Another poll on attitudes to rape

Please mark all statements below that you DO NOT agree with.

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Some people im very close to were raped as children, they were constantly held down or tied up and abused every day for years by family members and it has truamatized them seriously, and to class that in the same league and catagory as the above mentioned voting options, to me that is an insult to little girls and women who were actualy raped and truamatized by it.

Thats why I think its ridiculous that you can call it rape, if you kow somebody who actualy was raped and violated you will see the effect it has on them. there is a huge difference between actualy being physicaly raped and what some people nowdays class as rape.

maybe you need to invent a new word for this type of behaviour, beause calling it rape seems like an insult to me.


To me rape is when a man pushes himself/attacks a woman who clearly does not want to have sex with him and forces her to.

A guy picks up a girl at a bar, they go back to his place, they snuggle on the sofa and then he makes moves like he wants sex. She doesn't want to have sex, but he won't let her leave until he gets what he came for.

Is that rape, in your opinion, or was she "asking for it"?
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat — Response

Randwolf said:

Tiassa, are you denying that this topic was your idea? Are you really? Or was I just stupid enough to believe you were being honest when you suggested it?

My idea? Sure, whatever you want. All I had to say was that you would find better responses if you went about making your point honestly. And, frankly, you couldn't even manage that. While I appreciate general nod, it is hard to see how the long quote of me lecturing you on good faith served the question at hand. That quotation is included, along with all the off-topic chatter, in the consolidated topic. Your precious, though, has been left standing as its own topic, at least for the time being, with all the off-topic stuff struck.

And I owe Gustav a nod on that one, too. In addition to you and Reiku, our man Gustav had a relevant post in the middle of that mess.

If you've any further questions or comments on the status of that topic, use the private messaging system. I expect to be around this evening. Just not every damn second, though.

A guy picks up a girl at a bar, they go back to his place, they snuggle on the sofa and then he makes moves like he wants sex. She doesn't want to have sex, but he won't let her leave until he gets what he came for.

Is that rape, in your opinion, or was she "asking for it"?

If he is holding her captive with physical force, basicaly kidnapping her and demanding sex then yes that is rape and I imagine quite freightening for a young lady.

But if they are both drunk and together fooling around on the sofa, then it leads to sex. Where she didn't say yes or no but afterwards thinks he took advantage of her and decides it was rape, how can you possibly say that was rape?. there was nothing forcefull about it, its called 2 drunk idiots not being responsible, firstly don't go back to random strangers houses if you can't trust yourself to keep your legs shut due to being drunk.

Why woould anybody even desire to meet a person and go back to their house at night to begin with?. Im a man and I would not ever dream of hooking up with some random stranger and go back to her house the day I met her. plus I dont even drink alcohole or go to sleazy clubs and bars full of horny people who are desperate for sex.

the consolidation and sequencing will be a mess
what you as moderator could do is consider all angles and lead the discussion, make the threads, provide the talking points.

for instance, before me and randwolf was so rudely interrupted, he asked about being prosecuted for intoxication in the bedroom in response to an earlier post by me outlining the legal intoxication standards and the venues in which it maybe applied. that lead me to this......

intoxication. is it an aggravating or mitigating factor in sentencing?

Proposal for Considering Intoxication at Sentencing Hearings: Part 2

Intoxication and Crime - A Comparative Approach



the papers are old. i think we have progressed to being merciless if perp is intoxicated. it never mitigates. i think?
fucking sci just whizzes by at light speed
i cannot keep up anymore


am listening to the beastie boys
they are fucking gods!

A guy picks up a girl at a bar, they go back to his place, they snuggle on the sofa and then he makes moves like he wants sex. She doesn't want to have sex, but he won't let her leave until he gets what he came for.

Is that rape, in your opinion, or was she "asking for it"?

She has made it clear she doesn't want to have sex? He won't let her leave even though she wants to? .....Yeah it's rape.
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Why woould anybody even desire to meet a person and go back to their house at night to begin with?. Im a man and I would not ever dream of hooking up with some random stranger and go back to her house the day I met her.


Me either, I have NEVER done that. That is just asking for trouble in my opinion, esp for a woman. But then again I never could understand ppl who pick up someone in a bar and end up in bed with them the same night. It is not for me, I like to know someone for more then a couple hours before jumping into bed. Who knows where this person has been...or what diseases they might have. It is just reckless behaviour, just like going out and getting so smashed drunk that you don't know what you are doing anymore.
Did she ever try to leave?

Because in a lot of these stories the woman never even attempts to leave, and when they finally do there is nobody there to stop them from leaving.
Me either, I have NEVER done that. That is just asking for trouble in my opinion, esp for a woman. But then again I never could understand ppl who pick up someone in a bar and end up in bed with them the same night. It is not for me, I like to know someone for more then a couple hours before jumping into bed. Who knows where this person has been...or what diseases they might have. It is just reckless behaviour, just like going out and getting so smashed drunk that you don't know what you are doing anymore.

Most rapes are by people who are known to the women, not strangers.
Sure, I know of at least two studies on it:

In the "Rape in Amercia" study, 80% of the girls and women who were raped were assaulted by someone they knew. Similarly, in a report in "Violence Against Women" published by the Department of Justice, 82% of the victims were raped by someone they knew (acquaintance/friend, intimate, relative).

The latest:

Rapist Victim Acquaintance

Almost 2/3 of rapes were committed by someone known to the victim.
73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger.
38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance.
28% are an intimate.
7% are a relative.
Me either, I have NEVER done that. That is just asking for trouble in my opinion, esp for a woman. But then again I never could understand ppl who pick up someone in a bar and end up in bed with them the same night. It is not for me, I like to know someone for more then a couple hours before jumping into bed. Who knows where this person has been...or what diseases they might have. It is just reckless behaviour, just like going out and getting so smashed drunk that you don't know what you are doing anymore.

Some people just have low standards I guess, I would never want to get with a girl who wants to sleep with me the first day she meets me. Obviously if she gives it up that easily then she is no good and will give it up to anybody else just as easily.

People like that are the ones who are spreading STD's and STI's like crazy here in england, who knows what multiple infections and deseises they have got. I would not even kiss a girl the first day I meet her let alone sleep with her.

SAM out of interest were those statistics only for people who servived the rape?

What i mean is sexual sadists tend to pick victoms who ARNT known to them or at least arnt well known (i mean it could be someone is stawking there victom but the victom doenst have a personal realtionship with them)

I know that sociopaths are quite rare but it does still change the statistics
Do you have those statistics?

You also have to remember that the statistics are going to include the classic, but I had a couple drinks and 'don't remember' consenting, while she was active and participatory during the act kind of rape.
This and that

Randwolf said:

If you don't take precautions, you are stupid. Let me ask you again, Tiassa:
Do you advocate that people don't take precautions?

You always refuse to answer this.

Women ought to take the same precautions against crime as anyone else. Unlike you, however, I contain that theory within reasonable boundaries. For instance, I don't think that a woman should have to consider the possible sexual tastes of every man who might see her in passing before she gets dressed every day.

Let me spell this out for you. Every man is a potential rapist. So is every woman.

Yeah. You know something, I just don't fear that any given random woman passing me on the street is going to put a knife to my throat or a gun to my head and make me fuck her until she's satisfied.

And, at the same time, women simply aren't telling me to take special pains to not attract their sexual desires. I'm not routinely groped or propositioned, hinted or suggested.

So why don't you take your blind diversion and stick it in the fire?

You're the one advocating the theory that requires women to presume every man a potential rapist. Yet a source you cited accuses women of being hateful if they regard every man as a potential rapist. Acknowledging that you did not quote that part, we cannot presume that you agree with it.

Yet the irony remains that the complaint you cited leads directly to that author's denunciation of the very proposition your open-ended precaution theory demands. And yet you have the temerity to duck that point and turn a question to me?

Well, we have our answer: Any woman who is not, according to David Byron, a bigot, is, according to you, stupid.

Isn't that pretty?

The only real puzzle about that page, though, is why you picked it out. Surely you had to recognize that someone would connect what Byron blasted as hateful and bigoted to the basis of your open-ended precaution theory.

To borrow a phrase: "Logic? What?"

I don't even know where to begin here. The "poorly" received thread was your idea!!! I cited your inspiring post at the beginning. It was opened in "honestly", with a minimum of sarcasm. My God, if this isn't the epitomy of idiocy. Do you think that I started that thread for some disenguous reason? Wait, of course you do. Even if it was your idea! I can not believe I was stupid enough to fall for your BS in good faith. Never again, Tiassa.

I don't think you're implying that it's my fault that other people received your topic so poorly. Maybe if you actually paid some attention to what goes on around here, you wouldn't find yourself so puzzled.

• • •​

Gustav said:

for instance...

Did it ever occur to you that I'm the one saying men should conduct themselves better, and that women shouldn't have to live in fear of every man they come across? (tiassa)

the logical correlation is that men behave like assholes and as a consequence of this, women should live in fear

if it aint still clear... if one "should", then one is "not"

Trolling, indeed. Yawn.

And by the way, what one should can also pertain to decisions not yet made.

When you get to the fork in the road, for instance, should you choose the left or right path?

And in this context, you might consider what a man should do when presented with the choice to sexually harass a woman. Should he behave with dignity apropos civilized society, or should he blame the woman for being a question in his mind in the first place?

You know, that whole, "If she doesn't want to be (harassed/raped), she should make an effort to not look so good to me," thing? That we just had a couple of monster topics about?


Ring a bell?

Easy enough? Or did I just confuse you?
ja. confused
the template is ignorance and lack of options and not knowingly being an asshole
if you disagree, i'd say you are fucked ....or....will be