Another poll on attitudes to rape

Please mark all statements below that you DO NOT agree with.

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There is one thing you just don't seem to understand. If a person is so incapacitated (ie. so drunk that they can't walk, talk, understand, etc), then they are in no position to understand or comprehend or able to consent to sex. This isn't about someone having a few drinks and getting frisky. It's about someone who is blind drunk and unable to consent to anything whatsoever, be it sex or selling their house or car (for example).

Just a quick post.

Most people go to clubs with the intention of getting into contact with those of the opposite sex, with guys, getting a girl’s number is one thing but you have those that want to bone a girl on the same night, you have some girls with the exact same attitude. You cannot shy away from the fact that that is the environment prevalent in clubs, that is why people dress up in expensive clothes, why girls wear a lot of make-up etc. Girls who get themselves into such a situation where they get drunk are putting themselves at risk. The fact that they cannot understand, comprehend or give consent is very dangerous and is a situation they get themselves in. Your average guy (who came to the club with the intention of getting a woman) pumped up with drugs and alcohol in a club is not going to turn down a girl that is, with all due respect, asking for a shag (I’m not condoning that). That is the atmosphere and tone of a lot of nightclubs, we cannot ignore that.

Women need to take some responsibility for their actions.
sorry brother, but the body is "to-go"...only soul is to stay. And are you really of pure heart? :bugeye: I am offering an offer you cannot resist, my offer is: give yourself an offer I would not resist of heavenly delights. That way we both take care of each other.

No im not of pure heart, I was talking about fricken dragonball and your avatar. you confuse me sometimes man.

Women taking responsibility for their actions is pretty much the opposite of feminism. So really trying to ask feminists this is pretty retarded.
Just a quick post.

Most people go to clubs with the intention of getting into contact with those of the opposite sex, with guys, getting a girl’s number is one thing but you have those that want to bone a girl on the same night, you have some girls with the exact same attitude. You cannot shy away from the fact that that is the environment prevalent in clubs, that is why people dress up in expensive clothes, why girls wear a lot of make-up etc. Girls who get themselves into such a situation where they get drunk are putting themselves at risk. The fact that they cannot understand, comprehend or give consent is very dangerous and is a situation they get themselves in. Your average guy (who came to the club with the intention of getting a woman) pumped up with drugs and alcohol in a club is not going to turn down a girl that is, with all due respect, asking for a shag (I’m not condoning that). That is the atmosphere and tone of a lot of nightclubs, we cannot ignore that.

Women need to take some responsibility for their actions.
So do men.

Just because it is the prevailing attitude in nightclubs does not mean it is automatically right or legal. You need to ask yourself, what kind of guy jumps at the chance to "shag" a woman who is half passed out from alcohol or drugs, incoherent and unable to understand anything?

Women taking responsibility for their actions is pretty much the opposite of feminism. So really trying to ask feminists this is pretty retarded.
Of course it is. And asking for men to take responsibility for their actions and actually have some morals is well, well it goes against the grain, doesn't it? God forbid you don't get a shag.. stuff it if the girl is drunk or stoned off her nut and is incoherent and/or approaching unconsciousness and cannot understand anything at all. It's her fault right? She should have known better! She should know that there is someone like you lurking in the shadows waiting for and needing that 'fuck'. You're just there looking after you and your needs.:rolleyes:
Funny that men are almost always taken to task for their actions, but feminists refuse to allow women this same 'right'.

When a man gets intoxicated and does something stupid, he is held liable, but this thread has shown that women are just let off the hook.

When a man strikes a woman he is labled as a violent animal that should be locked up, but when a woman strikes a man the feminists are silent.

There are plenty of double standards, but they are for another topic.
'Round about it goes ....

Bells said:

Of course it is. And asking for men to take responsibility for their actions and actually have some morals is well, well it goes against the grain, doesn't it?

Well, the question might be one of what constitutes responsibility. As I recall, given to consider women's precaution's against men's responsibilities, many people could only consider the precaution theory. And then, given the question of how to change masculine conduct and outlooks, there were some who were completely incapable of considering the subject, and whined, "What about women!"

And yet in these discussions about sexual conduct and responsibility, we have recently encountered an anti-feminist voice who resents the very implications of this open-ended precaution theory. And, guess what? He's angry at the feminists.

Our friend Randwolf provided the link, and even voiced some agreement with the author, David Byron. However, our man Randwolf did not address this particular aspect. Mr. Byron wrote of the proposition that all men are rapists,

Now admittedly that quote is representative of the book, and the book was a thinly veiled piece of feminist doctrine, and the phrase was picked up by real women of the time, and the book was the most popular selling feminist book of its time, and continues to sell well today... however a quick internet search for the phrase reveals that it is currently mostly used by critics of feminism and by feminist pages with a "not" in front. As in "not all men are rapists". Interesting that some feel this needs to be said... quite reminiscent of the way the KKK explicitly say they oppose violence...

Correction: It seems Marilyn French also used the phrase in her own voice in an interview, but I'm trying track this source down.

At any rate their seems to be some distancing from this phrase by feminists !

Nevertheless I want to use this phrase as an example of the endemic anti-male sexism within the feminist movement. Not so much the use of that precise word-for-word phrase, which seems to be graduating from a rallying cry of feminists, to be come more a rallying cry of their critics, but the presumption of the general concept of male = rapist, or "all men are potential rapists", for which it has become a symbol.

Let's begin by stating the obvious. Anyone who believes this is a bigot. 'All men are rapists' is taking one of the worst crimes recognized and saying it represents the universal nature of men. It is saying men are evil. It is also saying women are universal victims who should fear men. Both clear signs of hate. But is this hate really representative of most of feminist thought?

(Byron, boldfaced accent added)

Well, what do you know? It seems to me that casting men as robotic rapists, pure sex machines, animals who don't ask permission and are helpless before their natural impulses, was put forth recently by one of our members as a reason to pile the burden of men's conduct onto a woman's conscience and outlook. Turns out Mr. Byron might be protesting against something advocated by the misogynists. You know, complaining that feminism bothered to take the note in the first place.

But in taking "appropriate" or "prudent" precautions, a woman must necessarily start from the presumption that any man she encounters is a potential rapist. Apparently, as some of our neighbors here at Sciforums would have it, what Byron would call hateful and bigoted is, in fact, a commonsense, reasonable and prudent obligation of a woman.

It's a ... curious ... cycle.


Byron, David. "All Men Are Rapists". Sex War. Viewed July 7, 2008.
umm EmptyForceOfChi have you ever hurt yourself, hurt your partner while having sex?

I have (been hurt i mean:p) and she stoped as soon as i yelled OUCH, the same if she did. It doesnt take long any time at all to stop if you need to, thats just a cope out
But in taking "appropriate" or "prudent" precautions, a woman must necessarily start from the presumption that any man she encounters is a potential rapist. Apparently, as some of our neighbors here at Sciforums would have it, what Byron would call hateful and bigoted is, in fact, a commonsense, reasonable and prudent obligation of a woman.

It's a ... curious ... cycle.

not so
you advocate a state of fear and paranoia
profiling by solely by appearance (gender) rather than behavioral cues

benefit of the doubt please
most of us are nice hardworking decent folks
it is only a small percentage of us that are of a criminal bent
Funny that men are almost always taken to task for their actions, but feminists refuse to allow women this same 'right'.

When a man gets intoxicated and does something stupid, he is held liable, but this thread has shown that women are just let off the hook.

There are plenty of double standards, but they are for another topic.

So you think a woman should be taken to task for getting drunk or stoned and then getting raped? Rape is rape. If a man is raped in a similar vein.. as in preyed on by a woman while he is drunk and too incapacitated to give consent, it is still a crime.

When a man strikes a woman he is labled as a violent animal that should be locked up, but when a woman strikes a man the feminists are silent.
Oh please. How many times have we gone over this? Feminists tell abused men to go to the police and report the abuse and have the female abuser charged. Other men call abused men "pussies" and "wimps" for letting a woman hit them and then daring to go to the police because apparently, real men don't do that. I'd suggest you look to your fellow male brothers for why abused men do not go to the police. Feminists aren't silent on the issue of abused males. On the contrary. Feminists demand that all domestic abuse be reported, regardless of the sex of the victim. If only your macho male brothers would raise their voices in a similar light. But no, instead they prefer to denigrate and abuse those men further by telling them they are pussies.

But hey, god forbid you look at the issue of abused males with both eyes wide open. Better to just blame the feminists because that'd just be easy.
The main factor that certifies "rape" in my mind is whether or not there is consent. Unwilling or incapacitated are clear cases of its absence.

I don't agree with the "getting someone drunk" poll option. In that context, it suggests alcohol to be some sort of exploit, but it's unclear whether or not both parties are willing participants. A woman accepting my offer to buy her a drink (and roll around naked afterwards) clearly demonstrates both parties awareness. Sure enough, inhibitions were subdued - then one thing lead to another. Even if she regretted it the next day, it's still resulted from voluntary participation. The same is true if we are both trashed, and end up in the sack.

However, exposing someone to ANY alcohol or drug without their awareness is bad in and of itself -- let alone sexually compromising them afterward.

"Not asking permission, and she says neither yes or no" doesn't make sense IMO. There is no way to passively allow sex whilst maintaining neutral consent. There are also no factors that could possibly blur "where the line was drawn" (IE -- if she didn't say yes or no because she was a prisoner, then loss of control is already established). I didn't agree with it.

Plying the eventual yes from a weary participant (victim?) still demonstrates control.

I need to retract my next vote (if you love me, you'd do x). Nobody was molested in this instance, and worse case scenario only qualifies as a poor decision from both parties.

Remaining friends with a rapist does not indicate approval of their actions.
Domesicated om. Its called drink spiking and its a compleatly seperate (though related crime). If you put ANYTHING in someones food or drink without there knowlage its a criminal offence, if they die thats murder (not manslaughter, MURDER) which has a manditory life sentance. If you do it for the purpose of rape that adds rape 1 (i think) to the charge list.
umm EmptyForceOfChi have you ever hurt yourself, hurt your partner while having sex?

I have (been hurt i mean:p) and she stoped as soon as i yelled OUCH, the same if she did. It doesnt take long any time at all to stop if you need to, thats just a cope out

We have a safety word,

But the original questions included one which said "stop the instant she says no" or something alog those terms, I was saying what if you take 3-5 seconds to stop that still means it's rape. Also I was saying if you didnt hear it the first or second time then stop afterwards does that mean its rape. I have said lots of things during sex and had things said to me that didn't register at the time it does happen.

I know what you are saying and I have stopped many times in the past for various reasons, but under certain circumstances its not logical to expect smebody to stop the very micro second they are told to.

Feminists aren't silent on the issue of abused males.

Quite true, they are out there shouting at men for trying to enter domestic abuse shelters, as was the case with feminists in the USA before and after the VAWA of 1994 was put into law and was the reason why the VAWA of 2005 had to include special language protecting men from these feminists.

preyed on by a woman while he is drunk and too incapacitated to give consent

Considering the fact that quite a few feminists hold true to their claim that all men are rapists, this is something that is hard for them to understand.
So do men.

Just because it is the prevailing attitude in nightclubs does not mean it is automatically right or legal. You need to ask yourself, what kind of guy jumps at the chance to "shag" a woman who is half passed out from alcohol or drugs, incoherent and unable to understand anything?

actually i wasnt talking about that kind of sexual roll playing:p

umm she injured my dick by acident and it hurt like mad (just NORMAL sex)
actually i wasnt talking about that kind of sexual roll playing:p

umm she injured my dick by acident and it hurt like mad (just NORMAL sex)


I actualy just thought about it from a different point of view, see when we have a safety word it makes all other words kind of not mean anything serious. But when the safety word is used we stop very quickly, I seeyour point properly now, so for other people "NNo Stop" would mean the same as a safety word.

Ha that makes me feel wierd, and im not saying what the safety word is because im embaressed to say it.

and mine has been hurt a good few times I know how it feels.
