An athiest world = a better world.

Impossible, non-believers don't believe in sin. Only theists believe in sin. Only theists sin.

Really? No way.......... hell no....... dang.......

Yet, theists "sin" all the time despite their beliefs. Chock yet another one up to the hypocrisy of your cult.

You have a problem with cults... again the hypocrisy would be of the people, not of the cult... I don't expect you to understand.... As you are from another cult.

Peace be unto you ;)
all the polls which "establish" percentage of the populace with a "strong belief in god" or whatever--what does that even mean? when one's choices are "yes" or "no" to an ambiguously framed query, the "findings" are as meaningful as a pile of dirt.

Seems quite simple to me. If you hold a delusion or if you don't hold a delusion in gods is adequate enough, don't you think?
All it did was demonstrate your hypocrisy. And, it did so quite effectively, too. :)

You're just showing how you can't read/understand text as you've done countless times before. :D

Peace be unto you ;)
i see Qs point and 786s point but some of the biggest cults are religion believing in somethere there is 0 hard evidance of and contributing 10% of your income too "in some situations" would be considerd a cult in lamens terms
Yes, and we can thank their decision making processes for the current state of the world. Well done.

It seems to me your cult is currently in control of brainwashing :D

Peace be unto you ;)
and religion isnt? christians, catholic, methodist ect. spending there whole life doing or not doing certin things for something that may not even be true? or real
Seems quite simple to me. If you hold a delusion or if you don't hold a delusion in gods is adequate enough, don't you think?

and would the question(s) be framed thusly:

do you hold a delusion in god(s)?


review the "enlightening" article cited in the OP, specifically:
Top of the class, in both atheism and good behavior, come the Japanese. Over eighty percent accept evolution and fewer than ten percent are certain that God exists.
(emphasis mine :rolleyes:)

the "polls" which you asked about previously.

certain? was the question framed in this manner?

personally, i'm not 100 percent certain about anything. i'm not even 100 percent certain that i'm not 100 percent certain about anything. moreover...

how is "God" defined? do they specify a "creator" god perhaps? or do the respondents assume that this is what intended?
and religion isnt? christians, catholic, methodist ect. spending there whole life doing or not doing certin things for something that may not even be true? or real

(Q) should know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the predominant school system.

Peace be unto you ;)
but apparently 786 is questioning their belief--or somehow framing it in terms of theoria/praxis. the strategy of christian apologetics: but the bad ones don't really believe...

I'm not a Christian so I can hardly be a 'christian apologetics'- I am actually talking in terms of fundamental belief... the moment of sin is a time when your faith in the material is much more than that in the supernatural- in essence your faith in God is essentially not there.

Everyone here is talking about 'theist' or 'atheist'- I'm talking about the fundamental truth of 'sin'.

Peace be unto you ;)
(Q) should know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the predominant school system.

Unfortunately, most here haven't a clue what you babble about, they just don't speak or understand gibberish.
I'm not a Christian so I can hardly be a 'christian apologetics'- I am actually talking in terms of fundamental belief... the moment of sin is a time when your faith in the material is much more than that in the supernatural- in essence your faith in God is essentially not there.

Everyone here is talking about 'theist' or 'atheist'- I'm talking about the fundamental truth of 'sin'.

Peace be unto you ;)

interesting definition of "sin." i had always thought that "sin" came from the moment of birth, or the moment of conception for the anti-abortionists.
and would the question(s) be framed thusly:

do you hold a delusion in god(s)?

Or, it could simply be framed thusly:

"Do you believe in the supernatural that control human destinies?"

personally, i'm not 100 percent certain about anything. i'm not even 100 percent certain that i'm not 100 percent certain about anything.
