any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Lets settle it for once and for all.
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 3 . . . . .

I'd guess it's a gray line between a gift and a curse.
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Usually I am not very telepathic, but one day after I was at the doctor and had undergone an EEG test I was feeling very woozy. I got on the bus for home and I saw
a woman get on in front of me and I thought to myself (at least, I thought it was to
myself) that this woman looked really good from the back but I bet she has a face like
five miles of bad road. To my consternation, this woman turned back and glared at me
like she heard just what I thought about her. I was first amazed that she did have a
really bad looking face, and then ready to die of embarrasment. Fortunately the bus
came to a stop that I wanted and I got out before things could get nastier.

At the time, I was really sorry the stranger got insulted but later I had to laugh since
it was a funny side to telepathy that I figured might happend as a 1 in a 10 million
chance that I'd run into a telpath, but that time, I was the telepath. Lol.
Mental institutions are full of people complaining about "broardcasting", where by the schizophrenic suffers paranoia for just the same reasons that you felt embarrassed.

In other word for most "broadcasters" it aint funny at all......[ btw I mean no angst at you Doc. but more so at the doctors who think it is all in the head so to speak and not real.....]
But that's the nature of telepathy; like precogniton and clairvoyance,
all psi abilities (except for telekinesis and it's cousins) are in the head.
I was embarrassed because such a rude, albeit accurate, comment
should have stayed in my head. What happened was akin to me
walking up to somebody and saying "God, what an ugly bastard you
are... Oh, did I say that out loud?"

I have a great doctor, a 35 year-old woman who's very smart and very
open-minded. One day the subject of telepathy came up and she said
she didn't mind if I became a telepath-- as long as I didn't read her
mind, lol.

As for schizophrenics, they occupy only 1% of the population; oddly,
only 1% of any population around the world, so there aren't very many
of those. However, there is an estimate 12-15% of the world's population
that has some sort of psi ability whether it's just an occasional flash
of premonition to fully functional espers or psis (I hate the term
"psions"). Given the world's current population, that's roughly anywhere
between 720 to 960 MILLION people world-wide. So your chances of
finding a telepath or any other kind of psi on a bus, or a subway, is
pretty good. Some of the people you randomly encounter as you go
through life have probably been espers

The Doctor
So Doc, what do you think happens to some one if their inherant telepathic ability [which we all have and use to some extent with out realising it] is out of control.
The insanity of out of control telepathy would drive any one nuts..... yes?

Unfortunately the medical profession and science in general will not support the notion of ESP so therefore our sufferes of ESP chaos recieve no adequate therapies or training to bring their way ward abilities undercontrol.
Quantum Quack said:
So Doc, what do you think happens to some one if their inherant telepathic ability [which we all have and use to some extent with out realising it] is out of control.
The insanity of out of control telepathy would drive any one nuts..... yes?

Unfortunately the medical profession and science in general will not support the notion of ESP so therefore our sufferes of ESP chaos recieve no adequate therapies or training to bring their way ward abilities undercontrol.

It's not possible to do a survey to determine how many people are telepathic,
how many people are clairvoyant, how many people are telekinetic, etc. But
I suspect it's only a small fraction of the telepathic people who have no
control over the thoughts they pick up. When I was growing up and in high
school, I had only about four telepathic incidents when I picked up the
thoughts of others. They were well spaced out incidents and after a while
I forgot all about them. For most telepathic people that's fairly normal
except usually such people learn not only to receive to send at some point
in time and become a functional teep-- uh, telepath. People who don't pursue
it, like me, end up with the latent gift that may- or may not- become active
sometime. But it's very rare for the normal shutoffs not to work and a telepath
can't shut out the thoughts around him/her. Sure, it's possible that a number
of people in the looney bins are rogue telepaths. Maybe, best guess, 1 out of 100 telepaths; I dunno.

Now something like that might happen if someone suddenly became telepathic
due to being hit by lightning or a severe head trauma, maybe exposure to a catalyst telepath, or even due to forced mental contact made through the TP gift of forced rapport, but all of that is uncommon if not downright rare. But as judge Lance Ito once said, "shit happens."

The Doctor
slivered roots said:
i've been really interested in the strange abilities that some people possess lately. do any of you have any special abilities?
I have had an unsettling ability, for some time, to resist the temptation to track down the perpetrators of such nonsense and eliminate them from the gene pool. Do you think this is a gift, or the work of the devil?
It's not possible to do a survey to determine how many people are telepathic,
how many people are clairvoyant, how many people are telekinetic, etc.

That is correct simple because those who claim such powers can never exhibit them.
weeellll yoouuu know, when people go to church and say their prayers, what are they actually trying to do?
Now something like that might happen if someone suddenly became telepathic
due to being hit by lightning or a severe head trauma, maybe exposure to a catalyst telepath, or even due to forced mental contact made through the TP gift of forced rapport...

Case in point - television kills braincells.
(Q) said:
It's not possible to do a survey to determine how many people are telepathic,
how many people are clairvoyant, how many people are telekinetic, etc.

That is correct simple because those who claim such powers can never exhibit them.

Can never exhibit them to who ? If you mean nobody has ever won
Randi's fraudulent offer, that means nothing except to the people who still
haven't caught on in eighteen friggin' years that Randi is a fraud and no one will ever win that.

Or do you mean to scientists who measure the success of a TK experiment
by statistical analysis rather than the fact that an object has been moved?

Now, if you were a reasonably intelligent and open-minded person, one
could see all the demonstrations honest telekinetic people have done--
like the ones I've shown my physician-- and all the other demonstrations
among friends and even strangers-- as a concrete exhibit of psi abilitities.

More practical are real-life demonstrations of people who use precognition
to win the lottery more times than is statistically probable if precognition
wasn't a factor. Or the many cases of "poltergiest" activity among
telekinetic people. Or even the case of the woman in the news the other
night who had a premonition to get herself and her daughter out of their
house moments before a small plane crashed into the house, killing the
pilot. To anybody with an open mind, that would be more than enough
proof that psi exists.

However, to a close-minded skeptic, there'll never be enough proof and
there's no point in talking to such people. Right? :rolleyes:

The Doctor
Hey guys Im new around here. great site. At first I was quite sceptical about these things, acctually VERY sceptical, but then a few years ago, loads of weird things started to happen. Sensing other peoples feelings, thier charcter, just by having a glance in their face, the usual I new that is gonna happen thingie, but it happend waaaaaaaay to many times to be called just a coincidence or stuff like that.

lol, I guess im a empath
If you mean nobody has ever won
Randi's fraudulent offer, that means nothing except to the people who still
haven't caught on in eighteen friggin' years that Randi is a fraud and no one will ever win that.

Why fraudulant? He simply offers those, like yourself, who claim such powers to exhibit them and walk away with a small fortune. If you claim to have such powers, you should easily be able to get rich.

But most likely you nor anyone else will not likely succeed.

If you want to see fraudulence in action, look at this quote:

More practical are real-life demonstrations of people who use precognition
to win the lottery more times than is statistically probable if precognition
wasn't a factor. Or the many cases of "poltergiest" activity among
telekinetic people. Or even the case of the woman in the news the other
night who had a premonition to get herself and her daughter out of their
house moments before a small plane crashed into the house, killing the

The problem with the test is that he wants to set up parameters that do not fit the real experiences of the intuitives.
By my standard he owes Caroline Myss the money because she is documented to have done what she did. Medical tests have verified what she sees.
By my standard he owes Caroline Myss the money because she is documented to have done what she did. Medical tests have verified what she sees.


claims to be able to divine illness by reading a person's energy fields. Such ability has never been verified under laboratory situations and is likely to lead to misdiagnosis...

It is estimated that Americans spend $14 billion annually on health-related therapies that have not been scientifically validated. As the market demand for unproven alternative healing therapies grow, Americans are at increased risk of misdiagnosis and mistreatment.

Myss provides no proof of her alleged abilities. She intuits, of course, her intuitive power, offers only hearsay testimonials and anecdotal evidence as support. Her Ph.D. is touted on the book jacket but there is no clarification of her academic training.

But is it knowledge or merely belief? In contrast to objective, scientific medicine, which continues to make important breakthroughs in identifying and treating diseases, injuries, and other illnesses, "energy medicine" is based on mysticism and pseudoscience.
(Q) said:
If you mean nobody has ever won
Randi's fraudulent offer, that means nothing except to the people who still
haven't caught on in eighteen friggin' years that Randi is a fraud and no one will ever win that.

Why fraudulant? He simply offers those, like yourself, who claim such powers to exhibit them and walk away with a small fortune. If you claim to have such powers, you should easily be able to get rich.

But most likely you nor anyone else will not likely succeed.

If you want to see fraudulence in action, look at this quote:

More practical are real-life demonstrations of people who use precognition
to win the lottery more times than is statistically probable if precognition
wasn't a factor. Or the many cases of "poltergiest" activity among
telekinetic people. Or even the case of the woman in the news the other
night who had a premonition to get herself and her daughter out of their
house moments before a small plane crashed into the house, killing the


Jesus H. Christ! Are you really that bloody dense that you can't see that
if every friggin' psi in the world failed his test, then the test is rigged!
Just because you don't have psi, that doesn't mean nobody does
or do you think the universe serously revolves around you? Damn, I am
going to have to stop wasting my time with such incredibly stupid

The Doctor
I do understand that this is not scientific proof etc, but if you just do your own little survay of all your friends and ask them if they have had any experiences that they would consider as evidence of psi you will find almost every one will claim to have experienced at leaast one event that is suggestive of the existence of psi.

Sure this is not evidence in a scientific sense however it is evidence all the same.
As to why none can demonstrate at will in all circumstances is another question. My view is simply because of the inherant fear that surrounds psi, and not just the operant but others as well. Causes the operant to tense up or as the sporting professions call it "choke".
The paranormal is a scarey area and psi involves the paranormal.

So if you started to see ghosts how would you prove such a thing?
What sort of gear do you think you would feel?
The fear of loosing your mind is a pretty nasty fear......
The fear that what you are seeing is real is even nastier.....
Are you really that bloody dense that you can't see that
if every friggin' psi in the world failed his test, then the test is rigged!

Or, most likely, those who claim to be 'psi' are lying, deluded or both.

Which one are you?
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