Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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btw - I still find some artifacts dating back to our most ancient past suprising and it is worth to investigate them better. but it's more likely some other lost human civilization not aliens.
but nowaday reports/shadow government/alien theories are just laughable
Avatar: Actually, I think you are a primate. You are suppose to be a member of an "intelligent species" frankly I do not see any intelligence.

Perso: Why do I not address your comments? Because you never seem to comprehend anything, or say anything sensible. When you do, I'll address them.
Now with regards to: "After demonstrating that the ones you listed are in fact a logical progression... you change your story to 'we are advancing too fast'" I've said all along, "It's a natural and logical progression, but the rate of change in technology is not natural" hence why I rejected you. Next time, I won't respond.

Skinwalker: There you go again: "UFO = cultist/religion" the theory you've been working on for life, waiting for publication, but it's already down the gutter, and no one wants it ;)

Give it up, my children; you don't have a leg to stand on. And watching you and your "debunking" BS is like watching children play with paint :D

Anyway, i've done my job, I've proven ETI exists, and you've not been able to prove me wrong. Now, you're just in denial, and as I've said, let go in your time, and hope for the best. It will be out sooner or later, and when it is, please spare a moment to think about me, and feel stupid :)
"Anyway, i've done my job, I've proven ETI exists"
I'm sorry, I knew that this is pseudoscience forum , but...
rolls away laughing

p.s. crazyasmonkey - of course I'm a primate and you are also. It clearly shows that Sciforums need an age limit. For your educational knowledge primates are mammals comprising humans, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers).
If by your words, then I was supposed to be a non-primate, that is some other kind of a lifeform. an alien?! :eek: :D
For your educational knowledge primates are mammals comprising humans, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers).

And that is what I said. Otherwise I would have called you "primitive" How I love to play with your infant minds.
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crazymikey said:
Now with regards to: "After demonstrating that the ones you listed are in fact a logical progression... you change your story to 'we are advancing too fast'" I've said all along, "It's a natural and logical progression, but the rate of change in technology is not natural" hence why I rejected you. Next time, I won't respond.
Well no, you haven't been saying that 'all along'. A quick read through your previous posts proves that.
"everything from 1940's and onwards, has just come out of the blue "

Now, I've also pointed out problems with your claim of an exponential curve which you have not addressed. For those keeping score at home, you have not yet answered the following:
Why do you think the exponential curve is actually correct, when if has been demonstrated as wrong in the past?
Where do your 'technology numbers' come from?
Can you show an instance of where ETI help/technology has been provided to advance a technology?
Can you explain why you use IC chips as an example of alien help, when it is one of the few fields which have followed the exponential curve?
Can you explain why ETI has something to do with your 'spiritual progress', yet you claim you are not a religious ETI fanatic?
Can you explain how the transistor, the integrated circuit chips, fibre optics, and lasers were developed secretly by the government... when they have been public since early development? Can you further exmplain the false claim that they have each been developed with "black budgets with trillions of dollars of input"?
Were in the development of any technology is the 'leap' which you think ET provided?
Can you show ANY technology that the governement 'churned out' which was not based on years of academic research?
How do you know that 'anti-gravity', 'ZPE', 'Paritcle beams', or 'Mind control' technology exists in any usable sense?
Can you explain IN DETAIL how you determine both direction and speed using one line of sight?
Could you explain why you said "You're right, the links all seem to be dead now. Interesting, very interesting indeed" when it was simply a result of you not knowing how to post links?
What makes a humming noise unusual, when it occurs in nature?
Why is our ancestors thinking that aliens 'controlled ... the stars' proof of ETI, when the idea is based soley on irregular (from earth) planetary orbits?
How do you know they created religions when religions even exist in the most isolated of tribes?
How do you know they interbred with us?
Do you have any scientific sources showing that anti-gravity, mind control and particle beam weaponary, and tractors beams exist?
Can you explain how you 'know' that those paintings 'are based on actual events' when you admit yourself that they are not eyewitnesses, and are paintined almost 2000 years after the fact?
Can you explain how we 'were kind enough to openly insult ETI' and why you would find this offensive anyhow?
Why the fact that the 3D Mars image doesn't have the features of a face just fly over your head?
Can you backup the statement of "WCF - The proof I have, is actually admitted by JPL on their web site"?

Of course you can't even attempt to argue with "Can you explain IN DETAIL how you determine both direction and speed using one line of sight?" It is a matter of simple geometery that it can't be done... yet you still claim that someone did it.

Crazymikey, you seem to lack any sense of integrity, logic, common sense, or the ability to answer questions about your comments. Please support your statements or admit that you are making this up as you go.
crazymikey said:
Avatar: Actually, I think you are a primate. You are suppose to be a member of an "intelligent species" frankly I do not see any intelligence.
Avatar said:
p.s. crazyasmonkey - of course I'm a primate and you are also. It clearly shows that Sciforums need an age limit. For your educational knowledge primates are mammals comprising humans, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers).
If by your words, then I was supposed to be a non-primate, that is some other kind of a lifeform. an alien?!
crazymikey said:
And that is what I said. Otherwise I would have called you "primitive" How I long to play with your infant minds.

logic error, mikey
I should be asking you the same question. Instead, i'll ask you a different one:

Are you male or female?
And now you are yet again trying to change the subject by turning this into an ASL? thread. You have plenty of on topic questions listed above to concern yourself with.
You know ASL - sounds so much like asshole, isn't that fascinating? I am guessing you're female. I knew a girl called Persol. As well as a washing up liquid.
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Say please 1 trillion times. This is not an irrational request, you repeat so much, I just want to see if there is a limit to it ;) Come to think of it, my girlfriend repeats too much too. Interesting..
Perhaps if you actually answered the questions and didn't pretend you already had then they wouldn't be repeated?

You seem to like the number 'trillion' as you also said a trillion black-budget dollars had been spent on IC research, which is yet another thing you can not support.

And in case you are wondering, no. Saying that you have a girlfriend does not make you sound more mature.

So, how's it coming on those questions?
well then, as a representative of legal science on this planet let me put a good end to this thread on the page 10. (unless mikey logically answers Persol's questions stated above)

We all have read this thread and have observed that crazymikey in his arguments has used nothing but his own theories and assumptions and explanations of facts and fiction, and it has been noted that crazymickey lacks any sense of integrity, logic, common sense, or the ability to answer questions about his comments and he also shows a very immature behaviour (female factor, usually met in kids at the age of 10-14). Thus we are under all the right to doubt any of his implied evidence even if those are known facts because of his inability to correctly perceive them (and any other reality) due to the personal and intellectual faults noted previously.
Couldn't you even do that: It was simply really. All you needed to say was: please 1 trillion times. This is not an irrational request, you repeat so much, I just want to see if there is a limit to it :) Come to think of it, my girlfriend repeats too much too. Interesting..

Lateral thinking, my dearest. Oh well, so much for the questions.
Avatar said:
well then, as a representative of legal science on this planet let me put a good end to this thread on the page 10. (unless mikey logically answers Persol's questions stated above)

We all have read this thread and have observed that crazymikey in his arguments has used nothing but his own theories and assumptions and explanations of facts and fiction, and it has been noted that crazymickey lacks any sense of integrity, logic, common sense, or the ability to answer questions about his comments and he also shows a very immature behaviour (female factor, usually met in kids at the age of 10-14). Thus we are under all the right to doubt any of his implied evidence even if those are known facts because of his inability to correctly perceive them (and any other reality) due to the personal and intellectual faults noted previously.

Have you seen "The Devil's advocate" ? I am suddenly so intererested in your opinions ;)
Avatar said:
like my new avatar pic? //sneers
2:50am everyone. time to bed before monday. hope i don't get abducted and inserted an anal probe.
this was a funny thread, though I like that of the Mars face better.
time to check reality on it's pulse again

Well, are you gay?
Crazymikey, why does gender or sexual preference have any bearing on this at all?
Can we assume that you're not even going to try to answer any of those questions?
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