any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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Ooooh, we're getting all technical now, fine, fine. :p

There was a pilot, a great big pilot
Who flew for Aurigny
Whilst ferrying passengers to and fro
Two great yellow balls in the sky did he see

A pilot spotted two huge yellow "cigar-shaped objects" just off one of the Channel Islands. His passengers confirmed his sighting. One British and one French radar station picked up the objects also.

I'm sure the whole story isn't being told, of course, and have attached a link for the damnation of all.

There's also a youtube of it:

I haven't checked out the skeptical rebuttal yet, of course. And fine, it doesn't necessarily mean aliens, although it is pretty odd.

Yummy... flying cigar-twinkies!
Yummy... flying cigar-twinkies!

Laugh :). I read a book from Jim Marrs', a noted author on books dealing with JFK and 9/11, concerning aliens, called Alien Agenda. It was good and all and I can definitely believe that aliens exist.. it's just that since I'm not really close to anyone who's had an experience with them, I find the whole issue kind of uninteresting right now.
Observations like the above strike me as decent evidence. I mean, don't we ourselves want to break the light barrier? Aren't there physics geeks running around postulating things about this? Why the mental exercise, if there's the certainty it can't translate into anything? If we could do it, we bloody well would.
Observations like the above strike me as decent evidence. I mean, don't we ourselves want to break the light barrier? Aren't there physics geeks running around postulating things about this? Why the mental exercise, if there's the certainty it can't translate into anything?

Who said it was certain it couldn't be done?

Geoff said:
If we could do it, we bloody well would.

Well, I'm not so sure that governments would want just -anyone- to be able to do things like break the light barrier. Or be able to travel faster then light with one's mind, for that matter. Thinking about it this way, I think it better explains why governments have a tendency to hide certain facts from the general public...
Or maybe we're just not smart enough.

Come on, GeoffP, where's your optimism? I strongly suggest you take a look at books such as Psi Spies; if you don't want to actually buy it but just want to take a look, you can simply see a bit of it online here:,M1

It's the whole book, so you can stop after the first page or read it to the end.

It details a system of remote viewing that anyone can try. I certainly believe that you have to try to believe, as Peter Pan might say. You also have to be interested and finally you have to not be afraid that expressing special talents won't get you ostracized in some way.

Here's something that's worked for me; you might want to try it:

One day, when you spot a person (who you don't mind if they look back at you) and that person hasn't yet spotted you; say you're to the side or even behind them; look at that person intently. Imagine what that person is thinking, wish you could know everything about them. Finally, 'will' them to look at you. This has worked -so- much for me that nowadays I tend to try to not look too closely at people at times, for fear that they will, indeed, look at me. Call my method unscientific if you will, but I have found that the more interest you feel, the more this tends to work.

While your post was not directed toward me I greatly appreciate the message. It's very difficult to come forward and say anything about what you can and can not do with some of the critics out there.

To those of you who took the time to PM me with a response I thank you for your assistance.

thank you


Come on, GeoffP, where's your optimism? I strongly suggest you take a look at books such as Psi Spies; if you don't want to actually buy it but just want to take a look, you can simply see a bit of it online here:

It's the whole book, so you can stop after the first page or read it to the end.

It details a system of remote viewing that anyone can try. I certainly believe that you have to try to believe, as Peter Pan might say. You also have to be interested and finally you have to not be afraid that expressing special talents won't get you ostracized in some way.

Here's something that's worked for me; you might want to try it:

One day, when you spot a person (who you don't mind if they look back at you) and that person hasn't yet spotted you; say you're to the side or even behind them; look at that person intently. Imagine what that person is thinking, wish you could know everything about them. Finally, 'will' them to look at you. This has worked -so- much for me that nowadays I tend to try to not look too closely at people at times, for fear that they will, indeed, look at me. Call my method unscientific if you will, but I have found that the more interest you feel, the more this tends to work.

While your post was not directed toward me I greatly appreciate the message. It's very difficult to come forward and say anything about what you can and can not do with some of the critics out there.


Faulkner said:
To those of you who took the time to PM me with a response I thank you for your assistance.

I hadn't actually seen it until now. Very interesting. There was a woman, I believe in pseudoscience, who said that the street lights would go out when she walked under them. I definitely suggest you take a look at the book "Psi Spies", although I admit that they're not so focused on influencing other people so much as simply going to other places with their minds.
Are you kidding? Everyone here is some sort of psyonic master, being from a higher plane of existance, transendant consiousness, or was fucking jesus christ in a past life.

Good lord... you unbeliever! haha

To be honest... you never know......
haha i know that many of the people here have higher level thinking tendencies and such, but are there any examples of your abilities? i've just been interested in this for a while now--indigo children.

but don't get me wrong: people like many of you WITH higher level thinking abilities and wonderful in itself...i know that i have a strong sense of existence and i have a love of nature, questioning/doubting, the universe, spiritual stuff, compassion for humanity, etc. that's why i just registered to this forum--to talk with people like me.

any examples? anything at all! it could even be a very strong sense of intuition (which i do have myself).

Some peoples abilities are sacred.

I suggest you keep a dream journal.

While dreaming can be explained as merely "dymethyltryptamine being released from the Pineal Gland"... you can't be so sure that DMT is merely a chemical until you research and learn to activate it through long periods of meditation... or awake sleep.

If you want to journey into the mystical realm... research your dreaming life and develop your dream memory through a dream journal.
First off let me start off by saying everyone wants to be special because it is not ordinary, but saying, thinking, and being are complete different things in an infinte world and people or most people do not know how to separate those and combine them all together at the same time. I for one when I gaze at a person or look them straight in the eyes I look ino their soul or matter of which they have put into this earth meaning if they feel lonely and need love if they are greedy and want money, if they are happy with themselves or not. Its sort of like I have been given the ability to judge but not by looks, weight, color, religion, or anyother thing except the way that person thinks and what they plan on doing. I can Also see if a person has potential in this life or if they are a complete lost cause. Am I right?? I don't know I'm probably never going to see that person again so It makes little difference to me.

One incident that happened to me was I was just having a chat with my friends and we were just talking about none sense and all of a sudden I started talking about how life should be and so on and all of a sudden this storm like cloud came over everybody and they all started to act real strange like scared and quiet two of them left the room imediatley and started saying that they see a black cloud over me and so on. I can't explain what that was till this day.

Also that has happaned to me at a rave I was dancing alone and the same storm like cloud came over everybody this time and once I looked around everyone was gone except maybe like 5 people and Im talking about like a good 100 people disappeared and then I felt really cold and chilly and it got all windy.

Im just speaking for my self I have learned to move so precise and flawless that I am able to shift time or enter in a liquid like aura and do as I please with it. I think these are all weird things that even scare me.
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