Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Avatar said:
well then, as a representative of legal science on this planet let me put a good end to this thread on the page 10. (unless mikey logically answers Persol's questions stated above)

I'm in agreeance. The thread should close. It has ended as all pseudoscience postulations, with ad hominem responses to legitimate query.

Avatar said:
We all have read this thread and have observed that crazymikey in his arguments has used nothing but his own theories and assumptions and explanations of facts and fiction,

I must disagree with the term "theory" as it is used here. The scientific definition of "theory" includes the explanation of events by one or more tested hypotheses. Crazymikey has not offered any hypotheses that have been successfully tested and most appear untestable/non-falsifiable. Therefore his claims have no scientific merit.

I say close the threads.
I dont think he wants to, i personally find his other evidence more compelling than the technological theory, though i dont think thats too difficult, i'd understand if mikey gave up on the tech angle of things, its an incredably difficult thing to prove aswell, credit for the idea and trying though.
I'd go with closing the thread too unless he has something more, the mountain of evidence seems more like a house of cards when you look at it, he's tried his best but he didnt have what he needed to prove it. Anyone else notice how this theoretical thread about what they want turned into another proof thread?
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Faulty, he said "hope I don't get inserted and anally probed" so if he's gay, and has a partner, he might. I was wondering why he "not hoped it" while going to "sleep" ;)

What questions? I've not been asked any questions.
he's tried his best but he didnt have what he needed to prove it.
Yeah, he didn't have the evidence he needed.... but he lied and said that he did. This guy has no integrity, yet he wants us to believe his claims in other threads?
"didn't have the evidence" ROFL

It would be more accurate to say, you folks did not have any explanations. You still have not explained the 20 or so cases I've presented you. Yet you say no "evidence" you're funny!
Crazymikey has not offered any hypotheses that have been successfully tested and most appear untestable/non-falsifiable. Therefore his claims have no scientific merit.

I say close the threads.

Oh so, poor UFO skeptic wannabe, can have his theories fished out from the gutter? Your hypothesis, "UFO/religon cult" does not even have a shred of evidence, yet you say that.
I think you should drop that gender/gay thing Crazymikey - it's not doing your credibility any favours.
As for the questions, I guess if you're ignoring Persol you wouldn't have seen them. I hope Persol won't mind me reposting them here (sorry Persol if you do):

Why do you think the exponential curve is actually correct, when if has been demonstrated as wrong in the past?
Where do your 'technology numbers' come from?
Can you show an instance of where ETI help/technology has been provided to advance a technology?
Can you explain why you use IC chips as an example of alien help, when it is one of the few fields which have followed the exponential curve?
Can you explain why ETI has something to do with your 'spiritual progress', yet you claim you are not a religious ETI fanatic?
Can you explain how the transistor, the integrated circuit chips, fibre optics, and lasers were developed secretly by the government... when they have been public since early development? Can you further exmplain the false claim that they have each been developed with "black budgets with trillions of dollars of input"?
Were in the development of any technology is the 'leap' which you think ET provided?
Can you show ANY technology that the governement 'churned out' which was not based on years of academic research?
How do you know that 'anti-gravity', 'ZPE', 'Paritcle beams', or 'Mind control' technology exists in any usable sense?
Can you explain IN DETAIL how you determine both direction and speed using one line of sight?
Could you explain why you said "You're right, the links all seem to be dead now. Interesting, very interesting indeed" when it was simply a result of you not knowing how to post links?
What makes a humming noise unusual, when it occurs in nature?
Why is our ancestors thinking that aliens 'controlled ... the stars' proof of ETI, when the idea is based soley on irregular (from earth) planetary orbits?
How do you know they created religions when religions even exist in the most isolated of tribes?
How do you know they interbred with us?
Do you have any scientific sources showing that anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist?
Can you explain how you 'know' that those paintings 'are based on actual events' when you admit yourself that they are not eyewitnesses, and are paintined almost 2000 years after the fact?
Can you explain how we 'were kind enough to openly insult ETI' and why you would find this offensive anyhow?
Why the fact that the 3D Mars image doesn't have the features of a face just fly over your head?
Can you backup the statement of "WCF - The proof I have, is actually admitted by JPL on their web site"?

I'd also like to add one of my own:
You sometimes say something along the lines of that you hope that people can accept your view before it's too late for them.
How will knowing or suspecting The Truth help you when the events that you allude to take place?
Please learn how to actually hold a conversation. We have said that your claims are false. We have pointed out reasons why, pointed out holes in your ideas, and asked you to close them. You have been unable to answer the questions needed to close these holes.

The ETI acts like religion thread has been supported pretty well, and your only response has been 'you are wrong'. The lack of any logic response just furthers the eti religion idea.
I think you should drop that gender/gay thing Crazymikey - it's not doing your credibility any favours.

Is it doing any favours for the credibility of the person who said it? ;)
The ETI acts like religion thread has been supported pretty well, and your only response has been 'you are wrong'. The lack of any logic response just furthers the eti religion idea.

Please prove to me ETI is a religion ;)
Avatar said: 2:50am everyone. time to bed before monday. hope i don't get abducted and inserted an anal probe.
crazyasmonkey said: Faulty, he said "hope I don't get inserted and anally probed" so if he's gay, and has a partner, he might. I was wondering why he "not hoped it" while going to "sleep"

yawn.... anyone would like to continue on child psihology and perception problems?
Yeah, he didn't have the evidence he needed.... but he lied and said that he did. This guy has no integrity, yet he wants us to believe his claims in other threads?
I admire his spirit in the face of adversity and although i disagree with most of his claims he has tried his best and kept going, its rare to see that kind of thing nowadays, perhaps a career in the army is an idea for him. I try my best to refrain from insulting anybody no matter how much i disagree(although it can get the better of me sometimes) and i think credit is due as far as his willingness to keep argueing is concerned.
All 20 cases:


Please explain, how, multiple witnesses, and intelligece officers, including a Colonel who was in charge of the first nuclear strike force, would go out and call this a flying saucer?
I myself don't think that Crazymikey has showed a willingness to keep arguing at all. Keep slagging people off, yes. Keep skirting the issues, yes. Keep arguing, no. Perhaps he'd be better suited to politics than to the army.
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