any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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I'm new on here and I found the site because I'm seeking answers or help....

I guess you could say that I'm a telepath, I have been able to do this since I was about 12 or so. Here is how it works with me:

1) I cant read everyone...some people are just like looking at blank paper, but there are others that are what i would call loud. they almost drown out my own thoughts.

2) I can't always get names or words. It's more like emotions that have a meaning and I guess the word.

3) I can infulence the actions of others but not if they are 'blank" and if they are "loud" its easier. I have done this a lot to get my way, and at first I thought I was just getting my way until I got a man to give me $20,000. I'm getting better at this the more I practice.

So that's kind of how it works for me there are a few other things but I don't really want to go into it now.

I started looking for a school or something to help me. Something is changing, and I can't expain it very well.

People often ask for proof, but I can't really do anything over the internet. But if we go to a bar or public place I can usually show you something. The most convincing thing I can do is when I'm driving....I usually know where to go so that I'm the first car at a stop light, or I know when a car is going to change lanes, pull over, or turning...but I think it's because the drivers are concentrating on what they are doing.

IF there is anyone out there who can do some of the same things, or if you know of somewhere I can go I would appreciate the help.


Sign in and check your Private Messages if you want to talk about this kind of stuff. I Pm'd you.
Faulker has already displayed a paranormal talent: the resurrection of dead threads.
Faulker has already displayed a paranormal talent: the resurrection of dead threads.

lol. This thread will not die. It's like the vampire of all threads; keeps coming back to suck the life out of you! Bwahaha.
I can raise the dead!

I worked once at a cemetary and had to move the caskets around with a fork lift so I would raise them up and move them out! :D
lol. This thread will not die. It's like the vampire of all threads; keeps coming back to suck the life out of you! Bwahaha.

I predict that this thread's search for special powers will be ruthlessly trolled, and will go nowhere.
Looks like Faulker was one of those woo woo hit and run posters.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was posting under a "feeling", in the sense that he felt there might be a reaction made here or something would come of it from him posting.

This tends to be the case with those that have "special" powers, who don't tend to see their "Extra Senses" as just being extreme data (That's data that is not of the normal calibre, perhaps due to brain damage, misfunctions or "meme's") being misinterpreted by the mind.
Would be a more interesting world if it were true, though.

Oh well. Hope springs eternal, I guess.
One could point to some of the UFO phenomena as being likely evidence of aliens, I think. There was a joint radar confirmation of some big objects out near Guernsey Island in the Channel, I think, spotted by a pilot and his passengers.
What's the line of premises that lead from "radar anomaly" to "evidence of aliens?" I'm curious.
Ooooh, we're getting all technical now, fine, fine. :p

There was a pilot, a great big pilot
Who flew for Aurigny
Whilst ferrying passengers to and fro
Two great yellow balls in the sky did he see

A pilot spotted two huge yellow "cigar-shaped objects" just off one of the Channel Islands. His passengers confirmed his sighting. One British and one French radar station picked up the objects also.

I'm sure the whole story isn't being told, of course, and have attached a link for the damnation of all.

There's also a youtube of it:

I haven't checked out the skeptical rebuttal yet, of course. And fine, it doesn't necessarily mean aliens, although it is pretty odd.
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