Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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craterchains (Norval said:
Get off the religious trip with the bible and it is the only ancient writing that answers all the questions simply and straight forward.

Maybe that is why this ancient writing is overlooked is because it does answer all the questions in a very simple language.
I guess everyone must think the answers must be very complex, oh well, their loss not mine.
I checked out another site linked to as a "mind control proof." Here is an excerpt:

"As Saddam’s statue was being pulled down, one with discerning eyes could see delta-T antennas mounted on the psychotronic warfare units that were deployed around the square. The American soldiers and embedded press wore their battle helmets of course, special units lined with aluminum shields and helmholtz coils, keeping the powerful psychotronic pulses from affecting them."
Mikey, You mention "Quantum Leaps in technology" and you seem to think us humans are incapable of generating technology and move it such an advance.

Think of it like this, before Charles Babbage, people used things like an Abacus to carry out mathematics, and complex mathematics could take years for people to write out and plan. As soon as the first computation engines began to be created it changed our world forever.

Mathematics was sped up, even The Agrarian/Industrial Revolution created things like Seed Drills, Four course crop rotations, Spinning Jenny's, Steam Engines, Trains, Mass production and Unions etc.

When one founding Scientific discovery was made, it laid the path for others to follow and with each increase in technology by man it was made to be easier for others to adapt and retrofit to be even better at it's job or easier to use.
(Especially in with the usage of Automated systems that deal with remedial self replicative tasks that us humans would get bored or strained from.)

This "evolution curve" still seen today, original coding a program could take more than 5 years to do all the necessary things before a retail version was created, however techniques have been ergonomically formed and now coded programs will allow people to output Retail games in under 1 year.

In fact Mikey I would suggest analysing those worlds "Evolution Curve" because technology doesn't increase at a steady angular rate, it curves until it points straight up. (although I'm not going to explain what that entails then because it might start you on a whole new theoretical voyage that you might not be able to handle until you get to terms with the current one.)
crazymikey said:
It's a figure of speech. It basically means: they are travelling very fast
So to translate, it may have been moving at 100mph, as that would have been fast to them.
crazymikey said:
It is characteristic of UFO's, and partially suggests, a radically different system of propulsion.
It is also characterisic of lightning, a suggests... lightning.
crazymikey said:
They called UFO's "ships" or "vessels" and talked about living entities in them, controlling them. Most cultures say these "creatures" or "gods" were the stars.
You missed the point didn't you? They also said that entities controlled the movement of the sun, the stars, and the planets in the sky. How are they expected to know what stuff in the sky had people in it? To them, it was all unidentified. I supopse the man in the moon is actually a man in the moon?
crazymikey said:
They helped lay the foundations of many religions. In particular, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Greek and Egyptian. They all mention "gods" from the "stars" arriving in flying vehicles, and the religions are based of these events.
Repeating your claim doesn't support it.What evidence do you have teat they 'lay the foundations of many religions'. The funny thing is, the foundations of most religions can be traced back to before the current crop of religions actually existed.
crazymikey said:
It is stated in religious texts. "Gods" appearing from the "stars" and "marrying" and having "children" with humans. As well, as Mary's artificial insemination by Aliens. Now you are going to say, "it's myth" I think we've already established it's not a myth.
crazymikey said:
It's called triagulation... All you need to know: Is the position vector of the UFO, and it's new position vector - then calculate the change in its position vector and Sq((I^2 + J^2)/time taken) and you will get it's velocity.
You failed to answer the question.... probably because you don't actually understand how triangulation works (which is how some radar systems work as well). You need TWO lines of site to calculate distance and speed. On observer is completely useless. In fact, even two observes are useless unless you have some way to almost perfectly syncronize them.
crazymikey said:
There is little proof to suggest it is impossible:
LMAO. You make claims saying that it is true... and your best evidence is that nobody has shown it too be false? Oh boy...
crazymikey said:
2. The existence of black budget, black technology, and technology control
Which does not relate to tractor beams or mind control... It DOES say that there are technologies we do not know about. It DOES NOT give you enough evidence to say that tractor beams and mind control exist in any useable form.
crazymikey said:
3. The existence of Anti gravity and ZPE technology
Please learn how to post links. It is funny that just points to a forum
crazymikey said:
4. The existence of advanced ETI technology: nanotechnology; mind control; particle beam weaponary; tractor beams

This is not 'mind control'. This is controlling something using the mind... and is the resutl of YEARS of basic research. In now way does this imply ET.
crazymikey said:
You're kidding... right? Do you realize that they are simply making the same unsubstantiated claims as you? What did you miss in the request for 'scientific sources'?
crazymikey said:
Once again... the result of years of basic research.
crazymikey said:
Funny enough, this source even details some of that basic research for you.
crazymikey said:
And this wasn't developed by people because....
crazymikey said:
That is the last time I'm going to repeat that.
Well, since you still avoided most of the questions perhaps you could stop repeating and actually answer. I saw nothing in their to substantiate your claims.
I am not surprised.

You failed to answer the question.... probably because you don't actually understand how triangulation works (which is how some radar systems work as well). You need TWO lines of site to calculate distance and speed. On observer is completely useless. In fact, even two observes are useless unless you have some way to almost perfectly syncronize them.

That would be lines of "sight" and not lines of "site". As for the rest of the statements, you need "two lines of sight" much like television reporters need to bring their own "studio lights" to press conferences and "no thought is required for PR releases" and "eyewitness testimony is false" what are you, a retard? I just give you the complete equation on how it is calculated, and you still are stupid enough to say that? Persol, im giving up on you, im amazed, how you can say so many stupid things and yet continue to blurt unending rivers of nonsense.
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crazymikey said:
That would be lines of "sight" and not lines of "site" you dunce.
Would you like me to start pointing out all of your mispellings. I take it that you don't actually have any responses to what I posted, since you can't actually back your statements up.
crazymikey said:
As for the rest of the statements, you need "two lines of sight" much like television reporters need to bring their own "studio lights" to press conferences and "no thought is required for PR releases" and "eyewitness testimony is false" what are you, a retard?
Please explain IN DETAIL how you determine both direction and speed using one line of sight. You can't. It is called triangulation because you need view and object from THREE different positions to determine longitude, latitude, and height. In the case of eyesite, TWO sources are needed because the height is related to the distance.

You are simply wrong. If you disagree then provide a source.

All that your 'witness' did was GUESS a second line of sight.
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The mind control link reminded me of a programme i saw, if you've ever seen derren brown mind control programmes you'd know perfectly well that link has little to do with control, its influence, and sometimes it is obvious how derren brown does it, the link suggests control when really it means influence, same as what shops use to get us to spend our money, even on things we dont need. I dont see a lot for actual control on there, just influence and thats something humans have been learning for years.
Black budget doesnt prove ETI, anti grav etc, you should understand that by now.
From what i read about the other technologies they are theoretical, and theorys dont constitute reality, plenty of scientists have theorys that needed changing or scrapping altogether to get what they want.
As for your technology advance theory im dissappointed you discredit the work of the worlds brightest minds and support ETI intervention, so since you have this theory at what year exactly do ETI give us some form of technology advance?
Guys, please note that the constant bickering (as pleasant as it might be to each of you) generates nothing but more insults as time progresses.

I would suggest dropping your hatred and looving of one another because you'll only realise that if it wasn't for the otherguy your conversation (no matter how pointless it might seem from what ever angle you percieve it.) would cease to exist.
Stryderunknown said:
Mikey, You mention "Quantum Leaps in technology" and you seem to think us humans are incapable of generating technology and move it such an advance.

Ah, human patriotism. I don't care for humans to be honest.

Think of it like this, before Charles Babbage, people used things like an Abacus to carry out mathematics, and complex mathematics could take years for people to write out and plan. As soon as the first computation engines began to be created it changed our world forever.

Mathematics was sped up, even The Agrarian/Industrial Revolution created things like Seed Drills, Four course crop rotations, Spinning Jenny's, Steam Engines, Trains, Mass production and Unions etc.

When one founding Scientific discovery was made, it laid the path for others to follow and with each increase in technology by man it was made to be easier for others to adapt and retrofit to be even better at it's job or easier to use.
(Especially in with the usage of Automated systems that deal with remedial self replicative tasks that us humans would get bored or strained from.)

Yes, they are natural progressions - you just missed something:

Abacus was invented 2000 years+ ago . 1623 years later, the first mechanical calculating machines were used by Kepler. These mechanical machines were further worked on, till Charles Babbage invented the differential analyzer in 1838. 300 years of using developing mechanical calculating machines, finally saw the use of the vacuum tube, for the first electronic computer.

300 years of mechanical computers, with no real use
10 years of vacuum tube computers
10 years later transistor computers
10 years later intergrated circuit chips
10 years later the microprocessor
10 years later nanochips and quantum computers

The time it took for the perfection of the vacuum tubes(40 years) bearing in mind, this is only one technological component; we have completed 4 generations of technology.

You can check this with any technological component. Steam engines took 200-300 years to put to use. It took 100+ years to develop a reflecting telescop. It took 300+ years to put a damn trigger on a gun.

There has been a huge quantum leap. That's something no one can deny. Just 100 years ago we were being driven by horse-pulled buggies, and using steam to power our factories.

This "evolution curve" still seen today, original coding a program could take more than 5 years to do all the necessary things before a retail version was created, however techniques have been ergonomically formed and now coded programs will allow people to output Retail games in under 1 year.

In fact Mikey I would suggest analysing those worlds "Evolution Curve" because technology doesn't increase at a steady angular rate, it curves until it points straight up. (although I'm not going to explain what that entails then because it might start you on a whole new theoretical voyage that you might not be able to handle until you get to terms with the current one.)

No Stryder. Eventually the technological curve will point up, but it will happen gradually. It won't just shoot up at an acute angle. It's like starting a curved line at the bottom left of a paper(use it all) curve the pencil upwards, and then suddenly just shoot the pencil vertically up. If you think that is natural; then you should retake statistics at college.

The case is pretty much sealed shut mate:

1: Quantum leap in technology
2: Nasa, NSA, CIA, USAF claiming reverse engineered ETI technology
3: 86% of those claims fully confirmed today(none proven wrong)

That is the bottom line. Leg go, in your own time. No pressure :)
Lemming3k said:
The mind control link reminded me of a programme i saw, if you've ever seen derren brown mind control programmes you'd know perfectly well that link has little to do with control, its influence, and sometimes it is obvious how derren brown does it, the link suggests control when really it means influence, same as what shops use to get us to spend our money, even on things we dont need. I dont see a lot for actual control on there, just influence and thats something humans have been learning for years.
Black budget doesnt prove ETI, anti grav etc, you should understand that by now.
From what i read about the other technologies they are theoretical, and theorys dont constitute reality, plenty of scientists have theorys that needed changing or scrapping altogether to get what they want.
As for your technology advance theory im dissappointed you discredit the work of the worlds brightest minds and support ETI intervention, so since you have this theory at what year exactly do ETI give us some form of technology advance?

From what i read about the other technologies they are theoretical, and theorys dont constitute reality, plenty of scientists have theorys that needed changing or scrapping altogether to get what they want.

Thereotical? No, they are in the process of surfacing into the "white" world, otherwise, we have these technologies, and many others, that I know exist, but won't speculate on them. You see, technology that "exists" is what you can "see" in other words, it does not matter, if I show you them in advance, because you will only believe in what is "seen and confirmed" The same goes for ETI.

As for your technology advance theory im dissappointed you discredit the work of the worlds brightest minds and support ETI intervention, so since you have this theory at what year exactly do ETI give us some form of technology advance?

Do you even know, who you are defending? Which great minds? All these technologies have been developed in black worlds by black(no pun intended) scientists. If they had nothing to hide, why would they not do it openly, in the clean? If I asked you, who invented the light bulb, you would have an answer. If I asked you who invented the transistor, or the integrated circuit, you would have the name of a military scientific lab. It's funny, the man who claimed to have invented the transistor said this in an interview, "Im not a scientist, I just like to take things apart" very ironic ;)

As I said. The case is sealed shut. I'll say the same to you, don't take offence, but you just need to let go in your own time. As I told you, i'm more worried about what to do next, than trying to get people out of denial.

Unfortunately, you cannot claim to be rational, by choosing to close your eyes to the evidence. As long as you do not stoop to pseudoskepticism, I'll respect that, but I do not think you're being sensible with your skepticism.
Do you even know, who you are defending?
Actually, yes. I know people who research nanotechnology, and have been doing it for years.

They must have all the alien equipment hidden in the closet.
Mikey, you obviously don't understand the method to evolutionary curves or even what a "Quantum leap" entails otherwise you would understand why the curve moves to straight up. I'm not going to bother explaining it myself not because I can't, but because it's one of those things that shouldn't be explained yet, but lets just say it would cause technology to exist that you would think was alien in origin, but it wasn't.

As for a piece that admittedly you addressed to Lemming3k:
crazymikey said:
It's funny, the man who claimed to have invented the transistor said this in an interview, "Im not a scientist, I just like to take things apart" very ironic

You tend to neglect the very basis of invention, it usually means inventing something for a purpose, and to be able to invent something for it, you have to pull the purpose apart to better understand how to create something to do that purpose.
This is "Reverse Engineering", but it doesn't mean someone reverse engineered a transistor, they might of mearly realised what they wanted to deal with and then worked out how to achieve it.

For instance because man can fly in airplanes now, doesn't mean he reverse engineered one to begin with, Man pulled apart how birds fly to get a better understanding of the physics and science behind it.
Just like his done with many other things including medical research and even cosmology.

Do you really think some potentially "higher species" is going to give us the building blocks to do alsorts of mischevious things? I don't think so, as I mentioned before if they have been mucking us about for over 2000 years they would have enslaved the lot of us while we were "stupider".
crazymikey said:
Thereotical? No, they are in the process of surfacing into the "white" world, otherwise, we have these technologies, and many others, that I know exist
How do you 'know' they exist? So far you have shown that you 'believe' they exist... but have posted nothing to actually support you statements.
Stryder, you're just in denial now, hence why you keep repeating the same point:

This is not about technology arising due to "needs" inspiriation from "birds" this is about technological growth accelerating unnaturally. Look, I know it gives you some pride to say these are human technology, yet your emotions/human patriotism are impairing your judgement. If tomorrow, humans invent a dimension travelling machine, no doubt, you will tell me it's human technology. If tomorow, they have a technology that allows us to replicate matter from a vacuum, no doubt, you'll tell me it's "human technology" In other words whatever the government churns out, no matter how mind boggingly advanced, you will just accept as "human technology"

Needs alone, are nothing. I'm sure Ludwig needed a more advanced machine that can answer everything for him, and do his cleaning - he did not invent a Robot the next year did he?

I'm sure in 1930's we could have done with particle beam weapons, and force fields - but we did not invent them the next year did we?

As I said; just let go in your own time - just pray it's not too late then.
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In other words whatever the government churns out, no matter how mind boggingly advanced, you will just accept as "human technology"
You have yet to show a SINGLE technology that the governement 'churned out' which was not based on years of academic research. If your statement was true, it should be easy to show. As it is no out of the blue technologies have been demonstrated.

The best part is, that some out-of-the-blue technologies DO exist... but are so small that they are under the radar of the UFO nutters. Hell, fire was an 'out of the blue' invention/discovery.

So add this o the list of things you won't answer:
Pick any technology and show where you think that technology was not created by humans. Were in the development of this technology is the 'leap' which you think ET provided?
You have yet to show a SINGLE technology that the governement 'churned out' which was not based on years of academic research. If your statement was true, it should be easy to show. As it is no out of the blue technologies have been demonstrated.

This is another of those times where you trip over your own words. Edgar Mitchel - and now this: The transistor; the integrated circuit chips; fibre optics, stealth, lasers, Kevlar, DNA engineering, all were developed secretly by the government. They happend out of the "blue" meanwhile particle beam weapons, mind control, anti-gravity, ZPE, nanotechnology, that suddenly appeared on the radar today, out of the blue, have also been secretly developed.

All these technologies have been invented in the black world with black budgets with trillions of dollars of input. Otherwise, "white world" lack funds and the brain power to do the same.

In other words, everything from 1940's and onwards, has just come out of the blue. So much so, that even as you slowly coming to realize "anti gravity", "ZPE", "Particle beams", "Mind control", "Nanotechnology" you are so surprised, that you are finding it hard to accept.

You have yet to show a SINGLE technology that the governement 'churned out' which was not based on years of academic research

Oh, you asked for "single" :)
The transistor; the integrated circuit chips; fibre optics, stealth, lasers, Kevlar, DNA engineering, all were developed secretly by the government
LMAO. They were? Not a single one of these wasn't based on academic and OPEN research.
everything from 1940's and onwards, has just come out of the blue
You keep getting funnier. Humans haven't invented anything since 1940?
"anti gravity", "ZPE", "Particle beams", "Mind control", "Nanotechnology"
You haven't shown that 'anti-gravity', 'ZPE', 'Paritcle beams', or 'Mind control' exist in any usable advanced form. Nanotechnology is a direct descendent and result of both DNA analysis and IC chips.

So, PLEASE explain why you think these were not developed by people. You continue to just repeat that they are not human inventions yet show no evidence.
Forget it Persol. You belong to the group of humans, that reap, but don't sow. So keep reaping, and be prepared to reap the future, that is sowed by your ignorance and foolishness.

In all honestly, I don't really care, if humanity is enslaved/wiped out. If humanity is made up of people like you, who give your masters(government) all liberty, to go about creatiing weapons of mass destruction, attacking its own people, and inhibiting our spiritual progress - so as long, that it isn't you getting the short end of the stick - then you deserve what you're going to get.
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