any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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I know you said besides higher level thinking, but I have to say that's my, erm...power. When I was a kid, I took a test. At the time, I had no idea what it meant, but later my mom told me I was in the genius range of IQ. I was thrilled. I gleaned that I wasn't super high, but I was in the bottom middle range of genius. (I suppose about 145, but I'm not sure which test I took. They all have different gradings.) Since then, still curious, I've taken many tests online, all of them showing me at a measly 120 or so. I got as low as 109 on one (which was meant for adults anyway) and as high as 130 on another, an average of them all would be about 120. I was devastated. Maybe the tests were wrong, but I still think I am a genius. I taught myself to read at age 3, built my own computer at 12, learned calculus at 13 (I still am 13) and have learned and fully understood (the important part) many higher maths and sciences. The thing I deem important is that all those higher maths make perfect sense to me. Just by thinking, I've written my own formulas for things (math related, but sometimes otherwise) and checked them and saw that they were right. I hate to seem like I'm bragging, but I just don't think that "Above Average" describes my intelligence. Maybe my brain isn't that great, but I have the ability to think on a much more mature level (my brain still stutters on simple math problems) I don't know what to think.
When you reach the age where your parents don't know anything, will you still think your mom's words ring true? We'll see how smart you are when you enter the real world.
We'll see how smart you are when you enter the real world.
You mean, "when you go to university".
Then "what you do after you get a degree", maybe get another one? Or sell your academic soul to the highest bidder (get a job)?

Maybe become a brilliant computer scientist with valuable insights into the mathematical structure of reality itself, and able to realise them in computer models, for the elucidation of the scientific community.
On petaflop machines with parallel architecture of your own design, of course.
Like James R said in the first thread

i have also those thoughts and i think that is something about that also that makes us "wierd" when i was about 10years and 11 months i always went down to my father and cried about how he would die in some kind of car accident it was when i slept or something in my dreams that made me sad and warned him... after 2000, one month later he died in a car accident, i dont know if that was a coincident or "ability" but i can also read people like open books and im happy for the things i can do but also abit afraid cus everytime when i go to bed i have to think happy thoughts so i wont dream anything about my mother or brothers or any relatives really, im afraid if i dream something bad about 'em they'll get hurt .. what do you have in your mind about that ? plz reply..
im happy for the things i can do but also abit afraid cus everytime when i go to bed i have to think happy thoughts so i wont dream anything about my mother or brothers or any relatives really, im afraid if i dream something bad about 'em they'll get hurt .. what do you have in your mind about that ? plz reply..

I can't speak for James R. but to me, you seem to be in a state of depression. By the way, thinking happy thoughts is a good way to deflect obsessive compulsive thoughts. I don't know how old you are but if you can get to a psychiatrist then do it. Your not crazy, just overwhelmed. You need to see these thoughts for what they are and why they dominate your every waking hour. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to most of us, it just takes different forms. You're ok even though you don't think so. This is a gift you would rather return, believe me.

im not depressed at all, just afraid that people around me will eventually die..
i cant say im happy all the time but i have a pritty awsome life going here .. well thank you for your thought anyway
People have told me I have a "shit eating grin" on my face because I'm always being told to wipe it off! :p
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When my husband and I are in bed laying flat on our backs, I can kick him in the forehead when he says something stupid.
And sometimes I do it just to remind him how limber I am. :D
No, I don't think so. Lay on your back and try to kick the pillow next to your head. Your back can't leave the bed.

Ah.. but that's a different thing than what you described before :D


When my husband and I are in bed laying flat on our backs, I can kick him in the forehead when he says something stupid.
And sometimes I do it just to remind him how limber I am. :D

I think I could find an excellent use of this ability instead of pillow kicking...
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