Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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crazymikey said:
Greco, that's an interesting theory. Although I don't see why Christ would make such long round trips :D I think Christ was just a normal sentient being, with some extra-human qualities.

ET Christ may come from race that has beaten aging, their scientists may have found the DNA technique to prolong life for very long periods.

ET Christ may make the Earth as one of his stops among many. It could be also that man or ET is still limited in speeding through space and still have to deal with long time periods travelling.

Teleporting, wormholes, folding space, FLT may just remain in the realm of science fiction.

Or as you say he was just another religious scholar that took advantage of Jewish prophesy.
*note- i began writing, and wrote a HUGE post, and when i read it i realized i had drifted off into writing a long story. so i cut that and i will post that some time soon in a new thread.

a human to many, but with phenomenal powers.

Mary may have very well been artificially inseminated, just as mikey and I have stated before, this would finally solve the mystery of his miracles.
his miracles were nothing more than advanced knowledge. perhaps jesus didnt even know where his powers came from. i think this is true.

now for some speculation:
ET Christ may come from race that has beaten aging, their scientists may have found the DNA technique to prolong life for very long periods.
Sort of true. ETs do prolong their lives, this is obvious. they have advanced to the point where they can enhance their abilities, erase signs of disease, and therefore prolong their lives, all with Genetic Engineering. possibly with other technologies as well, but the bottom line is they have unlocked the code of DNA. this is a step to advancing life- we are getting pretty close too.

ET christ probably did not know where his unusual powers and insight came from. He simply thought the voices were coming from the 'sky' hence he looked up to the stars.

If ET were transmitting messages to your mind back in those days, and you had no idea where it was coming from- you would probably think it was coming from some Higher Being, which leads me into the next statement of why Jesus therefore concluded that the voices and powers he had within him were from an Almighty God, the Creator.

i was writing a huge post starting with man's creation, but realised it has too many things involved and would end up writing like 20000 words. lets stick to the subject of Jesus for now:

Why would ETs send Jesus (create, inseminate, whatever) to the Earth ?

dwell on this i have.

consider that in the past ETs may have touched down and visited ancient civilisations, giving them knowledge and etc.
if you try to follow history forward in time, you see that contact from ETs slows down, and seems to come to a halt.
perhaps they took a leave of absence, or pehaps they had other works they had to tend to ? perhaps they wanted to let us evolve a little on our own, naturally...
Perhaps certain Rules were set in place that no longer allowed the ETs to interfere/interact directly with a Planet's Lifeform's Evolution ?
there really are endless solutions to this, but if you consider the latter, then u might see some more relevance in the following:

for whatever the reason, ETs sort of stayed on the sidelines for a while. now this does not mean they stopped all plans and didnt do anything that involved earth or humans. it just meant that for whatever reason, the ETs werent allowed to physically touch down on earth and proclaim Godly status to the peoples on earth. so, what do you think they did? they interacted INDIRECTLY with us.

If they wanted to send us a message, such as messages of their origins and the creation of man, they would send these thru a Human. Prophecy as it is called.

Perhaps they wanted to send the message of the power of togetherness, unity, being 'one'
if u consider alien theory u know that they have a collective mind so to speak, they all share all thoughts and concerns. strangey enough the preaching of the bible can be considered as ET work, if you scrape of the religious shell the mortal, unknowing Humans of earth have encased it with.

So the Aliens decided they needed to show the world about the Higher Beings, the Spiritual Entities that watch over us. They wanted to let us know they are here, because for some reason, over the course of time, mankind had forgotten its roots. its true !

So they devised a plan and began the project. They chose a virgin so as to emphasize the miraculous event. they chose relatively poor people, so as to show that wealth isnt important. Then they created the Entity of Jesus. they way they did this can be many, from the ETs borrowing some of Mary's eggs and splicing in alien sperm, to grabbing male sperm and splicing that with alien DNA, then inserting it into Mary, or in all reality they probably could have just constructed the DNA (with regular human DNA which they have tons of) and tossed in some of their own DNA, and simply placed it inside Mary to be conceived. the method of this is not important. the event was, and still is, (x-mas) albeit we use this event as an excuse for spending money and buying gifts, while we take a break from labor-
(why is it that we are so ironic? anyone else notice this?)

When the young prodigy was born, Jesus- the world changed. History is broken up into 2 sections: before Christ, and after Christ was born. that says alot !

now, the ETs have someone on Earth that is very connected with them. ETs can speak to Jesus directly, this is what i was talking about in the beggining of this post. he heard voices coming from no where, so what would he think ?
the voices spoke to him as is clearly shown in the bible- relaying important life lessons and messages that are STILL VALID TO THIS DAY.
also, if you try to put yourself in his shoes, WHO would u think was speaking to you? a Higher Being, a Higher Force you would probably think first, and after speaking to the voice it probably told him that the voice was that of his Creator ! The ETs could have been honestly trying to explain that they were his Creator, the creator of mankind. Jesus might have misinterpreted this as being only ONE person speaking to him. therefore he believed it was ONE ALMIGHTY GOD that was speaking to him, when in reality it was several ETs transmitting messages to him. they would probably all have sounded the same also- because ETs msg's channeled to anyone's mind are then translated to a language that the person recieving understands. thoughts are thoughts, you translate them.

so there you have Christ, a living ET/Human, trying his best to live in a world that ridicules him, while he is trying to spread peace and unity.

Jesus performs numerous miracles in his short life in the flesh, all which if considered to be advanced ET ability, are no longer that mysterious, just divine.

He collects numerous followers, and probably could be considered the father of all religions that have spawned. they could all also be considered his followers, even if they arent following in his footsteps exactly and adding their own shortcuts and paths.

Jesus is crucified, but far from dead. his word lives on to this day even, which proves that the ETs knew what they were doing.

You have to realise that the ETs KNOW US, inside out, backwards and forwards. they helped create us, they actually are the ones who spliced in a little intelligence and spirituality into the primitive ape. they know how we work. they know how our minds work. better than we do !

THEY KNEW WHAT EFFECTS JESUS WOULD HAVE ON MANKIND. this was their aim. they knew what his purpose was, knew how to implement it into the coding the his DNA and did it.

but here's a controversial question :

in retrospect to all i have just written, what IF, what IF:

what IF- the entire Jesus project was a test by the ETs to see how Humans would react to the idea of Higher Beings watching over them.

oh man, now doesnt this twirl your noggin ?!

because if you look at it: the jesus project has not been very positive overall. you have the worst war going on ONTOP of the holy grounds, you have a thousand false religions and more spawning everyday. you have Popes molesting children, you have Nuns forfeiting the natural act of making love, and fanatics driving planes into building screaming alah on the way down.

clearly, you can see- the messiah project backfired.

so, this makes me wonder if it was all a Test to see our reaction.

DIDNT PASS. so the ETs layed low for a while. this is what im talking about, the slow decline in supernatural activity, the slowing of ET activity.

time to wake up, because they are coming around again now, hoping that we are ready to accept the facts of life.
as u guys see there is increased awareness of ET , and now we know a little more about them. they waited and are now trying again.

seems like they come around every 2000 years. or they lay low for 2000 years and then came out from behind closed doors to try again.

howcome? there is obviously a pattern in their appearance (the overall period of time when ET activity is present)

perhaps they realise that 2000 years is ample time to let Humans continue their evolution, and this span is long enough so that the Humans will not consciously remember much about the past ET events, since they are so far back in their history. Hence if they wait 2000 years, they can try to present themselves again.

just some thoughts- looks like i wrote a long story anyways. eh i always do that. sorry guys its like my fingers type without me thinking.
I think any religious person who wants to believe in Jesus, Mary, angels, and miracles, should believe in ETI. You believe in miracles, and magic, and spiritual planes of existence - have you ever stopped to ponder, that if they indeed do exist, they must have a scientific basis. Indeed, any advanced technology, would look like magic, to the uneducated.

If I produced a bolt of lightening with an electric generator in front of people who never seen such a feat; it would look like magic. Similarily, if Virgin Mary conceives, without intercourse, it would look like magic. Similarily, if Jesus ascends into the heavens on a flying machine; it would look like magic.

However, we know today, that magic is only technology. So to those Christians, I say, if such advanced technology was being practiced in an era when science was it its infancy - then who would have such advanced technology?
-That makes way too much sense Zonabi. Think of it this way...the aliens create mankind, but they for some technical reason make him flawed, they just can't seem to make human beings right...until, Jesus the Christ, they finally succeed in making a divine(alien) human being, he is the savior of mankind, meaning they have finally succeeded in making a human that isn't a mess. Because let's face it...humans are a flawed creation.
-Also of interest: According to the bible the Earth was flooded by God (in the old testament God is Elohim which is interesting because it is a plural word meaning those who come down from above) because Nephilim(giants) were breeding with humans, i.e., their genetic creation got all screwed up so they flooded mankind and started all over, except Noah whose bloodline had not been polluted with the Nephilim. This exact same myth is repeated in the Babylonian "Epic of Gilgamesh" and the mayan creation myth the "Popol Vuh." Also, in the Popol Vuh the gods are called "Alom," that's way too close to "Elohim" to be a coincidence.
Unfortunately today’s government media puppet scientists are just as out of whack as those religionists on TV too. Just goes to show you that there may be something to what is written about blinding the minds of the “unbelievers”. Folks, there is a whole lot of hurt coming down here in just a few years I think. That so called “Heavenly New Jerusalem” is supposed to be one thousand, five hundred miles square. That is NOT going to land on earth I would hope. Picture a cue chalk sitting on the cue ball as a relationship.

Here is a bit I posted to another thread, but it applies well here also. ;)

1. Motive? Some ETI’s thought they should be the co-rulers of the Universe along side King Jesus and not the Humans that were created for that job. Jealousy.
2. They fought amongst themselves and have “tested” humans for several thousands of years. Our legends and history show this clearly.
3. They have tried to cross our genetic traits with theirs and bear offspring.
4. And now after having their butts kicked and tossed down to the earth with out all their great big ships, technological devices, and bases. Those having been destroyed by war. So advance the humans technologically so they can attempt to replace that apparatus.
5. Tuff break ETI’s, Welcome to Earth, the Prison Planet of the worst trouble makers in the universe, for the next thousand years at least.
grover said:
-Also of interest: According to the bible the Earth was flooded by God (in the old testament God is Elohim which is interesting because it is a plural word meaning those who come down from above)

Except that the floody myth of Genesis is a Yahwist account and the Hebrew authors refered to God as Yahweh or Jehova, not El as is mentioned in Elohist mythologies of the Pentateuch. Moreover, there is much to be said that the Hebrew authors used the plural form of El, Elohim, to suggest majesty and status, much in the same manner as human monarchs did in many languages when they refer to themselves in the plural.

grover said:
because Nephilim(giants) were breeding with humans,

Nephilim of the Hebrew mythologies means the fallen ones, which I'm sure will be accepted by the UFO/ETI religion as "fallen ETs" rather than angels, etc.

grover said:
This exact same myth is repeated in the Babylonian "Epic of Gilgamesh"

Incorrect. Gilgamesh was years ahead of the Bible flood story. The evolution of the Near Eastern flood myth has it's roots in Babylonian "deluge" stories, finds it's way in Gilgamesh, then is adapted, sans polytheistic references, by the Hebrew authors of Genesis.
-Skinwalker: All good points. The use of the word Elohim to refer to God, yes the fact that it is plural may suggest majesty, or it could suggest plurality.
-Nephilim is also translated as giants (Numbers 13:33).
-When I used the word "repeat" in reference to the flood I meant it occurs in many different "myths." THe flood myth is also in the mayan "Popol Vuh." How do you account for this since the Mayan culture is supposedly totally unconnected to old world cultures?
Then again it could be that the Hebrew version is the correct one and the Gilgamesh was the false story started by the fallen angels (bad et’s). :D
grover said:
-Skinwalker: All good points. The use of the word Elohim to refer to God, yes the fact that it is plural may suggest majesty, or it could suggest plurality.
-Nephilim is also translated as giants (Numbers 13:33).
-When I used the word "repeat" in reference to the flood I meant it occurs in many different "myths." THe flood myth is also in the mayan "Popol Vuh." How do you account for this since the Mayan culture is supposedly totally unconnected to old world cultures?

People often bring up the fact that many many cultures have a flood story, therefore the one in the Bible saying that the entire world was covered MUST be based on a true event. The thing is, just about every culture begins its existence somewhere near a good freshwater source. This is a necessity for basic health, irrigation, travel, food sources ... so many reasons to live near a good water source. What happens to rivers and streams and other bodies of water now and then (in some cases, on a very reliable, regular basis - the Nile)? Flooding. Most early cultures have flood stories because most early cultures experienced floods. When you live in a time and in a location where travel beyond your sphere of existence is difficult, if not impossible, the immediate area in which you live is "The World" and all the animals on your farm are "All the animals" in your "World." I don't see other cultures having flood myths/stories lending any sort of credence to the Bible story depicting a worldwide flood wiping out everyone but Noah and his peeps.
OK, but ancient people had to contend with all sorts of natural, famine, disease, storms, droughts...yet the fact remains that the flood myth pops across cultures and it's just coincidence? Doubtful. Furthermore, the flood myth has more in common than just water, in Gilgamesh Enlil decides that the only way to solve the problem is to initiate a flood, which the god Enki tries to stop. He has a man named Atrahasis build an ark for himself and his family and take animals with him to survive the flood. In other words it is exactly parallel to the biblical flood that also just a coincidence?
I can see your point Chunky, as well as yours Grover. However, there is no proof for neither. It could have been a flood; or THE flood.
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Wasn't that nice of god to wipe out the dinasours so conviently so that man could have a fair chance at staking ground on this little planet.
No coincidence at all.
Couldn't have anything to do with an ETI putting 2 and 2 together to see that man would have no chance at flourishing with the presence of the Big Boys around.
I mean let's face it. There is no way we would have ever been able to get our race going with those guys around.
"Anybody got a spear with a rock tied to the end of it!"

I have always found that particular little convenience stimulating.
I am sure there must be a T-Rex head proudly displayed on the wall of one of those space crafts.

A thought.
There was a 10 million year gap between the dinosaurs dying out and the first true primates, if they killed them off to create us/help us evolve there wouldnt be a gap, this doesnt support the theory of aliens engineering us.
moementum7 said:
Wasn't that nice of god to wipe out the dinasours so conviently so that man could have a fair chance at staking ground on this little planet.
No coincidence at all.
Couldn't have anything to do with an ETI putting 2 and 2 together to see that man would have no chance at flourishing with the presence of the Big Boys around.

Eh? Are you really that stupid? Humans didn't co-exist with Dinosaurs. You maye have seen this in Hollywood films, such as '1 Million Years BC' but it didn't happen. Dinosaurs, and all life forms with a body mass over 25Kg became extinct after the meteor impact. There were no humans at this point. If there had been, chances are we'd have died out too

But, it doesn't surpise me to find out you didn't know this.
moementum7 said:
Wasn't that nice of god to wipe out the dinasours so conviently so that man could have a fair chance at staking ground on this little planet.
No coincidence at all.
Couldn't have anything to do with an ETI putting 2 and 2 together to see that man would have no chance at flourishing with the presence of the Big Boys around.
I mean let's face it. There is no way we would have ever been able to get our race going with those guys around.
"Anybody got a spear with a rock tied to the end of it!"

I have always found that particular little convenience stimulating.
I am sure there must be a T-Rex head proudly displayed on the wall of one of those space crafts.

A thought.

It does seem suspect. In fact, according to latest research, the dinasours were not wiped out by a meteroite at all. It may have been one factor however.

Yet, not just dinasours. Somehow primitive man, was able to survive amongst vicious, faster, and bigger predators. That is a remarkable and questionable feat, considering even if modern man was sent unarmed in the jungle, his chances of survival would be tiny.

Considering this reality of an endless battle for survival, how did man ever get any time for scientific and intellectual evolution?
Well if you looked at the link the article is about human footprints right along with dinosaur footprints.
"Quasi-intellects" coming from a pseudoscience kook is about par for the course. The so-called human tracks found in places like Glen Rose have never withstood scientific scrutiny... but then you and Norval only recognize "science" when it is supportive of your pseudo-theories and have completely rejected science that is critical.

Burdick (one of the hoaxers) has been thouroghly debunked in this area. But thanks for posting this link to spurious and hoaxed information, since it helps to show flawed your critical thinking ability truly is. An expected characteristic of a pseudoscience proponent.

William Stokes (1973) and Ernest Conrad (1981) write that the trilobyte at Antelope Springs was real, the foot print was not. The trilobyte was merely in a depostion that resembled the shape and size of a footprint (somewhat rectangular but rounded on the ends with on end of the deposition wider than the other), but without any characteristics that would represent the expected physiology of a hominid.

Conrad, Ernest (1981).
"Tripping Over a Trilobite: A Study of the Meister Tracks" National Center for Science Education. VII:6, pp30-33.

Stokes, William (1973). "Geological Specimen Rejuvenates an Old Controversy." Dialogue. - A Journal of Mormon Thought. VIII:3,4: pp139, 141.
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