America in the bible

Well, Jesus didn't speak any of the languages that you listed. Noone knows the language that Jesus spoke.

If you're really so confident about the greek version of the New Testament, then can you show me the place that contains the orignial complete scripture in Greek.....You can't, because it does not exist.....So here you know nothing about the history of your own religious scriptures, scriptures that are outdated and corrupt.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
America is alway 13, 13 stars, 13 stipes, 13 original colonies.
It is the nation with the two horn like a lamb (lamb - christ, America has alway been considered to be the Christian nation.
This is the political (civil) power that will support the Harlot. Just as Rome once did to the Catholic Church.
Here is what you correct me if I am wrong here but your theory is because we are known to be a Christian Nation you assume we will be the political power that supports the Harlot. What is Europe? (chopped liver?).........oh and by the way we have'nt had 13 stars, 13 colonies and 13 stripes in a long time.

Originally posted by TheVisitor
you two come at me from one way , I explain it and then you twist it and come from the other...I NEVER SAID THE GREAT HARLOT WAS seem incapible of seeing the's absolutly amazing the blindness thats been put on "christians" today.....
You seem incapable of understanding what I am saying..........and I won't respond to your little blindness dig.
I submit to you that Europe is also Christian and has a great deal more political power than we do............

It's very clear Rev. 13 is the Image to the beast America's political...civil power..
No it isn't

Rev. 18 is the Great harlot denominational chuches...not just in america- they are worldwide..........
You are preaching to the choir here............

I believe what the Holy Spirit shows me and the whole of the prophecy has not been revealed to me yet............but I will say this. There are an awful lot of people claiming to be 1 of the 2 witnesses and also prophets of God. The funny thing is none of them are saying the same thing.............
Originally posted by heflores
Too bad, TruthSeeker that a lot is also lost in the greek, because the langauage of the bible is not greek, but is ancient hebrew that is no longer spoken....Forever lost.....Still, probably the greek version is much less corrupted than the English version.

Revalation was written by the Apocalyptic John and was written in Byzantium Greek

Were did I say any such thing ...that is a have done this same thing three times now.....I did not say (Rev 18 it is ALSO America), I did not say (mark of the beast is a physical sign, not a spiritual one.) ,and I did not say (only 144000 will be saved)
No. You understood it wrong. It was I that said that Rev 18 is also America. You said that it isn't, and I said that it was.

And you said the mark of the beast is a spiritual one, not a physical one.

You twisted my words around.

And you said that almost no one would be saved, whcih is not correct.

Your belief in the do nothing doctrine is absolutly wrong and you are misleading others with it to receive the mark of the beast...
Yeah alright... I say to everyone "love one another", so that they can receive the mark of the beast...:bugeye:

I've never heard you talking about the ONLY commandment, while I talk about it as crazy, and yet, you say that I have a "doctrine" of "do nothing"...:eek:

Rev 18 is talking about the Church.......No candle in thee , no bride in thee, no bridegroom in thee. This is Rev 18 :23

I never said there would not be a physical mark... now it is spiritual, It was physical in the past once....till the children of Israel killed all the giants...cannanites, the children of Cain.
The beast in the garden was the serpent......
The mark on cain signified he couldn't receive revelation from God....His offsping today can't either.
I can't change that for you, no mater how hard I try ......I can't give you my "oil".

"A man convinced against his will, is of the same oppinion still"

All revelation must come from the father, I've spelled it out for you, the best I can...But ,It wasn't meant for everyone.

As it was in the days of Noah were in 8 souls were saved by shall it be in the coming of the Son of man...
You have to take it back to the word

Try praying about this.
look, if I'm loose nothing
If I'm right, you gain everything.
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Do you guys really live your lives according to a book written by several authors? Does the truth you get out of the bible coincide with others who read it? Are you firm with your belief that your truth is the ONLY truth and all other bible readers are wrong?

Do you solely believe and put your faith in God as though this entity will nurture you and all things accomplished by man was through the power of God? Have you even considered that what man has accomplished was of his own doing alone? Try putting faith into mankind rather than a heavenly figure in a white gown floating somewhere in space. I find that Christianity has gotten out of hand and the bickering has never ceased to exist. I'm not saying that Christianity is wrong. It is a great form of spiritual government that just has not really been precisely structured or otherwise all Christians will see the same truth.
The words in the Book are God.
The most foolish things of God, are far wiser than the wisdom of man....
Yet in turn, the wisdom of man has lead him to create God to govern man's action which lead him to believe that the words in the Book are God.
Been there done that.........go argue with someone else..I'm sure you'll have plenty of snot-nosed little buddies in school tomorrow who will agree with you.

Sorry about that...(official retraction):eek:
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Rev 18 is talking about the Church.......No candle in thee , no bride in thee, no bridegroom in thee. This is Rev 18 :23
Rev 18 talks about a nation. The church is not a nation. It is written very clearly.

All revelation must come from the father, I've spelled it out for you, the best I can...But you just spit it out.
Oh yeah... now you are saying that God regards you as special and forgets me. Alright... The most interesting thing is that I'm the ONLY Christian that I know that extremely insisits in the power of Love while everyone else seem to forgets it. Of course, I don't go around saying that God Loves me more because of that and that I will go to Heaven while you and others will go to hell. Because God Loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved.

You might call Him "the father", but I call Him "my Father". :bugeye:

As it was in the days of Noah were in 8 souls were saved by shall it be in the coming of the Son of man...
What about this?:

Revelation 7:9-10
"9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
10 and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."
Revelation 7:9-10
"9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
10 and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."

These are made up from all the ages since christ....the last age is the smallest....I don't literaly mean eight people no...
But the small group is the true vine...not the big group.

You may believe the Great Harlot revelation....lots of people do. that been around for years now., but without being under an ordained five-fold ministry, for this day...

You can be a denomination of one.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Been there done that.........go argue with someone else..I'm sure you'll have plenty of snot-nosed little buddies in school tomorrow who will agree with you.

You're being a jerk again.

Hehe, funny though.. that is the closest I've seen to you admitting you're wrong. :)

Please start using your brain.
Yeah, I know.......

It's just the liberal state-run universities are spiting out carbon-copy humanist speaking clones, faster than the false Christian denominations are spitting out creed- qouting zombies.
It's really getting late for America, and thats sad...

Because I love this country.....

See,.....Two horns (left and right) on the same beast.
Civil and ecclesiastical powers.....Rev.13
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
Because I love this country.....

I do too, but you have to have faith that it will be okay. I understand if you have to spread your incredibly ignorant and ridiculous message to feel like you're doing your part.. but jeez man, have a little faith that your hard work is worth your time.. have a little faith that there are some people who are worth a shit bro. I do. There are a lot of wonderful people in the world. It makes my eyes tear up and my heart swell to think of it. I loves me the people. Unfortunately, people are not static entities. They are bastards and brothers depending on the circumstance or context of the time in question. It's a matter of which part you choose to align yourself with.... hope or despair. From you I sense despair.
America is a great country and she will be alright as long as she doesn't turn her back on Israel.....
The times of the Gentiles are about over.
This is the depensation of the fullness of times.
Christ is being revealed from heaven as the Son of man.
Just as He promised. when this revealing is over and has acomplished that which He came to do.......

He will turn to the Jews again, To call out those who will accept Him, and the days of the gentiles will be over.

Then the anti-christ is fully incarnate Satan in a man.....(probably into a reigning pope at the time)
The Churches who have the mark already, and believe his lie, will worship him, As Christ........the second coming.,

The real Christ is Here now, as the Son of Man being revealed from heaven.....
Originally posted by TheVisitor
He will turn to the Jews again, To call out those who will accept Him, and the days of the gentiles will be over.
That's a lot of dead Christians!
Originally posted by TheVisitor
America is a great country and she will ok as long as she doesn't turn her back on Israel.....

Not only that you are a complete donut, you really make me laugh. You allow the jews who don't believe in Jesus Christ, who killed Jesus Christ, corrupt your bible and churches further and convert masses to be zion chritians who believe in Israel.

Didn't you know that the jews were creating a hybrid religion between judiasm and christianity to lessen antisemetism and create support for Israel.

Thank you for affirming my belief that the jews are brilliant and the christians are idiots. The jews deserve the title of the illuminated ones. Let them keep illuminating your head with more garbage so you can satisfy their agenda.
The real Christ is Here now, as the Son of Man being revealed from heaven.....
Matthew 24:23-24
" 23 "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him.
24 "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect."

You ARE a false prophet!!!!
Good job Truth Seeker,

o.k. TheVisitor, what do you have to say now in responce to TruthSeeker.....The William Bernard guy is false.
Re: Good job Truth Seeker,

Originally posted by heflores
o.k. TheVisitor, what do you have to say now in responce to TruthSeeker.....The William Bernard guy is false.
With more lines of scriptures, of course!:rolleyes: