any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Yes I'm finding out exactly what type of person you with every reply your digging your grave science man make sure you don't pull a tom cruise. Your answers do not make sense in anyway except in trying to prove mine wrong. Which is what you have been trying to do this whole time you can't put me down with your science bs. If you learned its one thing how to act smart not be smart...far from it.
Do you realise this is an illogical statement? Are you suggesting that no one can be sceptical and investigate some things for themselves? Are you suggesting that one cannot be original in ones criticism of an idea without deriving that criticism from someone else? You certainly appear to be sayin that and that is patent nonsense.
I have two questions for you. Which of the remaining 10% is subnormal? What's it like?
So, you recommned giving up your thoughts for an unreasonable answer!:shrug:

subnormal?? maybe abnormal if your looking for subnormal you and oli would be it which would be .0000000000001% population. Abnormal on the other hand my life is like a movie, its unreal, I can't believe 90% of the bs people do everyday you guys are in that bs.

You have a brain for a reason so you can think and decide whats best for you and both of you have decided that you don't want to think you just want to live and have an easy life which is ok but do not come here and put people down with what I consider your bs you read and search.
Oh, and now you show that:
A) you can't grasp the concept of "public forum" and
B) humour.
But nicely missed on Ophiolite's point...

You do not know anything about being in public except a forum that is public, and humor you just act you do not know what humor is. Im sure you know the definition but you do not know what actual humor is.
Yes I'm finding out exactly what type of person you
Nope, you're assuming.

with every reply your digging your grave science man make sure you don't pull a tom cruise.
And you got my career choice wrong as well, I'm not a fossarian.
Neither am I gay, so I wouldn't even attempt to pull Tom Cruise.

Your answers do not make sense in anyway except in trying to prove mine wrong. Which is what you have been trying to do this whole time you can't put me down with your science bs. If you learned its one thing how to act smart not be smart...far from it.
Which just goes to show that you can't see sense when it's place in front of you.
I didn't have to learn to be smart, I was born that way.
And then I went on to use that ability.

subnormal?? maybe abnormal if your looking for subnormal you and oli would be it which would be .0000000000001% population. Abnormal on the other hand my life is like a movie, its unreal, I can't believe 90% of the bs people do everyday you guys are in that bs.
Perhaps the word you'd be better off using (especially in context with yourself) is supernormal.
Nicely incoherent by the way.

You have a brain for a reason so you can think and decide whats best for you and both of you have decided that you don't want to think you
And the familiar "missing the entire point" card is brought into play once again.

just want to live and have an easy life which is ok but do not come here and put people down with what I consider your bs you read and search.
Put people down?
Surely, if they spout nonsense.
They deserve it.
You do not know anything about being in public except a forum that is public
Um, how about not being a complete fruit cake and having friends (who are real people by the way, not the imaginary sort, they don't count) in the real world?
Going for a meal or a pint?
That public enough for you?

and humor you just act you do not know what humor is. Im sure you know the definition but you do not know what actual humor is.
Yes, my apologies.
You're presumably American (probably young, and either badly educated or just lazy) and therefore have severe problems with genuinely subtle wit.
If it's not an ass or banana joke it's not funny....
Um, how about not being a complete fruit cake and having friends (who are real people by the way, not the imaginary sort, they don't count) in the real world?
Going for a meal or a pint?
That public enough for you?

Yes, my apologies.
You're presumably American (probably young, and either badly educated or just lazy) and therefore have severe problems with genuinely subtle wit.
If it's not an ass or banana joke it's not funny....

You are trying too hard. I'm not American they have been corrupted by a certain ethnic group and they don't even know it. Yes I'm young I'm 21 proud of it I'm 21 and some science fool is actually investing time in me if you actually believed I was uneducated you would not have replied after the first one. Please don't tell me you have a phd because Im really going to feel very sad for you. Im educated enough to feel comfortable with my self on the other hand I do not need to go boost my ego on a web page, but what I do like to do is find that one smart mouth mother.. and straighten him out a bit that make me boost my ego and its working wonderfully so far acting can only take you so far mr. or kid does not matter to me I'm not stupid enough to consider that option for you I feel bad for you If your older. Cuz your running out of time.
you tell us you have unusual powers. You offer no evidence for possession of these powers. You also encourage us to think for ourselves, whilst still maintaining we are foolish for doubting your powers. Do you see why that is not very sensible.

Now, thinking for myself, I look at what you have written and how you have written it. Your writing skills are poor. You use run-on sentences. Paragraphs are largely absent. Many sentences are not only poorly constructed, but incoherent. Thinking for myself and comparing this with similar writing I have seen I reach the conclusion that you are poorly educated and of no more than average intelligence.

Continuing to think for myself I observe that your posts contain no independently verifiable facts. Mainly you emote and evangelise. The former is irrelevant, the latter pointless.

You suggest I just want an easy life. That's a sensible goal for everyone. I work very hard to achieve an easy life. Do you have responsibilities that extend to providing training for two or three thousand people? Have you raised a family to succesful adulthood? Are you engaged in an ongoing programme of self education? Have you played an active role in your local community? All of these things apply to me, yet you have decided that all I want is an easy life - and incredibly you are correct, but not in the way you intended.

I'm not American they have been corrupted by a certain ethnic group and they don't even know it.
:eek:Racism alert. Racism alert.
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Put people down?
Surely, if they spout nonsense.
They deserve it.

You see thats exactly how I feel about you, what does that tell you. There is always a bigger fish don't be so scared to be wrong you won't die scared the least.
You are trying too hard.
Assumption again: there's nothing here that requires trying.
If you'd taken any time to read other threads you'd know that you have raised nothing new at all.

I'm not American they have been corrupted by a certain ethnic group and they don't even know it.
Oh dear, a conspiracy freak or a racist.

Yes I'm young I'm 21 proud of it I'm 21 and some science fool is actually investing time in me if you actually believed I was uneducated you would not have replied after the first one.
And another assumption.
My you're getting to be very good at those aren't you?
We'll have to have a little certificate made up for you, and a presentation.
I replied in order to show you that you're wrong: i.e. provide some of the eduction you clearly lack.

Please don't tell me you have a phd because Im really going to feel very sad for you.
And you seem to have an antipathy toward qualifications as well.
I can, however, assure you that you, specifically, have no reason whatsoever to feel sorry for me.

Im educated enough to feel comfortable with my self on the other hand I do not need to go boost my ego on a web page
But not sufficiently educated (or considerate) enough to form coherent sentences.
I'll not comment on the *cough* spelling...
Boost my ego?
You think it's an ego boost boost to spend time attempting to educate semi-literate fools?
No, we do it because we don't want to live in a world populated by idiots.

but what I do like to do is find that one smart mouth mother..
Oh, assumptions again.
It's not my mouth that's smart.
And I have no Oedipus complex either.

and straighten him out a bit that make me boost my ego
Smarten ME out?
My, what a big ego you already have.
Read this slowly: not in a million years.
It's well outside of your capabilities.

and its working wonderfully
You think?
Can you provide even one teensy little example of where you've straightened me out?

so far acting can only take you so far
Which is why I don't act.

mr. or kid does not matter to me I'm not stupid enough to consider that option for you
Hmm, so there are some limits to your stupidity.

I feel bad for you If your older. Cuz your running out of time.
We all run out of time.
Some of us do something with the time we have, others just spout nonsense.
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Nope, you're assuming.

And you got my career choice wrong as well, I'm not a fossarian.
Neither am I gay, so I wouldn't even attempt to pull Tom Cruise.

Which just goes to show that you can't see sense when it's place in front of you.
I didn't have to learn to be smart, I was born that way.
And then I went on to use that ability.

Perhaps the word you'd be better off using (especially in context with yourself) is supernormal.
Nicely incoherent by the way.

And the familiar "missing the entire point" card is brought into play once again.

Put people down?
Surely, if they spout nonsense.
They deserve it.

you tell us you have unusual powers. You offer no evidence for possession of these powers. You also encourage us to think for ourselves, whilst still maintaining we are foolish for doubting your powers. Do you see why that is not very sensible.

Now, thinking for myself, I look at what you have written and how you have written it. Your writing skills are poor. You use run-on sentences. Paragraphs are largely absent. Many sentences are not only poorly constructed, but incoherent. Thinking for myself and comparing this with similar writing I have seen I reach the conclusion that you are poorly educated and of no more than average intelligence.

Continuing to think for myself I observe that your posts contain no independently verifiable facts. Mainly you emote and evangelise. The former is irrelevant, the latter pointless.

You suggest I just want an easy life. That's a sensible goal for everyone. I work very hard to achieve an easy life. Do you have responsibilities that extend to providing training for two or three thousand people? Have you raised a family to succesful adulthood? Are you engaged in an ongoing programme of self education? Have you played an active role in your local community? All of these things apply to me, yet you have decided that all I want is an easy life - and incredibly you are correct, but not in the way you intended.

Im not exactly sure why but it seems to have hurt you guys in a way that I cant explain It offended you so bad that it brought you 2 intelligent fellows here. First thing try to put me down, second even more down, third even more down. Than I realized that you 2 must have thought about special powers and you do not want to believe such things because you simply do not have them. You see I didnt ask for these powers they were given to me by God so this convo here will abruptley end because you do not believe in God and you refuse to believe in God simply because you do not understand God. People that do not understand or comprehend are usually the ones that are scared and they are usually the ones that try to attack and put things down simply because they do not understand such as you 2 fellows and you both strongly disagree with me which is ok; does this mean that your right f**k NO it just means you refuse to believe what I believe in; does it make it false f**k NO. I have also realized that you 2 are nobody I don't have to prove sh*t to any of you I rather let people dwell in their sh*t then help them out. Life is easy people make it hard, people like you that ask all the wrong questions and get all the wrong answers because you do not believe in God and I do.(that topic can go on forever both opinion based) I do not have my own family yet but hoping to I dream of having a house kids wife nice car and so on one day just cuz I have special powers does not mean I'm not human and aim for the same things. I was mostly arguing with oli on the fact that he just puts people down than my special powers. I have a normal life not a crack head don't drink or drugs just smoke cigerettes. I have realized that this is pointless
Im done with this convo unless you fools decide to meet in person just so i can see who I am actually writing too. If you live in the Los Angeles are Ill gladly finish this chat in person, and no im not talking about fighting im actually talking about talking.
Im not exactly sure why but it seems to have hurt you guys in a way that I cant explain It offended you so bad that it brought you 2 intelligent fellows here.
We are neither hurt nor "offended".
Okay maybe offended since stupidity in any form is offensive.

Than I realized that you 2 must have thought about special powers and you do not want to believe such things because you simply do not have them.
Oh we've done more than think about them.
We've investigated whether they're real or not.
And they aren't.

You see I didnt ask for these powers
That's good that you didn't ask, since you don't have them.

they were given to me by God so this convo here will abruptley end because you do not believe in God and you refuse to believe in God simply because you do not understand God.
No we refuse to believe in god because there is no indication that he actually exists.

People that do not understand or comprehend are usually the ones that are scared and they are usually the ones that try to attack and put things down simply because they do not understand such as you 2 fellows and you both strongly disagree with me which is ok;
Yes, we're scared.
We're scared of the rise of stupidity.
We're scared that idiots will grow up to be in charge.

does this mean that your right f**k NO it just means you refuse to believe what I believe in; does it make it false f**k NO.
It doesn't necessarily mean that we're right: correct.
Except that it just so happens that we are.

I have also realized that you 2 are nobody I don't have to prove sh*t to any of you I rather let people dwell in their sh*t then help them out.
Hmm strange.
What an ego.
You'd rather let people wallow in their shit than help out.
What a marvellously christian attitude.
Fortunately neither Ophiolite nor I are so callous.

Life is easy people make it hard, people like you that ask all the wrong questions and get all the wrong answers because you do not believe in God and I do.
Actually we don't believe because we ask questions.
We don't go on unthinking belief.

(that topic can go on forever both opinion based) I do not have my own family yet but hoping to I dream of having a house kids wife nice car and so on one day just cuz I have special powers does not mean I'm not human and aim for the same things. I was mostly arguing with oli on the fact that he just puts people down than my special powers. I have a normal life not a crack head don't drink or drugs just smoke cigerettes.
Hmm, who raised the subject of drugs?
There are no special powers to have.
Get over it.

I have realized that this is pointless
Yes, arguing with racists, woo woos or blind theists usually is.
When combined into a single barely literate package it rapidly approaches futility.
You just ran out of time.
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No we refuse to believe in god because there is no indication that he actually exists..
You will have to count me out of that one Oli. I am a devout agnostic. I am certain in my uncertainty and committed to my lack of commitment. It's the geological training that does it.
ND, please, learn to punctuate and structure sentences, and learn to convey your thoughts clearly and concisely, because what you write, is word salad.

-ND- said:
science man make sure you don't pull a tom cruise.

I think you'll find Cruise is a Scientologist not a Scientist. It's a subtle distinction, syntactically, but a huge one semantically.
Not a problem. I was in agreement with all your other points. Atheism, to me is as much an unfounded position as theism. But that's another debate.

Ah, see, I don't see atheism as a position. For me, it's simply not believing in the gods other people have described to me.

For it to be a position, I'd have to have an idea of what it was I wasn't believing in (like, say I was an anti-capitalist (I only pick this because of G20 Summit), but that defines the idea more, if you know what it is you are against, it makes you an 'anti', rather than an 'a', just being without, of course.), and I've never really got a consistent description from theists on that one.

So not being in the pro camp, that makes me an atheist. I include agnostics in the set of atheists myself.

So I don't see that there is any position to prove wrt atheism. It's the default position until swayed until being a theist. I have agnostic sympathies, as in I agree some things perhaps cannot be known, but does that mean I hold some slight belief in them? No. I'm definitely an atheist.
ND, please, learn to punctuate and structure sentences, and learn to convey your thoughts clearly and concisely, because what you write, is word salad.


I think you'll find Cruise is a Scientologist not a Scientist. It's a subtle distinction, syntactically, but a huge one semantically.

Hes an actor he just believes in science like all of you. Thats your belief I know what I can do and Its on everyday basis you don't upset me with your fancy words and right punctuatuion thats just another excuse for something like excuses you have for why your lives went wrong.
Yes, arguing with racists, woo woos or blind theists usually is.
When combined into a single barely literate package it rapidly approaches futility.
You just ran out of time.

Even when I die I get to keep everything I have earned on the other hand your just going be a corpse in the ground like you believe . You can meet me in person see who is to be more like a woo woo. I guarantee you its going to be you, and with the assumptions why do you want me to assume all those things you wrote you were the first one to assume that I was delusional. Better delusional than a slave to his own mind. How am I a racist you idiot!?
I recommend withdrawing. This guy is genuinely disturbed.
Maybe we should contact Happeh and bring him back. Do you recall him?
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