definitely talk about other paraphysical/psychic abilities
that i'm not sure if i'd be able to handle, but would definitely love to
attempt for you.


The card reading ability so far sounds like it's probably the most significant. Maybe we can proceed on that.
oh yeah and crunchy, definitely did perform a few empathic acts in my brief history..... dreamt dreams for others,...

Do you mean that you were able to take over the REM cycle for another individual and they were able to sleep without one?

... learned facts about individuals prior to getting to know them well enough to discern such information, etc. etc. would love to see if this could happen again w/ you. that's the kind of proof that is far more comprehendable than just 0's and 1's...

Can you learn facts about individuals that are not discernable regardless of how well you know the individual?
I challenge you to make a prediction, here on sciforums, and prove to the world that you are a true psychic.
My own psychic powers are telling me that you will make some excuse or become aggressive.