any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Its sort of like I have been given the ability to judge but not by looks, weight, color, religion, or anyother thing except the way that person thinks and what they plan on doing.
Wow.. what a special power :rolleyes:
It's actually disturbing that you consider that a special power.

I can Also see if a person has potential in this life or if they are a complete lost cause. Am I right??
No, you are either horribly arrogant or just plain delusional.

I don't know I'm probably never going to see that person again so It makes little difference to me.
Oh, so it was just one person then ?

One incident that happened to me was I was just having a chat with my friends and we were just talking about none sense and all of a sudden I started talking about how life should be and so on and all of a sudden this storm like cloud came over everybody and they all started to act real strange like scared and quiet two of them left the room imediatley and started saying that they see a black cloud over me and so on. I can't explain what that was till this day.

Also that has happaned to me at a rave I was dancing alone and the same storm like cloud came over everybody this time and once I looked around everyone was gone except maybe like 5 people and Im talking about like a good 100 people disappeared and then I felt really cold and chilly and it got all windy.
Ok, what kinds of drugs are you using ?

Im just speaking for my self I have learned to move so precise and flawless that I am able to shift time or enter in a liquid like aura and do as I please with it. I think these are all weird things that even scare me.
Funny stuff ! :roflmao:
Hes an actor he just believes in science like all of you.
No he doesn't.

Even when I die I get to keep everything I have earned on the other hand your just going be a corpse in the ground like you believe .

You can meet me in person see who is to be more like a woo woo.
How would that change things?

I guarantee you its going to be you

and with the assumptions why do you want me to assume all those things you wrote you were the first one to assume that I was delusional.
No, I don't want you to assume things.
I was pointing out that you DO assume things.
Oh no no no.
I didn't assume you're delusional: you ARE. Fact.

Better delusional than a slave to his own mind.
SO now you admit it?
Hmm, slave to my own mind?
As in, thinking for myself?
Not being a slave to someone else's mind?
Thank you.

How am I a racist you idiot!?

I'm not American they have been corrupted by a certain ethnic group and they don't even know it.
Ring a bell?
Yep, all the woo woos say that.

Oli....I never realized this until now. It appears you have been blessed or gifted with the innate ability to spot woowoo's. Before you fill out a claim for Randi's money I think we should investigate other possible reasons for your amazing clairvoyance.;)

The one that is glaringly obvious is that it is not uncommon for a woowoo to inhabit this subforum. So you are more than likely to find a woowoo here. That fact may undermine your astounding abilities. However you have on other occasions bestowed woowoonicity upon a member from another subforum where they are less likely to abound. Then again there is a disproportionate number of confirmed sightings of woowoo's on a daily basis here.

Oh dear! You're not a fraud are you? I was so sure.:D
A fraud?
It's gift from god!

Okay I'll start the thread and get started on debunking myself....
I recommend withdrawing. This guy is genuinely disturbed.
Maybe we should contact Happeh and bring him back. Do you recall him?

I actually thought you had a little more sense in you than oli but this is not even about anything anymore. I guess I'm nuts for believing in God. Thank you for your comments really. (not sarcasm)
Wow.. what a special power :rolleyes:
It's actually disturbing that you consider that a special power.

No, you are either horribly arrogant or just plain delusional.

Oh, so it was just one person then ?

Ok, what kinds of drugs are you using ?

Funny stuff ! :roflmao:

You would just have to meet me in person my appearance speaks for it self.

No, Everybody. If someone is within range close or not or if I see their eyes I can feel how they feel. I have read some books on Auros basically my auro is expanding daily over this univers the more it expands the more knowing I am of my self and things that actually happen around me or around the world. I know things I'm not suppose to know but I do and I deal with it I actually try to help people out with their lives so they do not make stupid mistakes that could be over looked. To me this is all common sense I just get thoughts in my head ideas even theories sometimes or I call them theories. If me being the way I am is wrong and all of you being the way you are is right, I am fine with what I have. I am not askin for more. (I do not want to be right)

I have done drugs, I don't anymore just ciggies no liquor.

You do not have to believe what I say but read it and answer it like a normal human being. There is a saying I like Even If I Am Lower Than A Beast, Do I Not Deserve The Right To Live?
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No he doesn't.


How would that change things?


No, I don't want you to assume things.
I was pointing out that you DO assume things.
Oh no no no.
I didn't assume you're delusional: you ARE. Fact.

SO now you admit it?
Hmm, slave to my own mind?
As in, thinking for myself?
Not being a slave to someone else's mind?
Thank you.


Oli your answers have no matter, no value, no interest just a silly answer from a person with a single point of view.

Just like I can say your a phony hiding behind a daffy duck picture. FACT (amazing answers you give)

It was merely a metaphor to show you how low your brain power is compared to mine. (you wanted me to explain it to you better) I made myself the person I am today with my will, my thoughts, my decisons, my conciousness. I really believe you have no conciousness, you probably believe everything you read, see on tv, my personal favorite a scientist said it ohhhhhh.

You did not even try to put your self in my position to see if my abilities are even a posibility you strictly denied them as if you were me and I was lying. I actually believe in some science maybe not the evolution theory but then again scientists mostly just come up with theories not complete facts but its a posibility and since you did not even give me that chance it just showed that you have your way and you THINK thats the best way for everybody. I can easily say your wrong just as you can onto me, but you did not respect a possibilty that could be true. Most people when they see me first words that come out are either WOW!? or OMG!? thats why I said I'm living proof. Enough about me question. Do you believe in the law of attraction? or you are gonna give me a well based answer or just the bs that "no evidence"
Oli your answers have no matter, no value, no interest just a silly answer from a person with a single point of view.
Your certificate is on its way, you just passed the previous high score.
Five (incorrect) assumptions in one sentence.

Just like I can say your a phony hiding behind a daffy duck picture.
And only two in that one.
But at least your *cough* literacy is consistent.

It was merely a metaphor to show you how low your brain power is compared to mine.
Ah no.
You see a positive value is always higher than a negative one.
But keep trying...

(you wanted me to explain it to you better) I made myself the person I am today with my will, my thoughts, my decisons, my conciousness.
And look where it got you: semi literate woo woo.

I really believe you have no conciousness, you probably believe everything you read, see on tv, my personal favorite a scientist said it ohhhhhh.
If I weren't conscious then I could hardly reply to your oh-so-amusing tantrums could I?
And for your information, I don't have a TV so... can you see what's coming?
Can you?
I don't watch and therefore don't believe it.
As for believing what I read: true.
If it checks out with reality.

You did not even try to put your self in my position to see if my abilities are even a posibility you strictly denied them as if you were me and I was lying.
Because, my over-sensitive little fruitcake, they ARE NOT POSSIBLE.
It's that simple.
There is no way at all they could be true.

I actually believe in some science
That's the problem you see: science doesn't require belief, it just is.

maybe not the evolution theory
Well you wouldn't would you?
It's a common characteristic of half wits.

but then again scientists mostly just come up with theories not complete facts
And another characteristic of half wits is that they don't know what the word "theory" actually means.

but its a posibility and since you did not even give me that chance it just showed that you have your way and you THINK thats the best way for everybody.
But it isn't a possibility.
Give you a chance?
How many fruitcakes do you think there have been in the last, say, ten years?
And how many of those do you suppose actually came up with a completely new delusion?
If you'd spent time proving that black is not green how much would you listen to the endless stream of idiots who run up shouting "Hey every body I just discovered that green and black are the same".

I can easily say your wrong just as you can onto me, but you did not respect a possibilty that could be true.
You see?
Half wit AND dullard.

Most people when they see me first words that come out are either WOW!? or OMG!? thats why I said I'm living proof.
With a string of idiots following.

Do you believe in the law of attraction? or you are gonna give me a well based answer or just the bs that "no evidence"
"No evidence" is BS?
What would you suggest as an answer?
It's total bollocks?
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I'm sorry I don't think I understand. What's racists? That Americans are corrupted or a certain ethnic group?

So which ethnic group do you think is corrupting Americans?

Most people when they see me first words that come out are either WOW!? or OMG!? thats why I said I'm living proof.

On this I agree with you. People say Wow! You're delusional!...and OMG! Why aren't you in therapy? And you are living proof of why we need psychiatrists and strong STRONG medications.
Oli your answers have no matter, no value, no interest just a silly answer from a person with a single point of view.

Much as we view your comments and answers on this forum.

It was merely a metaphor to show you how low your brain power is compared to mine.
Ah good. I see you have definitely put your delusional hat on this morning.

Having been reading through this thread, I am merely surprised at the patience that has been shown you.

I made myself the person I am today with my will, my thoughts, my decisons, my conciousness.
So you have no one to blame but yourself. Makes it easier I suppose.

You did not even try to put your self in my position to see if my abilities are even a posibility you strictly denied them as if you were me and I was lying.
It is difficult for any intelligent individual to put themselves in the position of a delusional individual. I do not think that you are lying. I actually see you as a very confused and delusional young boy who is obviously lacking in too many ways to list. You should start by looking to sue the education department of your country for having failed you so miserably. That is a start. You should then attempt to educate yourself about reality. That could be the next step.

I can easily say your wrong just as you can onto me, but you did not respect a possibilty that could be true.
You want everyone to respect the possibility that God gave you superpowers?

Most people when they see me first words that come out are either WOW!? or OMG!?
They may not be saying "wow" or "OMG" in a way that is complimentary. I have been saying "wow" too while reading this thread. But believe me, it was not in a good way in reference to you.

Alternatively, you could try not appearing like a raving lunatic and people would probably cease to say "wow" or "OMG" when they first see you.:)

thats why I said I'm living proof.
That being delusional is a possibility? Indeed.

I'm sorry I don't think I understand. What's racists? That Americans are corrupted or a certain ethnic group?
I would normally suggest you think about it. But I think I might be expecting too much from you.
OK ND, talk to me.

You say you can tell what people are thinking. How does this information come through? Does it just pop into your head, or is it more like walking along a corridor opening doors and behind each door is another piece of information?
show you how low your brain power is compared to mine.

I actually believe in some science maybe not the evolution theory

Ah, so it takes superior brain power not to believe in evolution?

Like Ben Stein?
My one special ability is that I can bend the tip digit of my little finger without bending the whole finger.

I doubt this will help the world in any way, but neither has anything else I've done so far.
I can wiggle my ears
But I only use it as force for good.
Has the flapping of your ears caused hurricanes on the other side of the world?
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