Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Lets just go down this list further, shall we?

integrated circuit chips
Two types were actually developed, by two different people. One using germanium and one using silicon... both based off of transistors. Are you going to say aliens gave us transistors, capacitors and resistors? It was well known that these components could be made out of silicon, before TI actually did it in the late 50s.

fibre optics
Alexander Bell had a patent for transmitting information using lightover wire about 200 years ago. But the 1850s people had realized that using two disimilar materials with different refraction indexes could contain light. By the early 1900s this was pyut into use in the dental industry using quartz rods. In 1920 a patent was filed to transmit light over transparent rods. In the 1930s actual fiber optics were in use to image the inside of the body. All that has happened since was basically experimenting with different frequencies of light.

This basically falls into two categories.
1) Calculating reflections - How to do this has been known since the mid 1800s. Computers simply made it so these calculations weren't by hand.
2) Materials - The most obvious and widely used is radar absorbing paint. This has been (and still is) under major research in most large universities in the US.
A quick explanation -

Were suggested by Einstein in 1917, as a direct result of astronomical spectroscopy observations. A working model was even made a few years later. These weren't put to further use until after the microwave was in use, because it provided an easy way to create stimulated emissions. These results were directly applicable to light.

The result of 14 years of research by Stephanie Kwolek, which is well documented in scientific journals. She researched low-temperature condensation polymers, of which Kevlar happens to be one. It should be noted that even after she patened Kevlar, it couldn't be mass produced for another 6 years.

DNA engineering
Not sure exactly what you mean by this. The discovery of DNA and it's future use is one of the most documented fields. do you care to be more specific on what you think is actually supplied by ETI?

Of those listed above, only stealth was developed mostly in a secret enviroment... and even that was based on open academic research.
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crazymikey said:
If humanity is made up of people like you, who give your masters(government) all liberty, to go about creatiing weapons of mass destruction, attacking its own people, and inhibiting our spiritual progress - so as long, that it isn't you getting the short end of the stick - then you deserve what you're going to get.
LMAO. I take it that you don't actually have any answers to my comments as you just decided to attack me and completly avoid the subject.
The technology case for ET is weak at best, some of the ones listed were before the year the ETI believers say a ET craft crashed.
All technologies can be traced to their individual steps. The aliens did not give us transistors, capacitors or resistors. It is absurd, that they even using such primitive components.

The technological progress itself, is natural. It is the rate of change in technology, that isn't. It's like this:

Pressure - Steam engine - Internal combustion engine - Jet engine - Rocket engine - Airbreathing engines. - 350 years

AK - 47

Musket gun(fuse) - Musket guns with triggers - Muzzle loaded rifles - Machine gun - AK 47 - 640 years

Electron Microscope

Microscope - Refracting telescope - Reflecting telescope - Electron Microscope - 400 years - 341 years

The Pendulum clock - 376 years since the invention of the mechanical clock

Electic generator -

Chemical battery - Electromagnet - Electric Dynamo - AC motor and electric generator - 87 years

Vacuum tubes - 30 years since the invention of the fleming valve(first vacuum tube)

FM Radio - 45 years since the discovery of radio signals


Electronic computers: Vacuum tube computers - transistor computers - integrated circuit chip computers - microprocessor computers - nanocomputers and quantum computers - 60 years

Vacuum tube computers - 10 years
transistor computers - 10 years
integrated circuit chip computers - 10 years
microprocessor computers 10 years
nano and quantum computers(today)

That's 6 generations of technology in 60 years:

If we apply this technological growth to the others, we get this:

Pressure - Steam engine - Internal combustion engine - Jet engine - Rocket engine - Airbreathing engines. - 35 years(1697)

Mechanical Clock - Pendulum clock - 37 years(1317)

Musket gun(fuse) - Musket guns with triggers - Muzzle loaded rifles - Machine gun - AK 47 - 64 years(1444)

Microscope - Refracting telescope - Reflecting telescope - Electron Microscope - 34 years (1624)

Chemical battery - Electromagnet - Electric Dynamo - AC motor and electric generator - 9 years(1808)

Vacuum tubes - 3 years to perfect from fleming's valve(1904)

FM Radio - 4.5 years since the discovery of radio(1891)

Hence, as technology is interconnected. We would have reached our current level of technology in the 16th century.

Technology increases exponentially, and the rate of change of technology increases gradually untill it goes vertically up. The rate of change in technology increased in the 19th century, hence techologies were being innovated faster. No, this was not artificial, it was consistent with a natural exponential function. This continued onto to 1940, where suddenly, the curve just shoots up at an acute ange. That is NOT natural.



This is how technology has progressed. (Using guns as our yardstick)

1200 - 1 Gun
1300 - 2 Mechanical Clock
1400 - 4 Printing Press and Muzzle loaded rifle
1500 - 8 Microscope
1600 - 16 Telescope, Pendulum Clock, Laws of gases
1700 - 32 Atmospheric steam engine, Steam boat, chemical battery
1800 - 64 Internal Combustion engine, AC motor and generator
1900 - 640 - microprocessors, lasers, stealth, compact disks, kevlar, biotechnology
2000 - 64000 Anti-gravity and ZPE, nanocomputers, nuclear engineering, particle beam weapons, tractor beams, DNA engineering, mind control and psychotronics, holograms, artificial intelligence, cloaking, force fields, quatum computers, (replicators, quantum teleportation, dimensional travel)

Plot it. It will behave like an exponential curve until 1900, and then just shoot up vertically right off the grapth. Then plot it with each division equally 1 year - and you'll see the anamolie begins from 1940's and onwards. Incidentally, this is the time, 400+ NASA, NSA, USAF, CIA, UN members claim, the government made ETI contact.

It's obvious what has happened :)
you don't have any trust in human species and our civilization therefore you invent big, good alien brothers that compansate this lack of trust
Well no. It isn't. Your post has several flaws, of which I'll point out the major ones:
1) You make the assumption that technology advances upon an exponential curve. Not only is this assumption unfounded, but it is historically WRONG. There are hundred year spans in our history were nothing has happened, and then suddenly hundreds of inventions pop-up.
2) You assign 'technological progress' numbers to certain years, with no apparent basis. What makes a mechanical clock a 2, but a microscope an 8? Absolutely nothing. What makes 2000 64,000? Yet again, absolutely nothing. Your numbers are not based on anything.
3) For the year 2000 you list technologies which are not actually usable like anti-gravity, ZPE, nanocomputers, particle beam weapons, DNA engineering, etc etc. Some of these will be developed, while some of them will be discovered to not work at all.

You're entire argument is that we are 'discovering stuff to fast'.. and is completely baseless. If this is what you base your argument of ETI technology on, then it is completely weak. So, do you have ANY basis for those numbers?

I've explained to you how those technolgies listed were developed... and oddly they didn't involve ET technology. They involved large amounts of funding and fairly 'simple' problems.

Very simply, the expontial curve of your is complete hogwash which was proposed in the late 1800s. It is the same reason we are supposed to have Anti-gravity and ZPE, nanocomputers, nuclear engineering, particle beam weapons, tractor beams, DNA engineering, mind control and psychotronics, holograms, artificial intelligence, cloaking, force fields, quatum computers, replicators, quantum teleportation, dimensional travel all in wide spread use today because people predicted that's were we would be based on the curve. Sadly this curve has been proved incorrect. The only field where it actually still applies is computer technology, which you oddly list as a technology which doesn't fit the curve.

So yet again, show an instance of where ETI help/technology has been provided to advance a technology. Your first statement was that the technologies were 'out of nowhere'. After demonstrating that the ones you listed are in fact a logical progression... you change your story to 'we are advancing too fast'.
Avatar - then I would invent "God" and and submit to his abode, at least that will guarantee me eternal happiness. To be honest Avatar, I don't think the Aliens are "benevolent" nor do I think they are "malevolent" I think they are just a natural manifestation like you and me, an unborn child or a star.

What I desire, is not to be taken aboard a spaceship to a distant utopia. Although, not to say, I would not mind that. I want humans to grow up, to appreciate one another, to unite, and to make our civilization prosper.

Come on, there is a shadow government, designing weapons that could destroy our planet and destroy us. Do you think I'm wrong, to be against that?

There are technologies for free energy, that could eradicate poverty the world over, but they are being witheld from us. Do you think im wrong, to be against that?

We are being denied the right to know there are other civilizations in the universe, that visit us, and that have been with since early history. Do you think im wrong to be against that?
"Come on, there is a shadow government, desinging weapons that could destroy our planet and destroy us."
there are several completely legal governments that have developed and have these weapons. no need for the shadows
Avatar said:
"Come on, there is a shadow government, desinging weapons that could destroy our planet and destroy us."
there are several completely legal governments that have developed and have these weapons. no need for the shadows

And you are doing nothing about it. Shame on you. You say I do not trust human civilization, but at least, im trying to help them. You're just sheeping around.
and if indeed there are such technologies we have no rights on them because they're not ours even by our laws. and in order to evolve we need to design these technologies ourselves.

"We are being denied the right to know there are other civilizations in the universe"
we don't have such a right. what legal priciples impose that?
don't be naive
"we don't have such rights "
"we don't deserve the technologies"
"we don't have evidence till they confirm it"
"they have a right to abduct us"

"And you are doing nothing about it. Shame on you."
someone has played too much Splinter Cell / Soldier of Fortune
and I said nothing about abductions, and said nothing about evidence
don't invent my words
crazymikey said:
This is the kind of stupidity, I am stupid enough, to reply too. I'll stop being stupid.
Once again you choice not to address my comments and decide to try and change the topic.

Do you really think you can convince people that ETI are visitng if you back down and change the subject every time someone challenges you?

If you are so unable to defend what you 'know'... you don't really know it...
crazymikey said:
So keep reaping, and be prepared to reap the future, that is sowed by your ignorance and foolishness.

End times warning?

crazymikey said:
In all honestly, I don't really care, if humanity is enslaved/wiped out.

Rejection of humanity? World rejection?

crazymikey said:
...and inhibiting our spiritual progress -

Oh... yeah. The UFO/ETI Religious Movement.

Theologian Paul Tillich (1948) pointed out that religion was that which people take seriously without any reservations. Bellah (1964) called it a set of symbols and forms which relate man to the ultimate condition of his existence.

Crazymikey vehemently denies that he is part of a religious movement, but that a culture would reject that their belief system is religious isn't new. The Greek society of the Hellenistic period had religion so ingrained into it's everyday social life and political structure that a word for its religion didn't even exist. To the Greeks, this was just the way the world was and their beliefs, while wholly supernatural, didn't appear that way to them.

That UFO/ETI proponents do not revise their beliefs and that they reject evidences that are unsupportive of their belief system while adhering to evidences that are supportive, no matter how spurious or irrational or regardless of the fact that these evidences have been deconstructed or debunked is also not surprising. Religion (Ember, et al, 2002), after all, is the set of attitudes, beliefs and practices pertaining to supernatural power.

The supernatural is defined (Ember, et al, 2002) as "powers believed to be not human or not subject to the laws of nature. This clearly describes the UFO/ETI hypothesis, since ETI violate the laws of nature in their activities, even though this is usually rationalized by the UFO/ETI proponent who will state that "they use laws of nature we have yet to understand."

Rationalization, therefore, is to be expected in religious thought. "God's will," or "God works in mysterious ways," are but two common examples. But even looking at very foreign (in idea, concept and culture to Western values) religions, we can note that the Zande (Evans-Pritchard, 1937) use of poison-oracles is a very good example of religious rationalization and one very similar to the UFO/ETI version.

The poison-oracle administers a poison called benge to a live fowl and, based on the question and whether the fowl lives or dies after ingesting the strictnine-like substance, divines answers of yes or no. It matters not to the Zande whether the fowl latter dies after receiving another dose; whether the "un-blessed" dose kills another foul; etc. Evans-Pritchard lists at least 8 elaborations that are held at the ready by Azande priests to explain the failure of a poison-oracle. If a European were to test the process for the Zande, and a fowl died, they would simply state that "good benge was not used." In fact, the death of the fowl would be the evidence of this.

So what has Azande faith to do with UFO/ETI belief? The same reasoning has been used in this very forum. The same process is in use by the UFO/ETI proponent. "They reason excellently (Evans-Pritchard, 1937) in the idiom of their beliefs, but they cannot reason outside, or against, their beliefs because they have no other idiom in which to express their thoughts."

We also have to understand that UFO/ETI proponents like crazymikey will reject humanity, particularly when it comes to being responsible for our own existence. This, too, is a pervasive characteristic of world religions: the Creation Myth.

Crazymikey posits that humans are incapable of creating themselves (specifically the technology) and others have suggested that aliens were responsible for inseminating early hominids or splicing DNA with them. Crazymikey and others suggest that alien visitation influenced the proto-historians of the Pentateuch and later books of the bible, perhaps even the crucifixion event itself, and someone here suggested that "ETI explains and fills many gaps" of the bible.

But this rejection of humanity, as I said, is pervasive. Christian dogma speaks of the End-times and Armageddon, and the point at which the world will be cleansed and only the righteous/true-believers will ascend. Other religions have similar mythologies, but most seem to center around the "sins" and shortcomings of humanity as the reason for rejecting worldly "ways."

Creation mythologies themselves are characteristic of religion, so they too aren't surprising in the UFO/ETI religious repertoire. This may very well be the influence of language on religious thought. The world creation implies a "creator." A design existing without a designer is counterintuitive. Many UFO/ETI proponents are non-religious in the sense that they conform to the accepted religions of society (christianity, judaism, islam, buddhism, etc.), and therefore do not buy into the traditional religious explanations for creation.

Yet the need to explain or understand, that which is incomprehensible and/or disturbing, remains. The ontological template of "creation needing a creator" hasn't gone away. Thus the introduction of alien intervention in the same manner in which gods have been used to explain the otherwise unexplainable for centuries.

The current unexplainables: the lights in the sky; mental disturbances; inadequacy feelings; infinity associated with space/time; technological abilities of modernity; behavior and beliefs of early Homo sapiens; beginnings of the universe; vastness of the universe; where the WMDs went; how man became intelligent; etc. all give rise to new religious thought.

ETI becomes the answer in the place of gods. Aliens assume the new godly and demonic positions in the stead of rejected icons of traditional religion.

The UFO/ETI Religion, as it were, is not a formal one. On the whole, it hasn't the congruence found in other, more mainstream religions. But the beginnings of formalization are there. A glance at the activities of the Raellian UFO Cult (in Canada?) as well as the former activities of the Heaven's Gate cult demonstrate this.

The UFO/ETI movement has its sacred places: the so-called crash site at Roswell; Area 51; Gulf Breeze; Dulce, NM; etc.

The UFO/ETI movement has its own "priests," "shamans," and "prophets:" Stanton Friedman; Steven Greer; Kenneth Arnold; Art Bell; Whitley Strieber; Mark Carlotto; Linda Moulton-Howe; Bob Lazar; and J. Allen Hynek to name a very few.

The UFO/ETI movement has its share of "anti-christs" as well :) : Phillip Klass; Michael Shermer; Carl Sagan; Marcello Truzzi; John Casti; etc.

The UFO/ETI movement has some ritual aspects as well. Simply visiting the many online congregations and participating in discussions, presenting "evidences," supporting the "priestly caste," etc. is a form of ritual. Ritual (Crapo, 2003) being the "stereotyped sequences of behaviors associated with particular emotions and rationalized, made meaningful, by the supernatural beliefs of the performers."


Bellah, R. (1964, June). Religious Evolution. American Sociological Review, 29(3), 358-374.
Crapo, R. H. (2003). Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of Religions. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ember, C., Ember, M., & Peregrine, P. (2002). Anthropology, 10th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1937). Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. Oxford.
a great article , SkinWalker. strangly I found myself reading it from the bottom to top. got the continuity of logic better. (honest)
geeez I must be Satansoft created
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