Another poll on attitudes to rape

Please mark all statements below that you DO NOT agree with.

  • Total voters
trolling? yawn?
lemme explain
it is the discrepancy b/w what you lay on the table now and my notion of you. 5 years vs an instant. should i exploit or not? sci says i should. i know better. yet......
You're doing just fine

Gustav said:

5 years vs an instant

And you know that's part of the reason you're loved here.

To the other, it's also part of the reason your behavior seems puzzling from time to time. Yet life is not obliged to make sense, so we just take it as it comes.
tiassa, could i make a request.

Certain posters here have stated they missread the poll and as such they seletected those they AGREED with rather than dissagreed with

Could you delete there votes so that the poll makes sence?
draqon dont missunder stand me. VI was very specific that SHE clicked the options that she thought she was ment to agree with, its possable that orleander did the same but she should say wether thats the case or not