Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Crazymikey, you do have to remember that the paintings you displayed are just
artistic impressions, painted many hundereds of years after the events represented.
For example, The Baptism of Christ was one of many such paintings, and the one
you posted was painted by Aert de Gelder who died in 1727. It is thought to have
been painted by him in 1710. He would have to been kind of old to have painted
it from eyewitness recollection.
2inquisitive, yes, none of these are eye-witness accounts. However they are based on actual events, and considering they clearly depict fly saucer UFO's, long before the discovery of flight, space science etc, the modern UFO phemoena, it is enough, to raise many eye brows. In, fact, UFO's have been sighted for thousands of years. Hence, it is not surprising, UFO's are depicted in these paintings.

It explains much of the loose ends in the bible as well. Much of our history is explained.
I don’t know a lot of them look like clouds with light beaming down from them on to said holy persons.
crazymikey said:
2inquisitive, yes, none of these are eye-witness accounts. However they are based on actual events,

And just how is it that the "actual events" were known to the artists? They obviously weren't there.

crazymikey said:
and considering they clearly depict fly saucer UFO's,

What they clearly depict is standard religious iconography for angelic manifestations, holy spirit, light of god, etc.

crazymikey said:
It explains much of the loose ends in the bible as well. Much of our history is explained.

Which "loose ends" do you refer to?
There are also other factors Mikey,
For instance if you spot instances of men in the sky surrounded by bright lights, they are just suppose to be the personifications of the sun and the moon. Afterall at the time the understanding was they were gods that watched over the planet and not either orbital satellites or the centre of a solar system.

The whole essense of personification can be rooted right back to before christianity, when multiple countries had different people speaking different languages like they do now, however they still needed to communicate things between each country like the fact a festival was going on in their country or town.

In this sort of instance, you could suggest a Greek from Athens, would of potentially tried to explain to some merchant that they were about to have a festival, and explained what their great city of the time was about. However rather than saying the city has a party, they might have said "She is having a gathering in her honour".

Eventually it would transpire into the personification of Athena, and this would occur in other states of the Greek Empire and other Empires on the planet at the time. Since some of these states would have celebrations based upon times of the year or even when planets seemed to be closer to the earth, again personifications of planets and stars would be formed to help explain what the celebration was about and over time lose their meaning.

I believe how Christianity took such a great hold of the world was down to the Roman Empire. The Romans and their empire had realised that they were on choppy grounds, they had 100's of provinces dotted around generating their empire but the problem with all these different provinces was that they each had their own personifications, gods and celebration dates which caused alsorts of distruptions and even potentially warfare.

One province might class a period as a religious holiday where others would work through it on a normal day, some would hail some god that others would see the rival of their own.

This being one preportion of to potential unrest, and the factor that Spartacus had shaken the Romans at the very core of their empire, my belief is that a decision was made to try and deal with potential future slave uprisings and these potential province disagreements. This is why both Julius Ceasar and Augustus would have had a factor on this matter, since they changed the Roman 10 month calendar, they introduced new holidays, supported monothesism over polythesism (Single God over multiple Deities) to name but a few things during their reign.

For them to pick Christianity would be a mixture of Causality (How many stories have been written and told and people subjected to religious teachings since that point in time?) and the fact that no other religion at that time would have been perceived as causing people of different countries and provinces to draw together.
It also made perfect sense that rather than continuing to have a negative roll towards such a religion that they would take a positive one, because it lessened the unrest caused by disagreements with peoples religious views.

As for Holy Lights etc...

A theory about why some historic landmarks are situated at different locations in conjunctions with either stars or constelations suggests it was done so because people in the past used the stars to guide their paths to destinations.

In fact the theory suggests that great cities would have been founded in direct relation to a stars location in the sky, just to make the city easier to navigate to from different locations on the planet. (This means that a City could personify a god and star as apart of their celebrations, just because it was their navigation point)

This would even tie in with the explaination about the Egyptian pyramids being located at a particular spot, and perhaps even explain that the reasoning for one of the Hieroglyphs dipicts "a star over a pyramid" which most originally took for granted as being the sun.
Stryderunknown said:
There are also other factors Mikey,
For instance if you spot instances of men in the sky surrounded by bright lights, they are just suppose to be the personifications of the sun and the moon. Afterall at the time the understanding was they were gods that watched over the planet and not either orbital satellites or the centre of a solar system.

The whole essense of personification can be rooted right back to before christianity, when multiple countries had different people speaking different languages like they do now, however they still needed to communicate things between each country like the fact a festival was going on in their country or town.

In this sort of instance, you could suggest a Greek from Athens, would of potentially tried to explain to some merchant that they were about to have a festival, and explained what their great city of the time was about. However rather than saying the city has a party, they might have said "She is having a gathering in her honour".

Eventually it would transpire into the personification of Athena, and this would occur in other states of the Greek Empire and other Empires on the planet at the time. Since some of these states would have celebrations based upon times of the year or even when planets seemed to be closer to the earth, again personifications of planets and stars would be formed to help explain what the celebration was about and over time lose their meaning.

I believe how Christianity took such a great hold of the world was down to the Roman Empire. The Romans and their empire had realised that they were on choppy grounds, they had 100's of provinces dotted around generating their empire but the problem with all these different provinces was that they each had their own personifications, gods and celebration dates which caused alsorts of distruptions and even potentially warfare.

One province might class a period as a religious holiday where others would work through it on a normal day, some would hail some god that others would see the rival of their own.

This being one preportion of to potential unrest, and the factor that Spartacus had shaken the Romans at the very core of their empire, my belief is that a decision was made to try and deal with potential future slave uprisings and these potential province disagreements. This is why both Julius Ceasar and Augustus would have had a factor on this matter, since they changed the Roman 10 month calendar, they introduced new holidays, supported monothesism over polythesism (Single God over multiple Deities) to name but a few things during their reign.

For them to pick Christianity would be a mixture of Causality (How many stories have been written and told and people subjected to religious teachings since that point in time?) and the fact that no other religion at that time would have been perceived as causing people of different countries and provinces to draw together.
It also made perfect sense that rather than continuing to have a negative roll towards such a religion that they would take a positive one, because it lessened the unrest caused by disagreements with peoples religious views.

As for Holy Lights etc...

A theory about why some historic landmarks are situated at different locations in conjunctions with either stars or constelations suggests it was done so because people in the past used the stars to guide their paths to destinations.

In fact the theory suggests that great cities would have been founded in direct relation to a stars location in the sky, just to make the city easier to navigate to from different locations on the planet. (This means that a City could personify a god and star as apart of their celebrations, just because it was their navigation point)

This would even tie in with the explaination about the Egyptian pyramids being located at a particular spot, and perhaps even explain that the reasoning for one of the Hieroglyphs dipicts "a star over a pyramid" which most originally took for granted as being the sun.


I think you are trying to "rationalize" too much. Come on friend, there is a point, where you have to just let go.

Question this:

How do ancient cultures, who do not have the slightest knowledge of flight, space flight, space science, electricity, conjour up images of UFO's? Flying metallic disks, controlled by living entities from the stars, that glow red/yellow/orange blue light from their centre, that produce a humming sound as they go forth, that traverse the skies with lightening speed, that emit means of light that illuminate the ground, and perform gravity defying stunts?

Why is this description consistent from early history, all the way, to the modern age?

Can you imagine today, what kind of devices we would be using to travel to other dimensions? I don't think so. Can you imagine, what a new colour, would look like? I don't think so. Mankind is not capable of imagining without there being something to inspire him. Even in the early 20th century, the science fiction was ridiculous; people living in the sky, mailman delivering mail on a flying bicycle and other such preposterous nonsense.

So what makes ancient cultures imagine something that is 21st century technology(more realistically 31st century technology - we've had a 10 century headstart) not just imagine, but extensively documented as part of their history.

The artwork only confirms what these flying objects that people saw from every time period; looked like:

Read these descriptions:

170 BC: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “A remarkable spectacle of a fleet of ships was seen in the air at Lanupium.

90 BC Rome: In the territory of Spoletium, in Umbria, a globe of fire, of golden color appeared burning in the north with a terrific noise in the sky, then fell, gyrating, to the earth. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth, and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the disc of the sun, with its brilliance. It revolved towards the eastern quadrant of the sky.

748 England: " Ships were seen in the air with their men

At a monastery a great light appeared in the sky at night and shone over nuns who were singing in the burial-ground. They reported that it lifted up, moved to the other side of the monastery, and then ascended into the night sky. Priests said the light surpassed the brightness of day.

840 France, Lyons: As he was coming out of the Cathedral Archbishop Abobard, saw a mob stoning three men and a woman alleged to have been seen a lighting from a aerial ship.

1133 Japan: A large silvery disk is reported to have come close to the ground.

1180 Japan, Kii province: A term equivalent to our "flying saucer" was actually used by the Japanese approximately 700 years before it came into use in the West. Ancient documents describe an unusual shining object seen in the night as a flying "earthenware vessel." The object, which had been heading northeast from a mountain in Kii province, changed its direction and vanished below the horizon, leaving a luminous trail.

1200 England: William of Newburgh describes a silvery, flat, shiny disc-like object, which appeared near the abbey and frightened everyone near it.

1254 England, St Albans: Some monks at saw in the night sky 'a kind of large ship elegantly.

1332 England, Uxbridge: There was seen in the sky a pile (pillar) of fire the size of a small boat, pallid and livid in colour. It rose from the south, crossed the sky with a slow and grave motion, and went north. Out of the front of the pile, a fervent red flame burst forth with great beams of light. Its speed increased, and it flew through the air.

1461 France, Arras: A fiery thing like an iron rod of good length and as large as one half of the moon was seen in the sky for less than a quarter of an hour. This object was also described as being "shaped like a ship from which fire was seen flowing.

1517 Rumania, Moldavia: A large blue glowing disk appeared and remained in the sky for some time.

1520 Erfurt, Prussia: Two burning suns were observed. The report says that a great burning beam then landed, took off again and then became circular in shape.

1561 Germany, Nuremberg: The entire sky over, was filled with cylindrical objects and spinning discs, some say as many as 200, spouting numerous black, red and orange spheres.

• Germany, Tubingen: "Objects came out of the clouds resembling large, tall and wide hats and they landed in great numbers and in a variety of colours." From Pierre Boaistuan

1676: Edmond Hally, the astronomer who discovered Haley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." He estimated it at 40 mi. above him. He also stated that it made a noise, "Like the rattling of a great cart over stones." After estimating the distance it traveled in a matter of minutes, he came to the conclusion that it moved at a speed greater than 9,600 m.p.h.

1694 Wales, Montgomeryshire: “A fiery exhalation...a furlong broad” rose out of the sea burning straw, hay and barns. Grass tainted, killing cattle, and skin affected.

1733 England, Dorset, Fleet: Dec 8 - James Cracker of, a small town in, , saw a silvery disc fly overhead in broad daylight. Here is his eyewitness account: "Something in the sky which appeared in the north but vanished from my sight, as it was intercepted by trees, from my vision. I was standing in a valley. The weather was warm, the sun shone brightly. All of a sudden it re-appeared, darting in and out of my sight with an amazing coruscation. The colour of this phenomenon was like burnished, or new-washed silver. It shot with speed like a star falling in the night. But it had a body much larger and a train longer than any shooting star I have seen. Next day Mr. Edgecombe informed me that he and another gentleman had seen this strange phenomenon at the same time as I had. It was about 15 miles from where I saw it, and steering a course from east to north."

• England: The scientist Tiberius Cavallo was a witness to a sighting that also stunned Royal guests at a celebration to mark the birth of the 15th son of King George 111 and Queen Charlotte! A luminous object appeared from beneath a cloud and soon became brilliantly lit before coming to a halt. According To Cavallo"s account of the incident: "This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour, but its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east." Even though the sun was shining the object is said to have lit up everything on the ground and eventually disappeared with a terrific explosion!

1831 Germany, Thuringia: It was reported that a brilliant luminous disc was seen in the night sky.

1846 USA: A 'luminous flying disc' was reported over this eastern seaboard area.

1860 USA, Louisiana, Shreveport: "Our attention was called to a strange light in the heavens. On going out into the gallery we had a magnificent view of it. It appeared to the naked eye, about 300 yards in length, extending from North to West appearing just above the tallest trees. Its color was that of a red hot stove from the center beautiful rays resembling those of the sun drawing water would ascend to a considerable height, the whole presenting a very beautiful and sublime appearance. We watched it for about an hour without perceiving it to change any.

• Chile, Copiago: A strange "aerial construction bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century.
• England, Oxford: Astronomers at Radcliffe Observatory saw a luminous object that moved quickly across the sky, stopped, changed course to the west, then to the south, where it hovered for four minutes, then headed toward the north.

1869 USA, Tennessee, Ashland: A whirlwind came along over the neighboring woods, taking up small branches and leaves of trees and burring them in a sort of flaming cylinder that traveled at a rate of about five miles an hour, developing size as it traveled. It passed directly over the spot where a team of horses were feeding and singed their manes and tails up to the roots; it then swept towards the house, taking a stack of hay in its course. It seemed to increase in heat as it went, and by the time it reached the house it immediately fired the shingles from end to end of the building, so that in ten minutes the whole dwelling was wrapped in flames. The tall column of traveling caloric then continued its course over a wheat field that had been recently cradled, setting fire to all the stacks that happened to be in its course. Passing from the field, its path lay over a stretch of woods, which reached the river. The green leaves on the trees were crisped to a cinder for a breadth of 20 yards, in a straight line to the Cumberland. When the "pillar of fire" reached the water, it suddenly changed its route down the river, raising a column of steam which went up to the clouds for about half-a-mile, when it finally died out. Not less than 200 people witnessed this strangest of strange phenomena, and all of them tell substantially the same story about it. Symon's Monthly Meteorological Magazine, 1869

1879 Persian Gulf: The S.S. Vulture crew reported, two luminous rotating wheels, about 130 ft. across, seen above the water before diving

Comments: A group sighting of "luminous rotating wheels with relatable dimensions" very similar to Ezikels sighting a few thousand years ago.

1880: • England, Aldershot: A strange being dressed in tight-fitting clothes and shining helmet soared over the heads of two sentries, who fired without result. The apparition stunned them with something described as blue fire.

1882 England: A huge UFO, the first such phenomenon which was characteristically saucer-shaped in Europe, was plainly observed by numerous people in England and other parts of Europe during the night. It was seen to travel in the sky at an approximate altitude of 130 miles in an east-west direction. A number of eminent scientists witnessed the object, among them being Dr E Walter Maunder, Greenwich astronomer; English spectroscopist, J Rand Capron; Dutch astronomers Audemans and Zeeman. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich published a report of the conclusions reached by scientists, following the appearance of what had been termed, "The Great Saucer". The report had this to say: "It appeared to be well defined in body and the inference drawn was that it was a meteor, not in the old vague sense of some object high in the Earth's atmosphere, but in the sense of a solid cosmological substance, disc-like in appearance, the orbit of which brought it within the terrestrial atmosphere. But nothing could be more unlike the rush of a great meteor or fireball, with intense radiance and fiery train. The advance of this object, though swift, appeared to be orderly and controlled. There was no sign of the compression of the atmosphere before it, no hint that the matter composing its front part, was in anyway more strongly heated than the rest of its substance, if substance, indeed it possessed."

1886 Venezuela: During the night of the 24th of October last, which was rainy and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues from Maracaibo, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. The occupants completely terror stricken, and believing, as they relate, that the end of the world had come, threw themselves on their knees and commenced to pray, but their devotions were almost immediately interrupted by violent vomiting, and extensive swellings commenced to appear in the upper part of their bodies, this being particularly noticeable about the face and lips. It is to be noted that the brilliant lights was not accompanied by a sensation of heat, although there was a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The next morning, the swellings had subsided, leaving upon the face and body large black blotches. No trace of lightning could afterward by observed in any part of the building, and all the sufferers unite in saying that there was no detonation, but only the loud humming already mentioned. Another curious attendant circumstance is that the trees around the house showed no signs of injury until the ninth day, when they suddenly withered. From Warner Cowgill, U. S. Consulate, Maracaibo, Venezuela in a letter posted in Scientific American, Dec 18.

• Poland: A phantom airship scare began appearing. As in later 'flaps' of this sort, the craft often appeared at night and were usually equipped with powerful searchlights.

• USA, California, Lorin: On November 26, an airship that looked like a great black cigar with a fishlike tail neared Lorin tremendous speed. It turned quickly and disappeared in the direction of San Francisco. The body was at least 100 feet long and attached to it was a triangular tail, one apex being attached to the main body. The surface of the airship looked as if it were made of aluminum, which exposure to wind and weather had turned dark. At half past 8 we saw it again, when it took about the same direction and disappeared." From the Oakland Tribune, Dec 1.

Norway, Tjolta: At Midlandet in Tjolta last Saturday evening November 21, an airship was seen again cruising about Skjaervaer Lighthouse, which it lighted up with a searchlight. The airship, which had a height of about 700 meters, descended to about 400 meters altitude, wherefrom it let the searchlight play on a passing ship. Thereafter it ascended again. Between 20 and 30 people watched it simultaneously."

Not only are there artwork and illustrations of these UFO's, that we recognise today as flying saucers. There are written and oral accounts from every time period and every culture in the world -and in 19th and early 20th century - scientists are explictly calling them airships.

What more do you need? There's historical evidence, theres millions of sightings in the modern age, including mass sightings - there are thousands of radar, radar-visual and pilot cases. There are millions of abduction cases. There are photograph's and vidoes. There are thousands of cases we cannot explain. In addition, we have hundreds and hundreds of the most biggest scientists and intelligence officers from NASA, NSA, UN, USAF confessing their existence. Most of all, we have scientists who have proven ETI is extremely likely, that anti-gravity and ZPE exists, and interstellar travel is a possibility -No, seriously, what more do you need?

My friend, accept it. We have been visited for a long long time, and still are today. What's more important, is what to do next. Not to debate something that is so glaringly obvious. It's like debating if Hilter or 9/11 even happened.
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those people at that time were attempting to rationalise just as you are now trying to utilise their rationalisation to build a picture of what occured. However as known with witnesses and testimony, their recollection of events tends to lack information that the event would have contained, especially with each of those supposed witness accounts not being First Person accounts (They are Third Person accounts, sourced by people who themselves don't know the persons who recollected, but know of sources of information that have been written by people retelling a story, so the source in this instance becomes untrustworthy.)

In fact the rationalisation could even be projected into how the Chinese have used Kites for many thousands of years, and how Generals in the Napoleonic wars were said to have used air balloons as platforms of observation to see how the battle panned below.

It's not too difficult to image that someone putting one of these things up in the air 20 or so miles away from the person viewing it, wouldn't necessarily have told the individual spying it that they were using it for such purposes.

As for Discs, and Cigar shapes in the sky, just think what happens when a meteor occurs in our atmosphere, the less of an angle between the meteors trajectory and that of the Ionosphere would generate a more Cigar shaped burn, and even take a fair amount of time to move "down" because of the angle.

My point is very simple with regards to aliens too, if they have supposedly been documented back to B.C., don't you think they would have intergrated with us rather than spy on us and doing espionage things behind everyones back?

Don't you think we would be use to interacting with some bizarre creatures that communicate with us at the same level? We might have been primative but we could of potentially have been controlled far easier than we would now.
Once ETI / UFO is acceptable as being real then there is the WHY are they here?

Read the bible for ALL the reasons and why. Hell people it’s in black and white and states the WHY very clearly, as I have stated them. Of all the possible reasons of WHY they are here and HAVE been for centuries I find the bible gave the best possible explanations. When it comes to trying to understand all the weirdness surrounding the ETI / UFO / government / religion stuff look in the bible and you will find your answers.

Get off the religious trip with the bible and it is the only ancient writing that answers all the questions simply and straight forward.
Stryderunknown said:
those people at that time were attempting to rationalise just as you are now trying to utilise their rationalisation to build a picture of what occured. However as known with witnesses and testimony, their recollection of events tends to lack information that the event would have contained, especially with each of those supposed witness accounts not being First Person accounts (They are Third Person accounts, sourced by people who themselves don't know the persons who recollected, but know of sources of information that have been written by people retelling a story, so the source in this instance becomes untrustworthy.)

No actually, it seems like people at this time are attempting to "rationalize" aliens from other planets is not a rational explanation today, then how is it rational thousands of years ago?

I'm sorry, but I think it's you that are mistaken, that trillions of people who have seen UFO's and recorded them, are mistaken.

It's not too difficult to image that someone putting one of these things up in the air 20 or so miles away from the person viewing it, wouldn't necessarily have told the individual spying it that they were using it for such purposes.

UFO's that travel faster than lightening in the skies, give forth a humming sound, defy gravity, illuminate the grounds with bright lights, glow in their centre, and that are controlled by living entities from stars.

I will just say this much: It doesn't work.

As for Discs, and Cigar shapes in the sky, just think what happens when a meteor occurs in our atmosphere, the less of an angle between the meteors trajectory and that of the Ionosphere would generate a more Cigar shaped burn, and even take a fair amount of time to move "down" because of the angle.

That's funny, because some very famous astronomers who've seen UFO's, Edmond Haley for instance, don't think so. Meteor's do not look like shiny silver disks from any angle - they not hum; they do not bullet around the sky; they do not ascend into the sky; they do not hover in the skies and move around intelligently. Your speculation is simply blind and unfounded. If you want to rationalize, come up with an explanation - that explains.

In addition: You can explain the same UFO's being detected on radar, and seen at the same time, and being chased in the sky at the same time.

My point is very simple with regards to aliens too, if they have supposedly been documented back to B.C., don't you think they would have intergrated with us rather than spy on us and doing espionage things behind everyones back?

Don't you think we would be use to interacting with some bizarre creatures that communicate with us at the same level? We might have been primative but we could of potentially have been controlled far easier than we would now.

Yes I do think so, and if you open your eyes, that is exactly what happend. They've interacted with us. Created religions, interbred with humans, possibly even genetically engineered us. They are still interacting with us today. Many cultures speak of these "gods" and if you read mythology, a lot of it has actually happened.

As I said, just let go. You are willing to endrose the most mundane and weakest theories, no matter how weak and unsubstantiated, when you don't even realise how natural ETI and interstellar travel actually is. It's the simplest, and most rational explanation. If you want to be irrational, be only, at your own expense.

For me, keeping my eyes open, and my head ticking, is not a choice - it's a necessity.
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Even though I firmly accept what the bible has to say about ETI / UFO and human interactions there remains, WHAT do we do now? Read the bible and you may get some ideas.

Keeping my eyes open is a must also because of the ease in which one can become side tracked and deceived. The best thing to do is to try and understand from what we discover what they are really doing here and from where? Because of the research I have done I strongly urge others to look at the latest research of our solar system.
crazymikey said:
No actually, it seems like people at this time are attempting to "rationalize" aliens from other planets is not a rational explanation today, then how is it rational thousands of years ago?
Nobody said it WAS rational thousands of years ago, and you haven't shown anything that suggests people were rationalizing ET. They WERE calling orbital bodies 'gods'. The only relation between the two is that intelligence is attributed were it should not, and the believers do not wish to actually listen or answer other people.
I'm sorry, but I think it's you that are mistaken, that trillions of people who have seen UFO's and recorded them, are mistaken.
You can't even keep your own argument straight. Are you arguing for UFOs or ET? We all accept UFOs already. We disagree that an unidentified object means aliens visitng our planet.

I have this funny green thing growing in my fridge. I don't know what it is. It must be proof of aliens. I have dozens of witnesses.
UFO's that travel faster than lightening in the skies, give forth a humming sound, defy gravity, illuminate the grounds with bright lights, glow in their centre, and that are controlled by living entities from stars.
Much like your claim of 'Mach 15' I'd like to see these statements backed up. How exactly do you determine if something is traveling faster than 'lightening'. What makes a mming noise unusual? (It is associated with being struck by lightning.) Most of all, how do you jump to 'controlled by living entities from the stars'? They considered orbital bodies as gods... this isn't from some knowledge of people living in the moon and the sun controlling them... but is religion.
They've interacted with us. Created religions, interbred with humans, possibly even genetically engineered us.
Wow, more baseless assumptions.

So please, backup the following:
How exactly do you determine if something is traveling faster than 'lightening'?
What makes a humming noise unusual?
How did our ancestors that aliens 'controlled ... the stars'?
How do you know they created religions?
How do you know they interbred with us? (Micheal Jackson?)

and while you are at it, you could address your other unsupported claims:
A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.
FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.

If you are going to make a claim, be sure you can back it up and aren't just talking out your rear.
Persol, please take a hint. The reason I am ignorong you, not just because you're slow and say the most stupidest things(Persolisms) but you need everything repeated to you, even when it's spelled out for you. It's a waste of time seriously. Just grow some more brain cells, and we'll talk.
Well, you'd have to explain once before you repeat it. Could you please do that now? Thanks!
I have this funny green thing growing in my fridge. I don't know what it is. It must be proof of aliens. I have dozens of witnesses.
Be careful persol thats apples to oranges ;)
Mikey persol does have some good points and i havnt seen you answer them either, if i've missed it please point it out(though it would be easier for you to answer again).
crazymikey said:
Persol, ... you need everything repeated to you, even when it's spelled out for you. It's a waste of time seriously.

I went back and looked... I didn't see the answers to the questions he asked. Perhaps I missed them in the "mountains" of garbage you call evidence, but it would be helpful if you could link to the post at least if you maintain that everything he and I have asked have been answered.

Otherwise, it can be assumed that the answers are non-existent.
Lemming, they have been answerd more than 3 times now. For your sake, I'll answer them briefly again. No, Persol, does not make good points.

How exactly do you determine if something is traveling faster than 'lightening'?

It's a figure of speech. It basically means: they are travelling very fast

What makes a humming noise unusual?

It is characteristic of UFO's, and partially suggests, a radically different system of propulsion.

How did our ancestors that aliens 'controlled ... the stars'?

They called UFO's "ships" or "vessels" and talked about living entities in them, controlling them. Most cultures say these "creatures" or "gods" were the stars.

How do you know they created religions?

They helped lay the foundations of many religions. In particular, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Greek and Egyptian. They all mention "gods" from the "stars" arriving in flying vehicles, and the religions are based of these events.

How do you know they interbred with us? (Micheal Jackson?)

It is stated in religious texts. "Gods" appearing from the "stars" and "marrying" and having "children" with humans. As well, as Mary's artificial insemination by Aliens. Now you are going to say, "it's myth" I think we've already established it's not a myth.

A 19th century scientist determining an object to Mach 15.

It's called triagulation, where you can calculate the velocity of an object, from approximate altitude and longitude(I + J) position vector, then using basic trig calculations. All you need to know: Is the position vector of the UFO, and it's new position vector - then calculate the change in its position vector and Sq((I^2 + J^2)/time taken) and you will get it's velocity.
All I have done is converted the velocity, Edmony Haley estimaed, 9,600 mph(?) to its Mach number. This estimate is consistent with modern estimates of UFO's velocity, both by visual estimation and and radar estimation.

FTL travel being possible.
Sources that show anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist.

There is little proof to suggest it is impossible:

2. The existence of black budget, black technology, and technology control




3. The existence of Anti gravity and ZPE technology




4. The existence of advanced ETI technology: nanotechnology; mind control; particle beam weaponary; tractor beams













That is the last time I'm going to repeat that.
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just as well. too many dead links. ;)

is there any tech that is indigineous to humans? i see that you attribute some stuff that is rather commonplace to eti. (mind control, nanotech) why the need for a eti? are we that stupid?
Hathor, this is not about humans being stupid, although I guess, you could say they are stupid ;) This is about a sudden quantum leap in technology. You see, it's all well for you, you take it all for granted. It does not matter where it came from, you just reap it's benefits. Yet, no one can deny, there has been a quantum leap in technology from 1940's, from combustion engines and vacuum tubes, to quantum computers, mind-control, anti-gravity, ZPE, tractor beams in 60 years. Technological growth is exponential, and this natural progression has continued from the 10th century to the 1940, even in the early 1930's, our greatest accomplishment was the vacuum tube, which took 30+ years to perfect. Suddenly, from 1940's, it just shoots up at an acute angle. That is not natural.

In addition to this, all these technologies, have been claimed long ago. Yet, it does not strike you as questionable, that they exist today, and match the abilities. Also in addition to this, reverse engineered ETI technologies have been claimed all this time, by some of the governments own scientists, physicists, defence officials, intelligence officials.

This seals the case shut really.
Mikey, most of your links don't work. Of two that did work, neither had anything to
do with your claims. For instance, one of the links to support your claim of "mind
control" was an article on using EEG nodes to pick up frequencies generated in the
brain as a possible means to control electronic devices, such as video games. Nothing
to do with using an external source to control our thoughts, do you not understand
the difference, or are you just throwing up a buch of bullshit hoping to confuse people
with the volume of stuff you post instead of its validity supporting your statements?
The fas site was discussing laser and microwave weapons, not particle beams or tractor beams, again unrelated to your arguements. And, most reports of UFO sightings
state the UFOs are silent, even close sightings.
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