An approach to spirituality without God

@ earth
I am not sure, I do not know. I am not sure if this is philosophy, psychology or spirituality??. I just think we can figure out all of these important things in life and this can give us comfort for those who do not believe in God. Facing the death of someone we love or our own death, if we do not have a system of beliefs these circumstances can be extremelly painful and scary.

If you are asking me about my paranormal experiences, I do not know how to interpret them. Many people have described similar experiences.
I believe if we accept the concept that we continue to exist outside of our bodies, then it is possible that the reencarnation idea is valid. The spirit could come back again and again to this dimension to experiment and evolve. ???
@ spidergoat:
We look for spirituality because of Need, no one wakes up one day and say to himself: " let me invent a God and a religion, I have nothing else to do". Suffering, fear, loneliness and hoplessness prompts people to focus for these things.

Other people with more primitive souls may become angry and bitter and even dangerous sociopaths when expossed to chronic pain and suffering.

I hope you never have to go through the pain of losing someone you love, nor your life turns into a nightmare where nothing you do makes any difference. But if that happens, believe me you will turn and look at some kind of ulterior concept. And I really hope you do.
@ scapegoat
It would be paranormal until these things are confirmed scientifically, then it will be normal.
Is very interesting what you are saying. I need to really take my time to assimilate these concepts. Do you have a religious background in budism or something like that?
Yes you have a good point there. That explanation has been given many times to downplay these events. You are not the first one, remember Dr. Semmelweis !!
@ earth
I am not sure, I do not know. I am not sure if this is philosophy, psychology or spirituality??. I just think we can figure out all of these important things in life and this can give us comfort for those who do not believe in God. Facing the death of someone we love or our own death, if we do not have a system of beliefs these circumstances can be extremelly painful and scary.

If you are asking me about my paranormal experiences, I do not know how to interpret them. Many people have described similar experiences.
I believe if we accept the concept that we continue to exist outside of our bodies, then it is possible that the reencarnation idea is valid. The spirit could come back again and again to this dimension to experiment and evolve. ???

Can you accept the concept of advanced technology capable of reading your thoughts or sending data to your brain for you mind to recognize? The data sent causing an illusion of spiritualism. A computer sending data causing the seeing of a spirit walking around outside your body or a spirit coming out of a person’s body. This illusion causing people to think they are possessed by a spirit when its manipulation of the brain by the data being sent.
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to spidergoat:
I amnot sure where this message is going to appear. This is about your point of a person being sick and having delusions. As i wrote above, yes that is a valid point many use to downplay these experiences. The interesritng thing is most of us describe simmilar "delusions" under simmilarcircumstances. This experience is valid for me only, I can not make any sense or generalization. Just keep an open mind.
To those who write me private messages:
I cannot answer in private until I have 20 posts??!! sorry just wait a little and I wll answer you.
to earth
Yes I guess that can happen.Are you suggesting we might be controled by alliens or something like that?
To spidergoat again about message # 23
Just to complete the thought: Last nigth I was watching the news and I leartned about this woman who caused the death of 8 people including herself and her own children while she was driving with alcohol and marijuana in her system. I thought that is another way of people dealing with pain an and suffering: drugs and alcohol.
So it seems to me that: the way we humans tend to deal with this life struggles: 1- we approach spirituality, 2- we became bitter and hatefull perhaps making someone else pain for it or 3- we numb our feelings with drugs or alcohol.
to earth
Yes I guess that can happen.Are you suggesting we might be controled by alliens or something like that?

It is an option to think about. Not controlling but tampering or interfering. A creator of everything isn't much of an option these days knowing the vastness of the universe.
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Is very interesting what you are saying. I need to really take my time to assimilate these concepts. Do you have a religious background in budism or something like that?

all the religions (realized a long time ago, that all of branches of mankind, had something to offer; so for life, i learn)

the new one i am into is under the work by the Tairona Heritage

that is some cool material from South America

what i find true is that nature has the rules, mankind is trying to define them.

pretty basic and perfectly comprehensible just by observing existence as god himself; then we all HIS kids, of his life, of his love (entanglement).....

me a nuts and bolts, "ground it to reality" kind of guy

eg.... all truth comes from observing the "light" of the matter!
@ spidergoat:
We look for spirituality because of Need, no one wakes up one day and say to himself: " let me invent a God and a religion, I have nothing else to do". Suffering, fear, loneliness and hoplessness prompts people to focus for these things.

Other people with more primitive souls may become angry and bitter and even dangerous sociopaths when expossed to chronic pain and suffering.

I hope you never have to go through the pain of losing someone you love, nor your life turns into a nightmare where nothing you do makes any difference. But if that happens, believe me you will turn and look at some kind of ulterior concept. And I really hope you do.

Yes they do exactly that instead of dealing with reality. There is nothing about the natural and common experience of pain and suffering that creates "dangerous sociopaths". Are we so immature that we need to be pacified by delusions?
to earth:
In that case if someone is interfering with what us, we will not be completelly responsible for what we do and that would take away our responsibility. It is always easier to blame someone else for what we do. I prefer to believe that we are in control.
to bishandi:
I like to read about these things and then take what makes sense to me. I have never heard of the Tairona Heritage. I will try to find info about that.
to spidergoat:
I agree, there are some serial killers who are born just crazy and will kill dozens of people for no specific reason. But most killers we are seen in the news are usually people who were chronically rejected, abused, lonelly. The guy who recently killed those women at the gym and then commited suicide. He was cronically rejected and alone, apparently hopping to find a woman who would accept him. He filmed how he had his appartment clean and organized apparently he was awaiting a woman.
The kids who killed other kids at Columbine, they were bullied, suffering for years until one day they snapped. Are they dangerous enough for you, do you thing that their pain had nothing to do with what they did? Have you ever been consistetly abused, bullied or rejected with nobody on your side to help you ? Have you lost someone you really loved very much? Have you felt that kind of pain when you feel you have a hole in your chest?If you have, how did you deal with that pain? If you have not, do not be so casual to decide what people who suffer should do or think, they may have a point.