any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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I think that people who say they have a special power DON'T have one as if you had one you would feel normal and those without would be different.
People who say they have a friend with an ability are more likely to be on to something, as the friend may not realise any different......

when people think of something during a conversation but another person then starts to talk about what you were thinking , this is due to you having the same conversation so the subject runs on the same lines (nothing strange).

A few years back we were playing a game where you write a name and stick it to another persons forehead and ask questions anwsering yes/no to guess who you are friend and I both put the same name, we rewrote and put the same name again we did this 4 times with the same names....Dot Cotton, Ethel Skinner, Willy, then Roly......... these were all characters out of Eastenders which was on TV just before we started playing FREAKY, yes...Paranormal NO....simple explanation YES...
Yes there is a subtle relationship between autism and paranormalism. You'll have to guess what it is. I haven't heard of many autistics proclaiming they see ghosts, predict the future, read minds, travel through dimensions and time, heal the sick, talk to the dead, etc.
Yes there is a subtle relationship between autism and paranormalism.
paranormal is unusual experiences/happenings which have no scientific explanation........

You'll have to guess what it is. I haven't heard of many autistics proclaiming they see ghosts, predict the future, read minds, travel through dimensions and time, heal the sick, talk to the dead, etc.

I haven't seen or heard of anybody who see ghosts, predict the future, read minds, travel through dimensions and time, heal the sick, talk to the dead be PROVEN 100% TO BE REAL.........?

I have read a few cases of Autistic children who are truely gifted with strange abilities..I.E. 2 that spring to mind.....
1]. A child whose movements/physical actions/reflexes were 4-6 times faster than the average human (yet he moved fluidly) when asked to slow down to a "NORMAL speed" he became clumsy, got tics and was awkward in his movements.

2] A child went to the circus was fascinated by the tightrope walkers....he went home made rope walk and to the amazement of his parents tightrope walked like a proffessional.........?

Many Autistic people have multiple talents- musical,mnemonic,visual-graphic,computational and seem to operate in a total different perception and mind . Not normal, without precise explanation of special abillities =........
paranormal is unusual experiences/happenings which have no scientific explanation........

Yes, they probably do have scientific explanations, which have nothing to do with the paranormal.

The paranormal is a fantasy for the gullible.
I have read a few cases of Autistic children who are truely gifted with strange abilities.

Many Autistic people have multiple talents- musical,mnemonic,visual-graphic,computational and seem to operate in a total different perception and mind . Not normal, without precise explanation of special abillities =........

And some bang their head against the wall all day.

I suppose in a room full of autistics everybody is normal.
There's no reliable evidence that anybody, anywhere, actually has any kind of psychic, telepathic or other paranormal special abilities. In fact, there is a $1 million prize on offer for anybody who can demonstrate such abilities under scientifically controlled testing conditions. The prize has been available for a number of years now, and nobody has yet successfully claimed it. I'm sure that most people could use $1 million.

There are, of course, many many people who have outstanding special abilities which are non-paranormal. For example, Olympic atheletes all have special abilities in their sports, compared to the average person. However, somehow I don't think you were asking about those kinds of abilities.

That's what James Randi would say, all right.

Anyone who had any decent psychic talent could make money a lot more certainly with a lot less pain in the derriere without responding to that Randi challenge.
And some bang their head against the wall all day.

I suppose in a room full of autistics everybody is normal.

True , but still many of them are extremely gifted with strange abilities.............And don't scientist's bang their heads against the wall when it comes to charlatans claiming to have abnormal power which is generated in their heads but think of 1001 excuses WHY THEY CANNOT DEMONSTRATE IT.?

My housemate reckons he can bend time, And has stopped traffic on occassions with his mind.......? I ask him to prove it..-
"Oh it takes me about a week to prepare for it"
me "well why don't you start now and show me in a weeks time"
It is because 99.9% of claims are B.S. and prob' 00.1% is unexplainable

It is also known that 25 to 30% of the 300,000 or more persons with autism in America are not mentally retarded, and are evaluated to have average to above average intelligence (Donnelly & Altman, 1994; Rimland, 1978). While 10% of the entire population with autism displays savant behaviors, only 1% might be characterized as being extraordinary, and these "autistic savants" are generally found to be among those learners whose intelligence is in the normal or above normal range (Rimland, 1978; Young & Nettlebeck, 1995). However, with or without savant brilliance, high-functioning individuals with autism can demonstrate a range of gifts (i.e., intellectual, musical, artistic, and visual) similar to those displayed by learners who meet gifted criteria.
My housemate reckons he can bend time, And has stopped traffic on occassions with his mind.......? I ask him to prove it.

My highschool girlfriend could stop traffic too. Probably better than your friend there. She didn't need her mind to do it either.

My buddy hit a car in the middle of an intersection and manged to stop traffic for a while.

You sure your housemate is alright?
My highschool girlfriend could stop traffic too. Probably better than your friend there. She didn't need her mind to do it either.

My buddy hit a car in the middle of an intersection and manged to stop traffic for a while.

You sure your housemate is alright?

No..... but apart from being Dogmatic about his 101 unprovable gifts he his harmless....when he starts rocking in the plastic garden chair i'll start worrying
No..... but apart from being Dogmatic about his 101 unprovable gifts he his harmless....when he starts rocking in the plastic garden chair i'll start worrying

Yeah right, no need to worry, not now anyway...hmmmm sure...101 unprovable gifts? Stops traffic with his mind....I guess that's normal:shrug:

You sure your housemate is a real person?
He's PHAROHMOAN dude, check post 200, check some of his previous post's he's real all right....
LOL...if he's not a real person then I must have one of the most complex personality disorders in history:)
He's PHAROHMOAN dude, check post 200, check some of his previous post's he's real all right....
LOL...if he's not a real person then I must have one of the most complex personality disorders in history:)

Well some people might argue that i am real but what they see before them is an illusion brought about by a mass of perceptions leading to the lie that presents itself to the retina. Also I am multidimentional so I do not really just exist on this plane as such.

Hot dam if only I could access my other bodies!
i dont know if its special (but it is to me) but my youngest son, who is just 8yrs old, likes to make sums out things he counts has he walks along, i.e front doors, paving slabs, etc, and he will make the hardest of sums!
what they see before them is an illusion brought about by a mass of perceptions leading to the lie that presents itself to the retina.

How many blind & deaf people have communicated the presence of other realms or worlds to the waiting multitudes? I would think most of them are grateful just to be able to feel a sense of belonging to this dimension. I think you can toss the retina mass perception theory out the window. It's never going to be your eyes or any other sensing organ that fools you into thinking there is just this world, it's the friggin' fleshy computer residing in your skull that's providing the multi-dimensionality you speak of.
How many blind & deaf people have communicated the presence of other realms or worlds to the waiting multitudes? I would think most of them are grateful just to be able to feel a sense of belonging to this dimension. I think you can toss the retina mass perception theory out the window. It's never going to be your eyes or any other sensing organ that fools you into thinking there is just this world, it's the friggin' fleshy computer residing in your skull that's providing the multi-dimensionality you speak of.

Your right I worded it wrong. What I am trying to say is I believe we are all connected and based on this we all as a society create an agreed perception of what reality is. Mould the masses into changing their perception and I suspect that reality will change accordingly. Take our perception of the following picture.

You can train the mind to see something which you initially might not have spotted by altering your perception. This is just an optical example but there are mental ones as well. Drugs have the effect of shifting our perceptions and opening a window into the unknown. But (and I'm not suggesting we all go out and do drugs) with proper mental control and training drugs can induce higher states of awareness. By this I mean they are able to bring on the ability to experience and perceive an alternate reality that co-exists with ours. Shamens have been doing this for years, a good example is Carlos Castenda who was trained to alter his perception by a Yaki indian named Don Juan using peyote as an aid.
I am able to hold one side of my nose closed with one finger and blow out large buggers through the other nostril with ease! :cool: :D
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