Aliens: The Motivations and Implications

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Coolmac, we have much more powerful weapons and delivery systems than nuclear missiles now - courtesy ETI

Just a quick thought on grey(little grey men) biology, and how this can possibly tell us about the conditions of their home planet.

Greys most defining, and perhaprs telling physical characteristics are "under 4 feet tall" and "large insectoid like eyes"

Now, if this is the natural height of greys, it could be biologically, they are small. However, would it not be natural for them grow taller as they evolve? Here's a sketchy correlation, could it be, that their planets gravity is too intense, and due to this intense downwards force acting on their biology, they are much smaller. Which perhaps implies their planet is much larger than Earth.

Secondly, their slanted eyes are large and pitch black, almost like natural sun glasses. Is this because, their planet's sun is too rich in UV radiation, or perhaps, their planet is closer to the sun.
They have the power to completely disable nuclear missiles. Something tells me we wouldn't get far.

...and to prove to the non-believers that aliens are among us...LAUNCH EVERY NUCLEAR MISSILE! Surely the aliens would disable them, proving their existence to all mankind!
Greys most defining, and perhaprs telling physical characteristics are "under 4 feet tall" and "large insectoid like eyes"

They are exactly 3 feet, 6 inches tall. Their height has nothing to do with gravitational forces, as they are so advanced that they can modify their home planet's gravitational forces, as well as modify their bodies to take whatever size/strength they need. They have modified their DNA to attain this exact height (3' 6") to fit in standard luggage.

Secondly, their slanted eyes are large and pitch black, almost like natural sun glasses. Is this because, their planet's sun is too rich in UV radiation, or perhaps, their planet is closer to the sun.

You're on the right track. Actually, what people have seen aren't their eyes, but sunglasses. Being that Greys are from an advanced civilization, their taste for art is advanced also. What I'm basically saying is that on the Grey's home planet, big sunglasses are in. Their real eyes, hidden behind these massive sunglasses, are actually similar to size to that of a fly, meaning they like their sunglasses WAY bigger than necessary.

So, if you want to know who the real geniuses of our race are, notice that clowns are usually the only culture within our race to wear oversized glasses. Yes, clowns hold the key to the advancement of our civilization. They have already tried to demonstrate their advanced knowledge through creating more efficient transportation methods (how many clowns CAN fit in a VW bug?), but the typical human looks at the advancements as nothing more than a cheap laugh.

Anyway, that is my knowledge of Greys IRT your comments.
Mikey the more you post the less of a threat i believe ETI to be(assuming its all correct), they've been around longer than us, could have taken our planet anytime, enslaved us before we were smart or advanced enough to stop them, what have they to gain from waiting 40000 years?

I wanted to further add to this. While ETI is not directly hostile towards us, it's agenda may still be sinister, or at odds with our right of freedom. How an advanced intelligence invades, may not be what we consider invasion. Think about it, what do they have to benefit from, if they simply eradicated us in an independence day like show and occupied the planet? Barely nothing. As it's evident their interest lies in our genetics and our internal biology. However, if they allowed us to evolve, or even genenitically engineered us, they have the benefit of having a slave race and a harvest for their genetic experiments. It's similar to why we breed animals, so we can harvest them later.

In other words, they have invaded us, by having full control over us, the general populace, the most powerful governments in the world, and at the same time, operating covertly and fuelling philosophical debates over their existence. They do this by deliberately allowing UFO's to be seen by mass populations, by decieving abductees and leaving them with memories of their existence, and implanting religions in our socieity. In the same way, perhaps they have done this, not only to humans, but other alien races, over serveral thousands of years.

What results from this is a sort of intergalactic empire that is so powerful, not only in it's own quadrant, but also controls many other intelligent races all over the universe. A sort of intergalactic extension of a planatary empire.

So if they are really are conquering us and removing our freedom, making us slaves to them, that certainly could be considered hostile!
Now, if this is the natural height of greys, it could be biologically, they are small. However, would it not be natural for them grow taller as they evolve? Here's a sketchy correlation, could it be, that their planets gravity is too intense, and due to this intense downwards force acting on their biology, they are much smaller. Which perhaps implies their planet is much larger than Earth.

Wrong. If the Planet had MORE gravity; the life forms would have to be BIGGER to sustain the stronger force of gravity pulling at them. This is NOT the case with the Greys. the Homonids of the 12th planet would be an example of this, planet with more gravity causing lifeforms to be 'giants'. the homonids are the Gods and Goddesses seen in Greek Mythology and similars.

Greys come from a dead planet actually. They destroyed their own planet long ago when they where still a 3rd Density world.

Their size and shape is related to their genetic engineering, and has little to do with their planet and gravity. Furthermore, the Greys that have chosen to come to earth have undergone even more adjustments to their body, making them capable of living (or at least visiting) on earth. But in the whole they are relatively small, probably because they have done away with many physical attributes and focused primarily on mental skills, such as telepathy and things of that nature. hence the large heads and small bodies.

Secondly, their slanted eyes are large and pitch black, almost like natural sun glasses. Is this because, their planet's sun is too rich in UV radiation, or perhaps, their planet is closer to the sun.
Correct. as a matter of fact, there are Two (2) Suns in the home planet's solar system, so u can imagine how many RAYs they are getting. But, you should realize that their main sun (Zeta 2 Ret) is very similar to our Sol. Even the second star in their system (Zeta 1 Ret) is a close match to our own Sol.
I have heard these large black eyes are protective lids also, like VAKEMP said, but either way it seems it is some form of protection from different rays. Their eyes can, of course, also have been part of their genetic enhancements too...

In other words, they have invaded us, by having full control over us, the general populace,
whilst i used to believe this also, it has come to my attention that they CANNOT directly invade us (perhaps it is because they are in 4th Density, or perhaps it is 'against the law' for them to directly invade, or BOTH= it is against the law for a 4th Density to invade a 3rd Density((too unfair!)))
It is known that they can only interact with permission from a Human Being. in other words a Human must say Yes and then the Aliens will begin with whatever they wanted to do.

So what u have in reality are Humans that are receiving help from Greys (and other aliens) and in return the Humans are the ones who are gaining 'control' and 'power' over other Humans. in a way you could say they are under alien control (like david icke says) but its more like they are under alien suggestion and help.

the most powerful governments in the world, and at the same time, operating covertly and fuelling philosophical debates over their existence
Very True.
like i just said- some governments have actually allied with the Aliens they encountered, probably because the Aliens promised them some new technology and other things.
on the second part- it is true that sometimes the people openly discussing or promoting UFOlogy and Alien Theory are in fact working FOR the Gov't, or for the Aliens even. And its further true that sometimes these said peoples are secretly conducting surveys and testing the populace to see what they know and say... could be they are trying to see how much acceptance we give to Alien Theory ... could be Debunkers trying to spread MisInformation... the possibilities are quite endless.

They do this by deliberately allowing UFO's to be seen by mass populations, by decieving abductees and leaving them with memories of their existence,
Yes, and sometimes specific people are targeted for abductions; for several reasons. (betty and barney hill targeted because of their interracial marriage)
Furthermore, UFO 'Crashes' are also staged sometimes by the Aliens. This is done to promote the existance of UFOs, without frightening us Humans. If we find a wrecked UFO, we feel more sense of Control over the situation, thus we aren't as hostile and are more accepting.

and implanting religions in our socieity
now dont blame everything on the aliens!
whereas i can see what u mean by them implanting religions, you should see that they didnt plant the RELIGION, rather they PLANTED THE SEED of the STARCHILD who was born, who then grew up and preached about the truth and eventually gathered a crowds which transformed into religions. note also that the religions tend to stray from their founder's intentions (heck, even the consitution could be considered here!)

In the same way, perhaps they have done this, not only to humans, but other alien races, over serveral thousands of years.
Quite possibly. Could this be related to the 'routes' connecting different stars found on the Betty Hill StarMap? quite possibly !
Although to further analyze this , you would have to compare the Ages of life on the Greys home, and the other nearby stars. I have a feeling the other stars' life forms are older than the Greys.
Wrong. If the Planet had MORE gravity; the life forms would have to be BIGGER to sustain the stronger force of gravity pulling at them. This is NOT the case with the Greys. the Homonids of the 12th planet would be an example of this, planet with more gravity causing lifeforms to be 'giants'. the homonids are the Gods and Goddesses seen in Greek Mythology and similars.

Yes, possibly. I was getting confused on wether they would be smaller or bigger due to high and low gravity. However at the same time, perhaps the gravity was too intense, and they cannot evolve past a certain height. It could also be, the gravity is weak, so they naturally frail. I did call it a sketchy correlation.

whilst i used to believe this also, it has come to my attention that they CANNOT directly invade us (perhaps it is because they are in 4th Density, or perhaps it is 'against the law' for them to directly invade, or BOTH= it is against the law for a 4th Density to invade a 3rd Density((too unfair!)))
It is known that they can only interact with permission from a Human Being. in other words a Human must say Yes and then the Aliens will begin with whatever they wanted to do.

So what u have in reality are Humans that are receiving help from Greys (and other aliens) and in return the Humans are the ones who are gaining 'control' and 'power' over other Humans. in a way you could say they are under alien control (like david icke says) but its more like they are under alien suggestion and help.

I there is too much you are saying here that is completely unsupported. The difference densities(dimensions?), and laws of densities, and greys needing our permission. I also hope you know, that David Ikle is mentally ill.

Very True.
like i just said- some governments have actually allied with the Aliens they encountered, probably because the Aliens promised them some new technology and other things.
on the second part- it is true that sometimes the people openly discussing or promoting UFOlogy and Alien Theory are in fact working FOR the Gov't, or for the Aliens even. And its further true that sometimes these said peoples are secretly conducting surveys and testing the populace to see what they know and say... could be they are trying to see how much acceptance we give to Alien Theory ... could be Debunkers trying to spread MisInformation... the possibilities are quite endless.

It's quite possible, some of the "debunkers" and "promoters" are working for the government to collect information or spread information or disinformation.
However, I somehow do not believe Aliens consider humans allies, I think they do not consider us equal, and are only interested in us because of their own selfish needs.

Yes, and sometimes specific people are targeted for abductions; for several reasons. (betty and barney hill targeted because of their interracial marriage)
Furthermore, UFO 'Crashes' are also staged sometimes by the Aliens. This is done to promote the existance of UFOs, without frightening us Humans. If we find a wrecked UFO, we feel more sense of Control over the situation, thus we aren't as hostile and are more accepting.

There are two possibilities - they are subtly implanting their existence in our psychology, or fuelling philosophical debates over their existence. So that one; the issue becomes stigamtized; and two; we become preoccupied in questioning their existence. While they operate covertly.

now dont blame everything on the aliens!
whereas i can see what u mean by them implanting religions, you should see that they didnt plant the RELIGION, rather they PLANTED THE SEED of the STARCHILD who was born, who then grew up and preached about the truth and eventually gathered a crowds which transformed into religions. note also that the religions tend to stray from their founder's intentions (heck, even the consitution could be considered here!)

I don't it is the umm "Starchild" who is here to spread love and peace. Seeing as the aliens themselves are not spreading love and peace. I think, they seeded religions as some means of penetrating our psychology, or some other motive best known to them.

Quite possibly. Could this be related to the 'routes' connecting different stars found on the Betty Hill StarMap? quite possibly !
Although to further analyze this , you would have to compare the Ages of life on the Greys home, and the other nearby stars. I have a feeling the other stars' life forms are older than the Greys.

It is possible there are life forms older than Greys, as well as life forms younger than the Greys.

Do you think the greys are here in good faith? I'm asking you, because you sound like you think they are messengers of love and peace.
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just as with our society, the Greys have 'good' people and 'bad' people.
its nothing new- but it really boils down to this:

-=theres only 2 types of people in the entire universe. it doesnt break down any simpler=-

1) theres those whose actions are chosen primarily to benefit themselves. in other words they think of themselves first.

2) theres those whose actions are chosen primarily to benefit others. or better said; they think of others first.

thats the most basic breakdown of any intelligent life form. it will either chose to be Self-Centered, or it will be more kind and helpful to Others before it thinks about itself.

NOW, what does this mean? Well, in my opinion, i believe that some of the Greys are here to help while other Greys (the ones who work with the gov't) are here to benefit themselves.

FURTHERMORE, when you consider these 2 groups, the Service-to-Self (STS) and the Service-to-Other (STO)~ you would realise that the STS are more direct, they need to perform prompt and soon in order to survive.

you see, its all about gathering a crowd.
the STS are trying hard to convince the earth populace to become Service-to-Self oriented, so that they can recruit these self-centered people when the time comes. primary weapons of this include religions, false idols, controlled media and most of all fear. driving fear forces Humans to think of themselves and no one else.

the STO are slower, because they cannot be as direct and rough as the STS. the STO use love and peace to try and get their message across. they are slowly trying to awaken the earth populace to choose the Service-to-Other orientation. they try to contact humans mentally, rather than physically, to relay information and knowledge. they are very big on 'information' , spreading info, the internet, etc. im not sure but i think they had something to do with starseeded children (like Jesus) but not as much to do with the religions founded after these children. perhaps STS would turn the starseed's good idea into a religion. not sure yet

i know it sounds like hogwash, but if you think about it- if advanced life forms are to live together in harmony- then segregation could actually be a good thing. let me explain what i mean:

in the advanced world of the Greys, i have said that they seperate into 2 groups, the STO and the STS. they DO NOT LIVE TOGETHER. this would cause chaos, since both groups have different intentions. therefore it would seem logical to keep them apart, and let them propagate themselves, let them build their own societies away from each other.

not only does this minimize chaos, but it allows both orientations to prosper with maximum ability, no other groups holding them back. get it?

NOW- after explaining that. comes the tricky part. if we consider some more Grey history that i somehow know, we can glimpse at the situation better:

the Greys, as i have explained, came from Zet 2 Ret, approx 37 light years away. their sun is approx 8 billion yrs old, nearly twice the age of our Sun (sol) so needless to say they are way advanced than us.

BUT- it is said that in their early stages of life, more specifically- when they were still in 3rd Density (which is the 1st density of a planet with intelligent life) they began having global Wars and Problems. (this is also because it was before their 'awakening', before the segregation of STO and STS) And as fate would have it they ended up killing their planet. supposedly they can still live on this dead planet to this day, having attained advanced technology and perfecting genetic engineering.

So, i guess after the death of their planet they began rebuilding their population. this is all speculative, but they probably blew up their planet and rebuilt it before dinosaurs even walked on earth.

SOOO anyhow, we come to the point were we are today, here on the wonderful earth. you can accept some wild facts, such that Aliens were visiting earth since the beggining of Human's time. you could go as far as saying the Greys had to do with the evolutionary LEAP OF MAN, in other words the missing link. You can refute any of these claims, yet your still left with many Miracles and Mysteries that just dont make any logical sense otherwise. you can accept all the sightings and abductions, or refuse them~ yet they are still there, in idea and notion.

what does it all mean?

There are 2 types of Greys coming into contact with Earth. (besides all the other life forms that deal with earth also) And its very hard to tell the difference. even the 'bad' people or STS people will pretend to be helping in the front, while thinking for himself only in the back of his mind.

wouldnt they 2 types come into contact here on earth eventually ?

yes, and they have before. this is inevitable- and the Greys knew this (or a higher power watching over the Greys) and so they devised RULES and REGULATIONS for these situations. they are even knows as the Rules of Engagement. now whereas i am not a Grey and do not know the rules firsthand, but i will tell you one of the regulations.

If there are 2 missions going on earth at the same time, neither group of Greys are allowed to do anything that will sabotage the other group's mission. they cannot reveal information pertaining to the other group's mission, things like that. let me give example:

if one STS group is working with a government, making deals between Humans and Aliens, perhaps giving them some limited advanced technology (u think the Greys would give simpleminded Humans really advanced technology?? theyre not allowed too anyways! they give them false technology, or limited technology, to gain the Human's favour) ---
another STO group is working hard behind closed doors, contacted Humans via telepathy, dreams, and other means (internet?) to disclose as much enlightening information as possible to the certain Humans they feel will relay the messages and spread the word.

- it would seem like a smart move if the STO could channel some revealing information to the Humans about how the STS are working within the gov't and making deals.

BUT THEY CANNOT DO THAT. it violates the rules of engagement, and would hinder the STS's plans, no matter how sinister they may be... the Humans who allied with these Greys have already given the Green Light.

so they are restricted and can only relay small details about this particular information. even if they tried to tell a Human, it would be censored somehow. bleeped out or distorted.

so you see it turns out to be a very tricky game they play, but i think thats something like how it goes.

you can also point out that perhaps the Greys are interested (or were chosen) to visit earth because of their similarities not only in body structure, but parrallels in world events !
if they destroyed their own planet years ago, then perhaps they know alot about what we are coming nearer too. ya know ?

well i think thats enough for now
take care
A correction on gravity. The bigger the planet the bigger the gravity the smaller the life form. The gravity on a neutron star is so severe that its surface is super smooth, a mountain on such a star would be less than a millimeter high.
Hilarious VAKEMP!!!
or Design

Aliens would have to be here for one of these four reasons.
Survival. Perhaps all species have an expiriry date. Making it neccessary to pass on ones genes to a new species every billion years or so. Just a guestimate.

Perhaps it is for pleasure, learning and toying with a new and still immature race such as ourselves. I cant think of too many things more funny than watching some species get anal probed, presupposing there were funny sound effects included!
Thinking of Southpark when Cartman gets probed!

Profit, perhaps there is a reason to let us continue to populate the species to as large amount as possible before shipping us off for work on some other planet, hopefully we get paid, wouldn't be any different than working here.

And of course it could be by design, perhaps there is a purpose for existence, for everyone and every race, that is merely being carried out as planned by the Big Guy himself.

Intelligence carries with it, a plan.
too much quoting going on in this thread, hard to understand whats going on :)
"neo conservatives"
does that really work
isnt neo, new
and conservative, someone who wants to keep things as they were
so wouldnt that add up to someone who wnats to, but is failing to keep things as they were
Greys are mindless drones that function in a colony like ants. Look at what ants can do, if we were their size our tallest buildings would only be a few inches high, but they can make elaborate mounds over 5 metres tall with many different chambers serving different purposes, they have even developed farming with caterpillars and mosses. Yet no one claims ants are smart. The colony is smart. Greys are similar(to a more advanced degree) in that the individuals don't really think at all, all they think about is their role in the colony.
Their brains aren't even that big, their giant heads encase an organ similar to dolphin sonar that has telikenetic powers, this is how they communicate with the rest of the colony(like ants use chemical messages, they constantly are reading eachothers minds to the extent that they just are one big mind) and a byproduct is they can read human minds and send humans messages. People don't hear alien voices but rather recieve a thought that their brain naturally translates into their own language and voice. Its how we have thoughts naturally anyway. They can tap into that. So it kind of feels like you are just thinking but you can't control it.
Their space ships have a simple gravity generator, beams underneath point in a direction they want to go and its as if they "fall" in that direction. They can increase or decrease the gravity and can make it so strong that they fall at tremendous speeds. To say they go the speed of light is an understatement, they can technically go much faster. The physical hurdles that accompany going those speeds are negated by technology that displaces them from time. Whenever the craft is moving it is operating seperate to the universe and the ship actually suffers no g-forces at all.
The reason they appear as lights is not because they have lights but due to some fancy way the ship operates that some guy told me on tv and I forgot about.

Thats all I know about aliens for 100% certain. If i said any more i'd just be speculating :cool:
Great post Dr Lou, and you may just be right. Although I have a slight disagreement. Ants are social animals. While they maybe mindless drones. In more ways than one, even we are mindless social drones, each with an a particular rank and designation in society. In fact, our supposed "free will" and "individuality" only acts to hinder our efficiency and productivity. The greys, may be mindless drones, yet at the same time, they, as a collective entity, are far more fruitful, advanced, evolved, and intelligent, than we are.

Who knows. Perhaps as we evolve, we also shed our illusions of "individuality" and "free will" and become drones. It may just be a natural stage of evolution.
Hi Mikey
Ever read the bible as a possible reason for these ETI's being here? It's a very interesting book when viewed as non-religious. There are some remarkable reasons given for there being "visitors" here on earth. From some research I am involved with they may have had one hell of a war in our solar system recently too.
craterchains (Norval said:
Hi Mikey
Ever read the bible as a possible reason for these ETI's being here? It's a very interesting book when viewed as non-religious. There are some remarkable reasons given for there being "visitors" here on earth. From some research I am involved with they may have had one hell of a war in our solar system recently too.

Well dint Christ say that his kingdom was not of this Earth? That makes Christ technically an ET. Maybe Christ goes around the universe preaching good and evil as well as performing some high tech stuff which we call miracles. At the end he ascended into heaven what other proof do you need?
Craterchains and Greco, I really do think now, after the latest research I have done, that Jesus, and the origin of the bible, indeed have an ET connection:

UFO's around Moses when he recieved the ten commandments
UFO's around Mary in her life time
UFO shines a beam of light on Mary
Virgin Mary becomes pregnant
UFO around the Baptism of Christ
Three wisemen guided by a star
Jesus performs miracles in life time
Jesus and Mary onboard a UFO, amidst many other UFO's
UFO's around Jesus's crucifcation
Jesus is resurrected

There are two possibilities:

1: Jesus was an extraterrestrial
2: Mary was abducted by ET and artificially inseminated

I opt for the latter, as the same occurrs with even modern women, who become pregnant suddenly after an abduction encounter. Normally however, when it is time to conceive, the ET's abduct the subject again, and remove the fetus. It is possible Jesus was an ET experiment. Which means, maybe even today, there maybe such ongoing experiments.
Utilizing religious prophesy ETs take advantage of host planet credulity, good cover. If I'm not mistaken prophesy is predicting another coming of Christ, circa near future. It may be that ET Christ lives very far away and considerable time passes before he reappears. The round trip times become part of gospel prophesy. Hey we may be visited by ET Christ any time now.
I really do think now, after the latest research I have done, that Jesus, and the origin of the bible, indeed have an ET connection:

Well Mikey, you have the basic idea, there is a lot more to it than that though. To those that have researched deep enough the bible is also known as "The Book of Destiny". Then there are those that twist it’s meanings and words around and have religionized all that it says. But, it does say how we can fight these fallen angels that have been cast down from the heavens. Let the “meek” inherit the earth. I for one, am NOT meek.
Greco, that's an interesting theory. Although I don't see why Christ would make such long round trips :D I think Christ was just a normal sentient being, with some extra-human qualities.
Just a thought.
What if those little six fingered and six toed grey ET's are just manufactured here on earth in those hidden underground facilities, then wouldn't that make them non-et's? But the real et's would be the larger grey manufacturers?
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