That's idiotic. Of course war is sometimes justified. We are not dropping bombs indiscriminately in Afghanistan. America has an infrastructure that is suitable for police work, such an approach cannot work against the army of the Taliban.
In fact, our targeted drone attacks have been highly successful, with a regrettable few being killed accidently.
I am sorry you think like that. This is what I was talking about in my prior posts.
I would just suggest you to imagine for one moment your city being bombarded, the explosions, the shouting of people around you, no electricity, no water, no air conditioning, no way to know what is going on, your home all destroyed but you are lucky you are alive.
You go out and find your neighbors' house down, a cute little blond girl dead and her mother crying holding her little body all covered in blood... How "regrettable" do you think it would be??
If you wouldn't like to go throught that, do not be so casual to wish it for other people, everybody counts and deserve consideration and compassion, not just Amercan people!