Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Unlike you pseudoskeptics, who swallow anything another pseudoskeptic says, and usually cheer each other on
Personally i've found its the believers that cheer each other on and say what a good job your doing mikey and swallow what you say without actually posting anything meaningful, perhaps i imagine it.
I don't limit myself by joining sides. I'm in the middle, looking at both sides
If you insist, but you come across as being a believer rather than being in the middle, though i concede you do criticize some believer arguements so perhaps your closer to the middle than it seems.
crazymikey said:
If they say something I think is right "I'll support that" This is called being objective. something you pseudoskeptics, don't do.

Ah, but there is the flaw, Mikey. it's merely what you 'think' is 'right', as you can offer no hard evidence to prove anything. Nothing which can be verified, and agreed upon amongst peers, which is why you aren't a scientist.

Also, far from being 'objective' the point that everything you offer is so uncompelleing even fellow kooks don't buy it, makes you very subjective.
Phlogistician, a humble request: next time you open your mouth, open it to, to deal with the cases I've presented to you. Rather than to just spout nonsense. I tire of your pseudoskepticism. If you wish to continue discussion with me - you do so by dealing with the cases I have presented you(last time I presented you one, you ran away) If you can't - then you keep quiet - it is that simple.

Actually, Phlogistician, what I am offering, is not in question here, to whom you so derogatively call "kooks" what is in question here, is what they are offering. Now, what you have demonstrated, is the typical pseudo-intellectual logic, of "in-fighting" brought upon by your dirty and narrow-minded thinking. We are not fighting, we are just disputing on certain cases and facts(filtering the good from the bad) Meanwhile, your entire band of pseudoskeptics, never test even our claims, nor do you even test your own claims(e.g. PR releases do not require thought) You just cheer each other on, acting more like a backwards mob, than scientists. You have demonstrated time and time again, your low intelligence, your inability to be decent and respectful, your narrow-mindedness, and how little you have to offer to the discussion. All you are doing are dropping in periodically, to ridicule, insult, or just sneer at us. That is not science; that's playground mudslinging. You should feel ashamed of yourself, especially if you are a 34 year old scientist.

Yes, and I do tire of it. I am an adult, and I wish to have an adult discussion, with adults; not children. Now, what would be ironic, that I have to tell you to behave and be adults. When I could be, actually younger than you. If you want me to see you as a child, like Q, then that is your choice. I will simply put you on my ignore list(like Q) and keep you there permanently.
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Dear crazymikey,

I will clarify the abductions, cattle mutilations and multiple factions for you.
The abductions come from several sects of the followers of Koresh, they are actually humen, well kind of: Koresh never actually proclaimed that he wanted or what he wanted of a “ultimate form”, but the Pope Wignostron and his console in 2670 proclaimed this alone. This was when orthodox Koreshins split into several factions all of which proclaim that they were going to take on the “ultimate form” that they thought was proclaimed by Koresh. Each one of the 7 sects took on slightly different forms and higherarchies which is why these “aliens” as you describe them come in different forms and sizes. Now where was I oh yes, the abductions are because followers of Koresh believe that eating the excrement of people during the time of Koresh and after gives them holly powers. Also specially design hybridized children are raised and grown until they are sacrificed during celebrations by the Clrnaps for thanks of their victory of the Koreshin/Clrnap war as proclaimed by the treaty of Neptune. Cattle parts are sold in black markets after the year 2511 as cattle was extinct then and in fact eating cattle was criminalized and placed as a controlled substance, I think we all know why.
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Just remember folks, dressing up in a new state of pseudonym to harass people could be nearly as bad as doing it openly. So don't go too far with it if you happen to do it.
So we have had explanations for UFO's as time travellers and aliens, and now, time travelling aliens? 10 out of 10 for imagination Necquim.
Exploding_Necquim said:
Dear crazymikey,

I will clarify the abductions, cattle mutilations and multiple factions for you.
The abductions come from several sects of the followers of Koresh, they are actually humen, well kind of: Koresh never actually proclaimed that he wanted or what he wanted of a “ultimate form”, but the Pope Wignostron and his console in 2670 proclaimed this alone. This was when orthodox Koreshins split into several factions all of which proclaim that they were going to take on the “ultimate form” that they thought was proclaimed by Koresh. Each one of the 7 sects took on slightly different forms and higherarchies which is why these “aliens” as you describe them come in different forms and sizes. Now where was I oh yes, the abductions are because followers of Koresh believe that eating the excrement of people during the time of Koresh and after gives them holly powers. Also specially design hybridized children are raised and grown until they are sacrificed during celebrations by the Clrnaps for thanks of their victory of the Koreshin/Clrnap war as proclaimed by the treaty of Neptune. Cattle parts are sold in black markets after the year 2511 as cattle was extinct then and in fact eating cattle was criminalized and placed as a controlled substance, I think we all know why.

WOW... I mean WOW, aaaaaah that it I'm not touching Pseudoscience for awhile!!! That, that just blows my mind! You’re either totally insane or really good at jerking people’s chains in such away as to laugh a man scared!

Koresh eh, better stop saying "Jesus Chist" and start saying "David Koresh". Why do the "Clrnap" need to kill Koreshin hybrid something or anothers again? Why is cattle made into a controlled substance???

lets us all remember though that his claims have as much evidence as any of the other kooks here. He jsut takes them several steps further.
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Hehe... crazy mikey is really making his name of himself. I personally like how he still hasn't answered my questions regarding his 'proof' of ET, but has simply taken it to another thread.

lets us all remember though that his claims have as much evidence as any of the other kooks here. He jsut takes them several steps further.
Yeah, but at least Koresh knew how to shut the kooks up;)
WellCookedFetus said:
Koresh eh, better stop saying "Jesus Chist" and start saying "David Koresh". Why do the "Clrnap" need to kill Koreshin hybrid something or anothers again? Why is cattle made into a controlled substance???

I am not a follower of Koresh, but the cursing of Koresh's name is highly forbiden in my time as it is reason to kill you horrible. The Clrnap forced the Koreshins to pay tribute to them by sacrificing Koreshin holy children in exchange for banishing them selves to the planet Mars in 3,411,128,905BC, Cattle are made into a controlled substance because of anti-cattle legistation and disenstablishintarianiusm. The FBI did not kill Koresh as he spontaneously combusted as well as did all of his closes followers.
Necquim your imagination is really quite impressive, but you forgot one simple thing, causality, by comming back in time you change the future, even if it seems like your doing virtually nothing its impossible to gauge how your simple actions will affect things, but nice try all the same.
Dear Lemming3k,

Yes we do know every change we make. The 6th dimensional have all time and times mapped out every event is planed and choreographed. You know your quote reminded me of a severely long story, but I will tell it latter I must go out and purchase more wine, I shell require it to finish.
More wine? Sounds like you've had enough already. How can you know every change you make, your back in the past now, nothing in your future exists yet.
Alright, this is for those who know ETI exists:

What Next?

It's all well, knowing that ETI exists, and I'm sure you are excited to see full disclosure one day. So what do we do now, how does this knowledge of ETI, help you in life? Does it change you at all? How does it impact your future?

To me, the knowledge of ETI's existence, is wonderful, it's almost like finding out about the universal theory of gravitation(Gmm/r^2) or the existence of the vacuum energy and anti-gravity. However, simply knowing the existence of something, is not just enough. Those, who are are doing without knowing about anti-gravity and vacuum energy, are coping with life, just like I am. So how does it make in the least bit different, that I know? Simply, so I can say, "I told you so" to the non-believers?

In the end, we, also have to wait for full disclosure, which could happen in a few years, or in a few decades. At that point, no one is going to care, if you went over and told them "I told you so" so how does it benefit us at all, in knowing it already?

What should we do with this knowledge?
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we know this knowledge, so why not share it with others who dont know.

we have tried our earnest and honest best to enlighten the peoples here, and although it may seem our goals were not met, they in fact were.

this is what they want- you see they cannot do things unless we call for them. i crossed an interesting email forward the other day, it wasnt in my inbox but on someone's website. it was a message letter, from an unknown sender, who seemed to actually be more than just one person. they claimed to be ETs, but they said if that scares or aggitates you, to think of them just as another person. in the letter (it was about 3-5 pages) there were alot of subjects quickly covered. but in the end, all the letter was asking was if you, the reader, would like for them to 'show up'

Would You Like Us To Show Up? is what the letter was titled.

and its simplicity is powerful. basically the message they were conveying is that if WE ask ourselved, truly and deeply, if we would like ETs to show themselves, then they would. simply as that. if you are scared, or dont believe, well your answer is just as simple. no.

now this single question holds alot of weight. if you know anything about aliens you know they have advanced telepathic communication, amongst other things. now, with this ability the aliens would probably hear some of our thoughts, especially if they are aimed at a subject the aliens are involved with. (similar frequencies you could think of it as)


you ask whats next?

next would be to find holes in the cover-ups
next would be prove the gov. is trying to keep us 'toned down'
next would be move on to other forums perhaps, and spread more awareness.
next would be to research more and more.

theres no end to whats next, but lets see whats likely to happen.

- we can keep posting here, with little or no hopes of people actually taking it seriously.

- all of us that know the truth can move elsewhere, i am open for ideas, suggestions, solutions



i would say prepare yourselves by knowing what dangers are available. watch the skies more closely. keep up to date on science news and political decisions. but most of all DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, dont eat what the media feeds you. you are not a baby, and can feed yourself.

a couple areas of concern, at least in my area:

-chemtrails (watch for long-lasting unusual jet-trails that hang in the sky)
-increased unusual aviary activity (helicopters, smaller planes, etc)

if there are any astronomers in this forum can you confirm or deny any unusual sky/star patterns/positions ?
crazymikey said:
Craterchains and Greco, I really do think now, after the latest research I have done, that Jesus, and the origin of the bible, indeed have an ET connection:

UFO's around Moses when he recieved the ten commandments
UFO's around Mary in her life time
UFO shines a beam of light on Mary
Virgin Mary becomes pregnant
UFO around the Baptism of Christ
Three wisemen guided by a star
Jesus performs miracles in life time
Jesus and Mary onboard a UFO, amidst many other UFO's
UFO's around Jesus's crucifcation
Jesus is resurrected

There are two possibilities:

1: Jesus was an extraterrestrial
2: Mary was abducted by ET and artificially inseminated

I opt for the latter, as the same occurrs with even modern women, who become pregnant suddenly after an abduction encounter. Normally however, when it is time to conceive, the ET's abduct the subject again, and remove the fetus. It is possible Jesus was an ET experiment. Which means, maybe even today, there maybe such ongoing experiments.

at what point did it dawn on you, that all these UFO's are pointed out in the bible? No seriously, i want scripture numbers, not from one of the shity "alien bibles" either.
Zonabi: That message "Do you want us to show up" was originally written in french from an airtraffic controller in France, who claimed, he was in telepathic contact with the aliens. It is very likely, it's a hoax. I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

I also think our goals have been met. My opening claim was, the evidence is simply overwhelming and insurmountable, and I lived up to the claim.

you ask whats next?

next would be to find holes in the cover-ups
next would be prove the gov. is trying to keep us 'toned down'
next would be move on to other forums perhaps, and spread more awareness.
next would be to research more and more.

theres no end to whats next, but lets see whats likely to happen.

- we can keep posting here, with little or no hopes of people actually taking it seriously.

- all of us that know the truth can move elsewhere, i am open for ideas, suggestions, solutions

How do we go about doing that?


i would say prepare yourselves by knowing what dangers are available. watch the skies more closely. keep up to date on science news and political decisions. but most of all DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS, dont eat what the media feeds you. you are not a baby, and can feed yourself.

a couple areas of concern, at least in my area:

-chemtrails (watch for long-lasting unusual jet-trails that hang in the sky)
-increased unusual aviary activity (helicopters, smaller planes, etc)

if there are any astronomers in this forum can you confirm or deny any unusual sky/star patterns/positions ?

That would fuel unnecessary paranoia. What we need to do, is something concrete, and in IMHO, push for full disclosure of ETI in the near future, and expose this shadow government to the populace. If this unelected shadow government is going to exist, and run out planet, we deserve to know about it, and it must operate within a legal and social framework.

Now how do we do that? Tell a bunch of people on a public forum? That won't work.
at what point did it dawn on you, that all these UFO's are pointed out in the bible? No seriously, i want scripture numbers, not from one of the shity "alien bibles" either.

UFO's around Moses when he recieved the ten commandments


God talks to Moses

UFO's around Mary in her life time



UFO shines a beam of light on Virgin Mary


The assumption of the Mary by a fleet of UFO's


Virgin Mary becomes pregnant

UFO around the baptism of Christ


Three wisemen guided by a star

Mary and Jesus on UFO's


Jesus performs miracles in his life time

UFO's around the crucification of Jesus






Jesus disappeares miraculously and is resurrected

Jesus onboard a UFO ready to take off


Jesus - "I am not of this kingdom" ascends into heaven.

Ezekiel's UFO sighting:

Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction, their appearance was like the gleaming of a chrysolite, and the four had the same likeness being as it were a wheel within a wheel. The four wheels had rims and they had spokes, and their rims were full of eyes round about. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them and when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them, for the living creature was in the wheel". Ezekiel, chapter 1, Versus 15 thru 21

"A great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth, and in the midst of fire, gleaming bronze". Ezekiel 1:4-7.


This is when it dawned on me :)
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So are UFOs also responsible for clocks melting over trees and dogs playing poker?
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