Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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crazymikey said:
according to latest research, the dinasours were not wiped out by a meteroite at all.

You've mentioned this before, and I asked before: what latest research?
If it's what I'm thinking of, she's most likely wrong as she didn't take into consideration the expected immediate deposition of the debris plume.
phlogistician said:
Eh? Are you really that stupid? Humans didn't co-exist with Dinosaurs. You maye have seen this in Hollywood films, such as '1 Million Years BC' but it didn't happen. Dinosaurs, and all life forms with a body mass over 25Kg became extinct after the meteor impact. There were no humans at this point. If there had been, chances are we'd have died out too

But, it doesn't surpise me to find out you didn't know this.

WO WO WO, Hold on there Phlog, you must have been in an agravated state when you wrote this.
If you are talking about my little dinosaur story, that is exactly what I am saying, the dinosaurs were wiped out before humans came to flourish.
NO co-habitation.

I think this is what I stated very clearly so I am not sure if your comment was directed at me or not?

P.S. What about elephants, hippos, girraffes, horses, moose,etc.
I think these are all over 25kg, I could be wrong though. :D
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P.S. What about elephants, hippos, girraffes, horses, moose,etc.
I think these are all over 25kg, I could be wrong though.

Dinosaurs didnt co-exist with these either, perhaps you could show where you found out elephants and T-Rex co-existed?(and no woolly mammoths didnt co-exist with dinosaurs either so dont even say it)
Most evolved from smaller mammels, the first horses were about 1 foot tall, i suggest a visit to your local museum, the natural history museum in london illustrates evolution perfectly, perhaps you should make time to visit it one day?
i dont think that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteor, and the research proves this. i know you skeptics throw in the little opposing issue of the age of the debris or surrounding circumference- but i still think theres some validity in the claim that a meteor didnt wipe out the dinos.

plague seems to be a more resonable extinction of these huge mammals, and here's why:

a) if a meteor wiped out the dinos, why are there still Lizards and descendants of these reptiles?

b) if you notice only small animals survived (someone stated this here) and this is proof that a large meteor didnt wipe out the animals, but rather plague or disease is more likely the cause of their extinction.

c) the reason we still have small lizard animals, is because only the smaller animals, which required LESS FOOD, survived. large animals, like the huge Dinos, required more food, which was not available because either there was a plague or disease effecting the eco system...

guys, history (as we know it) isnt writen in stone- so be ready for changes to what we thought we knew.
zonabi said:
i dont think that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteor, and the research proves this.

What research? Crazymikey and now you have indicated this, but neither have yet to produce a citation. I'm left to think that up until now, you both believe that the "research proves this."

zonabi said:
i know you skeptics throw in the little opposing issue of the age of the debris or surrounding circumference-

Actually, the skeptics in this argument are the ones that suggest that K-T Extinction wasn't directly linked to impact of a meteorite. A meteorite apparently did strike the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period and is marked by the Iridium found the world over in the deposition at the K-T boundary. A mass extinction did occur, marked by the fossil record at the K-T boundary.
but i still think theres some validity in the claim that a meteor didnt wipe out the dinos.

zonabi said:
a) if a meteor wiped out the dinos, why are there still Lizards and descendants of these reptiles?

The more efficient and adaptable organisms survived, while the less efficient organisms more dependent on niche subsistence perished. Dinosaurs weren't he only organisms that perished.

zonabi said:
b) if you notice only small animals survived (someone stated this here) and this is proof that a large meteor didnt wipe out the animals, but rather plague or disease is more likely the cause of their extinction.

Poppycock. Evidence suggests the impact was directly linked. Disease and famine were likely, but were effect more than cause. Large animals did survive. Mammoths, elephants, whales, etc. are all rather large.

zonabi said:
c) the reason we still have small lizard animals, is because only the smaller animals, which required LESS FOOD, survived. large animals, like the huge Dinos, required more food, which was not available because either there was a plague or disease effecting the eco system...

Or the larger, less efficient animals. which were mostly herbavores, didn't have access to the fauna because photosynthesis was interrupted by the water/dust lifted to the atmosphere by the impact, obscuring the sun and lowering temperatures.

zonabi said:
guys, history (as we know it) isnt writen in stone- so be ready for changes to what we thought we knew.

History is often written in stone (cuneiform tablets, etc.). It's also written in papyrus, vellum, paper, etc. History is the written record of human activity. Archaeology and paleontology, however, is the interpretation of the past by examination of physical remains. It isn't subjective to human bias in the way that epigraphical accounts are.

I ask again: What evidence to either of you know of (or research) that suggests the K-T Extinction wasn't linked to a meteorite impact? Otherwise, "a), b)," and "c)" above are just examples of more wild, speculative thinking.
Large animals did survive. Mammoths, elephants, whales, etc. are all rather large.
Actually dinosaurs lived in the mesozoic era (248 million years ago - 65 million years ago) and the only mammels that existed at the same time as that were very small and didnt evolve much beyond rat like creatures.
Mammoths lived in the Cenozoic era(65 million years ago - present day), as do elephants and whales.
So if there was a meteor impact the dinosaurs would have died, and mammels survived, mammoths, elephants and whales dont come into it.
Yeah.... I suppose that's what I get for replying while half-awake :)

Still, the main point is that mammalian species and the more versital of the reptilians and amphibians were efficient enough to endure the period and evolve out of it, while the less efficient, larger species that required greater food sources of plant materials that are no longer photosynthesizing, perished.

But I stand humbly corrected.
moementum7 said:
WO WO WO, Hold on there Phlog, you must have been in an agravated state when you wrote this.
If you are talking about my little dinosaur story, that is exactly what I am saying, the dinosaurs were wiped out before humans came to flourish.
NO co-habitation.

Eh? What you said was;

moementum7 said:
Wasn't that nice of god to wipe out the dinasours so conviently so that man could have a fair chance at staking ground on this little planet.
No coincidence at all.
Couldn't have anything to do with an ETI putting 2 and 2 together to see that man would have no chance at flourishing with the presence of the Big Boys around.

It sounds to me like your proposed ETs made a choice between the two (and therefore co-existence is implied), then comitted genocide. you didn't explicitly state no co-existence, and are now saying that, once corrected.

I.S. What about elephants, hippos, girraffes, horses, moose,etc.
I think these are all over 25kg, I could be wrong though. :D

Yes, and, .. you aren't getting this are you? They didn't co-exist with dinosaurs either, so weren't around to suffer when the meteor struck.

They, and man, all evolved later from smaller species, that survived the extinction.
Yeah ,yeah, forgot about those pictures inschool with the evolving horsies.
No, I may not have "explicitly" said anything in that statement.
I didn't see in any rules and regulations that I had too.
Don't cry about it.
Do you think, as depicted in science fiction, humans will co-exist with aliens from other planets, and we'll live side by side, and take it all for granted. Of course a newborn would take it for granted.

I've read there are over 20 million Greys living with us today, in underground cities, and even more Reptillians, that have been rumoured to have been co-existing with us for a million years. If they exist, do think it is time, we engage them and welcome them into our community.

How would future socieity be, when integrated with aliens. Do you think we'll have more closely-knit communities, and a far more open-minded and intellectual socieity - or is it doom all the way :D
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Mikey, without reading the ancient writings you will not be able to answer your own questions with any degree of accurracy, let alone know the rest of the story.
There are a couple outcomes to this saga of "human survivability" and one is not surviving.
What makes you think I have not read the ancient writings? I'm sorry Fieryice, but you seem to have a very warped view of ETI, it's leaning towards paranoia. Can you blame skeptics for being dubious, when you spread this propoganda?
crazymikey said:
I've read there are over 20 million Greys living with us today, in underground cities, and even more Reptillians,

They're not 'grays' their 'browns.' And they speak Spanish. Anyone who believes there are 20 million + aliens from space living underground really is a kook.

Am I on your ignore list yet?
Maybe earthlings are kept by aliens just like we keep bees for their honey but what are they getting from us? Our shit?
Not just yet Skinwalker, I have this unfounded faith, that you may actually say something worthy of addressing some day.

Now in regards to what you said. I thought I was a "kook" a long time ago, for being a UFO proponent. Interestingly I said, "I read" I did not say "there is" do you need me to teach you how to read now?

Yet at the same time, I am not a bigot, that I would discount the possibility, simply because it sounds so extraordinary. If there are human underground bases, then why not ETI? ;)
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Perhaps a reading lesson is in order. If you note my post that you just referred to, it says that "anyone who believes..." not "anyone who reads..."
Going from post 1 onwards:

Animal Mutilations
Cattle Mutilation going by the FBI files from the 1970's located at: titled: "Animal Mutilations"

What seems to be the main angle of investigation was local cult activity in all the areas that such occurances occured. For instance it's known that animal sacrifices still occur in South America and Mexico in conjunction with some of the Religious cerimonies that occur at particular ritual sites that have existed since Aztec/Mayan times.

Most of the Mutilation accounts were occuring in Southern state areas that are bordering with Mexico, so it is possible that some imigrants might have done some of these mutilations at particular times during the year.

Other speculative theory indicates "Voodoo", where some preportions of an animal would be used.

Further still such occurances in South America can also be attributed to the drugs trade, the usage of "scare mongering" through the conspiracy of Animal Mutilations and "Chupacobras" is usually enough to keep the simple villagers and towns folk away from their base of operations. (Bit like the old medieval method of placing an enemies head on a spike near your camp.)

Inhumane Testing/Abductions etc
It is a known fact that inhumane testing exists, although the usual culprits that some people point to are probably just a sharade generated by the puppet engineers of a shadow project.

It's known that people have been subjected to torturous experiments, notibly all seem to have one common factor, they are usually about the human mind.

To give it some sort of perspective you have to understand that during the 1930's and the start of the 1940's, the Nazi regime of that time was being manipulated by the use of people in powerful positions, notibly those were Psychiatric doctors who began trying to find ways of "curing people" to their Eugenic agenda.

The cures they believed to work to cure psychological ailments included the use of beating patient's to try and get the patient to learn that if cured they wouldn't be beaten and scare tactics, the understanding was that you could potentially scare the instabilities out of the patient.

Other such experimental therapies included the use of hypnotic regression therapy and the use of psychotropic lighting effects.

As it got closer to the war, those people in Mental institutes that suffered ailments due to natural deformaties were used for horific experiments to work out better methods of retracting information from people, or better ways to torture someone.

By the end of the Second World War, all the Nazi legacies (Projects and plans) became property of the Allieds, who then in turn 'might' have continued the research in one way or another.

Nowadays there are projects that doctors and scientists want to do, but the current state of the world doesn't permit them (Usually because of Religious Edicts)
Such projects are likely to be Stemcell research, Gene therapy, Cancer Treatment and a few dozen mental ailments to name a few.

Admittedly it's understandible why some projects exist, however the way they exist is wrong. For instance it's known that the state of the world and how technology has been used to enhance our daily lives, normal average people live without the full understanding of the dangers of using such technology. In fact the usual problem is that the large corporates that have made alot of money through selling such technology, did in their early pioneering stages cut the few corners of testing the equipment for side effects.

It's said that a singular mobile phone outputs microwaves when in use that can penetrate into a persons brain, the outcome of research towards this causing problems was found that it was hardly worth complaining about, however thats one mobile phone, but how many mobile phones now exist in our world in some form of use? Globally all those mobile phones tallied together is a problem and an expensive one to fix. (Especially since most people that are now use to them will not want to give them up like Cigarette smokers and cigarettes, in a form they are junkies hooked on them.)

It would have been possible to pull the plug perhaps in the embreotic stages, however business is business, and they won't stand in the way of progress, if progress is money.

However stating all of this takes me away from the main point that these particular technologies and others enduce different frequencies to flow throughout our known world, Frequency bombardment of cellular chains causes genetic alterations (like Obesity) and Cancerous mutations.
(Cellphones may boost forces on biological tissue)

This is why some people would be looking at the usage of antenna arrays in conjunction with Gene therapy, however Gene therapy has had a constant bad press, since a number of testee subjects in the US have died from the experimental treatments. The treatments themselves can seem torturous to those undergoing them due to the fact that genetic alteration at the molecular level enduces a large amount of pain.

Admittedly it's my theory that such equipments in use for this, based upon the "corn circle" phenomona, originally I was going under the essence of electromagnetic manipulation used to cause the corn to bend, however the real method of getting the corn to bend is actual Gene therapy. Genetic manipulation of the corn through antenna arrays, admittedly operationing on a corn field is different from a human being but it would teach a group of people how to manipulate genes at a distance form the "Corn field" subject, however corn fields don't rive in agony at the pain inflicted.

Since such therapy is looking at becoming renound for it's deaths due to it being so experimental, it's very likely that it could very easily become illegal.

The usage of Antenna equipment can also be used for Cancer treatment through Global Radio Therapy, this could help prevent or even cure some forms of cancer from a continued low exposure of certain types of radiation. (Notibly breast cancer)

Mental ailments can be studied through the use of Pseudo-Telepathy, Since the communication within the brain is on a genetic level, and the system thats been devised can interact at a genetic level it's possible to map what a person is thinking into a neural network of parallel processing systems (Usually found at the antenna sites)

The main problem with such a system in a worldly use is the shear fact that having a number of people suffering different mental dilemma's all having their information mapped and dealt with at the number of processing stations, potentially gives way to "bleeds/Overflows" where an instance of thought that belongs to one individual could mistakenly be redirected to that of another.

This means that the psychological use of this equipment for the purpose of dealing with diseases and disorders is limited, however it is possible that a small number of individuals could be studied to learn about certain ailments if the equipment was to be used correctly, legally and most notibly publicly.

(It would be possible for smaller systems to perhaps be used in metal hospitals, however to deal with each individual one at a time it would mean considerable waiting lists.)

One other aspect about the current explaination of people perceiving 'probes' or 'Autopsies while still alive' and even 'Abductions' is the factor that the use of such equipment coupled with an understanding of hypnotism can create great methods of deception to hide what the actual reality was. Such usage might be to hide up the truth that the experiment is a bunch of scientists at a facility using mentioned equipment, or might actually be a study of how the human conscious mind tries to derive reasoning from the occurances a person has percieved.

There were even original studies as to what control hypnotism can create where the subject in their hypnotised state is commanded to perform certain acts like pushing a skewer through their skin and being told not to bleed. Some might believe this to be faked when theatrical hypnotism is performed, however there are certain sleep disorders where one sleeping victim has killed or beaten their partner while being asleep, when waking they don't even realise they have done whatever it is they did.

I'm not saying that all systems that use this result in someone being put to death just to prove the equipment works, but the suggestion is that a person could inflict alsorts of things upon themselves while in this state, that would then be perceived as "alien marks" upon their body.

(It's also noted that in one instance of a spy being killed in the UK some years ago using a Umbrella firing a small poison metal projectile, that the same sort of weapon could be used to imbed implants into victims for projects. The victim could think an alien implanted it (through hypnotism and the fact that the implant would show the victims location), but the reality would be that while they were going about their daily routine, someone shot them with the implant projectile.

The human body can sometimes block out plain to an extent if the speed at which a projectile or heated object can damage the nerve tissue fast than the tissue can output the pain reading. The only time those wounds hurt is if you see blood, then it's empathy that makes you realise the wound hurts.)

EMP, Mind control & Telepathy
Note: Dolphins do kill sharks, but it's not through a sonar blast. Dolphins bunt the sharks with the top of their nose on the sharks gills, damaging the gills of the shark stops the shark from being able to take oxygen out of water correctly and therefore drowns them.

I have seen it mentioned in a few places that dolphins were originally used in finding mines, although this practice I believe has stopped because of current technological advances. (Why kill a dolphin when you could get a small submarinal craft to dispose of a mine)

There was previous concern that a certain Navy doing HAARP testing for penetrating Sub hulls with High Frequency soundwaves had caused the death of a few dolphins in their testing, but this is because Dolphins and Whales like travelling in groups, so a Dolphin or two potentially tagged along with the test vessel and got in the way, which admittedly is an unfortunate accident that said Navy would have played down.

You have to imagine it like this, High Frequency can "Penetrate" some mass, however sometimes it can find itself making contact with how the mass is structured. In this case it was the Skull of the Dolphin which is specifically adapted to picking up sonar signals, since it's a preportion of the mechanism dolphins use to navigate and find food.
However a dolphins natural output is no where near the magnitude of the output of a Frequency system developed to penetrate multiple hulls. (since Submersibles and even ships have multiple hulls to deal with stress loads.)

This is also something that can be used to explain how it's possible to place a Sonar voice into someones head, using the very same technique that the dolphin uses. However instead of the individual outputting the sound to work out their relationship with the world, others can input what ever they want into their head.

Personally I think if you have seen one then you've been lied to by someone, or by taking something. I think the mass hype of aliens has lasted since the 1938 broadcast of "War of the Worlds" (H.G.Wells, Read by Orson wells) aired, at that particular point it was made to sound like a factual representation of events and span the US into a formulated media frenzy hunting down what was reality or fiction.

It's as if certain individuals since that day have craved their '15 minutes of fame' (Andy Warhol) even if their names aren't directly tied to the events they portray.
Strydenunknown, I don't think much of what you said, is far from reality. Abductions and cattle mutilations are taking place by a shadow government for genentic research, hybridization and microbiology. I am sure this is not a leap of faith for you to make, but there are underground labs where this research is taking place.

It is most certainly inhumane, disgusting, and just on these grounds, you as a human being, should make every effort in exposing it. ETI or no ETI :)

As for grey and ETI, no it's not just a mass delusion from 1938 :)
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