An athiest world = a better world.

About as logical as saying:
An atheist world and then a glut of bananas.

The one doesn't follow from the other.
Do at least try to be coherent.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand it.....

Atheist world --> screwed up humans
So for a better world its better everyone killed each other?

But anyways, did the words 'just kidding' skip you?

Peace be unto you ;)
About as logical as saying:
An atheist world and then a glut of bananas.

ahhh, the 'pataphor--the most rigorous method of argumentation. ;)

The one doesn't follow from the other.
Do at least try to be coherent.

how can one expect coherency when the OP posits: great apes behave "morally"; therefore, atheists shall behave "morally"? :D
I'm sorry that you didn't understand it.....
But I did.
I simply objected to the unsupported assumption that "led" to the ridiculous conclusion.

Atheist world --> screwed up humans

But anyways, did the words 'just kidding' skip you?
You mean the comment "just kidding" that prefaced yet another ridiculous assumption?
You know a baboon raped another baboon! This is on record.

Peace be unto you ;)

that (glut of bananas) was actually a masterfully executed 'pataphor--well done!:thumbsup:
You mean the comment "just kidding" that prefaced yet another ridiculous assumption?

Its not really an assumption..... prostitution is 100% legal in humanism/atheism and other kinds of 'isms' related to 'atheism'. Although they may not call it 'prostitution' but 'adult entertainment' :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
Its not really an assumption.....
screwed up society of prostitutes
Screwed up?
Society of?

So it's not an assumption that atheism leads inevitably to prostitution (for the majority, since you claimed a "society of")?
It's not an assumption that atheism leads to being screwed up?

Here's another spade, just to help you dig faster.

Screwed up?
Society of?

So it's not an assumption that atheism leads inevitably to prostitution (for the majority, since you claimed a "society of")?
It's not an assumption that atheism leads to being screwed up?

Here's another spade, just to help you dig faster.

Its no longer an assumption because we can observe it as spidergoat said :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Its no longer an assumption because we can observe it as spidergoat said :D
Peace be unto you ;)
Yep, in a largely theistic world.
SO how does that support your assumption?
Yep, in a largely theistic world.
SO how does that support your assumption?

No largely in atheistic world. I'm talking about in terms of 'action'. Most people are religious only in terms of 'saying' not acting. That puts most Christians into that category :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Another way to think about it is:

Sin happens due to the lack of belief in God---- If people had such a belief that God exists and is seeing everything it would be almost impossible to commit sin as we do..

Its kind of like a kid won't be watching pornography knowing that his parents are standing right behind him looking at him (unless of course the parents were okay with it).

Peace be unto you ;)
No largely in atheistic world.
I'd check the actual figures if I were you.

I'm talking about in terms of 'action'. Most people are religious only in terms of 'saying' not acting. That puts most Christians into that category :D
Ah, right.
Not true Scotsmen then.

Sin happens due to the lack of belief in God---- If people had such a belief that God exists and is seeing everything it would be almost impossible to commit sin as we do..
True. Because, as we all know, nobody, EVER, does anything bad or illegal while others are watching.
I'd check the actual figures if I were you.

That is a problem with you atheists... 'figures'.... Numbers don't represent action, only claim.

True. Because, as we all know, nobody, EVER, does anything bad or illegal while others are watching.

I never said you would 'never' do it. But it would be to the order close to 0, unlike now.

Have you noticed that when a police car is there on the side, the traffic suddenly slows :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Another way to think about it is:

Sin happens due to the lack of belief in God---- If people had such a belief that God exists and is seeing everything it would be almost impossible to commit sin as we do..

Nonsense. Explain Pat Roberts, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard...
That is a problem with you atheists... 'figures'.... Numbers don't represent action, only claim.
So we're back to true (or not) Scotsmen. Okay.

I never said you would 'never' do it.
No, but you did say "almost impossible". Maybe you should have tried "greatly reduced opportunity".

But it would be to the order close to 0, unlike now.
That wouldn't be an assumption would it?

Have you noticed that when a police car is there on the side, the traffic suddenly slows :D
Not really.

I wonder how 'scientific' it is to put quotes around something that was never said.... This is exactly the problem of atheists really is... Science says one thing, you change the meaning and put quotes around it - acting as if science said it.... Thanks for exemplifying it :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Another way to think about it is:

Sin happens due to the lack of belief in God-

Impossible, non-believers don't believe in sin. Only theists believe in sin. Only theists sin.

--- If people had such a belief that God exists and is seeing everything it would be almost impossible to commit sin as we do..

Yet, theists "sin" all the time despite their beliefs. Chock yet another one up to the hypocrisy of your cult.
I wonder how 'scientific' it is to put quotes around something that was never said.... This is exactly the problem of atheists really is... Science says one thing, you change the meaning and puts quotes around it - acting as if science said it.... Thanks for exemplifying it

All it did was demonstrate your hypocrisy. And, it did so quite effectively, too. :)