An athiest world = a better world.

Indeed. And yet we use an average of 0.4 earths. So its okay for us, if y'all get out of the way.

"The country's overwhelming population is often given as an excuse to justify poverty and starvation in India.[2] This theory is applicable only if the State itself is poor and has no means to procure enough food for its people. India is not poor, even though 70% of Indians are. India’s projected defense budget for 2007-08 is 24 billion US$ and it plans to spend further on its weapons upgrade programme. "

Widespread Corruption
"The country's overwhelming population is often given as an excuse to justify poverty and starvation in India.[2] This theory is applicable only if the State itself is poor and has no means to procure enough food for its people. India is not poor, even though 70% of Indians are. India’s projected defense budget for 2007-08 is 24 billion US$ and it plans to spend further on its weapons upgrade programme. "

Widespread Corruption

this gross disparity between the poor and the affluent is a facet of every single plutocratic oligarchy on the planet, i.e. pretty much every other country.

and yes, i've been there (over 6 months) and the poverty is sickening; but frankly, it's no different than the most impoverished inner-city sections of the u.s. in fact, given the u.s.'s greater affluence, it is even more disturbing in the u.s.
Maybe we could send all the poor people to (Q)'s country and he could demonstrate what he would do different?
Maybe we could send all the poor people to (Q)'s country and he could demonstrate what he would do different?

i think it's absurd when people attempt to tie religion with war and/or poverty. poverty, on this scale, is inevitable in human "society" beyond the tribal level--"religion" is as much a factor as anything else: humans tend to behave as bastards wherever and whenever they become sedentary and "civilized," biologically we are pack social creatures and a "pack" seldom consists of thousands or millions. and war, especially in the modern world, is it's own enterprise--it sustains itself. it feeds off of any populace like a parasite and uses the state (and religion, and economics, and senses of "entitlement," and whatever it can manage to make an appeal to) to negotiate it's next "maneuver." religion or no religion, the war machine will soldier on.
and yes, i've been there (over 6 months) and the poverty is sickening; but frankly, it's no different than the most impoverished inner-city sections of the u.s. in fact, given the u.s.'s greater affluence, it is even more disturbing in the u.s.

So, essentially what you're saying is that the same problems that afflict India also afflict the US. Well done. You've just agreed that theist dominated societies are "sickening and disturbing."
So, essentially what you're saying is that the same problems that afflict India also afflict the US. Well done. You've just agreed that theist dominated societies are "sickening and disturbing."

that's scientific. and you've established causation how precisely? correlation, sure; but one can correlate poverty with innumerable factors. here's where we leap into sheer silliness--gallup polls: the pinnacle of scientific achievement.
i think it's absurd when people attempt to tie religion with war and/or poverty. poverty, on this scale, is inevitable in human "society" beyond the tribal level--"religion" is as much a factor as anything else: humans tend to behave as bastards wherever and whenever they become sedentary and "civilized," biologically we are pack social creatures and a "pack" seldom consists of thousands or millions. and war, especially in the modern world, is it's own enterprise--it sustains itself. it feeds off of any populace like a parasite and uses the state (and religion, and economics, and senses of "entitlement," and whatever it can manage to make an appeal to) to negotiate it's next "maneuver." religion or no religion, the war machine will soldier on.

I've spent two years [egad its three!] trying to make these hIperQ's trying to understand this crap. Now I just let them carry on. Whats the point?:bawl:
that's scientific. and you've established causation how precisely? correlation, sure; but one can correlate poverty with innumerable factors.

How innumerable? Ignorance? Any others that don't boil down to that?

here's where we leap into sheer silliness--gallup polls: the pinnacle of scientific achievement.

What gallup polls?
An atheist world and then everyone killing each other would definitely be a better world- because

human race ceases to exist = better world.

Just kidding..... I think an atheistic world would be a screwed up society of prostitutes.

Peace be unto you ;)
How innumerable? Ignorance? Any others that don't boil down to that?

it all boils down to that, but the number of factors are those of your choosing.

What gallup polls?

all the polls which "establish" percentage of the populace with a "strong belief in god" or whatever--what does that even mean? when one's choices are "yes" or "no" to an ambiguously framed query, the "findings" are as meaningful as a pile of dirt.

from what i've seen, there's hardly even a consensual understanding of what is intended by "god," "theism," "religion," etc. here at sciforums--are we to assume that the millions who place a little checkmark in a box are intending exactly as "we" are?
An atheist world and then everyone killing each other
About as logical as saying:
An atheist world and then a glut of bananas.

The one doesn't follow from the other.
Do at least try to be coherent.
But... that's what we have now!

That is evidence.... most people are only 'religious' by mouth. Most of the world indeed is atheist in action. And we can see what is going on :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Not a glut no. If they all decide they are apes, then it will be a banana republic.