An athiest world = a better world.

I limit my support for a theistic society to those elements which preach reasonable levels of humanitarianism. I don't think a properly humanitarian perspective is impossible to get out of the core message of numerous theologies.

I agree. But the problem with the numerous theologies' humanitarian perspectives, is that they come with a hell of a lot of baggage.
I limit my support for a theistic society to those elements which preach reasonable levels of humanitarianism. I don't think a properly humanitarian perspective is impossible to get out of the core message of numerous theologies.

Japan is anything but an atheistic society. Besides, societies in general contain individuals with unique viewpoints. They are not or should they be monolithic.
Japan is a dying nation. Children have suicide pacts on the internet and their population is mostly old. Atheism = dead society
Japan is not a "dying nation" it's a responsible nation who understands cramming more than 1 billion people onto their little islands would suck. Japan will have a stable population at 80-100 million depending on government incentives. India on the other hand is probably going to top the trillion man mark here soon and when a major famine hits then you'll see a "dying nation".

The article is misleading in suggesting that Japanese are atheist. Japanese are mostly Buddhist so of course only 10% think there may be a God. Those same 90% are probably superstitious and sure there is a Buddha. Japanese are actually in that sense quite religious. I rarely meet Japanese that don't believe in something like Ghosts or Reincarnation or some other superstitious religious mumble jumbo.

IMO atheism may be a natural default position due to our rational mind. Let's face it, most people think Scientology is silly. When given a sufficient amount of security they accept this. When scared shitless they run into the arms of Xenu or Allah or YWHA or whatever....
IMO atheism may be a natural default position due to our rational mind. Let's face it, most people think Scientology is silly. When given a sufficient amount of security they accept this. When scared shitless they run into the arms of Xenu or Allah or YWHA or whatever....
or atheism ....
what would people live for in an atheist society?

i bet atheists can't even FORM a society if all theists in the world jumped to space....get real people.
And I love your reading comprehension. The replacement rate in Japan is about 1.2. Which is the rate below that of a living society. For every two people who die, 1.2 is born. Out of which the prime pastime for the young is internet suicide pacts. You do the math.
This is something that most of the overpopulated islands in the world will face - UK included - and is nothing to do with atheism.

As mortality rates drop and life expectancy increases, the population become more aged, with a gradual reduction of workers per retiree.
This makes the country less attractive to live in... so birth-rate drops.

It is generally the more established islands that this happens to - where space becomes a premium as well - with a greater sense of over-crowding accentuating the perception of unattractiveness. The UK, for example, is heading the same way as Japan - with a similar proportion of aged population.

The reason the government in these countries want women "do their duty" is because the government can not afford to maintain an aged population and needs workers to maintain its economy.
The UK is combatting this by upping the age of retirement from 65 (for men) to 67, although some suggest it should be raised to 70 before the state pays out a pension.

Nothing to do with atheism / theism - everything to do with national economy.

Your attempt to link it to atheism is specious at best.
Most will see it for the coincidental correlation that it appears to be...
Unless of course you can support the effect of atheism/theism on population rates that would lead to your conclusion?
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what would people live for in an atheist society?
The same thing that atheists live for in a theist society, I guess?
How about living for the sake of living, of experiencing.
Or for the benefit of the society in which they live.
Or for their family, or friends?

If theists in any society feel they have no reason to live if not for their belief in God then I would strongly suggest they seek psychiatric help.

i bet atheists can't even FORM a society if all theists in the world jumped to space....get real people.
Oh to be able to test that wager.
Er, some Christians, I think you mean. Let's not generalize, shall we? :D I've yet to see any gripping statistical analysis of the process, but I suspect there are too many societal, cultural and individual confounding variables anyway.

ahhh, but geoff--he's already demonstrated that some great (grape?) apes have shown greater moral values than ... or something like that. and those apes are living in big cities with population densities of several thousand per square kilometer, etc., right? variables? who needs these "variables" an stuff?
what would people live for in an atheist society?

Everything that theists don't live for now, like the betterment of mankind, the unification of mankind, reason and rationale, solving local and world problems, etc. Theists are only interested in worshiping their god, praying for things to happen and treating everyone who doesn't share their god delusions like crap.

i bet atheists can't even FORM a society if all theists in the world jumped to space....get real people.

Get real? Does that include praying to an invisible sky daddy?
This is something that most of the overpopulated islands in the world will face - UK included - and is nothing to do with atheism.

As mortality rates drop and life expectancy increases, the population become more aged, with a gradual reduction of workers per retiree.
This makes the country less attractive to live in... so birth-rate drops.

Yup and then the religious immigrants with the high birth rates have to be imported. Except that Japan is anti-immigrant.

Combined with the natural drift of population from the country to the city, the result is demographic disaster in the countryside. Some prefectures have upwards of 70% of residents over 70. The Japanese countryside is rapidly becoming a collection of nursing homes with attached nursing residence and collections of rice farms being farmed by over 70 year old couples.
Japan is a dying nation. Children have suicide pacts on the internet and their population is mostly old. Atheism = dead society

Rather than tossing out your usual thread derailing rhetoric, why not do a comparison with Japan and India, for example, to see which society is truly dying?
what would people live for in an atheist society?

Their families? Their friends? Their work? Their lives? Themselves? Other than that, nothing that I can imagine, I suppose.

Well...charitable works. Art. Experience. Love. The act of creation. Literature. Repairing the planet. Music. Perpetuation of the species. Even greed. But that's all.

...rainbows. Animals. The welfare of the human state. Cheerios. Sex. Their nation. Humanitarian values. Reason. Science.

What have the Romans ever done for us? Eh?

i bet atheists can't even FORM a society if all theists in the world jumped to space....get real people.

Yes, your "space traveling theists" scenario is far more realistic. Silly atheists.