Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Perhaps he'd be better suited to politics than to the army.
Perhaps, all im saying is credit to his spirit for carrying on, i far from agree with most of what he says or believes but he has a spirit i dont often see, and after all he's tried to present to us thats the best credit i can think of giving that has very few arguements against it.
Roswell 1947: "Crashed Flying saucer" or no, "crashed weather baloon"
Theres plenty of things the roswell 'flying saucer' has been called, a weather balloon an alien vessel, and judging by that picture a kite, i personally think it was a secret government aircraft, 8 years after the jet engine was invented, the wars just finished, technology is still advancing from that, sounds most like they was trying to develope something. Anyways thats four theorys to choose from and thats just what i've heard.
You seem to be lacking the cruically annoying attribute though... ignorance.
Please explain: How a giant hovering glowing UFO appears over Los Angeles 1941, seen by hundreds - subsequently causing air raid sirens, being captured in all directions by powerful spot lights, shot at with artillery fire, intercepted by figher planes for more than 35 min, and then flies of into the horizon.

Photographs to prove it: (also showing a saucer shape)


Newspaper articles from 1941:


One witness, a volunteer Air Raid Warden, describes this amazing event:

"It was huge! It was just enormous! And it was practically right over my house. I had never seen anything like it in my life!" she said. "It was just hovering there in the sky and hardly moving at all."
"It was a lovely pale orange and about the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. I could see it perfectly because it was very close. It was big!"
"They sent fighter planes up and I watched them in groups approach it and then turn away. There were shooting at it but it didn't seem to matter."
"It was like the Fourth of July but much louder. They were firing like crazy but they couldn't touch it."
"I'll never forget what a magnificent sight it was. Just marvelous. And what a gorgeous color!"
Crazymikey, everytime you post a claim we dispute it. Instead of addressing our claims you simply change the topic and post another story.

I have posted a list of questions (which is in no way all inclusive) that you have yet to answer. We are not going to address any more of your claims until you address the ones you have already made.
Persol, wrong dear. I presented all these proofs already. You say I have no evidence, and when I present you evidence, you don't address it. Does this mean, you have no explanations?
Please explain: UFO's travelling at Mach 5 - Mach 285, that are detected on multiple Radar, Seen at the same time, that are chased in the air by pilots, that induce EM effects on pilots


This preliminary report presents the findings of a comprehensive review of over fifty years of pilot reports in which permanent or transient electro-magnetic (EM) effects occurred on in-flight aircraft systems allegedly as a direct or indirect result of the relatively near presence of one or more unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). From a total of 1,300 reports sixty four (5%) were found that involved E-M effects. Of these, thirty three (3 %) case reports contained 58 different E-M effects that fit the authors’ level 1 (highest) acceptance criteria. Of these cases, the (fundamental) aircraft system most frequently affected was electrical (46 cases; 79%) followed by power plant (4 cases; 6%), on-board radar contact (4 cases; 6%), and miscellaneous (3 cases; 5%). Of the forty six electrical system interference cases the radio’s function was affected most often (18 cases; 39%) followed by compass reading errors in 12 cases (26%). In general, it was found that general aviation aircraft were more likely to be affected than commercial or military type aircraft. The most commonly reported UAP shape is round or oval. Interestingly, most of the E-M effects occurred when the UAP was nearby the aircraft. These findings are potentially important and deserve further in-depth study and confirmation by obtaining additional high quality aviation reports.

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Disruption of automobile engines by UFOs is a familiar phenomenon. Less well known are instances where an engine that had been killed comes back to life again when the UFO departs, that is, the engine restarts itself without assistance from the driver. Twenty- seven such cases are summarized. A key observation by a mechanic whose engine had been stopped by a UFO suggests a mechanism by which self-starting might be understood. Should a non-firing engine come to rest with one cylinder past top-dead-center, it would entrap a suitable mixture of fuel and air to be ignited by the next arriving spark thereby cranking the engine. Such an event might result from collapse of a gaseous discharge across open breaker points in the distributor. If the discharge had been sustained by ionization of the atmospheric gases caused by the UFO, it would collapse shortly after departure of the UFO.

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Richard F. Haines, Ph.D.
Copyright 1985

Sightings of so-called anomalous phenomena made from the air have the same fundamental features as phenomena reported by ground witnesses. This conclusion is based on a previous review of 69 cases from aircraft for the period 1975 to 1978 (reference 1). It is significant in that several prosaic explanations offered are either totally or partially eliminated because of it (e.g., radio controlled models, birds, balloons). The present review of an earlier period seeks patterns in the data that may be diagnostic in understanding something about the core identity of UFO phenomena. A total of 285 aircrew reports are reviewed for the period 1 January 1942 to 31 December 1952. It was found that 93 percent involved American and 7 percent foreign aircraft. Of the total 68 percent were military, 20 percent commercial, 11 percent private, and 1 percent unspecified. Twenty-nine cases (10.2 per cent) involved some form of electro-magnetic effect; they are reviewed in some detail. General statistics on temporal, spatial, and other factors are provided.

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Gordon D. Thayer, Journal of Astronautics and Aeronautics; September 1971, UFO Subcommittee of the AIAA
Summary: with two highly redundant contacts -- the first with ground radar, combined with both ground and airborne visual observers, and the second with airborne radar, an airborne visual observer, and two different ground radars -- the Bentwaters-Lakenheath UFO incident represents one of the most significant radar-visual UFO cases.

Selected by the UFO Subcommittee of the AIAA
(American Institute for Astronautics and Aeronautics):
The Lakenheath, England, Radar-Visual UFO Case, August 13-14, 1956

Account of Observations
The four events at Bentwaters GCA took this order:

1. At 21:30Z a URE (No.1 in map) was picked up on the Bentwaters AN/MPN-11A GCA radar about 25-30 mi. to the ESE. (Note that Z time -- zero meridian time --, or GMT, is also local time in the Lakenheath-Bentwaters area.) This URE moved steadily on a constant azimuth heading of 295 deg until contact was lost about 15-20 mi. to the WNW of Bentwaters. The radar operator estimated the apparent speed of the URE as 4,000 mph; but the transit time of 30 sec yields an estimate of 4,800-6,000 mph, and the operator's estimate of 5-6 mi. covered by the URE between PPI sweeps (2 sec apart) gives an estimate of 9,000-10,800 mph. "The size of the blip when picked up was that of a normal aircraft target. [It] diminished in size and intensity to the vanishing point before crossing the entire radar screen."

2. A "few minutes later," say roughly 21:35Z, a group of 12-15 UREs was picked up on the PPI about 8 mi. SW of Bentwaters (No. 2 in map). These echoes "appeared as normal targets," and "normal checks made to determine possible malfunctions of the GCA radar failed to indicate anything was technically wrong." These URE's appeared to move as a group toward the NE at varying speeds reported as 80-125 mph. The group covered a "6-7-mi. area" on the scope. These echoes "faded considerably" at a point 14 mi. NE of Bentwaters, but were tracked to a point about 40 mi. NE of Bentwaters when they merged into a single strong echo "several times larger than a B-36 return under comparable conditions." This single echo remained stationary at the point 40 mi. NE of Bentwaters for 10- 15 min., then moved to the NE for 5-6 mi., stopped again for 3-5 min., and finally moved out of range (50 mi.) of the radar at 21:55Z. The average apparent speed of the URE group for the time it was in motion can be readily calculated as between 290 and 700 mph (58 mi. in 5-12 min -- again differing from the operator's estimate.

3. At 2200Z another URE (No. 3 in map) was picked up about 30 mi. east of Bentwaters and tracked to a point about 25 mi. west of the station; the tracking period was about 16 sec. The radar operator estimated the apparent speed of this URE to be "in excess of 4000 mph" but the time and distance figures indicated a speed of roughly 12,000 mph. All the returns "appeared normal, except for the last, which was slightly weaker than the rest." The radar operator indicated that the "[return] disappeared ... by rapidly moving out of the GCA radiation pattern." No further UREs are mentioned in the Bluebook report on the Bentwaters incident; and considering the confusion prevailing in reported times in Bluebook reports and the similarity of the reported tracks and speeds, possibly this URE and No. 4, which instigated the phone call to Lakenheath, may in fact be the same.

4. According to the Bluebook report on the Lakenheath incident, the Bentwaters GCA radar, at 22:55Z, picked up a URE 30 mi. east (of Bentwaters) moving to the west at an apparent speed of "2000 to 4000 mph." In the map shown at right, the track of the URE appears identical with No. 3 except for the vanishing point. This URE then "disappeared on scope 2 mi. east of station and immediately appeared on scope 3 mi. west of station ... it disappeared 30 mi. west of station on scope." If the word "immediately" means that the URE was picked up on the same PPI sweep, after 180 deg. rotation from east to west, it would imply that the apparent motion covered 5 mi. in 1 sec, an inferred speed of some 18,000 mph. At this rate the URE would have covered the 60 mi. track in about 12 sec (6 PPI sweeps). As pointed out, this may have been URE No. 3 from the Bentwaters Bluebook report, which is estimated at 12,000 mph, although the reported times are different .

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PRECIS: At 2305 a 2-seat F-61 Black Widow night-fighter was flying off the NW coast of Kyushu, 50 miles at 330 degrees from Fukuoka, when the radar operator picked up a target, range 5 miles at 12 o'clock & slightly below the aircraft (a/c). The a/c speed was between 200 & 220 mph; that of the target was 200 mph, range slowly closing. The aircrew thought they had a friendly fighter. Then the target showed a "slight" change in azimuth and "rapid" closure, appearing at the same time to dive below the a/c. The pilot attempted to follow in a 3500 fpm dive at 300 mph, but air intercept (AI) radar did not immediately reacquire the target. Shortly the radar operator called a second contact, but the target outdistanced the a/c with "a burst of speed dead ahead". On a third intercept the pilot called a visual at 60 degrees to port; the object was visible in clear silhouette against moonlit cloud and the radar acquired a target crossing ahead of the a/c from 45 degrees to port, range 3000' at -5 degrees elevation. The pilot turned to starboard to head off the object, but the radar target put on a "burst of speed" and was lost at 9-10 miles (maximum radar range was 10 miles). At this time the pilot decided that the object he had seen was unfamiliar and queried his ground control station, who reported that there were no known aircraft in the area. The fourth intercept again began with a pilot visual, the object passing above and from the rear. AI radar again picked up the target slightly above at 12 o'clock, range 5 miles, but again it was lost off the set at 10 miles. The fifth and sixth intercepts were similar: The target was picked up at > 9 miles range at 200 mph, the a/c closing with a speed advantage of 20 mph to a range of 12,000', at which point the target pulled ahead to the maximum radar range of 10 miles in about 15-20 seconds.

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What Radar Tells About Flying Saucers

U.S. Air Force and civilian radar experts know enough about temperature inversion to be sure that it doesn't explain the strange objects they've seen on their scopes in Washington, and in other places. And the official Air Force gun - camera photos reproduced here for the first time back them up
In a new investigation of the flying saucer, TRUE Magazine has secured Air Force confirmation of these important facts:
1. Since 1947, hundreds of unidentified aerial objects have been tracked by radar operators of the Air Force, Navy and Civil Aeronautics Administration.
2. More than 300 times, Air Force interceptor planes have chased mysterious lights and unidentified objects revealed by radar scopes.
3. Strange round objects have shown on interceptors gun camera pictures and on photographs from the ground at a missile testing range.
4. The "temperature inversion" or mirage answer to radar sightings widely publicized by Dr. Donald H. Menzel of Harvard has failed to satisfy Force investigators because he has not attempted to explain any specific "saucer" cases in official files.

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James McDonald, Statement on UFOs to U.S. House Committee on Science and Aeronatics, 1968 Symposium on UFOs
Summary: With so much radar equipment deployed all over the world, and especially within the United States, it seems sensible to expect that, if there are any airborne devices maneuvering in our airspace, they ought to show up on radars once in a while. They do indeed, and have been doing so for all of the two decades that radar has been in widespread use.

1. Case 35. Fukuoka, Japan, October 15, 1948:
A very early radar-UFO case, still held as an official Unidentified, involved an attempted interception of the unknown object by an F-61 flying near Fukuoka, Japan, at about 11:00 p.m. local time on 10/15/48. The official file on this incident is lengthy (Ref. 42); only the highlights can be recounted here. The F-61 (with pilot and radar operator) made six attempts to close with the unknown, from which a radar return was repeatedly obtained with the airborne radar. Each time the radarman would get a contact and the F-61 pilot tried to close, the unknown would accelerate and pass out of range. Although the radar return seemed comparable to that of a conventional aircraft,

"the radar observer estimated that on three of the sightings, the object traveled seven miles in approximately twenty seconds, giving a speed of approximately 1200 mph."
In another passage, the official case-file remarks that

"when the F-61 approached within 12,000 feet, the target executed a 180 degree turn and dived under the F-61."
adding that

"the F-61 attempted to dive with the target but was unable to keep pace."
The report mentions that the unknown

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Jason Cowland, Victorian UFO Research Society, Australia 1998
Summary: A Review of a lecture by Richard Haines. Dr. Richard Haines is a Senior Research Scientist at the NASA-Ames Research Centre. He is best known for his work with pilots and their UFO sightings. Over the last 30 years he has been investigating the subject, he has amassed over 3000 pilot sighting reports.

Dr. Richard Haines is a Senior Research Scientist at the NASA-Ames Research Centre. He is best known for his work with pilots and their UFO sightings. Over the last 30 years he has been investigating the subject, he has amassed over 3000 pilot sighting reports. During his introduction he mentioned that his research has taught him a lot more about Science, Engineering, Optics and Human behaviour He has also investigated photographic evidence of UFO's but stresses that UFO photos are easily faked, however, points out that there are good UFO photographs.

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FROM 1973 TO 1978
RICHARD F. HAINES Copyright 1979

There are five major reasons for reviewing sightings of anomalous phenomena from aircraft. First, pilots and other crew members tend to be educated, stable people who are taught to recognize a wide variety of meteorological and other aerial phenomena; they are also trained to be observant - to see and be seen during flight. As pilots accumulate more and more flight time they also have an opportunity to see and identify unusual illusory effects in nature (Minnaert, 1954; Wood, 1968). These factors tend to enhance their reliability as witnesses This is not to say that pilots are not as subject to certain motion- induced (and other) visual illusions as observers on the ground but, rather, that pilots are more likely than not, to be good eye witnesses.

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Australian UFO Physical Trace Cases - A Review
Bill Chalker
Summary: The physical trace phenomenon is an enduring aspect of the UFO mystery, having manifested for the entire duration of the modern era of the UFO controversy. And like the UFO phenomenon itself, it is global in its extent. This range of events appears to substantiate the contention that UFOs possess a physical dimension.

Compiled and ©1998 by Bill Chalker


The physical trace phenomenon is an enduring aspect of the UFO mystery, having manifested for the entire duration of the modern era of the UFO controversy. And like the UFO phenomenon itself, it is global in its extent.

This range of events appears to substantiate the contention that UFOs possess a physical dimension.

"Physical traces," particularly ground traces, can be defined by "those UFO cases in which definite physical changes in the immediate vicinity of a UFO sighting have been reported: marks and surface changes on the ground, damage to vegetation, residues..." (Phillips, 1975).

I have had a long term interest in UFO physical trace events. I have undertaken both Australian and international reviews of the UFO physical trace experience (Chalker, 1979 & 1987), and have investigated numerous physical trace events, in particular focusing on cases that appear to display clear correlations between UFO close encounters and physical traces, i.e. close encounters of the second kind (CE2) (Hynek, 1972)

On the basis of the physical trace evidence and the collective evidence contained within the whole spectrum of UFO evidence, I contend that a physical dimension to the UFO phenomenon has been substantiated. We now need to conclusively establish whether or not this physical evidence is consistent with a true "alien" reality. The well-supported study of UFO-related physical trace events could make a crucial contribution to the resolution of this challenge.

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You see, all you of you came at me at once, breathing fire on me, and all that time, I was playing around with you. As soon as I started posting evidence(again) you're left with nothing but empty air. Look, you're so quiet now lol
Please explain:

Read these descriptions:

170 BC: Conrad Wolfhart, Lycothenes, a medieval writer reports, “A remarkable spectacle of a fleet of ships was seen in the air at Lanupium.

90 BC Rome: In the territory of Spoletium, in Umbria, a globe of fire, of golden color appeared burning in the north with a terrific noise in the sky, then fell, gyrating, to the earth. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth, and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the disc of the sun, with its brilliance. It revolved towards the eastern quadrant of the sky.

748 England: " Ships were seen in the air with their men

At a monastery a great light appeared in the sky at night and shone over nuns who were singing in the burial-ground. They reported that it lifted up, moved to the other side of the monastery, and then ascended into the night sky. Priests said the light surpassed the brightness of day.

840 France, Lyons: As he was coming out of the Cathedral Archbishop Abobard, saw a mob stoning three men and a woman alleged to have been seen a lighting from a aerial ship.

1133 Japan: A large silvery disk is reported to have come close to the ground.

1180 Japan, Kii province: A term equivalent to our "flying saucer" was actually used by the Japanese approximately 700 years before it came into use in the West. Ancient documents describe an unusual shining object seen in the night as a flying "earthenware vessel." The object, which had been heading northeast from a mountain in Kii province, changed its direction and vanished below the horizon, leaving a luminous trail.

1200 England: William of Newburgh describes a silvery, flat, shiny disc-like object, which appeared near the abbey and frightened everyone near it.

1254 England, St Albans: Some monks at saw in the night sky 'a kind of large ship elegantly.

1332 England, Uxbridge: There was seen in the sky a pile (pillar) of fire the size of a small boat, pallid and livid in colour. It rose from the south, crossed the sky with a slow and grave motion, and went north. Out of the front of the pile, a fervent red flame burst forth with great beams of light. Its speed increased, and it flew through the air.

1461 France, Arras: A fiery thing like an iron rod of good length and as large as one half of the moon was seen in the sky for less than a quarter of an hour. This object was also described as being "shaped like a ship from which fire was seen flowing.

1517 Rumania, Moldavia: A large blue glowing disk appeared and remained in the sky for some time.

1520 Erfurt, Prussia: Two burning suns were observed. The report says that a great burning beam then landed, took off again and then became circular in shape.

1561 Germany, Nuremberg: The entire sky over, was filled with cylindrical objects and spinning discs, some say as many as 200, spouting numerous black, red and orange spheres.

• Germany, Tubingen: "Objects came out of the clouds resembling large, tall and wide hats and they landed in great numbers and in a variety of colours." From Pierre Boaistuan

1676: Edmond Hally, the astronomer who discovered Haley's comet, could recall two accounts involving unidentified crafts. His first experience was in March of, when he saw a, as he said, "Vast body apparently bigger than the moon." He estimated it at 40 mi. above him. He also stated that it made a noise, "Like the rattling of a great cart over stones." After estimating the distance it traveled in a matter of minutes, he came to the conclusion that it moved at a speed greater than 9,600 m.p.h.

1694 Wales, Montgomeryshire: “A fiery exhalation...a furlong broad” rose out of the sea burning straw, hay and barns. Grass tainted, killing cattle, and skin affected.

1733 England, Dorset, Fleet: Dec 8 - James Cracker of, a small town in, , saw a silvery disc fly overhead in broad daylight. Here is his eyewitness account: "Something in the sky which appeared in the north but vanished from my sight, as it was intercepted by trees, from my vision. I was standing in a valley. The weather was warm, the sun shone brightly. All of a sudden it re-appeared, darting in and out of my sight with an amazing coruscation. The colour of this phenomenon was like burnished, or new-washed silver. It shot with speed like a star falling in the night. But it had a body much larger and a train longer than any shooting star I have seen. Next day Mr. Edgecombe informed me that he and another gentleman had seen this strange phenomenon at the same time as I had. It was about 15 miles from where I saw it, and steering a course from east to north."

• England: The scientist Tiberius Cavallo was a witness to a sighting that also stunned Royal guests at a celebration to mark the birth of the 15th son of King George 111 and Queen Charlotte! A luminous object appeared from beneath a cloud and soon became brilliantly lit before coming to a halt. According To Cavallo"s account of the incident: "This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour, but its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east." Even though the sun was shining the object is said to have lit up everything on the ground and eventually disappeared with a terrific explosion!

1831 Germany, Thuringia: It was reported that a brilliant luminous disc was seen in the night sky.

1846 USA: A 'luminous flying disc' was reported over this eastern seaboard area.

1860 USA, Louisiana, Shreveport: "Our attention was called to a strange light in the heavens. On going out into the gallery we had a magnificent view of it. It appeared to the naked eye, about 300 yards in length, extending from North to West appearing just above the tallest trees. Its color was that of a red hot stove from the center beautiful rays resembling those of the sun drawing water would ascend to a considerable height, the whole presenting a very beautiful and sublime appearance. We watched it for about an hour without perceiving it to change any.

• Chile, Copiago: A strange "aerial construction bearing lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century.
• England, Oxford: Astronomers at Radcliffe Observatory saw a luminous object that moved quickly across the sky, stopped, changed course to the west, then to the south, where it hovered for four minutes, then headed toward the north.

1869 USA, Tennessee, Ashland: A whirlwind came along over the neighboring woods, taking up small branches and leaves of trees and burring them in a sort of flaming cylinder that traveled at a rate of about five miles an hour, developing size as it traveled. It passed directly over the spot where a team of horses were feeding and singed their manes and tails up to the roots; it then swept towards the house, taking a stack of hay in its course. It seemed to increase in heat as it went, and by the time it reached the house it immediately fired the shingles from end to end of the building, so that in ten minutes the whole dwelling was wrapped in flames. The tall column of traveling caloric then continued its course over a wheat field that had been recently cradled, setting fire to all the stacks that happened to be in its course. Passing from the field, its path lay over a stretch of woods, which reached the river. The green leaves on the trees were crisped to a cinder for a breadth of 20 yards, in a straight line to the Cumberland. When the "pillar of fire" reached the water, it suddenly changed its route down the river, raising a column of steam which went up to the clouds for about half-a-mile, when it finally died out. Not less than 200 people witnessed this strangest of strange phenomena, and all of them tell substantially the same story about it. Symon's Monthly Meteorological Magazine, 1869

1879 Persian Gulf: The S.S. Vulture crew reported, two luminous rotating wheels, about 130 ft. across, seen above the water before diving

Comments: A group sighting of "luminous rotating wheels with relatable dimensions" very similar to Ezikels sighting a few thousand years ago.

1880: • England, Aldershot: A strange being dressed in tight-fitting clothes and shining helmet soared over the heads of two sentries, who fired without result. The apparition stunned them with something described as blue fire.

1882 England: A huge UFO, the first such phenomenon which was characteristically saucer-shaped in Europe, was plainly observed by numerous people in England and other parts of Europe during the night. It was seen to travel in the sky at an approximate altitude of 130 miles in an east-west direction. A number of eminent scientists witnessed the object, among them being Dr E Walter Maunder, Greenwich astronomer; English spectroscopist, J Rand Capron; Dutch astronomers Audemans and Zeeman. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich published a report of the conclusions reached by scientists, following the appearance of what had been termed, "The Great Saucer". The report had this to say: "It appeared to be well defined in body and the inference drawn was that it was a meteor, not in the old vague sense of some object high in the Earth's atmosphere, but in the sense of a solid cosmological substance, disc-like in appearance, the orbit of which brought it within the terrestrial atmosphere. But nothing could be more unlike the rush of a great meteor or fireball, with intense radiance and fiery train. The advance of this object, though swift, appeared to be orderly and controlled. There was no sign of the compression of the atmosphere before it, no hint that the matter composing its front part, was in anyway more strongly heated than the rest of its substance, if substance, indeed it possessed."

“ 1886 Venezuela: During the night of the 24th of October last, which was rainy and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues from Maracaibo, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the interior of the house. The occupants completely terror stricken, and believing, as they relate, that the end of the world had come, threw themselves on their knees and commenced to pray, but their devotions were almost immediately interrupted by violent vomiting, and extensive swellings commenced to appear in the upper part of their bodies, this being particularly noticeable about the face and lips. It is to be noted that the brilliant lights was not accompanied by a sensation of heat, although there was a smoky appearance and a peculiar smell. The next morning, the swellings had subsided, leaving upon the face and body large black blotches. No trace of lightning could afterward by observed in any part of the building, and all the sufferers unite in saying that there was no detonation, but only the loud humming already mentioned. Another curious attendant circumstance is that the trees around the house showed no signs of injury until the ninth day, when they suddenly withered. From Warner Cowgill, U. S. Consulate, Maracaibo, Venezuela in a letter posted in Scientific American, Dec 18. ”

• Poland: A phantom airship scare began appearing. As in later 'flaps' of this sort, the craft often appeared at night and were usually equipped with powerful searchlights.

• USA, California, Lorin: On November 26, an airship that looked like a great black cigar with a fishlike tail neared Lorin tremendous speed. It turned quickly and disappeared in the direction of San Francisco. The body was at least 100 feet long and attached to it was a triangular tail, one apex being attached to the main body. The surface of the airship looked as if it were made of aluminum, which exposure to wind and weather had turned dark. At half past 8 we saw it again, when it took about the same direction and disappeared." From the Oakland Tribune, Dec 1.

Norway, Tjolta: At Midlandet in Tjolta last Saturday evening November 21, an airship was seen again cruising about Skjaervaer Lighthouse, which it lighted up with a searchlight. The airship, which had a height of about 700 meters, descended to about 400 meters altitude, wherefrom it let the searchlight play on a passing ship. Thereafter it ascended again. Between 20 and 30 people watched it simultaneously."
Please explain:

When 86% of the claims 400+ scientists, physicists, colonels, brigadier generals, intelligence officers, pilots, national security advisors have made, have been confirmed to have substance, why should they be lying about ETI?
Please explain:


Comments: This 10,000 BC Italy cave paintings appears as if it is depicting ETI beings wearing protective suits, space helmets, and weilding some unknown instruments.



Comments: These images, around 5000 years old from Australia, depict the same Wandjina beings as above. Notice again, how their heads are protected with a transparent helmet. Notice the shape of the head, the large eyes, and the thin body identical to a modern grey alien.


Comments: A flying metallic UFO craft, being controlled by a living entity, also bearing an insignia. The painting of the crucification of Jesus painted in 1350


Comments: This is the medal/coin commemorating a UFO sighting of a large wheel like object in 1680. It's identical to the shape of a modern UFO.


Comments: The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". The woman is Mary. It was painted in the 15th century. A glowing saucer UFO hovering in the sky; a rim of lights lining its circumference. A man and his dog looking directly at it.
No more replies? What happend? Just an hour ago, you were all attacking in packs, your replies were just minutes apart. Now you've all ran away like a bunch of pussies(cats)

You don't understand, how well I have you figured out. I deliberately did not answer Persol's replies. Just to see how excited you would get. You sure did, you all posted here, attacking me, demanding I answer his questions, or I have no integrity, common sense and logic. Then you start discussing with each other "He's couldn't provide us evidence" hes lost, close this topic.

I was doing to you, what you have done in the ETI topics for months now. So what does this mean, do you have no common sense, logic, and integrity? Does this mean you can't provide me any explanations? Does this mean you accept you've lost?

It must; because if you use this logic against me and think it's concluded beyond doubt "that I have no evidence and have lost" then I can use that same logic on you, and conclude beyond a doubt "that you have no explanations and have lost"

In other words you have failed in proving wrong the proofs I have presented in favour of ETI existing and visiting us. Which therefore means ETI exists and is visiting us.

You can lick your wounds children, and bark as much you want now. You just helped me, bring a conclusion to this thread. Just look at the irony of that: The actual pseudoskeptics at the end, helped to nail the case shut, in favour of ETI LOL

So here we have it, loud and clear:


It was a long battle, but in the end, I had to win. Like I said at the start. "I have insurmountable evidence."

End of topic.
Last edited:
Hello Crazymkey:

I have no "insurmountable proof", just seeming evidence,
in the form of 18,200 filtered UFO sightings painstakingly
catalogued and mapped here over the last 20 years.

By 'filtered', I mean I usually pass over night-lights,
fireballs and similarly lame reports. Actual events date
from antiquity to the present.

If you like pictures, you might also like maps.

Here is a menu of UFO sightings maps worldwide:

Thematic maps (by type, shape, entities, landings..)
are on this separate menu:

For mathematic people, there is also a menu of
statistics displays here:

I hope everyone has time for a good browse.
This was a huge project over 2 decades, and
I'd like to think people see it at least.

Best wishes - Larry
Most of crazymikey's artistic "proof of ETI" is really only a grasping attempt to rationalize a basically religious mindset as I've already proven.

CM's first three images:

To begin with, each of these images is without provenience and context, so they may be actual cave art dated from whence he claims (actually CM doesn't claim it, the pseudoscience websites he cuts/pastes from does), or they may have been done in 1970. They may actually be in paleolithic caves, or they may be on a studio wall in Fresno.

But, assuming that they are indeed, cave paintings rendered in paleolithic times, there is no reason to assume they represent anything but caricature of people.

I enter the following example of modern caricature:

I think it's safe to assume that this is meant to represent a cowboy of the American West of, perhaps, the 1800's. Yet we can probably also assume that B.J.'s stomach wasn't this large, legs that short, face that squat, or neck that.... absent. But if B.J. did exist, his friends would immediately recognize him by the caricature.

In addition, the common representation of the so-called alien figure (ETI) is an anthropomorphic one, perhaps even one that represents a caricature of what we deam the more ominous features of the human face. In the case of the first image CM posted above, the caricature is surely one of positive attributes. The features of the painting that CM sees as representative of a "space helmet" are more likely to be representative of a headdress.

I enter the following as an example of (albeit a more clear one) of a pictograph of a human wearing a headdress:

After browsing through an Anthropology text and checking the index for "Wandjina," I did find images similar to those that CM posted, so we can assume that the latter two are genuine. However, to assert that they represent "heads... protected with a transparent helmet" is a considerable reach, not to mention very ethnocentric.

The Aboriginal people of Australia (these pictograms are found in a region of the Australian Outback known as the Kimberly Region) make significant use of body paints to re-enact mythic events and mythic beings. These pictograms are a representation of these mythic beings, who are anthropomorphic representations of gods and ancestors. Not aliens.

Is it possible that the Aboriginies drew pictograms of aliens they observed? Sure. It's possible. But it's far more probable that they drew anthropomorphic representations of gods and dieties that they invented in their own primitive religions. At this point, I'm including aboriginal and primitive art, pictograms and masks of the world: Australia, Yanomamo, Zuni, Papua New Guinea, etc. To speculate about it is one thing, but to assert that the representations are evidence of "ETI" is preposterous. It hardly amounts to any "proof."



These are each images that are typically found in Byzantine art and are referred to as Byzantine Iconography.

Again, it's interesting to note how each is largely removed from contexts: the context of the remainder of the particular work of art (or perhaps the flip-side of the medallion) as well as the context of the remainder of the artistic style of the Byzantine period of the 6th to 9th century CE. Later works of the Byzantine style continued and do so to this day.

The Byzantine artist sought to use religious icons to represent concepts such as divine light, unity, sanctity, and Holy Spirit among other things. The original iconographers of the 6th century drew their inspiration from biblical scripture. Therefore it is unlikely that they witnessed any UFOs.

Crazymikey calls one image "A flying metallic UFO craft, being controlled by a living entity,

Two a priori assumptions characteristic of both psuedoscientific and religious thought. CM has no way to determine if the "craft" was metallic any more than he can determine if it were constructed of a hollowed out egg-shell. The "living being" could just as well be an artistic rendering of a statue. The more likely explanation, one that even modern artists freely admit to using in their work, is that it is symbolism. The artwork is religious in nature and religion isn't anything if it isn't a symbolic representation of beliefs.

CM continues to point out to us that the "painting of the crucification of Jesus [was] painted in 1350." Then clearly this is proof of how H. sapiens once lived to 1300+ years of age! How else then can an eyewitness to the event so accurately have captured the essence of the UFO? Or is it merely a more likely chance that a deeply religious person who admired the Byzantine style chose to adopt some of the iconography for use in a more contemporary representation of a Holy Event.

One has to consider that the painting itself wasn't a whimsical caricature, but rather a detailed and careful work of art in which the artist chose to make each brush stroke a meaningful act. Each icon a symbol of divine message. But none of it based on any information that cannot be obtained in the mythology of christian doctrine.

There's a higher probability that Picasso really did see a woman's nose in his guitar.

crazymikey said:
Comments: The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". The woman is Mary. It was painted in the 15th century. A glowing saucer UFO hovering in the sky; a rim of lights lining its circumference. A man and his dog looking directly at it.

At this point, I am simply curious: what drives you to believe that a 15th century artist can depict an event nearly two millenia earlier? From where did this artist draw his inspiration?
Skinny,, take a freakin hike.

I would like to re-post this guys site,,, he is damn good. If you haven’t seen this site I think you will find it very informative.

Hello Crazymkey:

I have no "insurmountable proof", just seeming evidence,
in the form of 18,200 filtered UFO sightings painstakingly
catalogued and mapped here over the last 20 years.

By 'filtered', I mean I usually pass over night-lights,
fireballs and similarly lame reports. Actual events date
from antiquity to the present.

If you like pictures, you might also like maps.

Here is a menu of UFO sightings maps worldwide:

Thematic maps (by type, shape, entities, landings..)
are on this separate menu:

For mathematic people, there is also a menu of
statistics displays here:

I hope everyone has time for a good browse.
This was a huge project over 2 decades, and
I'd like to think people see it at least.

Best wishes - Larry

Study his site and you will find a lot of great cohesive data. is an interesting image nonthereless
and about the greys in caves, well it could also be because of our psyche. there are certain symbol images that are common to all humans and reoccur independently in various cultures and are dirrect and distant echoes from our most ancient past. Like ghosts, afterlife, gods, evil demons that hunt us in the dark, etc. Grey like spooky could be one of these ghastly fears. Of course we can assume that the ancient men saw aliens , feared them and from them got the image in their heads, but then it would have to be a really long stay on our planet. maybe it was, who knows, but by all means that doesn't mean that those must have been aliens. ghosts and demons are depicted drawn all over the ancient and modern world and they have good simmilarities, but that doesn't neceseraly prove that ghosts exist, does it? It proves that we share a common subconscious view on this world that has formed and embedded deep in our psyche in the most ancient times, it's a part of us.
also I have a question to mickey (I recall a simmilar question was given earlier)
why can't those be gods? nono really, what proof have you that those are not gods? you don't believe they are gods? ok, but what reasons have you to believe they are extraterrestrials? you know that according to most ancient hindu legends (I've read a few books on this) they are our ancestors from a long dead civilization, that after the decline of their culture and civilization the remaning alive after a grand war went to live in a bunker (shambala), froze themselves (slowed their metabolism to nil, somathi) in waiting of better times, but occasoanaly they send their representatives (buddhas, avatars) on earth to enlighten the primitives and help them to develop, because they feel somehow guilty of the fact that they destroyed this ancient glorious civilization and are to blame for the degeneration of human race (such a thing easely could happen after a global nuclear war). Hindu and buddhist monks account first buddhas (for hindus it's avatars) (there have been many of them) from this ancient race, it's the first buddhas eyes that are depicted on buddhist temples.

let's assume that I believe this theory (I might just as well do), you have to prove that my explanation is wrong and that these people are aliens not survivals from a long dead civilization of ours. why aliens?

edit: crater, get the f*ck out of here with your useless reposts. two times said won't make it more true
good post, SkinWalker
edit2: I also find that photo database most interesting. It certainly was a hell lot of a work. great job, larryhat
I'll look through the photos
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craterchains (Norval said:
Skinny,, take a freakin hike.

Actually, I did. Wonderful exercise, too.

craterchains (Norval said:
I would like to re-post this guys site,,, he is damn good. If you haven?t seen this site I think you will find it very informative.

I, too, found his site interesting and it deserves a look by even the skeptical. I'm not sure how informative it can be, however. The methodology for chosing sightings isn't completely clear (though I may have missed it on the first look) and the best I think one could conclude from the data is that UFOs get reported more often in some spatial/temporal localities than others.

Does this mean that denser populations are more likely to see objects? That alleged ETI are more willing to visit some localities than others? Or that some localities are better educated than others and therefore more willing to recognize ETI? Or that the kook-to-populace rate is higher as the population density increases?

Still, it was a better, more creative and original effort than has been presented here to date. My hat is off to Larry Hatch for the effort.

On another note, Norval. Posting an entire post of someone else without providing significant commentary is, I believe, against the forum rules. The guy's original post is only two posts up for [pick-your-favorite-messiah]'s sake. Perhaps a mod can delete all but the part where Norval suggests I improve my health through exercise.
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