any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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If I told that I am not the only one that saw the storm cloud come over my friends why do you ask me a question of evidence obviously there is no evidence you would have to meet me in person and judge for your self its not something you write down and prove like a math problem. They are special abilities for a reason because not eveyone has earned the right to have them and you could be the smartest person on the planet and you could have read all the books in the world and guess what somethings happen because God said so. Now let me ask you a question Oli do you believe in God, and how much?
Living Proof. You got to see it to believe it.
That's another thing you see: seeing something isn't actually proof that what you think is happening is the reality.

If I told that I am not the only one that saw the storm cloud come over my friends why do you ask me a question of evidence obviously there is no evidence you would have to meet me in person and judge for your self its not something you write down and prove like a math problem.
So what, roughly, is it that you can "do"?

They are special abilities for a reason because not eveyone has earned the right to have them
Earned the right?
Strange, most woo woos claim they were born with their ability.
I wonder how they earned it?

and you could be the smartest person on the planet
Now you're getting close.

and you could have read all the books in the world
I think there's couple of dozen or so I have yet to read...

and guess what somethings happen because God said so.
Oh, god said so. :rolleyes:
Oh dear.

Now let me ask you a question Oli do you believe in God, and how much?
Not at all.
There's no evidence.
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If I shoot a gun and the bullet hits the tree are you really gonna ask if that happaned or are you going to accept it or question it why? how? When? Seeing that bullets hit the tree you should be smart enough to see how and why and when.

No, thats not only what I can do. I have gone in slo motion twice once I was alone and the other time infront of people and they have felt it too because I have asked them if they felt and they all answered yes. Also the part when I look into a persons eyes I can see their soul or the way they think. Not what they are thinking. The what they are thinking part I can only read when they have their guard down.

I don't know about the woo woos but I have earned mine maybe I was born with them but I believe I have earned it because my powers have recently come out. Maybe 2 years or so and everyday I learn something the more powerful I get its somewhat of obstacles and everytime I realize something or learn things that actually matter not bs they get more enhanced. Its just the way I feel Im just simply trying to make you understand my point of view.

Those 2 you's weren't for you I was speaking in general directly indirect to you.

Well thats all your decision and belief to stand by and fight and not mine to take down and argue. You see I study people, and watch people, most of the time I try to understand;; you can pretty much say everything from why we have hair to why there are so many galaxies and we havent found anybody like us and I do get my answers but they are not the answers I want to hear does that mean they are wrong?
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If I shoot a gun and the bullet hits the tree are you really gonna ask if that happaned or are you going to accept it or question it why? how? When? Seeing that bullets hit the tree you should be smart enough to see how and why and when.
Uh huh.
But it's on WHY it happens that the woo woo gets confused.
You are aware that eye witness testimony is the least reliable evidence available?

No, thats not only what I can do. I have gone in slo motion twice once I was alone and the other time infront of people and they have felt it too because I have asked them if they felt and they all answered yes. Also the part when I look into a persons eyes I can see their soul or the way they think. Not what they are thinking. The what they are thinking part I can only read when they have their guard down.
Yup: superstition and physical impossibilities.
I suppose you've actually got records of the times you've got it right or got it wrong?

I don't know about the woo woos but I have earned mine maybe I was born with them but I believe I have earned it because my powers have recently come out. Maybe 2 years or so and everyday I learn something the more powerful I get its somewhat of obstacles and everytime I realize something or learn things that actually matter not bs they get more enhanced. Its just the way I feel Im just simply trying to make you understand my point of view.
It's a point of view, certainly.
That's a start.
The rest is BS.

Those 2 you's weren't for you I was speaking in general directly indirect to you.
Directly indirect?
In general but to me?
Nevertheless, I answered.

Well thats all your decision and belief to stand by and fight and not mine to take down and argue.
No, it's not a belief.
I have no beliefs.

You see I study people, and watch people, most of the time I try to understand you can pretty much say everything from why we have hair to why there are so many galaxies and we havent found anybody like us and I do get my answers but they are not the answers I want to hear does that mean they are wrong?
Not necessarily: but if you don't actually investigate and check the facts you'll never know either way, will you?
You have learned away of living that is not good or bad you are stuck in the middle because of what you do. You know the good as much as you know the bad meaning you are not anywhere you are just living your life with out having no effect on anything in this world, its kind of like you didn't help, but you didnt pull the trigger either, get the picture? call that bs.
Doubt and Disbelief is the fall of Man Kind.

You have learned away of living that is not good or bad
According to whom?

you are stuck in the middle because of what you do.
You're assuming again.
Bad habit.

You know the good as much as you know the bad meaning you are not anywhere you are just living your life with out having no effect on anything in this world, its kind of like you didn't help, but you didnt pull the trigger either, get the picture? call that bs.
It is BS because once again, you're assuming.
What makes you think that I don't help?
What makes you think I've had no effect on the world?
Facile assumptions on your part based on a twisted view of reality.
Because I know better than most people. You can call me crazy I'm gonna sleep just fine I know who I am just like you know who you are, see I know things I'm not supposed to know people secrets their most private and valued feelings, thoughts, I don't know how I just do you can call it an assumption if you wish but you saying that won't change what I really believe about you might change someone elses opinion on this forum that's reading this as we write. I just assumed that if you are as smart as you appear here and you are just as smart when you meet a person and have a regualr conversation and you know just as much now as you do then, maybe you would know what I'm talking about, and if that is true I can say you are smarter than I am and won't feel bad because its the truth; no one can change the truth because truth is the matter of all things; for it is what happaned can not be changed and for that it is the truth.
Because I know better than most people.
Yep, all the woo woos say that.

You can call me crazy
Thanks, I may take you up on the offer one day.

I'm gonna sleep just fine I know who I am just like you know who you are, see I know things I'm not supposed to know people secrets their most private and valued feelings, thoughts,
Of course you do.
No, not really.

I don't know how I just do you can call it an assumption if you wish
No, that's not assumption, it's delusion.

but you saying that won't change what I really believe about you might change someone elses opinion on this forum that's reading this as we write.
Try believing this then: your view on this will either change or you'll end up as either a famous (soon to be exposed as a fraud) celebrity, or a complete fruitcake.

I just assumed that if you are as smart as you appear here and you are just as smart when you meet a person and have a regualr conversation and you know just as much now as you do then, maybe you would know what I'm talking about, and if that is true I can say you are smarter than I am and won't feel bad because its the truth; no one can change the truth because truth is the matter of all things; for it is what happaned can not be changed and for that it is the truth.
Yep, the truth is the truth.
But some people have skewed views and can't quite see it correctly.
That's why we have science.
And verifiability.
Do you believe that we are able to unlock more parts of our brain and instead of using 2% maybe 5% who knows maybe 20%.
There are no more parts of the brain: it's a myth that we only use a small percentage.
Do you believe that we are able to unlock more parts of our brain and instead of using 2% maybe 5% who knows maybe 20%.
I have read your posts carefully. I believe you. You are using less than 5% of your brain. The rest of us are using all of ours.

Brain scans show clearly that all of the brain is used. The notion that only part of it is used is a foolish myth that is believed by the gullible and the uneducated. Try reading something other than Marvel Man comics for your ideas and consult your doctor to discuss the dangers of delusional thinking.
I have no more questions for you man you don't believe anything that has not been proven which ends with the fact that you don't have any ideas or thoughts of your own. I take back what I have assumed, you are not smarter than I am and you will never be if you keep that mentality of yours. You are stuck in the middle like I said and that makes me also think about a little part when we started this conversation that you are completely ordinary just like 90% of the population. How can someone have an intelligent conversation with you when you dont even think for yourself, I guess thats the easiest way out of life give up your thoughts for reasonable answer, is it worth it?
So let me lay your options like you laid mine. You don't have any your just alive and here.
If you are wondering WHY? Im Hoping that people will stop reading all your bs you post on this forum because you don't know from left to right you need science to tell you that.
I have no more questions for you man you don't believe anything that has not been proven which ends with the fact that you don't have any ideas or thoughts of your own.
Have you ever considered that I can have ideas and THEN get them proven?
Oops, maybe you didn't think it through.
Have you ever considered that I could have ideas and then look all over to see if there's any evidence to support or contradict it?
You know as opposed to just going by what one book says or my own suppositions...
No, it looks like you don't consider anything.

I take back what I have assumed, you are not smarter than I am and you will never be if you keep that mentality of yours.
So now you see you're indulging in flawed thinking again.

You are stuck in the middle like I said and that makes me also think about a little part when we started this conversation that you are completely ordinary just like 90% of the population.
Untrue, actually I'm an extreme outlier with regard to the population.

How can someone have an intelligent conversation with you
Well firstly they'd have to be intelligent as well.
I really do suffer from the general lack, but thanks for the sympathy.

when you dont even think for yourself
Already shown to be a fatally flawed supposition.

I guess thats the easiest way out of life give up your thoughts for reasonable answer, is it worth it?
You mean like, um, guessing, assuming, supposing and not actually finding out?
Yeah, if I were that stupid I'd be real pissed with myself.
Oh, wait, I wouldn't because I'd be too dumb to realise I was dumb.

So let me lay your options like you laid mine.
Go ahead, please do.

You don't have any your just alive and here.
Someone can't even check a profile.
You assume (there's that word again) that I've reached my age and not exercised my options?
Heck, one of the options I took was learning.
You should try it sometime.

If you are wondering WHY? Im Hoping that people will stop reading all your bs you post on this forum because you don't know from left to right you need science to tell you that.
Oh, and there you go again.
Supposing, guessing, assuming...
I have read your posts carefully. I believe you. You are using less than 5% of your brain. The rest of us are using all of ours.

Brain scans show clearly that all of the brain is used. The notion that only part of it is used is a foolish myth that is believed by the gullible and the uneducated. Try reading something other than Marvel Man comics for your ideas and consult your doctor to discuss the dangers of delusional thinking.

Another SCIENCE man ooohhhh read my posts again until you understand them don't just read them and if you can't think for yourself either you do not qualify to speak to me.

The brain percentage was a question I asked I don't think I said I believed it but thanks for your interference. Thank you for reminding me how well you pay attention to my posts.
I have no more questions for you man you don't believe anything that has not been proven which ends with the fact that you don't have any ideas or thoughts of your own.
Do you realise this is an illogical statement? Are you suggesting that no one can be sceptical and investigate some things for themselves? Are you suggesting that one cannot be original in ones criticism of an idea without deriving that criticism from someone else? You certainly appear to be sayin that and that is patent nonsense.
You are stuck in the middle like I said and that makes me also think about a little part when we started this conversation that you are completely ordinary just like 90% of the population.
I have two questions for you. Which of the remaining 10% is subnormal? What's it like?
I guess thats the easiest way out of life give up your thoughts for reasonable answer, is it worth it?
So, you recommned giving up your thoughts for an unreasonable answer!:shrug:
Oh, and now you show that:
A) you can't grasp the concept of "public forum" and
B) humour.
But nicely missed on Ophiolite's point...
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