any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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LOL don't temp me.. :D
In what way then ?

And I was serious about the drugs.. what kinds have you used ?

I actually rather incourage you to meet me, not ashamed, or scared of who I am. I love my self more than anybody.

Drugs I have done include: weed, (was my personal favorite for 2 years everyday) coke (6-8 times 1g or less each time) ecstasy (quite a few pills but kept with in a timely manner, months apart.) shrooms (6 times or less also over a period of time. With shrooms I actually never taken enough to hallucinate just enough for things to look slightly trippy.) Thats my drug history over my entire life and I'm 21 years old.
There's no reliable evidence that anybody, anywhere, actually has any kind of psychic, telepathic or other paranormal special abilities. In fact, there is a $1 million prize on offer for anybody who can demonstrate such abilities under scientifically controlled testing conditions. The prize has been available for a number of years now, and nobody has yet successfully claimed it. I'm sure that most people could use $1 million.

There are, of course, many many people who have outstanding special abilities which are non-paranormal. For example, Olympic atheletes all have special abilities in their sports, compared to the average person. However, somehow I don't think you were asking about those kinds of abilities.

I may end up taking that challenge...we are currently discussing if infra-red vision counts...given that it can be developed...hopefully a gang load of officials say that it is impossible and therefor paranormal...I might make the money then...hehehehe

That aside...gee it that simple to disprove it...simply offer 1,000,000 as if that stands as proof itself? doesn't. It doesn't provide any sort of proof at all, it simply makes it more questionable in people's mind. Only proof proves such or not. I am not trying to dog the offer, I am being critical of it...which is sort of the idea behind the 1,000,000 in the first place...:D

The best critical thinkers are even critical of their own critical thinking...;)
Your certificate is on its way, you just passed the previous high score.
Five (incorrect) assumptions in one sentence.

And only two in that one.
But at least your *cough* literacy is consistent.

Ah no.
You see a positive value is always higher than a negative one.
But keep trying...

And look where it got you: semi literate woo woo.

If I weren't conscious then I could hardly reply to your oh-so-amusing tantrums could I?
And for your information, I don't have a TV so... can you see what's coming?
Can you?
I don't watch and therefore don't believe it.
As for believing what I read: true.
If it checks out with reality.

Because, my over-sensitive little fruitcake, they ARE NOT POSSIBLE.
It's that simple.
There is no way at all they could be true.

That's the problem you see: science doesn't require belief, it just is.

Well you wouldn't would you?
It's a common characteristic of half wits.

And another characteristic of half wits is that they don't know what the word "theory" actually means.

But it isn't a possibility.
Give you a chance?
How many fruitcakes do you think there have been in the last, say, ten years?
And how many of those do you suppose actually came up with a completely new delusion?
If you'd spent time proving that black is not green how much would you listen to the endless stream of idiots who run up shouting "Hey every body I just discovered that green and black are the same".

You see?
Half wit AND dullard.

With a string of idiots following.

"No evidence" is BS?
What would you suggest as an answer?
It's total bollocks?

Worthless answer no point. My assumptions come from the way you answer to everything I say you silly person.

Worthless answer no point. As long as you understand what I'm saying I don't know why you keep pointing that out. It does not make you smarter than I am so I suggest insted you come up with an aswer with some type of matter invested in it. (But it definetly makes you look smarter than I am on this forum you should be satisfied with that because your smarts don't go beyond this forum.)

You just reversed what I said in a different way, which proves that you contain some cleverness to you but not being actually as smart as you appear. Your brain power is so low that it merley emits the voltage of a watch battery. (if even that)

Once again you assume something that has nothing to do with anything we are talking about. (Smart boy or man you still haven't told me your age even though I did.)

Yes you are right all you do is answer but your missing all the other key points thoughts, self awarness and so on. Lol no tv I can't complain there. Your will power is to weak Im assuming so watching tv would probably and most likely persuade you into doing stupid things. You definetly need a reality check I agree. (If it checks out with reality meaning your 2 own eyes. You are so silly boy.)

Science=reasons then I agree. Your also forgetting that there are only about billions of other things that are happening around us that your science has not explained. Does that mean they do not exist, what do you do? Ignore them? Ohh wait let me give you the answer you seem to be so fond of. No evidence, it is not true. You are living in denial.

Bs comment no matter.

Ill tell you what theory means in my own words I'm sure you spend a lot of time on wiki and a dictionary. Theory means when you have an idea or thought something you want to prove wrong or right either way and set experiments to prove that idea or thought. You get results and you get a theory than you change circumstances and add or take away circumstances and more experiments to make your theory lets say more presentable.

Nothing you said in that little paragraph matters because I am not those idiots you're talking about. Fruitcake? You seem to like that word. I do not want to know why.


They say that when they get a glance at me not when they are actually infront of me. Unless it's some really hot chick.

Why did I even bother, you don't understand anything that hasn't been proved.

Just a little suggestion. You should change that little caption you have by your name to incompetent fool, suits you better since you don't really understand anything but facts. Any stupid fool can follow facts and live by them. Have you ever heard of a phrase that goes "Pissed poor morally" that is exactly what you are.
So which ethnic group do you think is corrupting Americans?

On this I agree with you. People say Wow! You're delusional!...and OMG! Why aren't you in therapy? And you are living proof of why we need psychiatrists and strong STRONG medications.

If I were to answer, I would give you the right then to call me a racist. Another silly person.

What I wrote for oli goes for you too.
Worthless answer no point. My assumptions come from the way you answer to everything I say you silly person.
No, your assumptions come from your ignorance and your failure to see the point.

Worthless answer no point. As long as you understand what I'm saying I don't know why you keep pointing that out. It does not make you smarter than I am so I suggest insted you come up with an aswer with some type of matter invested in it. (But it definetly makes you look smarter than I am on this forum you should be satisfied with that because your smarts don't go beyond this forum.)
My smarts only go beyond this forum?
That maybe explains why I'm a published author, have patents to my name, am regarded as a reliable source for hard technical information by many specialists all over the world, etc.
But your version is so much snappier...

You just reversed what I said in a different way, which proves that you contain some cleverness to you but not being actually as smart as you appear. Your brain power is so low that it merley emits the voltage of a watch battery. (if even that)
Reversed what you said in a different way?
What a fascinating "grasp" of the language you have.
Again, you're making incorrect assumptions with regard to the difference between your and my intelligence.

Once again you assume something that has nothing to do with anything we are talking about. (Smart boy or man you still haven't told me your age even though I did.)
Actually no: I do know what I'm talking about, whereas, you haven't got a clue.
And you still haven't had the brain power to check my profile?
Or maybe the fact that you've previously made references to me being considerably older than, remarks which I implicitly confirmed.
What possible bearing does my actual age have to do with anything?

Yes you are right all you do is answer but your missing all the other key points thoughts, self awarness and so on.
There weren't any key points, sorry.

Lol no tv I can't complain there. Your will power is to weak Im assuming so watching tv would probably and most likely persuade you into doing stupid things.
Assumptions again.
Incorrect again.

You definetly need a reality check I agree. (If it checks out with reality meaning your 2 own eyes. You are so silly boy.)
Stupid comment: your own eyes do not provide a reality check.
Next you put a straw into a glass of water your eyes will tell that the portion of straw in the water is shifted away the portion that's still in air.
Your eyes tell you that, but it isn't true.

Science=reasons then I agree. Your also forgetting that there are only about billions of other things that are happening around us that your science has not explained. Does that mean they do not exist, what do you do? Ignore them? Ohh wait let me give you the answer you seem to be so fond of. No evidence, it is not true. You are living in denial.
No, science is not reasons.
And merely because there are billions of things that are unexplained does NOT mean that something that has already been investigated and shown to be untrue can suddenly become true.

Ill tell you what theory means in my own words I'm sure you spend a lot of time on wiki and a dictionary. Theory means when you have an idea or thought something you want to prove wrong or right either way and set experiments to prove that idea or thought. You get results and you get a theory than you change circumstances and add or take away circumstances and more experiments to make your theory lets say more presentable.
No, able to stand up to the known facts, make predictions as to future likelihoods, explain the processes... etc etc.

[quite]Nothing you said in that little paragraph matters because I am not those idiots you're talking about. Fruitcake? You seem to like that word. I do not want to know why.[/quote]
That's another thing about "those idiots" every single one of them also sincerely believed he was the exception.
Unfortunately: you are one of those idiots.

They say that when they get a glance at me not when they are actually infront of me. Unless it's some really hot chick.
Missed the point again?

Why did I even bother, you don't understand anything that hasn't been proved.
Untrue: as already explained.
And you can't even understand what you've already been told.

Just a little suggestion. You should change that little caption you have by your name to incompetent fool, suits you better since you don't really understand anything but facts. Any stupid fool can follow facts and live by them.
Wrong again.
So utterly wrong.
You're becoming quite cute, do you know that?

Have you ever heard of a phrase that goes "Pissed poor morally" that is exactly what you are.
Never heard it.
But morals (most especially my morals) aren't under discussion (you could start a thread should you so wish, be my guest).
It's whether or not your "special powers" are real or not.
They aren't.
End of "discussion".
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I actually agree with the ending of discusion because I grew just as tired. Just because you don't believe it does not mean its not true. Also meeting in person still stands.
It doesn't require my "belief" or otherwise for it to be untrue.
Oli said:
If you'd spent time proving that black is not green how much would you listen to the endless stream of idiots who run up shouting "Hey every body I just discovered that green and black are the same".

I bet you rarely, if ever, tell people how you really feel about them face to face. This here is further proof that you had no grasp of the discussion in the other thread - and here you simplify the argument to make my position look silly, what do they call that? portraying the opposition foolishly to make yourself look better... isn't that what they call a strawman??

You are only limited to "facts." You're blind to the forest. Between you and Read-Only I don't know which is more lost in the cyclone of scientific arrogance. I bet it's been years since you've critically thought about anything, as opposed to your normal habit of laying prostrate while the scientific establishment rams its facts into your every orifice.
I bet you rarely, if ever, tell people how you really feel about them face to face.
Oh look, someone else who makes assumptions: an idiot is an idiot.
Internet or real life.

This here is further proof that you had no grasp of the discussion in the other thread
And I always have a grasp of the discussion in which I partake.
And at least a modicum of grasp on the realities of the subject.
Unlike some.

- and here you simplify the argument to make my position look silly, what do they call that?
Showing you as you are?

portraying the opposition foolishly to make yourself look better... isn't that what they call a strawman??
Actually it isn't.
And if you can't grasp an analogy then you do indeed to deserve to be portrayed as a fool.

You are only limited to "facts." You're blind to the forest. Between you and Read-Only I don't know which is more lost in the cyclone of scientific arrogance. I bet it's been years since you've critically thought about anything, as opposed to your normal habit of laying prostrate while the scientific establishment rams its facts into your every orifice.
And more assumptions.
You failed to read my previous posts then?
You decide that if you ignore my presented case you could provide an argument and show yourself to be correct.
THAT, you half-wit, is a straw man: arguing against a position that you yourself have concocted.
I have already given evidence that that I can, and do, think critically, and that I don't accept things at face value.
But I wouldn't expect intellectual honesty from a woo woo anyway, so it hardly matters.
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OK ND, talk to me.

You say you can tell what people are thinking. How does this information come through? Does it just pop into your head, or is it more like walking along a corridor opening doors and behind each door is another piece of information?
If I were to answer, I would give you the right then to call me a racist. Another silly person.

What I wrote for oli goes for you too.

It's probably a good idea if you keep those ideas to yourself...I think you've already exceeded your daily recommended woo limit. We probably don't need to hear about your theories on how the <insert ethnic group> have corrupted America.

So what are the voices in your head telling you today?
I actually rather incourage you to meet me, not ashamed, or scared of who I am. I love my self more than anybody.

Drugs I have done include: weed, (was my personal favorite for 2 years everyday) coke (6-8 times 1g or less each time) ecstasy (quite a few pills but kept with in a timely manner, months apart.) shrooms (6 times or less also over a period of time. With shrooms I actually never taken enough to hallucinate just enough for things to look slightly trippy.) Thats my drug history over my entire life and I'm 21 years old.

At what age did you start using drugs ? And what kind at what age ?

Sorry about not answering. I should not have wasted my time on closed minded people that will and can spend a million years trying to find out "why we are alive" and end up chasing his tail like a silly dog.

Like I said it is not really reading their mind it is more on seeing, feeling, thinking, in that order. I see the person make eye contact, watch the body language, look at his charactersitics and then the thinking part. I go through that order to put my self in their exact position. (not literally but consciousness wise) There are only a certain amount of type of people in this world, what I mean by this is their root, dna structure, complexion that sort of thing. Example pay attention to constuction workers. They all seem similar in a way, yet different. Same in the meaning of roots or deep consciousness. Different in the outer layer: the body because of the location, finacial stability, manners, that sort of everyday life structure. What I am trying to get at is that when I look at the person I don't see the outer layer, or that person does not matter to me. What I see is the inside, soul, spirit, thought, what ever you want to call it. In my case when Im in public everyone stares at me. The girls/ladies love me and the boys/men hate me. I am like the alpha male in a way. I am always first choice in a lady's eyes.

I don't know if that makes any sense but you have to understand that this is my explanation from my true life and point of view and no one else's.
Hey -ND- if you can channel people, and read thoughts, how about reading the mind of someone who can spell the word 'aura'.

another silly person with no brain power to think for himself. You are a sad and pathetic excuse for a living man/kid. (reason why I said kid is because your mentality is as of a 14 year old same with oli. That mentality being your point of view on life)

Fyi I was not born in America. I came from Romania when I was 12 years old.
Please demonstrate.

I am ecstatic. You need to meet me in person. I can't believe you actually said "please demonstrate." What do you want me to do come out from your monitor, don't be stupid please. Running into people like makes me appreciate my self a lot more. I thank you.
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