After rape memory pill question

I'm starting to feel that misrepresentation of the words in this thread is going to become an issue(if not already) so I'm going to try my best to write this as objectively as possible.
The rapist is solely responsible and the blame is completely with them, I think nobody denies that. Women(and men) should be free to walk the streets in whatever they want, again everyone agrees. Sadly they are not, and as bells said most rapes occur in 'safe' places such as the home and by trusted people, I don't think anyone is trying to say they don't and you are fully correct there is little way to protect yourself in that situation.
The general consensus is that of the rapes happening on the street, the victim will be chosen (as this is the situation of a predator hunting prey) as they are perceived as in a weak position; ie, it's dark/they're travelling alone; and because the situation is in the predators favour; ie, easily accessable clothing, no people around to raise alarm.
I think all that is being said is that there are things that can be done to help reduce the chances of being a target in some situations. Hence the locking of the car analogy, it reduces your chances of being a target of car theft, although it does not stop it, even if it's in the garage.
Hopefully I explained that adequately and we can all agree on at least the majority of that.
I agree with bells that the real focus should be on finding a fitting punishment for the rapists.
Yes I lock my car door. I also lock the doors on my home.

But what does that have to do with rape? I lock my car doors because the insurance company would probably be a bit cranky if it were stolen and I said I never locked them.

A rape is not the same as the theft of a car. How you are even attempting to use the analogy seems silly to me. I could go out with a bunch of friends, dressed in discreet clothing and be completely covered. I could not drink and not leave by myself. I could take all the precautions in the world and still be raped, by someone I know and love or by a complete stranger entering my home. People who say that women could prevent their rape by dressing better (not in a provocative way to attract unwanted attention), not getting drunk or using drugs, by being careful, etc, ignore the fact that they are more likely to be raped by someone known to them than by a stranger. So how would one protect one's self from someone known and loved and trusted? How would a wife protect herself from her husband who decides that her saying 'no' one night in bed is just not on and rapes her?

A rapist does not rape a woman because she's wearing a bikini for example. Telling women to not be provocative is impossible. Do you know why? What you find attractive and provocative won't be the same as what someone else will find attractive and provocative. Women are raped all over the world, whether they are covered up or not. So my locking my car door as a preventative measure is not a good analogy. I could take all the precautions in the world, and still be raped by a stranger or by a loved one. Just like my locking my car would not prevent it from being stolen, as I have found out in the past. I can't even say that the only precaution I could take was to never leave home because women are also raped in their own homes by either people they know or strangers who break in and rape them. Hospitals aren't safe, neither are nursing homes. So if anyone can come up with a device who preventative measure to protect women from being raped, they would end up being rich to the point of being ridiculous. Do you know why? Because nothing exists on this planet that can protect or prevent a woman from being raped or at risk of being raped.

Maybe instead of focussing on how women dress, the focus should focus more on the rapist and ensuring the penalty fits the crime.

You don't understand what we are talking about. Nobody is saying all rape is due to the fact that women sometimes wear provocative outfits, but that some rape accidents were due to women wearing provocative outfits. Believe it or not, in some countries, and in some cultures out there, some men actually think a woman who wears barely there dresses is asking to be raped. Judging from your posts Bells, It reinforces my suspicion that not all women understand men and how some men think, and not all women want to agree that men are different, just like all women are different. Some men go through deformitive childhoods, sexually abused childhoods, bad parenting, and who knows the rest. Some men however have always had their hands in the cookie jar, by having everything including a first class education, a good solid childhood, e.t.c. Morality, what you wish so much from men, is something everybody is denied from time to time, which by the way is a function of socio-economic well being. How many people in third world states are moral? Third world states have the highest number of crime and corruption. Rape is an event usually caused by a series of things, sometimes the man may just want to get back at a woman, or he may be sexually deprived, but we know for sure it is a result of a plethora of socio-psychological phases. As a lawyer, you are disappointing; you mean to tell us here that your only offense and persecution for rapists is their morality? You talk about fairness, that’s hardly fair, at least in terms of a seriously logical referendum. Which brings me to why women wear barely there dresses in the first place. I am not opposing wearing skimpy outfits, I like it. But when we ask women why they wear skimpy outfits, they usually say “it is to impress other women”, some say “to impress other men”, but we know that it is usually “to impress”. “To impress” is synonym for to “to emphasize”, “to stir”, and to "imprint”, look it up in the thesaurus. “To emphasize" is synonym for “advertise”. Many incidences are like going fishing and catching a fish too big to fry. You have to ask yourself, who exactly is fishing for whom?
I'm starting to feel that misrepresentation of the words in this thread is going to become an issue(if not already) so I'm going to try my best to write this as objectively as possible.
The rapist is solely responsible and the blame is completely with them, I think nobody denies that.
That’s sometimes arguable. It’s like solely blaming the illegal drug dealers

Women (and men) should be free to walk the streets in whatever they want, again everyone agrees.
Sure, lets all walk naked then. Why not?

Sadly they are not, and as bells said most rapes occur in 'safe' places such as the home and by trusted people, I don't think anyone is trying to say they don't and you are fully correct there is little way to protect yourself in that situation.
What about the other types of rape

The general consensus is that of the rapes happening on the street, the victim will be chosen (as this is the situation of a predator hunting prey) as they are perceived as in a weak position; ie, it's dark/they're travelling alone; and because the situation is in the predators favour; ie, easily accessable clothing, no people around to raise alarm.
I think all that is being said is that there are things that can be done to help reduce the chances of being a target in some situations. Hence the locking of the car analogy, it reduces your chances of being a target of car theft, although it does not stop it, even if it's in the garage.
Hopefully I explained that adequately and we can all agree on at least the majority of that.
I agree with bells that the real focus should be on finding a fitting punishment for the rapists.
Well, I think you are generally in the right direction. Rape has been around for thousands of years, sometimes it happens with violence and forcefulness; sometimes it’s a little subtle. I know a girl that was technically raped by one of her guy friends. She didn’t see it as rape, though she had a boyfriend at the time, and she really didn’t want a “quickie” that ill-fated afternoon. My advice and position is to always remain safe, know what you are doing, and don’t bother anybody or make them mad at you for any reason. Because at the end of the day, the rapist will get a few years of punishment, but the event will never go away from the victim's mind.
You're just actually making excuses for a conscious decision but many people don't want to admit it because narcissists believe whatever arouses them belongs to them. Being aroused is not an excuse to take advantage of others if it was a man with bulging muscles, people both men and women in shorts, innocent looking people, teenagers, or children, and also usually smaller than yourself people. Anyone can be aroused but to make the leap to rape, sodomize, or molest is not just arousal but a lack of respect for the rights of others. You just can't blame others for rape because if you're horny you need to jack off, pay for a hooker, or find yourself a consenting one-night stand. There is just no real legitimate excuse for it no matter what because the majority of people who are sexually abused was not because of clothing but because of a power and size disparity. People shouldn't have to hide who they are because others don't want to respect others but want others to respect them. If a rapist was attracted to you because you had a certain "look" that he finds provocative rather than what you wear, he will rape you. We see shiny objects in the store but that does not give you the right to take whatever you want or captures your particular lust. A rapist will use any 'outward' excuse to others and even to him/herself to justify or distract from the real reason, narcissism and withholding of empathy toward their victim. It doesn't matter if you are half-clothed or fully covered, they will wonder what you look like naked and will proceed from there, the clothing or not is just an initital starting point. What is really sick is when a young person is just starting to develop, curves can't help but be exposed. Even this a rapist will demonize the other for their lascivious perversion. Perverts tend to like innocent or naive people because they are easy targets. They will no longer be innocent after but the damage will remain.

But i agree it is just as stupid for people to walk around half-naked in a world of people who will use that as an excuse for their own satisfaction. Unfortunately, young people especially are targeted because they buy into looking beautiful for themselves, others, and to attract a siginificant other etc, and this is twisted by rapists as an invitation to get whatever they please. It's always a one-way street with them, if they are turned on, it's your fault and obligation to fulfill them no matter what.
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I'm starting to feel that misrepresentation of the words in this thread is going to become an issue(if not already) so I'm going to try my best to write this as objectively as possible.
The rapist is solely responsible and the blame is completely with them, I think nobody denies that. Women(and men) should be free to walk the streets in whatever they want, again everyone agrees. Sadly they are not, and as bells said most rapes occur in 'safe' places such as the home and by trusted people, I don't think anyone is trying to say they don't and you are fully correct there is little way to protect yourself in that situation.
The general consensus is that of the rapes happening on the street, the victim will be chosen (as this is the situation of a predator hunting prey) as they are perceived as in a weak position; ie, it's dark/they're travelling alone; and because the situation is in the predators favour; ie, easily accessable clothing, no people around to raise alarm.
I think all that is being said is that there are things that can be done to help reduce the chances of being a target in some situations. Hence the locking of the car analogy, it reduces your chances of being a target of car theft, although it does not stop it, even if it's in the garage.
Hopefully I explained that adequately and we can all agree on at least the majority of that.
I agree with bells that the real focus should be on finding a fitting punishment for the rapists.

I totally agree with you here. I do think there are common sense things we can do, like you said, trying to avoid walking down a dark alley alone.

Bells brought up, and I agree with her, there is way too much emphasis on how a person is dressed or looks instead of where the focus belongs, with the rapist. I believe if the penalty of rape were more severe, that it might help to lessen this problem more so than how a person is dressed.

I do think that there are additional things that can be done to help lower the risk, such as educating people how to get away and how to defend themselves. I do think taking a self defense class would help to empower a person if they were attacked.
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You don't understand what we are talking about. Nobody is saying all rape is due to the fact that women sometimes wear provocative outfits, but that some rape accidents were due to women wearing provocative outfits.

Uh...what??? Rape is NOT an accident. The certain part of a male anatomy doesn't accidentally fall into the private part of a woman. If a man attacks a woman due to what she wears, it is his self control that is the problem and NOT the outfit. The devil didn't make anyone do anything. The responsibility of that attack is with the rapist, period! Outrageous comments like this does nothing but coddle the rapist, "oh, poor little guy, he just couldn't help it. It was that woman's fault because she was wearing just not a dress, but a red dress. His urges just couldn't be helped." Bullshit! I got news for you, the mans dick isn't going to fall off if he doesn't have sex. Are you telling me that he can't walk away, take a cold shower, talk to a therapist instead of raping another individual?
Originaly by heart
If a man attacks a woman due to what she wears, it is his self control that is the problem and NOT the outfit
It is both
If a child or teenager is molested by a pedophile and it is admitted by the perpetrator that the innocent giddy laughter and the curves of the teenager were one of the arousal factors, should they stop laughing, smiling, and wearing tents and locking themselves indoors?? while perpetrators walk around free?

What you are missing is this fact: The only reason rapists use the 'clothes' excuse is because their are people in society who will buy it. If they knew they couldn't get sympathy for it, they wouldn't even cite it to get off the hook. Rapists rape because they are horny and don't give a shit about other's rights, PERIOD. Clothes are an excuse. Chatha, you citing clothing as a justified reason just reveals the fact you actually condone rape based on arousal. Rapists find many friends in society who support them inadvertently, you are one of them and their are many.
You just can't blame others for rape because if you're horny you need to jack off, pay for a hooker, or find yourself a consenting one-night stand. There is just no real legitimate excuse for it no matter what because the majority of people who are sexually abused was not because of clothing but because of a power and size disparity
To understand rape, you have to understand the phych of a rapist. Rapists don't think like you and me, they are infact sociopaths, and the last thing you need from a sociopath is to encourage them. These people are similar to kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs, hedonists, pedophiles, and down right malicious people. They have insignificant regard for morality or consequences. Sure, they can mastubate or get a hooker, but we are talking about borderline sociopaths, people who's thrill is a lot different from ours. They see masturbation as a waste of time, a far cry from the real things. Sending manic rapists to prison is not even the proper way to correct them. Sometimes you can correct a problem, while not solving the same problem. Some of these people need care, attention, education, and guidance.
If a child or teenager is molested by a pedophile and it is admitted by the perpetrator that the innocent giddy laughter and the curves of the teenager were one of the arousal factors, should they stop laughing, smiling, and wearing tents and locking themselves indoors?? while perpetrators walk around free?

What you are missing is this fact: The only reason rapists use the 'clothes' excuse is because their are people in society who will buy it. If they knew they couldn't get sympathy for it, they wouldn't even cite it to get off the hook. Rapists rape because they are horny and don't give a shit about other's rights, PERIOD. Clothes are an excuse. Chatha, you citing clothing as a justified reason just reveals the fact you actually condone rape based on arousal. Rapists find many friends in society who support them inadvertently, you are one of them and their are many.
I don't condome rape, I am only pointing out the many facets that lead to rape, its more interesting. If everybody should be responsible for their actions, why not also blame the women wearing mini skirt, the society that messed up the childhood of the rapist, the society for promoting porn, the government for not having harsher punishment, e.t.c.
If a man attacks a woman due to what she wears, it is his self control that is the problem and NOT the outfit. The devil didn't make anyone do anything.

Look at it this way .....if a bank left it's money lying out on a countertop right in plain sight, how many people would be tempted to take a little of it?

No, that does not excuse those people from stealing the money, but sure puts temptation in their path, don't it? Did the "devil" make them do it? Perfectly law-abiding citizens might be sorely tempted ...did the "devil" make them do it??

Or does the bank share a bit of responsibility for the thefts?

Do you lock your doors at night? Lock your car doors, too? Why? Most people wouldn't enter your house even if it was unlocked. So why lock it? Ahh, because you're trying to prevent those FEW people who WOULD enter and steal your things.

Are you telling me that he can't walk away, take a cold shower, talk to a therapist instead of raping another individual?

Depends on the individual. As you surely know, most men don't rape women, right? Therefore, we're not talking about normal/regular men, we're talking about those who would rape women given the chance or the opportunity. And in that case, the attraction, the unlocked door, the woman walking alone in the dark street, etc, just might be the impetus that makes him take the chance.

One thing that happens more often than we like to admit towns have higher rates of rape than ordinary towns. Why? Oh, that's easy, ain't it? Young college girls all over the damned place! Temptation that some men who are inclined to rape will consider as a smorgsboard of pleasure!

Baron Max
If everybody should be responsible for their actions, why not also blame the women wearing mini skirt

Because the woman in the mini skirt did NOT commit a crime, the rapist did. Lots of things turn different people on. Some people have foot fetishes for pete's sake, should all feet be covered up too? What about the rapist who has a thing for button noses, cover her face? What if seeing a woman covered completely turns him on in some way...shit, don't let her outside, right?... A woman cannot set out to safe guard herself from a rapist when it comes to clothing What turns one rapist on may turn another rapist off. So the answer is NOT in trying to wear the correct clothing (which there is none).

the society that messed up the childhood of the rapist

Because they didn't rape the woman. Who did? Oh, the yeah, the rapist did.

the society for promoting porn

Porn didn't rape the woman, the rapist did.

the government for not having harsher punishment

While I agree if we had a much more severe punishment (especially for repeat sex offenders) that might help to reduce the numbers of rapes. Still- it doesn't take away from the fact that the rapist raped the woman and is the sole person who committed the crime.

Wearing a mini skirt is not a crime, but rape is.
Look at it this way .....if a bank left it's money lying out on a countertop right in plain sight, how many people would be tempted to take a little of it?

Maybe many, but temptation doesn't commit a crime, acting on temptation, in this case, does.

No, that does not excuse those people from stealing the money, but sure puts temptation in their path, don't it? Did the "devil" make them do it? Perfectly law-abiding citizens might be sorely tempted ...did the "devil" make them do it??

Again, temptation is not a crime nor is it an excuse, as you said.

Or does the bank share a bit of responsibility for the thefts?

Are you honestly going to compare a bank leaving money out in plain site to a woman who wears a mini skirt out in public? As I've said many times in this very thread, what turns one person on can turn another person off. There is no possible way for a person to possibly dress the "correct" way in order to ward off a rapist.

I do suppose however that the teller behind the bank could pull a gun on the person who tries to rob them, much like a woman who wears a mini skirt can pull a gun on her predator.
Because the woman in the mini skirt did NOT commit a crime, the rapist did. Lots of things turn different people on. Some people have foot fetishes for pete's sake, should all feet be covered up too? What about the rapist who has a thing for button noses, cover her face? What if seeing a woman covered completely turns him on in some way...shit, don't let her outside, right?... A woman cannot set out to safe guard herself from a rapist when it comes to clothing What turns one rapist on may turn another rapist off. So the answer is NOT in trying to wear the correct clothing (which there is none). Because they didn't rape the woman. Who did? Oh, the yeah, the rapist did.

Wearing miniskirt is not a crime but it used to be immoral. In some countries, its a down right crime. Have you forgotten that not too long ago women wore more covered clothings, it wasn't till the 60's that women started wearing miniskirts, and any woman that wore provocative dresses back then was regarded as a slut or a whore. It was reasons like these that women never used to wear what they wear today, of cause people were more moral and conservative then, until every thing started falling apart; and when things start to fall apart or differenciate, certain people look for certain people to blame. In come countries today, women still cover their entire body, an extreme example are the Arabs and Africans. Yes, there are correct clothings, a clothing that covers your body is a correct clothing, a clothing that barely does negates the purpose. Tell that to parents of a teenage girl. If you play with fire, you are going to get burned, there are degrees of getting burned, just as there are indeed degrees of exposure, and each degree is sending out a very clear message, afterall you don't expect people to read your mind.
Wearing miniskirt is not a crime but it used to be immoral.

But this is not pre 1960's...this is the year 2007 and it is NOT considered immoral today. Even if it was, does not take away from the responsibility that the rapist must own up to. Using lame excuses of how one is dressed is nothing but a copout. Why do you keep insisting on taking part of the blame away from the rapist and laying it on the victim? Wearing any type of clothing does NOT give the predator the right to rape, period.

any woman that wore provocative dresses back then was regarded as a slut or a whore.

They might have been regarded as a slut or a whore back then, but that sure the heck didn't truly make them one, now does it? Clothing cannot make a person smart, rich, tall, short, moral, whorish etc...

until every thing started falling apart; and when things start to fall apart or differenciate, certain people look for certain people to blame.

Not really sure what you mean, specifically, what started falling apart?

In come countries today, women still cover their entire body, an extreme example are the Arabs and Africans.

Yes, and did you happen to read Bells link regarding the unreported rapes in Iran?

Yes, there are correct clothings, a clothing that covers your body is a correct clothing, a clothing that barely does negates the purpose

According to who, you? Like I've stated many times- many different things turn people on. What about the guy who gets all turned on by the mystery of what is under all those clothes? You said yourself the clothes are partly to blame, do you feel the same would apply in this case- that the woman covered from head to toe was at fault because she wore something that turned on her predator? If not, why not? How does it differ?
But this is not pre 1960's...this is the year 2007 and it is NOT considered immoral today. Even if it was, does not take away from the responsibility that the rapist must own up to. Using lame excuses of how one is dressed is nothing but a copout. Why do you keep insisting on taking part of the blame away from the rapist and laying it on the victim? Wearing any type of clothing does NOT give the predator the right to rape, period.
provocative drugs used to be virtually legal, but now they are illegal. Does any of these mean they don't have an effect? You be the judge. If using lame excuse like dress code is a copout for rapist, then using morality is a lame copout for affiliated victims.

They might have been regarded as a slut or a whore back then, but that sure the heck didn't truly make them one, now does it? Clothing cannot make a person smart, rich, tall, short, moral, whorish etc...
No, it probably cannot, but it certainly tells a lot about a stranger, and gives people a certain idea about a person.

Not really sure what you mean, specifically, what started falling apart?
Conservationism and morality, self respect and descency if you will.

Yes, and did you happen to read Bells link regarding the unreported rapes in Iran? I read it. So what?

According to who, you? Like I've stated many times- many different things turn people on. What about the guy who gets all turned on by the mystery of what is under all those clothes? You said yourself the clothes are partly to blame, do you feel the same would apply in this case- that the woman covered from head to toe was at fault because she wore something that turned on her predator? If not, why not? How does it differ?
Yes, many different things turn people on, an example of that are people that get turned on by exposed women. The bottom line is that not all men think the same way, until you respect this fact...
I don't condome rape, I am only pointing out the many facets that lead to rape, its more interesting. If everybody should be responsible for their actions, why not also blame the women wearing mini skirt, the society that messed up the childhood of the rapist, the society for promoting porn, the government for not having harsher punishment, e.t.c.

It's hard to believe this level of blatant self-deceptive mainstream cliche. You can't blame a woman for dress anymore than you can blame the owner of a stolen car that was parked in the open for all to see. Because people can't live tiptoeing around the weaknesses of others. I disagree with the dress as culpability because that's very subjective but i do agree that lack of harsher punishment is also culpable. I think porn is disgusting but Porn is like drugs, even if you made it illegal, people would find ways to produce it or get access. Restricting porn with laws against rape and child exploitation does help. But even someone exposed to porn is not an excuse to commit rape. The bottomline is, everyone is responsible for their actions and if they are not held accountable, it is easier for perpetrators to forego self-responsibility. Because perpetrators commit acts so they have the least likelihood of getting caught as well as the legal rigamarole of trying to prove rape and the trauma of such a case for the victim, they usually find victims they know and usually younger they can manipulate in shame and guilt. The other aspect is they know they will get a little time in the slammer with three hots and a cot if at all, not death, not castration etc, simply they think they have a good chance of getting away with it and many do.
It's hard to believe this level of blatant self-deceptive mainstream cliche. You can't blame a woman for dress anymore than you can blame the owner of a stolen car that was parked in the open for all to see. Because people can't live tiptoeing around the weaknesses of others. I disagree with the dress as culpability because that's very subjective but i do agree that lack of harsher punishment is also culpable. I think porn is disgusting but Porn is like drugs, even if you made it illegal, people would find ways to produce it or get access. Restricting porn with laws against rape and child exploitation does help. But even someone exposed to porn is not an excuse to commit rape. The bottomline is, everyone is responsible for their actions and if they are not held accountable, it is easier for perpetrators to forego self-responsibility. Because perpetrators commit acts so they have the least likelihood of getting caught as well as the legal rigamarole of trying to prove rape and the trauma of such a case for the victim, they usually find victims they know and usually younger they can manipulate in shame and guilt. The other aspect is they know they will get a little time in the slammer with three hots and a cot if at all, not death, not castration etc, simply they think they have a good chance of getting away with it and many do.
Yes, but you see, you are talking about sane respectable citizens. No one here is actually talking about rapists themsleves. These people are usually detached and psychologically imbalanced people, they have no regard for consequences. To believe how incredible these people are, you have to take a sneak peek into their lives. These people are not ordinary outsiders, but usually dissociates. Let me tell you a story, I once had a cousin who came from a very poor family, also a broken home, suffice to say he was deprived of a lot. He was about 14 years and I was about 18. He constantly stole anything he layed his eyes on. He's been through 1,000 consultations (i'm not making it up). He's been to one foster home to another, we even tried the police, but he never changed his ways. I don't know where he is now, but everytime you tried someways to correct him, he kept coming back and doing the same things; he could be talking with you one minute and the next he is stealing a dollar from you. There are people like him everywhere, into different disgusting things, and will never change. Yes, there us no reason for rape, never a reason. I only pray that people continue to be safe and try to avoid dangerous people as much as possibly. Like someone here said, most rape occurs in familiar surroundings and by relatively familiar people. Some women like the bad boy types, so there hang around with them, some women wear skimpy cloths that are meant to emphasize, some women get into arguements with the wrong people. I guarantee you, when it comes to rape, apart from the staright shot lunatic rapists types, many rape inccidents are a result the actions of both the rapist and the rapee one way or the other. But I say, I don't condone rape, I only know that what goes around comes fuckin around.
Yes, but you see, you are talking about sane respectable citizens. No one here is actually talking about rapists themsleves. These people are usually detached and psychologically imbalanced people, they have no regard for consequences. To believe how incredible these people are, you have to take a sneak peek into their lives. These people are not ordinary outsiders, but usually dissociates. Let me tell you a story, I once had a cousin who came from a very poor family, also a broken home, suffice to say he was deprived of a lot. He was about 14 years and I was about 18. He constantly stole anything he layed his eyes on. He's been through 1,000 consultations (i'm not making it up). He's been to one foster home to another, we even tried the police, but he never changed his ways. I don't know where he is now, but everytime you tried someways to correct him, he kept coming back and doing the same things; he could be talking with you one minute and the next he is stealing a dollar from you. There are people like him everywhere, into different disgusting things, and will never change. Yes, there us no reason for rape, never a reason. I only pray that people continue to be safe and try to avoid dangerous people as much as possibly. Like someone here said, most rape occurs in familiar surroundings and by relatively familiar people. Some women like the bad boy types, so there hang around with them, some women wear skimpy cloths that are meant to emphasize, some women get into arguements with the wrong people. I guarantee you, when it comes to rape, apart from the staright shot lunatic rapists types, many rape inccidents are a result the actions of both the rapist and the rapee one way or the other. But I say, I don't condone rape, I only know that what goes around comes fuckin around.

You have the mistaken idea a lot of people have and that is rapists are all deprived and abused. Many perpetrators have also had an upbringing where they were encouraged to be selfish, think they were above others, others are not as worthy as them etc. There are many reasons for narcissistic behavior. You are also sneaking in again the culpability of the victim and that is wrong though you say you don't condone rape. I agree if you go to a bad neighborhood you shouldn't be surprised to get mugged but many victims have not had a choice in their associations. Actually, realistically most don't have as much choice as you think until we can get to a point of substantial independence. People can be harassed by coworkers, bosses, teachers, even police etc. Most victims were abused by family members and their friends, babysitters, stepparents etc.
I agree with you, don't get me wrong, though I really didn't understand your last post. Everybody has a price, a limit, or a preconcieved idea towards something. When you don't respect this factors, thats when problem arises. If the judicial system really believe in morality then why can't banks and affiliates transfer money and gold in drop top regular vans for everyone to see? You know why, because deep down everybody knows about consequence.

"for every action, there is an equal or greater reaction" -Newton
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