Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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If you read the post, it's not about Cattle Mutilations being for shadow Government projects, if that was the case:

1: Why would the FBI investigate in a Government shadow project
2: Why would they leave mutilated cattle lying around that could spread disease rather than using a furnace to cremate the carcass and destroy the evidence?.

There was another factor of the blood being drained, that however involves the usage of animal blood in the human blood bank scenario. Blood can equal money, and mixing blood from some animals with some human blood could probably pass some tests on the blood itself.

So who knows how many diseases that manage to transcend from animal to human, are based in this theoretical malpractice.

Please also note that genetic manipulation for stemcell research, usually take embreo's that would not naturally become anymore than someones embreotic waste. (namely the lady in question wouldn't have created an offspring since that would have not been any intension)

People always think that the use of such embreo's to generate the basis of clone cells, involves the process of growing a full born child to cull, however the reality is no where near that. Since no child exists, and no child would have been planned to exist and the embreo after being removed from the woman no longer has a womb to grow in.

Thats why to my way of thinking I actually think this sort of research should be allowed since no one is being killed or a life extinguished from existing.
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Stryden, this research is being used to design germ warfare, to clone humans, to conduct freakish experiments straight out of science fiction. However, if the research has to be done, which be behind closed doors, and what gives them the right to forcibly abduct others for their experiments.

I'm sure if their intentions were good, many of us would willingly become their test subjects. At least if it ETI, they have more of an incentive and cannot be completely blamed, however when it is the government - it's a disgrace.
Well I still would suggest that no one is actually abducted, thats a flight of fiction and something that people are subjected to replace their memories of what occured during that timepoint that they can't remember.

For all you know they might have parked at the side of the road and slept, perhaps had a few odd tests run. Any alterations to things like clocks would potentially be attempted to be tampered with to see how easy it would be to alter someones perception of events, imagine if the person subject to this was an agent with key information. Such instances wouldn't occur on agents to begin with because it would be noticable, but on "average" citizens it would be an event.

Such occurances wouldn't work if a person was "Asked to be apart of it" since they would expect what occurs, and therefore would be the sort of sneaky stuff that goes on to unsuspecting passers by.

Admittedly this stuff is probably how it goes on, and is the legacy of the cold war period, however if your internet ready, you'll understand that computers are proving that society is having to prepare for major changes on a day to day basis. It's no longer the old method of people fearing change, they actually embrace it.

It means these old antics are now Obslete, old, inadequate and most definitely no longer needed since the world over is altering based upon how the internet develops it, which is the main reason why the internet should remain as free possible.
Well I still would suggest that no one is actually abducted, thats a flight of fiction and something that people are subjected to replace their memories of what occured during that timepoint that they can't remember.

You do that in the face of a million abduction accounts. I don't mean to be harsh, but it maybe a flight of fiction for you, because of unawareness of the matter. However, it IS a real happening, as real as sept/11.

I certainly do not agree that they have the right to abduct us, so they can secretly clone humans, design germ weapons and so on. Humans may fear change, but if change is to happen, it should happen while we know it, not behind our backs, and certainly not like this. If you don't do anything about it, even when suspecting it, then you're almost as useful as germans citizens were to the jews.
I might know more about it than you think, and most of the stuff you hear about abductions is fiction, it's nonsense dropped into those peoples heads to keep them as far away from the truth as possible.

Some will prey upon it, like some villians will prey on the elderly because they see no problems arise in the form of having to combat their victims. Con-men utilise the same tactic, no matter what form the matchstickmen take.

Understand this too, what you perceive as reality, is just a collection of impulses circling around in your brain, neurons firing, microscopic collisions of data transcending what your sensors picked up into a spectral readout you know as consciousness.
It's possible for any number of these factors to be altered through drugs, drink, insominia, diabetes, mental disorders or the conspiracy of someone implanting thoughts through a sonar system.

Your reality can be altered, although reality itself isn't, you can see, hear, feel, taste touch and smell things that aren't there, as they are projected impulses to your brain.
You think you lose time, or consciousness but really it's a diversion of your conscious thought pattern taking a different pathway, how the diversion was caused is something your going to have to discover for yourself, but I wouldn't suggest there is an alien within any close proximity to it.

As for Cloning humans, what purpose would they have? (they being anyone that intended to do so) The shear aspect is that any genetic sample taken from someone is "Timecoded" by the rate of the persons mitosis, cellular subdivision works at a computational rate (in fact it's a near constant). So taking DNA from a 40 yr old means that a cloned newborn is going to age at an accelerated rate, and developed a number of potential flaws due to it's code having its age manipulated. (Why do you think carbon dating is seen as so accurate with things, and why cloning a full human is so absurd?)

This in turn means that you couldn't clone someone to be farmed for parts, as those parts would die quicker than if you had the part you started with. (This is where the moral high ground is, should people farm parts? The reality is no because any being created would be sentient.)

As for Germ warfare, that stuffs been kicking around since the First World War and just won't die the agonising death it so deserves. Why it still exists?, it's very simple.

It's CHEAP, thats the problem. Although I should mention it to be CHEAP and DIRTY, most definitely DIRTY. It's like kicking someone in the nuts, even when you could of handled a fair fight.

In all essense the CHEAPNESS of weapons, isn't as half as CHEAP as life is viewed by those that use them, which is something that should be dealt with. While people feel they should just kill on command, or be prepared to even to the point of their own destruction, they undermine what Life actually is about.

It's something that only comes once and even if someone's religion states otherwise, they should understand that they should race to get to the next one, but try to make the best of the one they have now. If you can also, help others help themselves along the way for the shear fact that it makes everything more tolerable.
Stryderunknown said:
I might know more about it than you think, and most of the stuff you hear about abductions is fiction, it's nonsense dropped into those peoples heads to keep them as far away from the truth as possible.

I am not sure with what justification you say "most" abductions are fiction or nonsense. It is a claim, that you should substantiate. Nonetheless, in saying so, you concede that "some" abductions are fact.

Understand this too, what you perceive as reality, is just a collection of impulses circling around in your brain, neurons firing, microscopic collisions of data transcending what your sensors picked up into a spectral readout you know as consciousness.
It's possible for any number of these factors to be altered through drugs, drink, insominia, diabetes, mental disorders or the conspiracy of someone implanting thoughts through a sonar system.

I have been aware of this for a long time. However, it is also true, a fact affirmed by John Mack(professor of psychology: Harvard) that most abductees are psychologically normal. It is also true, that group and/or mass abductions take place, who are also deemed psychologically normal. It is also true, that there are unrelated eye witness testimonies of the abduction taking place.

Now, to be honest, to suggest these abductions are illusions projected by mind control frequencies, is absurd. In fact, by doing so, the government is attracting attention to themselves.

Your reality can be altered, although reality itself isn't, you can see, hear, feel, taste touch and smell things that aren't there, as they are projected impulses to your brain.
You think you lose time, or consciousness but really it's a diversion of your conscious thought pattern taking a different pathway, how the diversion was caused is something your going to have to discover for yourself, but I wouldn't suggest there is an alien within any close proximity to it.

Some abductions are caused by delusions, or distorted pathways as you would like to put it. I do not refute that. Yet, some abductions, clearly are not.

As for Cloning humans, what purpose would they have? (they being anyone that intended to do so) The shear aspect is that any genetic sample taken from someone is "Timecoded" by the rate of the persons mitosis, cellular subdivision works at a computational rate (in fact it's a near constant). So taking DNA from a 40 yr old means that a cloned newborn is going to age at an accelerated rate, and developed a number of potential flaws due to it's code having its age manipulated. (Why do you think carbon dating is seen as so accurate with things, and why cloning a full human is so absurd?)

Yes, but what you fail to consider, is that the genetic experiments could be conducted for the purpose of identifying and rectifying those flaws.

This in turn means that you couldn't clone someone to be farmed for parts, as those parts would die quicker than if you had the part you started with. (This is where the moral high ground is, should people farm parts? The reality is no because any being created would be sentient.)

No, this is the type of logic, that says: Relativity says you cannot travel faster than the speed of light and thus you work within it's boudaries. Rather you should be working at the boundary. What it really means, Stryden, that you couldn't clone someone to be farmed for parts with current understanding of genetics. Hence, why cloning experiments take place; they are working at the boundary.

As for Germ warfare, that stuffs been kicking around since the First World War and just won't die the agonising death it so deserves. Why it still exists?, it's very simple.

It's CHEAP, thats the problem. Although I should mention it to be CHEAP and DIRTY, most definitely DIRTY. It's like kicking someone in the nuts, even when you could of handled a fair fight.

In all essense the CHEAPNESS of weapons, isn't as half as CHEAP as life is viewed by those that use them, which is something that should be dealt with. While people feel they should just kill on command, or be prepared to even to the point of their own destruction, they undermine what Life actually is about.

I do not blame scientists that help build weapons. This was the moral dilemma of the lead scientist of the Manhattan project. Who felt, responsible and guilty for having a part in building that terrible and destructive A bomb, opening a Pandora's box. However, it was only his duty too; how it was used was not his duty nor his order.

Yet, we need to learn from this. We have no reason to be a warring race any more. We have abundant, free, clean, and non-pollutant energy. We are on the verge of an economic golden age and age of space exploration and self-discovery. We can cure cancer, aids, and other such diseases. We can build a beautiful planet and a beautiful civilization. No, good-hearted and rational-minded person, would be against this.

Then why is the government doing all this research in the dark? Then why is the government spending trillions on warfare? Why are they hell bent on destroying our planet and witholding this from us? Stryden, if they have good intentions, then why do hide it from the public?

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure it out. They certainly do not have good intentions. They are designing weapons of super-destruction, not only to be used against enemies, but against us. Germ warfare that seek out victims by their race. Do you know, even AIDS, is their creation - created by secretions from human, animal and xyz biology. That is why we cannot combat it. They are creating "non-lethal" mind control weapons to be used against us. Their plans is to enslave their own race and to create an elitest socieity - like Hilter.

This is why it is in the dark, Stryden. This is why they are stooping to the lowest level to keep the secrecy. The terms of their agenda is almost identical to those of the Nazi's and Hitler. Human gullibility and foolishness has been exploited since the dawn of man, and we continue to be gullible and foolish. We entrust our rights, our freedom and security in the hands of others, not even questioning, if they are right. Are you not thus one of those, who does not raise an eye brow or a fist, to what is going on around you. Will you only react, when it is too late?

I hope i'm wrong, perhaps the government really want the best for us, but I find such optimism to be unfounded and naive. I can see what is happening before my very eyes. So can you: An unelected, multinational government, operating in the dark, free from the UN, legal and social framework, abducting it's own citizens, assassinating it's own men and women, attacking it's own people and forcibly occupying other sovereign nations for their resources, spiting everyone, including the international community. i've always thought good and bad are just relative, but THAT; that sounds like pure evil.
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The thing here is alot gets pointed at governments, but nobody ever wonders why would a government knowing and willingfully allow for information in any form to undermine it?

Simple answer is, because the government in these instances isn't necessarily responsible. There are people undermining the government that feel they are doing so perhaps as a vendetta for the government passing bills on what they previously would of done, and potentially cult groups that have "theories" or "revelations" that they want to pan out to make what their overall vision come true will potentially at every turn try to discredit the government that would otherwise stop them from doing the things they do.

With governments there is legislation and attempts to stop things from occuring that is wrong, afterall thats what they are there for. However such clandestine groups could be held up in a mountain retreat with a bunch of ex-military hardware and ex-soldier training, using technology that was previously hidden but made obselete, without people trying to maintain the control that would otherwise stop it from being used to the extents that it is.
Stryden, you ask your own questions, and answer them? It is quite possible I am endangering myself, by openly exposing and condemning this shadow government here. If I suddenly stop posting here, without saying, and without being banned, then consider something is wrong. Meanwhile, the information and views I am presenting here, are in circulation all over the net and shared by thousands, if not millions. It is impractical for the government to censor all those views, and if they did, they would only draw attention to themselves. Further more, they have more to worry about: like official scientists heralding from their own dark structure. In fact, information control on the forum does take place where it is pertinent. For instance, a microbiolgist, claming to be from area 51 on, went a wee bit too far, and shared an official document - the forum went down the next minute.

I have no enemity with the government, and very little interests in politics actually. I have no animosity about paying bills. After all, nothing is free in socieity. I do not ascribe to cultist or "clandestine group" in fact I strongly condemn them, as I condemn, pseudoskepticism.

Styder, I am baffled, if you could even consider that these abductions, experiments, and germ warfare programs are taking place. Then how can you support this government? Do you realize what you're doing - you're digging your own grave. I am going to fight for what is right, even if I lose my life in the process, but I will NOT turn a blind eye to what is going on today, and I most certainly will not accept lies. If you want too. Then you can. But it is sad, very, deeply, truly, sad.
Mikey, you should question what proof you have to point a finger at your government, you could suggest they are doing all those things but why don't you look to dealing with it in the conventional way that governments work.

Admittedly I'm in a different country and the differences here are noted, however the same output occurs from people claiming extraordinary things. Most of the time they end up inside hospitals, and the occurances continue within, however no abductions take place while in those facilities.

If your concerned some would say seek medical treatment, however you might see that as a preportion of your overall concern. If your pointing out abductions, get yourself kitted up, get webcams on the go with constant broadcasts, either recording your location or sending it directly online. (Make sure the camera's have timestamps just incase anything does show)

However I think you'll find either nothing will occur, or if something does the cameras will appear to run normally with you sound asleep or sleep walking.
Stryderunknown said:
pointing out abductions, get yourself kitted up, get webcams

Considering how many people are supposedly serially abducted, you raise a good point, how come there is no footage of this?

If it happened to me, I'd have a few motion sensitive web cams from different angles, and some regular film cameras, so those Greys would have to interfere with various technologies, and splice the results together perfectly to get away with it.

But despite all of those alleged instances, not one shred of evidence on film.
Mikey, you should question what proof you have to point a finger at your government, you could suggest they are doing all those things but why don't you look to dealing with it in the conventional way that governments work.

The same proof you have. You can also start by reading from start to finish my proof for ETI threads.

Admittedly I'm in a different country and the differences here are noted, however the same output occurs from people claiming extraordinary things. Most of the time they end up inside hospitals, and the occurances continue within, however no abductions take place while in those facilities.

Extraordinary claims are made all the time. Not all are wrong. Otherwise, if we put all that made extraordinary claims in nut houses, we wouldn't even be where we are today. You will find over 10 million people subscribe to these "extaordinary claims" and most of them are highly educated.

If your concerned some would say seek medical treatment, however you might see that as a preportion of your overall concern. If your pointing out abductions, get yourself kitted up, get webcams on the go with constant broadcasts, either recording your location or sending it directly online. (Make sure the camera's have timestamps just incase anything does show)

However I think you'll find either nothing will occur, or if something does the cameras will appear to run normally with you sound asleep or sleep walking.

You seem to be extremely confused. I've never been abducted. I've never seen a UFO. I've never been greatly interested in ETI and UFO's, till recently. I am a sensible, rational and intelligent member of the public, who has his eyes open.

If you are not going to do anything about what's happening to the world, Stryder, then just hope for the best for the future - because it may not even come. I consider it my duty to do something about it though.
crazymikey said:
What makes you think I have not read the ancient writings? I'm sorry Fieryice, but you seem to have a very warped view of ETI, it's leaning towards paranoia. Can you blame skeptics for being dubious, when you spread this propoganda?

You said you "have read some parts of the bible, and I do not necessarily not beleive in some of its accounts", Proof for ETI: Part 2, 04-12-04, 04:39 AM
Reading the ancient writings does not mean bits and pieces.

Let's examine paranoia.
I have not started half a dozen threads pertaining to basicly the same issues.
I have posted based on my own personal research and investigations along with a co-investigator, not posted and regurgated others work and opinions.
If I am borderline paranoid, conclusion drawn from my posting style, then how much worse are you than I?
FieryIce, if you are going to turn against me, simply because I did not injest your hypothesis that Shoemaker was assassinated by the government due to a ETI conspiracy, and that I find your paranoia of aliens here to invade us, to be unfounded and fanatical, then you're worse than those pseudoskeptics. Simply because you are pro-ETI's existence, and are apparently part of the "UFO movement" when in reality, you are irrational and only believe as an act of pure faith.

I am against fanaticism of pro-ETI, as well as fanaticism of pseudoskeptics, and I will not endorse it, not at all, no matter even if you do support the existence of ETI. I am honest person, and even if you're my best friend, if you say something, I consider irrational, illogical, prejudiced or just plain wrong, I am going to show you up.

And how many topics have I started on ETI: 3? - Proof for ETI, Alien: motivations and implications and UFO: Video. And that's half a dozen for you? And, unless you're just ignorant, they all discuss different aspects of the ETI topic - one is proof of ETI; one is the implications and motivations of ETI; one(recent) is to anaylse ufo videos. In other words, you are spouting nonsense.

Look, I don't want a fight with you, but if you post fanaticism, expect me to refute it. It's already bad enough, we have pseudoskeptics posting nonsense, don't make it worse, by posting ETI fanaticism.
crazymikey said:
...paranoia of aliens here to invade us, to be unfounded and fanatical... Simply because you are pro-ETI's existence, and are apparently part of the "UFO movement" ... you post fanaticism...don't make it worse, by posting ETI fanaticism.

What the hell is that about?
UFO Movement? Moi?
Fanaticism?.... Actually, it is a damn good post I made about Eugene Shoemaker and his research. I did not once post anything about Eugene Shoemaker and ET's or Eugene Shoemaker and UFO's but I did mention about Eugene Shoemaker, his affiliation with certain research facilites and about the TLP's.

I am beginning to think Mikey is PMS'ing.
Fiery: You think it is a damn good post. I don't. No one else does, and it's about 10 lines long and it does not in the slightest justify your hypothesis. I am not going to have this pointless conversation. Fine, Fiery, you're right, im wrong, and everyone else who does not share your views is too.

Just a point to make to you: Not only have I read parts of the bible that you so broadly call ancient scriptures - I've also read the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, The Guru granth sahib, the Mahabharat, the Ramyana - parts of Taoism and some greek mythology.
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Bluntly stated, if you actually studied what Dr. Shoemaker was researching at his death you may see a connection. His and other’s works have shown that some craters here on earth may in fact be made by high energy weapons. (2,500 – 50,000 megaton) I recognize his work because of my own research into CS types of crater chains and atom bomb weapons of man.

Besides just looking for evidence of ETI, or UFO’s, it becomes necessary after a time to also search for why they are here. Now that becomes a much more intriguing and fruitful path than standing in one place looking around. I accept ETI and UFO’s as you do, but that was along time ago and is as you say fairly recent for you. Enjoy the search and discovery? You won’t.
Hey guys, one would think that any 'evidence' would lead you guys to similar conclusions. This infighting shows how open to interpretation and circumstanstial all of your stories are. if you can't convince each other, what hope do you have selling it to anybody else?

All these schizms though. It's getting like that sketch from Monty Python.
craterchains (Norval said:
Bluntly stated, if you actually studied what Dr. Shoemaker was researching at his death you may see a connection. His and other’s works have shown that some craters here on earth may in fact be made by high energy weapons. (2,500 – 50,000 megaton) I recognize his work because of my own research into CS types of crater chains and atom bomb weapons of man.

Besides just looking for evidence of ETI, or UFO’s, it becomes necessary after a time to also search for why they are here. Now that becomes a much more intriguing and fruitful path than standing in one place looking around. I accept ETI and UFO’s as you do, but that was along time ago and is as you say fairly recent for you. Enjoy the search and discovery? You won’t.

Craterchains, then show me some information on what Shoemaker said, and if I think there is something there, I'll revise my opinions on the matter. I just do not see anything in the thread(by fiery) in question. All I see, is a lot of "could be this", "could be that" wild speculation.

I think you are fully mistaken, that I'm not doing anything about ETI. We are discussing ETI motiviations and implications ---- and we are discussing ETI proof. I am also in the process of starting an ETI awareness site. I am doing everything within my powers. What are you doing?

One priority for me, is to get ETI into the public awareness, and show it is a serious matter. You see, if this was a pro-UFO web site, all Id be doing, is preaching to the converted. UFO groups have been existing for a long time, and they are only a minority. And if you really want disclosure - you need a majority.
phlogistician said:
Hey guys, one would think that any 'evidence' would lead you guys to similar conclusions. This infighting shows how open to interpretation and circumstanstial all of your stories are. if you can't convince each other, what hope do you have selling it to anybody else?

All these schizms though. It's getting like that sketch from Monty Python.

No. Unlike you pseudoskeptics, who swallow anything another pseudoskeptic says, and usually cheer each other on, no matter how stupid your argument. I don't. I don't limit myself by joining sides. I'm in the middle, looking at both sides. If you say something I think is "right" I'll support that. If they say something I think is right "I'll support that" This is called being objective. something you pseudoskeptics, don't do.
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