After rape memory pill question

LOL why is it that women always bring out the "you hate women" card whenever you even try to be a little logical. Its the funniest and cutest thing ever. Listen, I am probably any woman's best friend, I like women, I have nothing against them wearing what they want. I watch porn with women. But why do you always bring up the "you hate women" card. If judging fairly and analyzing rationaly is enough for me to hate women these days, then I'm sorry there's nothing I can do for you. Don't worry, I guess the rapist who mistreats women...truely likes women.

LMOL. If anything you said was logical then we obviously wouldn't be having this conversation.

"Like I said, a womans common dress code is not actually the reason for most rape, but the objectification of women, and women are embrassing this notion by deliberately exposing themself in the final intention to manipulate men or women."

I don't even know what to say to this. You have contradicted yourself so many times on this thread that it is hard to keep track. First you say a rapist isn't solely to blame because of what people wear, now you are saying that you know dress has nothing to do with rape...hmmm...then why the hell do you keep harping on it?

"Its just Feburary and I saw some chick on my campus wearing this mini sport shorts that barely covered her vital areas. Its still a little chilli outside so I wonder why anyone would wear that right now."

Does her wearing this mean she should be raped? No. I don't even see how this is relevant.

"But some women have to always be sexy, God forbid they are caught dead not being sexy. These women, usually young and dumb, think that the epitome of feminism is to be sexy, they rationalize that to get a guy is to be sexy."

True. Once again, does this mean they should be raped? No.

"The bottom line is this, some women think they are naturally sexier than men, so they are automatically exempt from all the rules of nature, including exposure. They think they can cut their cake and have it at the same time, you guys think the laws don't perttain to you. I have news for you, get a grip. Yes, you are sexier than guys, but that doesn't mean you are exempt to the rules of nature."

What rules of nature are we talking about? I don't understand what your point is. Are their rules that I am unfamiliar with? If so, please elaborate. Did I ever say I thought I was "exempt" from rules? No.

"You said people should look away in public if they feel violated by too much exposure, easy for you to say. How would you feel if men had testacles and penis clearly protruding, and if men had barely there shirt. Do you think you will still hold your "look away" position?" that is not what I said. If you actually read my post you would have realized that I said if someone is feeling offended or violated by a persons dress then they can REMOVE themselves from the situation. They have a choice, unlike someone who is being raped. Let me remind you that there are laws in place to protect people from underdressed people. It's called Indecent Exposure. If you have such a problem then maybe you should file a complaint next time instead of sitting on your ass and bitching about it. A woman who shows cleavage is not the same as man letting his dick hang out. I am sorry you don't understand this. Now if a woman were walking around completely exposed, like the man with his whole package hanging out, then yes, that is very inappropriate and she/he should be reprimanded.

In the end. The point is, is that none of this has to do with rape. Rapists do not rape based solely on what people wear. They choose victims regardless. You ranting on and on about what think contitutes overexposed women has no bearing on the fault of a rape incident. As other people have pointed out, you seem to think that rape is a sexual act, and many times this is not the case. Rape is about domination and control and therefor has nothing to do with whatever sexy outfit the person is wearing. I agree that people in todays society are underdressed many times and that women and men are constantly objectifying themselves, but that does not mean that if they are raped it is okay.
LOL Are you trying to tell us that no time in history has there ever been rape based soley on a woman wearing provocative dresses? To me all you keep saying is this "why is there evil in the world? Shouldn't people be able to control themselves? You have been on laguna beach for the most part of this thread. Okay, to end this insanity, let me ask you a final question. Why is there evil in the world? If you can't answer this question then you are wasting everybody's time, including mine.

What rules of nature are we talking about? I don't understand what your point is. Are their rules that I am unfamiliar with? If so, please elaborate. Did I ever say I thought I was "exempt" from rules? No
I can't believe you are asking me that silly question. The rule is very simple, you advertise long enough, someone is bound to show up or take interest. Simple as that. Or are you trying to tell us that women who dress provocatively are not advertsing? Are you feminist or just plain stupid? What part of all this don't you understand?
In the end. The point is, is that none of this has to do with rape. Rapists do not rape based solely on what people wear. They choose victims regardless. You ranting on and on about what think contitutes overexposed women has no bearing on the fault of a rape incident. As other people have pointed out, you seem to think that rape is a sexual act, and many times this is not the case. Rape is about domination and control and therefor has nothing to do with whatever sexy outfit the person is wearing. I agree that people in todays society are underdressed many times and that women and men are constantly objectifying themselves, but that does not mean that if they are raped it is okay.
Oh my god that is exellent mind reading. You didn't even read my earlier posts before you started running your mouth again. Of cause I know that there are many motives for rape, but I also know that there are some rape based soley on a women wearing provocative cloths, are you going to deny this fact? Are you going to tell us here that no time in history has there ever been rape based primarily on a women wearing provocative clothes? Why are you wasting my time?
LOL Are you trying to tell us that no time in history has there ever been rape based soley on a woman wearing provocative dresses? To me all you keep saying is this "why is there evil in the world? Shouldn't people be able to control themselves? You have been on laguna beach for the most part of this thread. Okay, to end this insanity, let me ask you a final question. Why is there evil in the world? If you can't answer this question then you are wasting everybody's time, including mine.

I can't believe you are asking me that silly question. The rule is very simple, you advertise long enough, someone is bound to show up or take interest. Simple as that. Or are you trying to tell us that women who dress provocatively are not advertsing? Are you feminist or just plain stupid? What part of all this don't you understand?

I don't understand half of what you are saying, but let me answer you the best I can so you can understand. The first paragraph makes absolutely no sense, so I am going to ignore it. In short, no, I wasn't aware there was a rule out there that stated, "if you advertise long enough someone is bound to show up and take interest.". That's a rule? Says who? You? Oh, okay, right, gotcha :rolleyes: I think I am exempt from this rule of yours? Where did you come up with that from anything I have said?

Listen, my dim-witted little friend, the point is, that no matter what you advertise, it is taken differently by everybody, even you acknowledge this. Therefor what one person thinks is a very open invitation for sex, another thinks nothing of it. If a person dresses in a way that someone thinks advertises sex then it's no ones fault if they approach the person and ask them if they are interested. Consenting adults having a friendly or not so friendly exchange. Rape, on the other hand, is not excused by this "advertising". Once again, there is a difference. Only a rapist is to blame for their actions. Period. Like I said before, nothing you say will change this.

"Or are you trying to tell us that women who dress provocatively are not advertsing? Are you feminist or just plain stupid? What part of all this don't you understand?"

What is it with you and dressing provocatively? What exactly is provocative to you? The thing is, what one person sees as provocative another person doesn't. How does this not make sense to you? What one rapists sees as attractive, the other doesn't. That's why, regardless of race, age, class, dress or whatever, people are continuely raped all over the world and guess who's fault it is? The RAPIST's. Not the victims. If stopping rape was as simple as having women cover up then don't you think it would have stopped by now? Sure, some rapists might say "Well I raped her because she was dressed slutty", but do you think that they never would have raped if no one dressed provocatively? No. Does that make it the victim's fault? No.

Why would I have to be a feminist or stupid? What does that have to do with anything? I am not condoning indecent dress or saying that women are exempt from laws, like indecent exposure. What you obviously cannot derive from my posts is that rape is not based solely on sex. Therefore dressing sexy is not a relevant factor in the fault of a rape incident. You, on the other hand, seem to think that if someone who dresses sexy gets raped, then they are partly to blame. This is not logical. Rape is a choice made by the rapist and no matter what external stimuli, they are at fault. Completely. What I don't understand, is why you keep contradicting yourself and why you keep going on and on specifically about what women wear, when it is obvious that rape is not just gender specific and it's not about what the victim wears.
Why is there rape? Shouldn’t people be able to control themselves? Let’s examine this ridiculous claim. People have been committing crime and immoral actions for eons; it’s become part of civilization. Even the bible says man will forever commit crime as long as he is away from Eden (keep in mind many judicial systems are based in close relation with religion, which is why we swear in court). Let’s examine the biological aspect of crime and immorality. Survival of the fittest is the basic totem by which all natural living things operate, in this appreciation, we see carnivores eating herbivores, animals scavenging, and stealing food and space. Basically, you are pre-programmed to do whatever you have to do to survive. Let’s examine the socio-economic dimension of crime and immorality. You are thought that certain material things will raise you up on the echelon of social stratosphere, you are thought that certain things are basic needs and programmes, and we humans also agree that all resources are not infinite. Out of the finite and superficial system of man and women’s environment come the seven deadly sins. So, spiritually, biological, and socio-economically, all the evil in the world is probably there for a reason. In fact most of the crimes we have today were mere immoral offenses in medieval era, seen as nothing more than a misdemeanor. Who the fucks are you to say some guys or a woman ought to have enough decency not to commit a crime? Based on what? Who's dim witted now? This is my last contribution to this nonsensical thread.:D
Why is there rape? Shouldn’t people be able to control themselves? Let’s examine this ridiculous claim. People have been committing crime and immoral actions for eons; it’s become part of civilization. Even the bible says man will forever commit crime as long as he is away from Eden (keep in mind many judicial systems are based in close relation with religion, which is why we swear in court). Let’s examine the biological aspect of crime and immorality. Survival of the fittest is the basic totem by which all natural living things operate, in this appreciation, we see carnivores eating herbivores, animals scavenging, and stealing food and space. Basically, you are pre-programmed to do whatever you have to do to survive. Let’s examine the socio-economic dimension of crime and immorality. You are thought that certain material things will raise you up on the echelon of social stratosphere, you are thought that certain things are basic needs and programmes, and we humans also agree that all resources are not infinite. Out of the finite and superficial system of man and women’s environment come the seven deadly sins. So, spiritually, biological, and socio-economically, all the evil in the world is probably there for a reason. In fact most of the crimes we have today were mere immoral offenses in medieval era, seen as nothing more than a misdemeanor. Who the fucks are you to say some guys or a woman ought to have enough decency not to commit a crime? Based on what? This is my last contribution to this nonsensical thread.:D

Again, you really are not making any sense. Yes people should be able to control themselves, but unfortunately not everybody is psychologically sound. Therefore crime and yes, rape will happen. Have I denied this ever? No. And once again, what does this last post of yours have to do with what women wear? Obviously you are abandoning your claim because you realized to go on about it is completely futile and idiotic. Now you are bringing the bible into this? Great. Let's examine our society as of today. We have evolved as a society since medieval times. Yes? Rape may have once been necessary a long long long long time ago to ensure we procreated, but it is not necessary any longer. That is the point. We live under different laws now and as a society we recognize that what was once okay in medieval times is not okay now. Life is different now and in this life, rape is wrong. Who the fuck am I to say? Buddy, I am one in millions of people who say that rape is wrong and people shold have enough since to not commit such a crime. You run along now since you obviously can't stand to admit that not only have you contradicted yourself here mulitiple times, but that half of what you have said is utter garbage and completely irrelevant. Is this really your last post? Really? Don't tease now....:rolleyes:
Okay, can you point out where I have contradicted myself here. Just one. You said multiple times, I only need just one. Please, if you can't point it out then you are the village fool. I am waiting.
Orininaly posted jessiej920

Again, you really are not making any sense
Elaborate please.

Yes people should be able to control themselves, but unfortunately not everybody is psychologically sound
Dumb fuck, everybody is not psychologically sound because of spiritual, biological, and socio economical factors. The same factors than govern us and keep us sane.

Therefore crime and yes, rape will happen.
Look who's contradicting now. Keep note. So its okay for rape to happen but not okay for it to happen based on objectification of women. What is the difference betwee dressing provocatively and objectification? Are you really this assinine?

Have I denied this ever? No. And once again, what does this last post of yours have to do with what women wear?
Its a form of objectification. Do you need a dictionary?

Obviously you are abandoning your claim because you realized to go on about it is completely futile and idiotic
You dumb fuck. Show me where and how I am abandoning my claims. Please show me one single example.

Now you are bringing the bible into this? Great. Let's examine our society as of today. We have evolved as a society since medieval times. Yes? Rape may have once been necessary a long long long long time ago to ensure we procreated, but it is not necessary any longer
What does this have to do with the facts. Do men still not rape women today?

That is the point. We live under different laws now and as a society we recognize that what was once okay in medieval times is not okay now. Life is different now and in this life, rape is wrong
Isn't that cute. Rape is wrong. Of cause we know that. But all these blah blah doesn't change the fact that we are still human does it? If a dog is born in a stable, does it mean its a horse? Does changing things mean anything sometimes? You see how stupid you look...again

Who the fuck am I to say? Buddy, I am one in millions of people who say that rape is wrong and people shold have enough since to not commit such a crime. You run along now since you obviously can't stand to admit that not only have you contradicted yourself here mulitiple times, but that half of what you have said is utter garbage and completely irrelevant. Is this really your last post? Really? Don't tease now....:rolleyes
No, you run along with your deluded and irrational defense for FACT and figures. I rarely come to sciforums and talk out of my ass, I have that reputation, I usually back up what I say. If men wear provocative dresses, its a form of objectification, and certain men will likely rape other men as well, its a fundamental fact of life and all living being, I am not makinng anything up here. Unlike you, I am not talking from my ass.
Dear Chatha,

here are a few just for your reading pleasure, pleas enjoy:

"Dressing inappropriately sends a clear message, whether you are a man or a women, and this message is deciphered differently by different people."

This is a contradiction in itself. How can a message be deciphered differently, by different people if it is a clear message? Obviously if dressing inapproprately sent the same clear message to everyone, it would not be deciphered differently. That is why wearing provocative clothing is not an excuse for rape. Once again, what one person sees as provocative, someone else does not. What a person wears does not send a clear message that makes it okay to rape. What one person thinks is a clear message, another person does not even get.

"No, you can't solely blame the rapist, just because its not a crime to dress like you are about to have sex with everybody doesn't mean its not violating other people's interest on decency"

"Like I said, a womans common dress code is not actually the reason for most rape"

These two lines right here contradict themselves. How can you not solely blame the rapist if it is not a crime to dress provocatively? And if a woman's dress code is not the reason for rape, then how come they should take part of the blame? How is the rapist not at fault again? It's not a crime to dress sexy and what a woman wears is not the reason for the the rape?...tell me again how the rapist isn't solely to blame?
When someone is ridiculed and objectified, its very difficult to give them any respect, which is why women often get raped based on one reason or the other. Objectification and ridiculing of anybody is the first step in violently abusing them, its easy for offenders to abuse someone if they see them as mere "objects", either is spousal rape, rape based on plain hate or revenge, self reassurance, domination, or statutory rape.

If you can't show me one example where I have contradicted myself then you are a real dumbass for saying that. I am waiting.:D
Dear Chatha,

here are a few just for your reading pleasure, pleas enjoy:

"Dressing inappropriately sends a clear message, whether you are a man or a women, and this message is deciphered differently by different people."

Originally posted by Jessiej920
This is a contradiction in itself. How can a message be deciphered differently, by different people if it is a clear message? Obviously if dressing inapproprately sent the same clear message to everyone, it would not be deciphered differently. That is why wearing provocative clothing is not an excuse for rape. Once again, what one person sees as provocative, someone else does not. What a person wears does not send a clear message that makes it okay to rape. What one person thinks is a clear message, another person does not even get.
It is deciphered differently and clearly by different people. You are one stupid idiot. I was even trying to defend women by saying that. Dressing barely naked speaks a universal language that most people already know, even animals may even know.

"No, you can't solely blame the rapist, just because its not a crime to dress like you are about to have sex with everybody doesn't mean its not violating other people's interest on decency"

"Like I said, a womans common dress code is not actually the reason for most rape"

These two lines right here contradict themselves. How can you not solely blame the rapist if it is not a crime to dress provocatively? And if a woman's dress code is not the reason for rape, then how come they should take part of the blame? How is the rapist not at fault again? It's not a crime to dress sexy and what a woman wears is not the reason for the the rape?...tell me again how the rapist isn't solely to blame?
How is this contradictory? Are you really this retarded. A woman's dress code is not "actually" the reason for most rape because many rape victims are selected ramdomly. And yes, dress codes do violent other people's interest on decency. How is this contradictory. You see how fuckin retarded you are? LOL:D
Can't you just accept that you are the dim witted one, who has nothing to say.I have said so much on this thread that I even did a better job of defending women than you do. I took a look at all the issues and never assumed or preassumed anything. If you came to sciforums to waste our time, better get back into your trailer trash and do whatever you do. No self respecting woman will be on your side right now. Is there any contradictory statements you'd like to share? I'm waiting.

I see that you have now resorted to name calling out of sheer stupidity. I don't really know how to respond to you because it seems you are the retarted one and do not make sense.

A rape victim is not always selected randomly for one. Many predators seek out that which they like, covet, or fear. Secondly, if rape is so random, then dress would not be a factor, would it? It would just be random that some people who got raped were wearing sexy outfits and the others were not. Thirdly, you can't blame the victim, if they were picked randomly, how could they have prevented it then? By always covering themselves head to toe? See how retarded you are, you dumb fuck? You contradict yourself because you say that somone should take partial blame if they dress sexy,'s not a crime to dress sexy, but it IS a crime to rape, but even then, if you dressed sexy it wouldn't matter, because now rape is just random, according to you. If someone's dress code violates your delicate sensibilities then like I said, file a complaint, otherwise shut the hell up.
How have you done a better job defending women? How? I don't know what world you live in, but pull your head out of your ass and realize that no victim of rape is to blame, no matter who they are or what they wear. Seeing as most rape victims are women, and you want to blame them for how they dress, I highly doubt that they would choose your side over mine. How am I trailer trash? I thinkt that term suits you much better then me. I thought you were done with this thread? Leave already...
How have you done a better job defending women? How? I don't know what world you live in, but pull your head out of your ass and realize that no victim of rape is to blame, no matter who they are or what they wear. Seeing as most rape victims are women, and you want to blame them for how they dress, I highly doubt that they would choose your side over mine. How am I trailer trash? I thinkt that term suits you much better then me. I thought you were done with this thread? Leave already...
How? I advocate women dressing decently and defusing the poor citizen right state of women in the society. Don't get me fukin wrong, if women decide to wear bikinis, thats fine too, I am for freedom of expression. No, you need to pull your head out of your ass and come back down to earth. I see you are in college. What college exactly? community college? Trailer park and trashy women community college? the league of deluded and iresponsible women and feminist? Which one is it, cause you definately don't know what the fuck you or I have been talking about. If you think like trash, dress like trash, you probably are trash, and let me tell you a secret...thats how most men treat these women especially.
Thank GOD and all that is holy and unholy! Maybe instead of "wasting" your time here ranting about women who dress like "whores" you should start another thread where you can continue this rant with people who share your opinions and ideas of why rapists are not at fault. You seem to have a serious problem with women, buddy, especially the way women dress. Here is an idea; Wake up and realize that no matter how angry you are at women, nothing you say will ever make a rapist less at fault for a rape. Nothing. End of f*ing story.
If I hate women, why would I have a pin up of a half naked woman in my dorm. Do I like her? You bet I do. Do I have any respect for her? Fuck no.
You seem like a nice girl, but it also seem as though you can't carry a conversation, not unless its at your convinience. I know fully well what you are insinuating, and I acknowledge it, but you seem to prefer a narcissistic look at this topic. I don't mean to be an asshole but some people on this forum know I hate repeating myself, it drives me mad. Sorry if I went out of line. Cheers
How? I advocate women dressing decently and defusing the poor citizen right state of women in the society. Don't get me fukin wrong, if women decide to wear bikinis, thats fine too, I am for freedom of expression. No, you need to pull your head out of your ass and come back down to earth. I see you are in college. What college exactly? community college? Trailer park and trashy women community college? the league of deluded and iresponsible women and feminist? Which one is it, cause you definately don't know what the fuck you or I have been talking about. If you think like trash, dress like trash, you probably are trash, and let me tell you a secret...thats how most men treat these women especially.

How has anything I said lead you into thinking I am trailer trash? I do not condone people dressing inappropriately, nor do I dress slutty or inappropriately, nor was I born in a trailer and I do not live in one, not that it would matter if I did. How am I irresponsible? How has anything I said lead you to this interesting conclusion? You are a very strange sort of person. I think that you are the one who has no idea what we are talking about or what you are talking about for that matter. You think you are a good person? That women would side with you? I think you should re-read your posts on this thread and say that again. You are the one who is deluded, sweety, not me. Have a nice life.
You seem like a nice girl, but it also seem as though you can't carry a conversation, not unless its at your convinience. I know fully well what you are insinuating, and I acknowledge it, but you seem to prefer a narcissistic look at this topic. I don't mean to be an asshole but some people on this forum know I hate repeating myself, it drives me mad. Sorry if I went out of line. Cheers

No offense Chatha, but you probably should have said this before you called me a...what was it... oh yeah, a "fuck bag". I think that you are the one who as trouble carrying on a conversation. Instead of sticking to the topic that you brought up, you went off on a rant. yes you were out of line. You made me repeat myself about 5 different times so sorry, but I don't sympathize with you. I this wonderfully intelligent conversation.
I heard about the pill that you are talking about. The drug (Propanonol) doesn’t actually erase the person’s memory. It takes away the stressful chemical reaction that occurs in a person’s body when they’re thinking about the event. The person would remember the details of the rape, but they would not experience any fear or anxeity when they remembered the details of the event.

An article about the subject.

Are you serious? Propanonol? That's the medication I was given for heart palpitations about a year ago...