An approach to spirituality without God

That's idiotic. Of course war is sometimes justified. We are not dropping bombs indiscriminately in Afghanistan. America has an infrastructure that is suitable for police work, such an approach cannot work against the army of the Taliban.

In fact, our targeted drone attacks have been highly successful, with a regrettable few being killed accidently.

I am sorry you think like that. This is what I was talking about in my prior posts.

I would just suggest you to imagine for one moment your city being bombarded, the explosions, the shouting of people around you, no electricity, no water, no air conditioning, no way to know what is going on, your home all destroyed but you are lucky you are alive.

You go out and find your neighbors' house down, a cute little blond girl dead and her mother crying holding her little body all covered in blood... How "regrettable" do you think it would be??

If you wouldn't like to go throught that, do not be so casual to wish it for other people, everybody counts and deserve consideration and compassion, not just Amercan people!
There is nothing casual about it. Even in a righteous war, innocent people are sometimes killed. The Taliban thought nothing of killing civilians, and are responsible for ethnic cleansing and mass graves in Afghanistan. In order to get rid of them, we sometimes have to make difficult choices.

Our actions haven't even approached the kind of things the Russians were doing, they indicriminately strafed entire villages. We use high technology to target individual buildings. In fact, this has been highly successful against the enemy.
There is nothing casual about it. Even in a righteous war, innocent people are sometimes killed. The Taliban thought nothing of killing civilians, and are responsible for ethnic cleansing and mass graves in Afghanistan. In order to get rid of them, we sometimes have to make difficult choices.

Our actions haven't even approached the kind of things the Russians were doing, they indicriminately strafed entire villages. We use high technology to target individual buildings. In fact, this has been highly successful against the enemy.
This is another non sense of yours and you know it too .
The US troops are terrorists killing innocent people .
There is nothing casual about it. Even in a righteous war, innocent people are sometimes killed. The Taliban thought nothing of killing civilians, and are responsible for ethnic cleansing and mass graves in Afghanistan. In order to get rid of them, we sometimes have to make difficult choices.

Our actions haven't even approached the kind of things the Russians were doing, they indicriminately strafed entire villages. We use high technology to target individual buildings. In fact, this has been highly successful against the enemy.

So we should lower ourselves to behave like those animals? We have killed many more people than they did! Are we better people than they are?

We are the biggest bullies in the world! Should we be proud of that?? If most Americans think like you then we are more primitive than I thought! The lessons are going to be tougher than I thought.... I feel sorry for America!!:bawl:
This is another non sense of yours and you know it too .
The US troops are terrorists killing innocent people .

There is no middle ground with terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most notable being the September 11 attacks in 2001. These actions were followed by the US government launching the War on Terrorism. As of 2009, the group is believed to have between 200 and 300 members.[8]
Characteristic techniques include suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings of different targets.[9] Activities ascribed to it may involve members of the movement, who have taken a pledge of loyalty to Osama bin Laden, or the much more numerous "al-Qaeda-linked" individuals who have undergone training in one of its camps in Afghanistan or Sudan but not taken any pledge.

The Taliban first appeared on the political scene of Afghanistan in September, 1994 in the southern Province of Kandhar, and have since taken about 90% of Afghanistan. Never has any group been more controversial then the Taliban of Afghanistan. Patrolling the streets in the pickup trucks, the Taliban members, under the General Department for the Preservation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Amr-bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkar), search houses and destroy any television sets, radios, cassettes, and photographs. The bands of Taliban thugs roam the streets beating those they deem to be violators of the Shariah (Islamic code of Law) [2]. The Taliban's harsh fundamentalist rule has dismantled all civil institutions, and closed all women Institutions. Their leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, cloaks himself in secrecy, refusing to grant interviews or allow his photo to be taken.
So we should lower ourselves to behave like those animals? We have killed many more people than they did! Are we better people than they are?

We are the biggest bullies in the world! Should we be proud of that?? If most Americans think like you then we are more primitive than I thought! The lessons are going to be tougher than I thought.... I feel sorry for America!!:bawl:

I'm sorry that I derailed your thread with politics. I'm only comparing us to real monsters. We don't do anything like that, and we have the support of most Afghans. When they fight the Taliban, they also kill innocent people. It's unfortunate but unavoidable.
I'm sorry that I derailed your thread with politics. I'm only comparing us to real monsters. We don't do anything like that, and we have the support of most Afghans. When they fight the Taliban, they also kill innocent people. It's unfortunate but unavoidable.
The US is the biggest monster of all time .
I know you are but what am I? Do you ever have any information to relate, or is it all propaganda and sloganeering?
I really do not care to know who created us, what his/ her name is, nor how he/she did it...Why do we have to die?

You have to die precisely because of the attitude you've expressed prior to asking your question.

This attitude is uneccessary--as is also your death.
You have to die precisely because of the attitude you've expressed prior to asking your question.

This attitude is uneccessary--as is also your death.

You really need help! who hurt you so badly? Whas it a particular religion? Please let me know! They have to know what are they doing to you! I must report this ASAP! No body has the right to put those ideas in you mind!
You have to die precisely because of the attitude you've expressed prior to asking your question.

This attitude is uneccessary--as is also your death.

Besides. now that we know why I must die, tell me why YOU should die, or are you planning on being eternal?
There is no middle ground with terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, the most notable being the September 11 attacks in 2001. These actions were followed by the US government launching the War on Terrorism. As of 2009, the group is believed to have between 200 and 300 members.[8]
Characteristic techniques include suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings of different targets.[9] Activities ascribed to it may involve members of the movement, who have taken a pledge of loyalty to Osama bin Laden, or the much more numerous "al-Qaeda-linked" individuals who have undergone training in one of its camps in Afghanistan or Sudan but not taken any pledge.

The Taliban first appeared on the political scene of Afghanistan in September, 1994 in the southern Province of Kandhar, and have since taken about 90% of Afghanistan. Never has any group been more controversial then the Taliban of Afghanistan. Patrolling the streets in the pickup trucks, the Taliban members, under the General Department for the Preservation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (Amr-bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkar), search houses and destroy any television sets, radios, cassettes, and photographs. The bands of Taliban thugs roam the streets beating those they deem to be violators of the Shariah (Islamic code of Law) [2]. The Taliban's harsh fundamentalist rule has dismantled all civil institutions, and closed all women Institutions. Their leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, cloaks himself in secrecy, refusing to grant interviews or allow his photo to be taken.
This is the US Administration and media propaganda . There was no evidence to what you are saying .
This is the US Administration and media propaganda . There was no evidence to what you are saying .

Hey mike, I wasn't trying to be pitiless. Provide something, evidence to substantiate your comment and refute mine. A post like that one isn’t going anywhere.

I know the world trade center did fall to the ground killing thousands. Brought off by stealing/hijacking property then using it to kill people.

When U.S. troops moved into Afghanistan the Taliban had large drums containing hands and feet in them that had be chopped off as punishment.

What country do you live in?
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I believe I am eternal too.

Spirituality is matters of the spirit, a concept often (but not necessarily) tied to a spirit world, a multidimensional reality and one or more deities. Spiritual matters regard humankind's ultimate nature and purpose, not as material biological organisms, but as spirits or energy with an eternal relationship beyond the bodily senses, time and the material world.

The spiritual is contrasted with the physical and the temporary. A sense of connection is central of spirituality — connection to a reality beyond than the physical world and oneself, which may include an emotional experience of awe and reverence. Spirituality may also include the development of the individual's inner life through practices such as meditation and prayer, including the search for God, the supernatural, a divine influence, or information about the afterlife. Spirituality is the personal, subjective aspect of religion, mysticism, magic and occult.

Is this more or less your knowledge and the way you view existence?

Do you have physic abilities where you use nature to heal?
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