any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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The truth is that doing psi related things requires a huge energy effort and the real intuitives have too much important work to do that they do not find it necessary to waste efforts on what they perceive to be a rigged game.
Nice thing about intuition is that you know without being told when the other side is not telling the truth.
The truth is that doing psi related things requires a huge energy effort and the real intuitives have too much important work to do that they do not find it necessary to waste efforts on what they perceive to be a rigged game.

Yeah, sure.

Nice thing about intuition is that you know without being told when the other side is not telling the truth.

I therefore must have amazing powers of intuition.

Everyone does have intuition. Some are just more talented than others in the same way that anyone can learn to play the piano but not everyone is a concert pianist.
I have a weird ability, uncontrolable, and abnormal. I have preminitions almost every nite, and as little as once a week, in dreams. I dont think anything of them until... WALLA! Da ja vou.
Everyone does have intuition. Some are just more talented than others in the same way that anyone can learn to play the piano but not everyone is a concert pianist.

Intuition is simply guesswork - an impression that something might be the case.

If someone guesses correctly, they assume they have special abilities. Then they claim they are 'better than the rest of us.'

Ignorance and insecurity are at play.
candy said:
The truth is that doing psi related things requires a huge energy effort

Do tell. And just what kind of "energy" is it? How does one measure it? Joules? Calories? Miliwatts? Feet per second? Rads?
The Doctor said:
Jesus H. Christ!

Probably another fraud, btw.

The Doctor said:
Are you really that bloody dense that you can't see that
if every friggin' psi in the world failed his test, then the test is rigged!

You are forgetting the alternative: every so-called "psi" that has taken is test is a fraud. All the psi wannabe's and hopefuls complain that Randi "sets the parameters" and therefore the tests are rigged. It's true. They are rigged.

They're rigged to favor scientific method over bias. Period. If you believe otherwise, explain how the tests are rigged and what evidence is excluded becuase of it. Otherwise, you're simply blowing smoke up the ass of science in hopes that your petty belief system will remain intact.
SkinWalker said:
Do tell. And just what kind of "energy" is it? How does one measure it? Joules? Calories? Miliwatts? Feet per second? Rads?

Exactly. I've not seen anybody answer this one. As i have said before, if it is energy it will be on the electromagnetic spectrum somewhere, and whoever minds this mystical "energy" will get a Nobel prize for physics :rolleyes:
RE:"if it is energy it will be on the electromagnetic spectrum somewhere"

Static(DC, gravityy) energy is not in the electromagnetic spectrum.
A rock 15 miles above the earth has inherent static energy that cannot
be measured within/by the electromagnetic spectrum but everyone
knows what will happen when it is released.

Sorry, I couldn't leave that alone without leaving 1 example.

It seems PSI is like: religion, love, happiness etc. - everyone has their own
definitions and opinions regarding it.

If everyone shares a few examples perhaps reoccuring themes and phenomena will
point to a common understanding and languge.
danielb said:
It seems PSI is like: religion

I couldn't agree more... a belief system with supernatural/paranormal agents/energies, to which people use the belief system itself to offer proof of its existance.
danielb said:
RE:"if it is energy it will be on the electromagnetic spectrum somewhere"

Static(DC, gravityy) energy is not in the electromagnetic spectrum.
A rock 15 miles above the earth has inherent static energy that cannot
be measured within/by the electromagnetic spectrum but everyone
knows what will happen when it is released.

Sorry, I couldn't leave that alone without leaving 1 example.

It seems PSI is like: religion, love, happiness etc. - everyone has their own
definitions and opinions regarding it.

If everyone shares a few examples perhaps reoccuring themes and phenomena will
point to a common understanding and languge.

Gravity can be measured, earths gravity is 9.81 m/s squared for instance.If somebody is claiming telekineses for example, it will require some form of energy to perform. Therefore it would be able to be measured. There is not one example at all to prove any psi powers. If you know of one please post it.
danielb said:
RE:"if it is energy it will be on the electromagnetic spectrum somewhere"

Static(DC, gravityy) energy is not in the electromagnetic spectrum.
A rock 15 miles above the earth has inherent static energy that cannot
be measured within/by the electromagnetic spectrum but everyone
knows what will happen when it is released.

Sorry, I couldn't leave that alone without leaving 1 example.

It seems PSI is like: religion, love, happiness etc. - everyone has their own
definitions and opinions regarding it.

If everyone shares a few examples perhaps reoccuring themes and phenomena will
point to a common understanding and languge.

What do you mean " static energy" Could you explain please :confused:
Static energy is the energy of position(potential). For instance a glider empty of fuel can travel miles
from a high position(having static energy). But a glider sitting on the ground can't
travel anywhere without additional energy/infuence.

There are many kinds of static energy; for example a charged battery, a loaded gun,
crossbow etc.

I would never prove PSI, however, I would like to see it mastered to the benefit of
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Oh you mean Kenetic Energy/ Potential Energy. But thats more a mass, maths thing. I mean electromagnetic type of energy.
danielb said:
Yes, I think Slotty meant kinetic(dyanamic in older texts). Sorry
to put you in 3rd person, Slotty.

This is the area where human technolgy tends to be a flash in the Pan
which may be in everyone's best interest till they can learn to live in peace.

Actually, I was replying to you, not slotty... he replied before I could refresh my screen. I was saying the energy you referred to was "kinetic" not static. I was thinking of "static electricity" when I read your post the first time, not the relation to kinetic energy.

I think static energy is the something like the enthalpy + kinetic energy per unit of dry air... or some such.

Either way, this is energy of inertia when you think of it, since all objects are in motion of some sort or another. A bowling ball on a shelf is in motion relative to the room but has the force of gravity pulling it, so that if the shelf should disappear it would continue its downward motion as well as the motion relative to the room.

I'm not a physics wiz, so I won't go into that... I only bring it up to ask, "how is this type of energy relative to alleged "psi" energy?
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Well since everybody is being so serious...........

My very first experiences, that I noticed to be more than coincidence, began to increase sharply in my late teens:

At the time, I was taking Karate & learning about deeper forms of meditation. It was during those sessions that I would occassionally hear (but not hear, exactly), a minor bit (a few words) of what seemed to be another person (actually many different people over the years).

It usually was for only about 1/4 of a second or less. Maybe only two or three words. Often, I could distinquish the actual person by their "minds voice"(a term I coined in years past). Quite often, I would hear a person's mental voice, just before they would pull into my driveway, before I ever saw their vehicle.

There have been countless times when I would be talking to someone & out of the blue, I would think of something that was totally disconnected from the conversation, but guess what, the other person would break stride & suddenly begin to start talking about what had just popped into my head! This is no shit!

I know, for a fact that telepathy is real. I don't believe that I am any more gifted than the average Joe, I am just more determined to find answers to questions than most people. And I have went to pretty extreme lengths to prove it.

One mental exercise that I used to do was to try to run several different thoughts through my head at once. Most experts will tell you it's impossible...and maybe it is, but I would try to do it nonetheless. An example of this would be to read from a book (& try to comprehend it), while reciting multiplication tables at the same time. Or maybe something like listening to two radios/TV at the same time & trying to really comprehend the information coming in from the different sources. These kinds of exercises will definately stretch a persons abilities in comprehension.

Often, I have noticed something that precedes this, which is kinda an emotional rush. It almost feels as though...well kinda like that DEJA VU thing, Tiassa & it almost always accompanies some type of telepathic incident.

It was along about that time that I became very interested in Darwin Evolution observations. My running theory, at the time...and still, is that telepathy may in fact be an evolved trait, that many animals still have (the Herd Effect(later)). My belief now, is that most people actually have an inbuilt mechanism that tries to prevent telepathy, with the reasoning being to actually avoid the herd effect, as with most animals.

I wrote a piece several years back (that was hacked & deleted), where I was of the belief that even the best, most modern electronics were still completely pathetic, in comparison to the pure sensitivity of the human brain, or any organic brain, for that matter. And in fact, this has to be true, if one takes into account that the basic organic brain runs on the merest fraction of electricity, in comparison to the best electronics today. A modern encephalagraph, in my opinion, doesn't record much of any of the goings on in the human brain. The distortion alone, in the best electronics, is way more than enough to swamp/cover up the majority of the electrical signals in an organic brain! Seems like I was discussing the subject with Kmguru at the time.

And yes, marijuana has certainly played a role in the past, with me. I would say, however, that I was having the experiences long before I ever tried a marijuana cigarette. Since I haven't smoked A Marijuana Cigarette in over some eight years, my experiences have decreased. I quit & started drinking alchohol. My telepathic experiences are almost non-existant now. Don't know whether it was because I quit Marijuana or not, but I am damn sure (Godamn sure), that the alchohol has contributed to the loss in my abilities, as well as my creativity & overall thought processes & memory...not that I am as stupid as 99.9% of the people that post at Sciforums!

At the time that I was smoking marijuana, I was able to use it as a tool to help me focus a large part of my consciousness into a very few pathways. At one point in time............I did have a semi-limited abilty to do some pretty awesome ......tricks/feats..........some things that could be considered to be...well, pretty damned awesome. I will say that my experiences were a two way conversation/street that I occasionally could control. No Shit.

I'd bet that anyone who has a fair or better intellect, & is able to drop/strip/throw away... the majority of the emotional baggage of his(her) life & use marijuana as a tool to increase awareness, could acheive similar or better results than I did. Reminds me of something religious I heard once: 'one only has to be willing to seek....& then be willing to see, in order to find what one is looking for'.........

Anyhow...opinions vary.......
tree of knowledge of good and evil from the bible?
I possess something I see as a gift, but it's not paranormal. It's about using all your senses I think, but I don't really know. I read people like open books. It could be anyone, like friends, family, regular people I see that I don't know at all. I "sense" their feelings and agenda. I don't have to interact with them for this to happen.

It's like I'm them for a moment. I feel whatever they are feeling, and I just know what their agenda is etc. I don't think, I just feel it. I can't describe how, it just comes to me. It's not always a good thing though. Sometimes friends and family disappoint me, and wish I could just be a happy person who doesn't know shit. The scary thing is that I'm never wrong about people. (I can't recall any exceptions)

I don't tell you this because I have an urge to be believed. You can call me crazy or whatever, I don't care.

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