An approach to spirituality without God

It would appear that the death of your father has made some lasting impressions that are making you insane.

Is it necessary for you to run around calling everyone insane? It makes you look like a nut.
To Bishandi;
I really like your post, again, I need more time to assimilate the concepts. I believe we are all born with 2 basic instincts: fear and selfcenteredness.They are ment to protect us, fear would let us stay away from danger and selfcenteredness would let us survive, we are born so frail that we must have an instinct that let us being focused on our needs only.That way we can demand food, company,diapers changes, etc. Once we start growing up, those instincts must evolve too. the problem with fear is that it has several equivalents such as Anger, anxiety, pain and sadness, we will adopt any or several of them according to family or cultural traits.
We tend to fear what we do not understand, fear becomes an equivalent of ignorance. Fear should promote exploration and learnig. So when are angry or feel emotional pain/sadness/ anxiety (or simply fear) at something or someone we should ask ourselves what possible truth is this person or circumstance bringing to me that I need to explore. Khalil Gibran said "pain is the fracture of the shell that encloses our understanding"
to spidergoat
So for you, we are here to vegetate, not for a specific reason just awaiting for death to arrive. Well, I cannot tell if you are right or wrong, if that concept is good enough for you, keeps you happy and balanced and does not led you to hurt anyone; I am all right.

I had that concept many years ago, but at one point I needed to find more meaning once my life became an endless nightmare. Same with organized religions I was catholic for many years until, it did not suit my circumstances anymore.

That is also absurd, there are plenty of things we can do with our lives.
To Bishandi;
I really like your post, again, I need more time to assimilate the concepts.
if it tastes sweet, then share the nectar

I believe we are all born with 2 basic instincts: fear and selfcenteredness.
Fear is often based on 'self preservation'

ever notice the warrior fears nothing? Is he putting himself on the line for the 'good' of others?

The self (centeredness) is like a wave in the pond trying to isolate himself (like trying to jump out of the pond): becoming a 'loss to the common'.

Measure each choice (action) that can be imposed to existence by a human choice; see if 'good' (supports life to continue) or bad (loss to the common) can assist in identifying a selfish intent or compassion for others (god/existence/community/life).

Seems best to share; as each can measure for themselves.

We tend to fear what we do not understand, fear becomes an equivalent of ignorance.
exactly. Like a "suffering" in which a situation is observed and whether it is comprehended or not may enable solace to mind.

Fear should promote exploration and learnig.
as it is what began the measuring of time (for planting at which time of year)

the sciences

most every religion

knowledge itself was created and is defined with the use of words symbols etc... to learn (hence; knowledge evolves over time, environment..etc)

that fear and self preservation is what allows many to over come obstacles (in contrast; the fearless with the scope of others, can often conquer the greatest of beasts)

(much of it is instinctive but reasoning of mind (knowledge) allows the vast expansion of possibilities)

Khalil Gibran said "pain is the fracture of the shell that encloses our understanding"

kind of like "the opening to possibilities while appearing as a blemish to the exterior"
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to takethewarhome:
So you do not think there is any spiritual value on suffering? We are here for no specific reason we are born to reproduce and die. All of our deeds are irrelevant. If we are good, bad, evil, saints does not make any difference, we will just dissapear when we die.
In that case, to end the suffering in the world we should all be braindead or its equivalent: numb our brain with substances to ease the pain?
So why do you want to "take the war home"?

No, I don't.
I don't think we, in general, should "ease our suffering" that way... However, I believe that it is a right for anyone to do so if they choose. Even if, in turn, it only brings them more suffering.

And don't get me wrong, I think we should indeed all work to make the world a "better place," if such a thing is possible, but our deeds, in the broader perspective, essentially do us no good. There is no merit to be earned.

And the phrase 'take the war home' is one of special significance to me. I'm not going to discuss it here.
But you can decide for yourself what it should or shouldn't mean.
to takethewarhome:
The war is a very sensitive issue to me. I have been raised in another culture where the thought of war has been eliminated several years ago, we only needed one month of war to get the concept. I do not understand why most people here are so casual about wars. Did you know that about 110,000 iraki people have died since 2004?

It hurts me that the news here do not talk about the real number of dead people in Irak or Pakistan to give american people a real picture of the harm that is being made.

Nobody have asked for the impeachment of George Bush when it was figured out that there were no weapons of mass destruction, after all. Meanwhile they are eager to impeach those politicians who have cheated on their wives???
Of course most americans go to Church every Sunday!!!! Hypocrisy is the number one enemy of society!
to takethewarhome:
Of course most americans go to Church every Sunday!!!! Hypocrisy is the number one enemy of society!

This is not true. Not even half of the americans go to church and some of the ones that claim to have faith don't attend.
To Bishandi

About selfcenteredness, i believe we are all born selfcentered for preservation purposes as I explained before. As we grow, we need to start paying atention to the needs of others so we start getting hints that will allow us to survive in society once our parents stop caring for us. Empathy has to be taught to us, especially our parents must point out for us the needs or feeling of other people. Been aware of other people's needs or feelings give us power. We can use that knowledge in a good or bad way according to our ethical values.

On the other hand, people who are centered on themselves are less likely to obtain this information about other people's feelings or needs and therefore have less chances to succeed regarding any kind of relationships personal, business or any other kind.
to takethewarhome:
The war is a very sensitive issue to me. I have been raised in another culture where the thought of war has been eliminated several years ago, we only needed one month of war to get the concept. I do not understand why most people here are so casual about wars. Did you know that about 110,000 iraki people have died since 2004?

It hurts me that the news here do not talk about the real number of dead people in Irak or Pakistan to give american people a real picture of the harm that is being made.

Nobody have asked for the impeachment of George Bush when it was figured out that there were no weapons of mass destruction, after all. Meanwhile they are eager to impeach those politicians who have cheated on their wives???
Of course most americans go to Church every Sunday!!!! Hypocrisy is the number one enemy of society!

What country are you from? Many, many people, especially here were calling for the impeachment of George Bush.
To earth
Thank you! Makes me feel better, around here most of my neighbors go!

I did a some googling the other day and the statistics indicate about 40% claim to go to church. It was mentioned some people claiming to attend church are lying. So the folks doing the study think the numbers are actually lower.
to takethewarhome:
The war is a very sensitive issue to me. I have been raised in another culture where the thought of war has been eliminated several years ago, we only needed one month of war to get the concept. I do not understand why most people here are so casual about wars. Did you know that about 110,000 iraki people have died since 2004?

The war of which my namesake comes from does not involve countries or races or creeds and I think it's very presumptious of you to even mention that.

It is a personal war which I take home. It is a personal war which we all need to take home with us each day.

It is a personal war I will always fight until the day of my death, whether by my own hand or the hand of another or of ailment.
Nobody have asked for the impeachment of George Bush when it was figured out that there were no weapons of mass destruction, after all.
Where have you been the past seven years? MANY people have called for Bush to be impeached or thrown out of office; very few in the Congress, though.

Meanwhile they are eager to impeach those politicians who have cheated on their wives???
No. They are eager, however, to impeach politicians who commit perjury. Lying under oath.
Which failed, anyway. But the point is, you have the reasons completely wrong.

Of course most americans go to Church every Sunday!
Not true. Not even half of Americans regularly attend church services; it's probably closer to a third, if that. In any case, church attendance is shitty way to determine religiosity.
To Bishandi

About selfcenteredness, i believe we are all born selfcentered for preservation purposes as I explained before. As we grow, we need to start paying atention to the needs of others so we start getting hints that will allow us to survive in society once our parents stop caring for us.

your first sentence is contradicted by your second one, right there

each are born helpless and all basics are learned

so the next generation is still a product of the previous and it is the individuals that overcome the collective cultural methods, ideas and practices of becoming 'self serving'

the west is horrid in this area (ie.. the 'invisible hand' as a rule of law within the land)

Empathy has to be taught to us, especially our parents must point out for us the needs or feeling of other people.
they are teaching us that when feeding us our first meal but 'we' take that lesson for granted; the requisite of 'this generation' to teach the next

Been aware of other people's needs or feelings give us power. We can use that knowledge in a good or bad way according to our ethical values.
the idea of 'power' is false all-together; we are all submissive to mother nature just as few can even survive without community, so the collective could feel secure as a whole but the individuals should never be focused on the power of the band as a force but on the collective knowledge enabling the equality, so that each can have the same power of all, equally.

no single entity should be of power, whether of a body of people or culture but the power should be the knowledge that equally combines all

this way, each can participate, each can be heard, each can comprehend, each can be equal.

think in the sense of a computer network; if all the terminals operate with the the same base programing, then when one is damaged the others can continue working and the damaged be corrected or removed without harming the collective

Genetics are like the wiring (instinctively following the rules of life (mass and energy))

Mind and the individual characters of people are learned.

I would like an example of someone being born (conscious) and having no compassion. ( i say, that species; don't exist)

Good and Bad is learned; self awareness and choice is mankinds born gift, that is equal to each of consciousness.

We are born 'good' and the bad is learned! (my opinion)
perhaps think of the self centered (of the life) as being of instinct

but 'people' are not 'controlled' by instinct because we can 'choose' (be responsible for our actions)