An athiest world = a better world.

Rather than tossing out your usual thread derailing rhetoric, why not do a comparison with Japan and India, for example, to see which society is truly dying?

Go right ahead. :p
"Originally Posted by (Q)
Rather than tossing out your usual thread derailing rhetoric, why not do a comparison with Japan and India, for example, to see which society is truly dying?"
Go right ahead. :p

on second thought: why bother? japan is hardly an atheistic population anyways (sure, greater percentage of atheists (probably) than india--whatever), so of what consequence would this comparison be?
Go right ahead. :p

Personally, I don't need to do that as I've spent time in both countries and saw which society is moving hastily towards it's own extinction. I mean, people are leaving India in droves to get away from it's self-destruction.
I thought it was because half the population is young and there is insufficient employment. But I'll take your word for it. Indians are going extinct. And the Japanese are a thriving society. After all, you seem to have looked at all the evidence and objectively ascertained the trends

Could I see some of these comparisons? You could use anecdotal evidence if its much too tedious to get statistical.
Could I see some of these comparisons? You could use anecdotal evidence if its much too tedious to get statistical.

funny. this came up in a private conversation the other day, and we concluded that iceaura is the one who is more inclined to argue by anecotal "evidence."
I thought it was because half the population is young and there is insufficient employment. But I'll take your word for it. Indians are going extinct. And the Japanese are a thriving society.

I didn't say Indians were going extinct, but their society certainly is.

After all, you seem to have looked at all the evidence and objectively ascertained the trends

At least I didn't invoke supernatural interference like others would.

Could I see some of these comparisons? You could use anecdotal evidence if its much too tedious to get statistical.

Ah yes, the typical scenario, we do your homework for you.

How many fingers am I holding up?
An atheist world does not make for a better world any more than a religious one does; both are examples where a group dominates another by force and by eradicating freedom of thought and opinion.

The best kind of world is one where people respect others' beliefs and don't try to impose theirs on others by force or intimidation- this goes for theists and atheists alike.
So Indians are not going extinct but their society is? Well thats a good thing. About time we had a change.

Oh one finger, middle one.
An atheist world does not make for a better world any more than a religious one does; both are examples where a group dominates another by force and by eradicating freedom of thought and opinion.

The best kind of world is one where people respect others' beliefs and don't try to impose theirs on others by force or intimidation- this goes for theists and atheists alike.

don't go injecting "sense" into this enlightening discussion!

and what exactly is a "better world" anyways? has this been clearly defined?
don't go injecting "sense" into this enlightening discussion!

and what exactly is a "better world" anyways? has this been clearly defined?

Where all human beings have a perfect moral sense, eschew violence and live in peace and brotherhood. Also everyone understands science and is disgusted by beliefs. There is some kumbaya involved.

Like the Stepford Wives.
Where all human beings have a perfect moral sense, eschew violence and live in peace and brotherhood. Also everyone understands science and is disgusted by beliefs. There is some kumbaya involved.

no kumbaya! that's a spiritual song.
the transhumanists' paradise!

You got it. The quest for immortality will be accomplished by mental downloading [or uploading depending on whether you like to be on the top or the bottom] We will live forever as virus free software programs

Thats as far as I got in my explorations but I assume all the women will be Bar Rafaeli and all the men Oded Fehr and sex will be a matter of getting the right plug-in. Not sure who controls all this but it will be green, organic and environmentally friendly. Why, dogs will even come and mark us to show we finally belong in this rational universe. :p
The best kind of world is one where people respect others' beliefs and don't try to impose theirs on others by force or intimidation- this goes for theists and atheists alike.

That's never happened and isn't about to happen anytime soon, especially when the Abrahamic religions do impose their beliefs on others. If they could just keep those beliefs behind their closed doors... :shrug:
They propagate like rabbits, with about as much sensibility.

Indeed. And yet we use an average of 0.4 earths. So its okay for us, if y'all get out of the way.

I bet you use 36 earths at the very least. :mad:
You got it. The quest for immortality will be accomplished by mental downloading [or uploading depending on whether you like to be on the top or the bottom] We will live forever as virus free software programs

Thats as far as I got in my explorations but I assume all the women will be Bar Rafaeli and all the men Oded Fehr and sex will be a matter of getting the right plug-in. Not sure who controls all this but it will be green, organic and environmentally friendly. Why, dogs will even come and mark us to show we finally belong in this rational universe. :p

but plato concluded that dogs make the best philosophers, for they "like whom they know" and they are the ultimate guardians of truth (yes, plato--not socrates; it's in the republic, shall cite appropriately later). not necessarily, but very likely, dogs are metaphysicians by nature; hence they will not be welcome in the atheistic/transhumanist world.