Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

No one - and I repeate NO ONE! - has ever commented positively OR negitively on the link presented, or the commentary presented in my post.

That's because we are sending our critiques telepathically. You've been so busy ranting that you haven't tuned us in. There, there Sissypuss, calm down, relax and take a deep breath. Now assume the lotus position, hand on chin and just think for a moment. You can feel it can't you? Peaceful waves of bliss pass over you, natural vibrations set the steady rhythm, there, now you have it. Tune in your mind to mine and I will send my comments directly to you thru the dimension of time and space known as the Dimension of Time and Space. Ah yes! I feel it, you're getting it....and there you have it. Satisfied? It's ok, you can tell everybody what I thought. If I hear one word of profanity, disrespect or insulting then I just want the readers to know that you are lying
That was halarious my friend. LoL. But keep in mind, that I have experienced more extreme stuff and I do know my science and shit, which does seem to defy science or what is accepted as psychology. It's simply parapsychology, and the stuff you're refusing to read is nothing but like, oh i don't know, something much more profound and "the actual stuff" there for you to see but it's funny. Because.. no one, really comments on any of it. For what was commented on in the actual thread i linked was nothing but mis understandings and lack of imagination for such a grand issue which read only says is irrelevant. How do you expect to hear anything if it is irrelevant. How re- tarted :D
Ya know Sis, I'm feelin' very very sighkick tonight. I'm picking up a lot of good vibes. I've got a feelin' that something good is going to happen.

I see a letter X. Mean anything? Could be EX, not sure. I'm also picking up the letters ESS. Let's see ESS, then EX just might mean something. Then again ESS might stand for S.


Heyyyy! BOING!!! WooHoo!!! This is going to be a good night for one of us.
You know what... I hope that all that telepathic stuff is bullshit. Although I know what I have experienced.

We will have more information one day.. Good luck "proving" it guys it is a long journey and one must hopefully be sane when they're doing it lol!!
Hey Sis, don't feel so frustrated. I've seen what I thought were UFO's twice in my life. Do I think there's a rational explanation...of course I do.

In my lifetime I have yet to see anything genuinely para. In fact there hasn't been any para to speak of since someone documented water turning to wine. Even that one's a stretch.

Nothing para is ever going to happen. You have to resign yourself to that. The closest things we have to something paranormal are the people who think the paranormal exists. You are paranormal, no doubt about it. That's how your detractors see you. You are seen as having something akin to mental illness without really being afflicted.
I have found personal proof that a) certain "powers" do exist and b) I have some of them, but there really isn't any way to prove either to you or anyone unless you actually experience it. I have seen a ghost, gotten serious bad vibes in places I later was told had "Indian magic", and fairly recently gotten a visual when my stepdad (who is a total powerhouse) was practicing energy play. Being Wiccan, i usually refer to these as "magic", but really that's just because science hasn't found a way to prove it yet. There have been encounters with ghosts, precognition, and water-witching in my family for as long as anyone can remember. The trouble is that someone who doesn't have these "powers" will have one heck of a hard time seeing (or sensing) any of it; they're completely oblivious. You can believe me or not. I understand peoples interest, but generally people asking for proof are already biased against actually accepting any, and I also know for a fact that the vast majority of people who claim to have these abilities don't.
It make proof hard. Telekinesis is very rare as far as I know. While I don't doubt it exists I have never encountered anyone with those talents. You might wish to look up micro pk tests. There was an interesting test i read about. People were tested for psi. only people without professed psi abilities were tested. the people fell into two groups believers, and unbelievers. The interesting thing is that the believers scored higher than propabilty, the real kicker was that the unbelievers scored Below propability.

I have never encountered in myself or anyone else telekinesis or even telepathy, although certainly empathy (emotions but no words.) The closest is my mom, when she gets really pissed/stressed then things (like bags of noodles, pyrex measuring cups, etc.) explode. Like, smithereens across everywhere that didn't have a wall or something in the way.
What I know of is para, is an event that was passed from me to my friend. And not to mention, and I know these experiences are 100% genuine, the fact that I have had many more. But one time a friend actually it was not but yesterday or so. I had the oppertonity of checking some shit out with entanglement and stuff and how we all relate through a simple passing of experience. Sometimes ideas are wild. Yeah I know. Ideas are probably built into some other functioning. And of course they are. But what happend is I passed my way of relating with the exterior society like when i walk into a store or something,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and well what happend is the way i act when i walk into a store is sort of like anti them or soemthing,a nd it has something to do with the way that the world is aligned. like the experience that my friend and i had was like this: he was lying down on the ground. he looked up at the sky of course and said that he saw gods face. i could tell that i was passing some of my perception on to him, and infact i knew with little doubt in my mind that i was passing something on to him that he was EXPERIENCING. he thought he "saw gods face" in the sky and it eventually "came down like lightening" and almost paralized him he was terrifed and it was nothign but passing my thoughts and things in to him.

Well this turns out to be a little more extreme if you look at it from what I am saying.
And I say that this proves that there is "more to para psychology than anyone has yet to verify". And of course I am entirely confident of it.

That is if you understand me and,, of course you probably do not.

Which is a shame because I know how I act and I know how I feel and I know my self better than you know what you think about me. If I could show you what he experienced I woudl but I can't. The only thing I can do is point you to some of the things that Quantum Quack is saying and some of the things that he has told me.

Now. To have this backed up and stuff would be itneresting but I don't see it happening. And frankly I don't care as I woudl rather it pass by but having so many people doubt my psychic shit or whatever the fuck i am actually saying in the past and what not is a real bother and......

I will stop there I hope this was fun to read and I hope you guys take me seriously because if you don't then I'll just make a big post about how QQ said somet hings that have never been disproven bla bla bla haha i am joking.
Schizophrenia & associated thought disorders can be inherited.(70% according an article I just Googled). Usually strike between 16-30years of age. Get yourself checked....there is medication available.
PsychoticEpisode. I know very well where I am comming from. I am not in need of medication. What I am experiencing is real for everyone. They are just too fucking stupid.
I gave up trying to prove it a while ago. Telling people about this stuff is just opening yourself to hurt.
If the bastards can understand any remote thing you try to tell them then they might be able to eat their own shit. And that is where my game is located. Of course asking them to eat their own shit is like asking them to bake (in this case) in a case full of sour apples or oranges......... which they are of course entirely incapable of hah.
PsychoticEpisode. I know very well where I am comming from. I am not in need of medication. What I am experiencing is real for everyone. They are just too fucking stupid.

Sis and Arach..... Not kidding anymore...You guys are prime candidates if not there already. Wouldn't you rather know for sure. Take a look around.... how many of us see what you see. Should signal alarms.
And how many of you attack the "person" instead of the "idea".... isn't there rules for debate? YOU KNOW..... like "ad hoc" or whatever.

If not there needs to be specificially "The Epistemology of Debate on Debate Forums and the Proper Forums to Visit For Such Occurances Listed"

Sis and Arach..... Not kidding anymore...You guys are prime candidates if not there already. Wouldn't you rather know for sure. Take a look around.... how many of us see what you see. Should signal alarms.

You just don't get it, do you? This isn't some medical or mental disorder, these things happened, and if you had been there you would know that to be true.
10,000 deaths is not enough for you !

They will not comprehend such an abrasive claim, the only thing they understand is possibility. And that possibility is possible but is not as possible as their possible.

Arachnakid :

If you wish send me a PM and we can discuss by ourselfs.
Denial is a symptom. Your life is more important than a friggin debate.

It's only a debate if both sides listen to each others' arguments. In this case, I believe absolutely that what I and my family and many of my friends have seen and sensed is real, and you apparently believe absolutely that every one of us is sick or insane. Since neither of us can be convinced of the other's opinion, I believe it is pointless to try.
Ah, my pardons Arachnakid... welcome to sciforums :)

I believe post count requires like a number of 50 until on can send PMs. See you around