After rape memory pill question

100% of the people raped in men's prisons... are men. It's estimated that male-on-male rape in prison outnumbers male-on-female rape outside.

You, Sir, are a dick. Prison beckons you. As they're breaking you in with the wrong end of a toothbrush be sure to point out through the tears that you 'aren't dressed provocatively'.

You are talking about percentage wise, but more women do get raped more than men. So what has all this got to do with women being more delicate than men? Is this going to change the biological and physiological frame of both men and women? And what has all this got to do with my own position? Did you read my posts carefully?

"Women are delicate because they wear provocative clothes..."
Hmmmm...You must be one of those stupid people that haunt Sci Forums that is out of touch with reality. could be that immature guy too. You are pretty much saying that any woman who gets raped is asking for it and any man who reports rape is a wimp...right. Well how do you classify little children? Was the nice little 7 year old wearing "provocative clothing" when she got raped by the big mean man? Was she asking for a little "tender attention"? I certainly hope that if your wife/girlfriend/daughter/sister ever gets raped you don't tell them they deserved it...though from the way you went about "expressing yourself" that seems like a likely response for you. What is my problem? You are an ignorant idiot. That's my problem. Forgive me for expressing MYSELF.
Since you are new, I won’t jump on you yet, I won’t call you names. I made a mistake for saying women are delicate because they wear provocative dresses, I agree on that;I should have seperated the sentence. Women are delicate because they need a lot more nurture and attention than men; this is a result of biological and socio-cultural inferences. Rape or wearing provocative outfit has nothing to do with it.
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You really hate women so much that you blame them for something that is completely out of their control? Is that your excuse?

Can you fuckin tell me from any sentence that I blame women for being raped? And is it not true that some rape cases were caused by provocative outfits and/or drugs? And what has this got to do with me? Did I tell you I was jesus, and that I was here to die for the sin of rape? Are you fuckin stupid?

Do you have issues with women daring to point out your inadequacies as a human being?

Oh and don't tell me to shut up. This is the internet. Your telling me to 'shut up' is not only pathetic but also idiotic.
You need to shut up because not only can’t you read properly, but you think you can read people’s minds. Put a cork in it.


Whoa, we have a man here ladies and gentlemen! How about a woman who rapes you, falls pregnant and then takes you to court for all that you might be worth? How about a woman who rapes you and passes on an STD or HIV, ruining your chances for life? How about a woman who rapes you, knocks you out and then castrates you?

But hey... you da man right? Please. A real man recognises a rape and knows what a rape is. A real man also would not make such comments about women's clothing in regards to rape.

Now, these are different aspects of the same event, I never mentioned these instances, you are putting words in my mouth again; are you that bored or just plain daft. Yes, but like I said, I would report such cases, but I would probably take justice in my hands before I file a real report. That’s just me, but this shouldn’t have anything to do with anything. I am not interested in demonstrating my many abilities, that’s left for the sports arena, believe me.

Oh you mean you just failed to evolve with the rest of humanity? Instead you prefer to think that you are some kind of neanderthal who views women as objects and men as men who are never raped because they cannot be raped? Right. Sure. What ever you say. You just move back into that little cave of yours and sit by the fire and hope like hell 'Ugg' walks by with her knuckles dragging on the ground so you can club her over the head.

Because if this is your attitude towards women and men, I doubt you will find a suitable mate anytime soon

Believe me, I don’t have any attitude towards women. Sometimes I think there is a little too much attention towards women, attention that benefits no one, but nothing too manifest or antagonistic, I love women. Women are just like men in most instances, women can do everything men can and maybe even better. I hate giving anybody special treatment unless of they deserve it, that’s just speaking from past experience, but women are capable of evil too, which is the reason for my position of fairness. In edition of the NY post a women starved her two sons almost to death and abused them mercilessly, saved only by the arms of children services.

It is obvious you do not even know what the definition of rape is. Rape is sex without consent. Now imagine you are with a woman and she starts pushing herself onto you. You aren't interested and try to tell her no. You're a bit drunk and she starts plying you with alcohol. You keep saying no and she just keeps at you. Finally she takes you home, you are too drunk to know what the hell you are doing. She then strips you naked and rapes you. If you are lucky you get to walk away intact. If you are unlucky she can either 1) get pregnant and then claim more than half of your income.. 2) she gives you HIV or another nasty STD.. or 3) she castrates you as you sleep and you wake up in shock to find your nuts and penis in a jar on the bedside table.

Now imagine if she gets pregnant. She takes you to court. Would you claim the sex was non-consentual? Or would you be a real "man" and simply fork out all your money to pay for the child? What about if she passes on an STD. You then go on and have sex with other women infecting them. Imagine if its AIDS. They then take you to court and you then think back and realised the woman who RAPED you gave you HIV. You wouldn't want to press charges against her? Ah but you're a "man" right? And if she castrates you after raping you? Well no, you'll just put a band-aid where your penis used to be and pretend it never happened. Please. Your words have only shown you to be nothing but a wuss. Only a coward says what you have said Chap.

Has this ever happened to you? What the fuck do you think you know about rape, STD’s, and judicial affiliated cases? You keep on going on and on about how humanitarian you can be, but what the fuck has all these crap got to do with anything? Can you even explain how all this pertains to me and my rather ambivalent but sympathetic position on sex and rape. What has all this jargon got to do with “manliness”? Do you even have any idea of what we are talking about and what I am talking about? Is all this going to change the fact that women will still dress anyway they want every summer, that women prostitutes in Thailand contribute to the greatest amount of STD’s, that some women don’t realize that not all men are gentlemen who can control their sexual urge or vengeful motive, that infidelity is another form of rape because it disregards the consent of the partner. You are going to educate me on rape, but you don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Again, you have shown yourself to be a weak individual who does not even know what constitutes a rape. You also know nothing about male physiology
- Well, I am happy I know nothing about rape; at least you have explained it in totality to me.
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Key Facts
-Every two and a half minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted.
-One in six American women are victims of sexual assault, and one in 33 men.
In 2004-2005, there were an average annual 200,780 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.
-About 44% of rape victims are under age 18, and 80% are under age 30.
Since 1993, rape/sexual assault has fallen by over 69%.

Rapes Still Not Being Reported
The National Crime Victimization Survey includes statistics on reported and unreported crimes in America. Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes, with more than half still being left unreported. Utilizing services such as The National Sexual Assault Hotline can help encourage victims to get help and report what has happened to them so that more perpetrators can be brought to justice.

Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though it is estimated they make up 10% of all victims. Young females are four times more likely than any other group to be a victim of sexual assault....

At least 45% of rapists were under the influence of alcohol or drugs...
Can you fuckin tell me from any sentence that I blame women for being raped?
Re-read through your posts again. It might jump out at you. I will give you a hint however. 'Provocative dress' is but one.

And is it not true that some rape cases were caused by provocative outfits and/or drugs?

Here is a link that discusses some of the commonly held myths about rape. Provocative dress and drugs are but two of them.

You need to shut up because not only can’t you read properly, but you think you can read people’s minds. Put a cork in it.
I am trying to figure out how one shuts up on an internet forum...:rolleyes:

Now, these are different aspects of the same event, I never mentioned these instances, you are putting words in my mouth again; are you that bored or just plain daft. Yes, but like I said, I would report such cases, but I would probably take justice in my hands before I file a real report. That’s just me, but this shouldn’t have anything to do with anything. I am not interested in demonstrating my many abilities, that’s left for the sports arena, believe me.
Your vigilantism aside, those are but some aspects of rape where the male is the victim and the perpetrator a woman. You also have men who are raped by other men.

but women are capable of evil too, which is the reason for my position of fairness. In edition of the NY post a women starved her two sons almost to death and abused them mercilessly, saved only by the arms of children services.
Yes, women are also capable of horrendous acts. Hence why so many of us were suprised when you said that men who are raped by women should not report it as they aren't men if they do. Rape is a horrible crime, regardless of the sex of the perpetrator and that of the victim.

Has this ever happened to you? What the fuck do you think you know about rape, STD’s, and judicial affiliated cases? You keep on going on and on about how humanitarian you can be, but what the fuck has all these crap got to do with anything? Can you even explain how all this pertains to me and my rather ambivalent but sympathetic position on sex and rape. What has all this jargon got to do with “manliness”? Do you even have any idea of what we are talking about and what I am talking about? Is all this going to change the fact that women will still dress anyway they want every summer, that women prostitutes in Thailand contribute to the greatest amount of STD’s, that some women don’t realize that not all men are gentlemen who can control their sexual urge or vengeful motive, that infidelity is another form of rape because it disregards the consent of the partner. You are going to educate me on rape, but you don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about.
Sadly, what I know of rapes would probably make your hair fall out.


'some women don’t realize that not all men are gentlemen who can control their sexual urge or vengeful motive'

from you is quite telling and also disturbing. No victim is ever to blame for a rape or sexual assault upon themselves. Infidelity is not rape. It is a completely different issue.


As to the OP's question.

Interesting question. As for me, I would refuse the pill because I would want the SOB to rot in jail. If taking the so called pill meant that I could never testify against him, I would refuse, because it would mean he would have gotten away from it and would be free to roam the streets to rape again.
Interesting question. As for me, I would refuse the pill because I would want the SOB to rot in jail. If taking the so called pill meant that I could never testify against him, I would refuse, because it would mean he would have gotten away from it and would be free to roam the streets to rape again.

Here is an interesting take on it. I would take the pill, then do justice on my own, let's say shooting the person in the stomach or legs a few times. If he bleeds to death, hey, whose fault is it?

Now they would put me on trial, and I could say: I don't really remember why I shot him, but he did something bad to me...

Of course I could figure out a way to screw him without getting caught...
Originally posted by bells
Re-read through your posts again. It might jump out at you. I will give you a hint however. 'Provocative dress' is but one
And am I wrong? Are you going to tell us that no time in history has provocative dressing tempted a man to rape? What has this fact really got to do with my opinion?

Here is a link that discusses some of the commonly held myths about rape. Provocative dress and drugs are but two of them
Here's you making a fool of yourself again. First you deform me for bring up provocative dresses, only for you to bring up a link reinforcing the fact that provocative dressing is a factor in rape.

I am trying to figure out how one shuts up on an internet forum...
You need to

Yes, women are also capable of horrendous acts. Hence why so many of us were suprised when you said that men who are raped by women should not report it as they aren't men if they do. Rape is a horrible crime, regardless of the sex of the perpetrator and that of the victim
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, its a free world. I can decide not to report if a woman rapes me(laughs). At least I'm not fooling anybody or wasting anybody's time, I believe if a guy can have an erection during unconsensual intercourse, its not rape. What the fuck is your problem?

from you is quite telling and also disturbing. No victim is ever to blame for a rape or sexual assault upon themselves. Infidelity is not rape. It is a completely different issue.
No victim is ever to balme, I agree, I am not in the business of setting up a blaming comittee. However, I have to also call a spade a spade. Certain things like drugs, alchohol, and provocative outfits are factors in rape. All this things have nothing to do with me; I never forced anybody to do anything. I pointed out Viagra in my posts, why didn't you notice that?
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You are talking about percentage wise, but more women do get raped more than men. So what has all this got to do with women being more delicate than men? Is this going to change the biological and physiological frame of both men and women? And what has all this got to do with my own position? Did you read my posts carefully?

Since you are new, I won’t jump on you yet, I won’t call you names. I made a mistake for saying women are delicate because they wear provocative dresses, I agree on that;I should have seperated the sentence. Women are delicate because they need a lot more nurture and attention than men; this is a result of biological and socio-cultural inferences. Rape or wearing provocative outfit has nothing to do with it.

At least you admitted to one of your stupidities. Why would you feel the need to "jump on me" or call me names? Would that make your original post less stupid? No.
And am I wrong? Are you going to tell us that no time in history has provocative dressing tempted a man to rape? What has this fact really got to do with my opinion?
I believe that we have evolved past that a long time ago. Some, however lag behind and still attribute a woman's dress as being a factor in a cause of her rape. Your saying that her dress somehow provokes the man takes away the blame from the man and places it on the woman. A woman can be dressed in a hessian sack and still be raped. The problem is in the rapist and his lack of self control. Not in his victim or how she dresses. A man's lack of self control is not the victim's fault, but the man's fault. Whatever tempts a man really means squat.

Here's you making a fool of yourself again. First you deform me for bring up provocative dresses, only for you to bring up a link reinforcing the fact that provocative dressing is a factor in rape.
I would suggest you re-read through the link again. Before you do however, you also need to learn the difference between myth and fact.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, its a free world. I can decide not to report if a woman rapes me(laughs). At least I'm not fooling anybody or wasting anybody's time, I believe if a guy can have an erection during unconsensual intercourse, its not rape. What the fuck is your problem?
I don't have a problem. You, however, does.

Your misconceptions and inability to understand what constitutes a rape is a problem because you might find yourself a victim of a rape one day and not know it, or you might find yourself as a perpetrator without even knowing it or realising it. Ignorance is not a defence.

For example (notice how I say example and this entails that I am not putting words into your mouth), you say no to a girl and you do not have an erection. She then performs oral sex. That is rape. Even if you enjoy it and ejaculate, your lack of consent means that it is rape. Rape is not about erections. Rape is about sex without consent. Rape can be oral, vaginal or anal. Once consent is withdrawn or there was no consent to begin with, it is rape. Consent also means that it has to be given without duress (through threats or fear) or pressure (eg coercion) in the present instance (as in right then and there and not because the guy had sex with her yesterday so he can automatically assume consent the next day).

I would have assumed this was fairly easy to understand, but it seems I was mistaken.

No victim is ever to balme, I agree, I am not in the business of setting up a blaming comittee. However, I have to also call a spade a spade. Certain things like drugs, alchohol, and provocative outfits are factors in rape. All this things have nothing to do with me; I never forced anybody to do anything. I pointed out Viagra in my posts, why didn't you notice that?
You don't think any victim is ever to blame, but you think she wears or does (eg drugs or alcohol) are somehow factors. Ermm ok.

I never noticed viagra in your post. What you did mention was the percentage of rapists who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Again, drugs and alcohol are not an excuse. Your links are working against you. I really would advise you to contact your local police station and ask them to send you some information about rape and what exactly constitutes a rape. Also ask them to send you the commonly held myths about rape and how those myths (such as provocative dress).

For example:

Myth #1: Victims provoke sexual assaults when they dress provocatively or act in a promiscuous manner.

Fact: Rape and sexual assault are crimes of violence and control that stem from a person’s determination to exercise power over another. Neither provocative dress nor promiscuous behavior are invitations for unwanted sexual activity. Forcing someone to engage in non-consensual sexual activity is sexual assault, regardless of the way that person dresses or acts.

Pay particular notice to the bold bits. Provocative dress, drugs and alcohol are not invitations nor will a court view them as excuses for a rapist. No matter what a girl wears, once she says 'no', then it is no and if the guy persists, it is sexual assault. If he then goes on to have sex with her without her consent (eg she's said no), it is rape. Simple really. I am suprised you are having such an issue with it.

Syzygys said:
Here is an interesting take on it. I would take the pill, then do justice on my own, let's say shooting the person in the stomach or legs a few times. If he bleeds to death, hey, whose fault is it?

Now they would put me on trial, and I could say: I don't really remember why I shot him, but he did something bad to me...

Of course I could figure out a way to screw him without getting caught...
Nope. Vigilante actions aren't for me. I'd want the guy to get the maximum penalty.

Plus your original post stated that once you take the pill, you would forget, so if I had taken the pill, I would feel there was no reason to shoot him.

I would not take the pill, instead I'd want his backside in jail.:)
LOL. This thread is now getting stupid, but at least bells has the decency not to directly call people names, unlike newbies like jessiej920. Bells, you seem like a decent guy but I think you are sometimes over-analyzing what what rape is or shouldn't. First of all, its not a myth that provocative dresses causes men to rape women, its a fact. Certain men see certain women everyday and it subconciously rests in their mind how wonderful it would be if they had a chance with any women at all, NOT just the one's wearing bearly there dresses. Pornography is another exampe, the society is laden with pornography with virtually any little disgression. Drugs are also a fact of rape. There was a recent rape case involving a male Mexican immigrant and a white middle class women, investigations revealed that the male was laden with cocaine and alchohol on that day. I personally don't give a rats ass if women decide to wear umbrellas, they can wear whatever they want, but I have the right to say what I want. Yes, these factors are not invitations for rape, but so are accidents due to drunk and impaired driving, spousal abuse due to alchohol, gang activities, e.t.c. We can continue to deliberate all day, but the fact is that factors are factors, there's nothing you can do about that, it doesn't mean they don't play a role, and it doesn't mean we should totaly disregard them. Personaly, I think a man that can get and sustain an erection during what is called unconsensual sexual intercause is not rape. Feelings are more important than the individual, we say what we feel, we are what we feel at certain times, and many people do certain things based on feelings. Its possible not to evolve an erection during forced sex, I certainly can do it if I really feel violated. Unless of cause the male was druged with some sort of sexual stimulant, then you can claim "under foreign duress" and negligence in the court of law. Thats just my own opinion.
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A woman can be dressed in a hessian sack and still be raped. The problem is in the rapist and his lack of self control. Not in his victim or how she dresses.

How many fat, ugly women wearing dowdy clothing are raped per year?

A man's lack of self control is not the victim's fault, but the man's fault. Whatever tempts a man really means squat.

So temptation doesn't mean anything? If that's the case, then there should be the same number of fat, ugly women raped as are good-looking women wearing nice clothing, right? Do you have those statistics?

Rape is about sex without consent. .... Once consent is withdrawn or there was no consent to begin with, it is rape. Consent also means that it has to be given without duress...

Rape also seems to be that a woman can have consensual sex, then lie about it to the police. I would also suggest that there's been many cases of consentual sex at parties where the woman LATER decides to bring charges of rape in order to protect herself from gossip and rumor.

But, still .....I'm now really curious; how many fat, ugly women are raped per year as compared to good-looking, attractive, well-dressed women?? Anyone know??

Baron Max
Baron Max,

Bells put up a link which covers your thoughts about how a woman looks/dresses in regard to rape.

Myth #8: Only young, pretty women are assaulted.
Fact: The belief that only young, pretty women are sexually assaulted stems from the myth that sexual assault is based on sex and physical attraction. Sexual assault is a crime of power and control and offenders often choose people whom they perceive as most vulnerable to attack or over whom they believe they can assert power. Sexual assault victims come from all walks of life. They can range in age from the very old to the very young. Many victims of sexual violence are under 12. Sixty-seven percent of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were juveniles (under the age of 18); 34% of all victims were under age 12. One of every seven victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were under age 6.7 Men and boys are sexually assaulted. Persons with disabilities are also sexually assaulted. Assumptions about the “typical” sexual assault victim may further isolate those victimized because they may feel they will not be believed if they do not share the characteristics of the stereotypical sexual assault victim
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Baron Max, Bells put up a link which covers your thoughts about how a woman looks/dresses in regard to rape.

No, it didn't actually answer my questions, it only continued the old bullshit that's been spouted for years and years ......with apparently little or no evidence to back it up.

"The belief that only young, pretty women are sexually assaulted stems from the myth that sexual assault is based on sex and physical attraction. Sexual assault is a crime of power and control and offenders often choose people whom they perceive as most vulnerable to attack or over whom they believe they can assert power. Sexual assault victims come from all walks of life."

If rape victims are, actually, as they say/claim, then they must have statistics to back it up. Just making that statement does NOT make it true.

So .....where are the statistics? And do the stats show that most rape victims are attractive young women?

Baron Max
After being raped, I would endure the torture of living with that knowledge, and testify, to serve justice.

After reading Chatha's posts, I would take the pill. Two of them.
No, it didn't actually answer my questions, it only continued the old bullshit that's been spouted for years and years ......with apparently little or no evidence to back it up.

"The belief that only young, pretty women are sexually assaulted stems from the myth that sexual assault is based on sex and physical attraction. Sexual assault is a crime of power and control and offenders often choose people whom they perceive as most vulnerable to attack or over whom they believe they can assert power. Sexual assault victims come from all walks of life."

If rape victims are, actually, as they say/claim, then they must have statistics to back it up. Just making that statement does NOT make it true.

So .....where are the statistics? And do the stats show that most rape victims are attractive young women?

Baron Max

Okay, so you want statistics on whether the majority of women who have been raped are young and attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if such a thing were documented it would be based on that person's opinion, those stats would mean nothing, at least not to me.

Whatever sets the rapist off in his mind to do such a violent act doesn't take away from him being guilty of doing it- he is the one at fault for not controlling himself NOT the victim. I'm assuming you think that the victim is somehow contributing to being raped or you wouldn't keep bringing up how the victim is dressed or attractive and young. If that is not what you mean, then I apologize and would be curious as to why you do keep bringing that up.

Some people dream of having lots of money, but if a person cannot come by money honestly and in turn robs a bank, they are the one with the problem, not the banks.

Should we make every young attractive woman cover up from head to toe in order not to be a victim? IF such a thing were you honestly think that rape would decline or better yet- cease?

If sex is not consensual, then it is rape. It doesn't matter if the woman is wearing a bikini at the beach or sweats. There are no excuses good enough to ever justify a rape.
I tried to find stats on the subject, but the phrasing would be very non-PC and also very subjective so I couldn't find it. I did find some articles on how the physical beauty of the victim effected the crime itself or the jury's decission, but that wasn't the question.
How many fat, ugly women wearing dowdy clothing are raped per year?

So temptation doesn't mean anything? If that's the case, then there should be the same number of fat, ugly women raped as are good-looking women wearing nice clothing, right? Do you have those statistics?

Rape also seems to be that a woman can have consensual sex, then lie about it to the police. I would also suggest that there's been many cases of consentual sex at parties where the woman LATER decides to bring charges of rape in order to protect herself from gossip and rumor.

But, still .....I'm now really curious; how many fat, ugly women are raped per year as compared to good-looking, attractive, well-dressed women?? Anyone know??

Baron Max

Baron. You are using this excuse again? Rape is rape. Are you attempting to excuse the rapist if the victim is young and pretty? Do you think someone who rapes a pretty young woman should face a lesser charge than someone who rapes an 80 year old woman or a 1 year old baby because only one can be understandable for you but the other two are just sick?

Young women are amongst the higher group of rape victims, but as for their looks or size, it is not factored in since beauty cannot be measured. Here are some links that might help you: - which gives statistics such as 1 in 4 rape victims in Delaware (for example) were under 10 years of age. Now would you consider a child under the age of 10 to be sexually attractive or provocative? One would hope not.

The fact that children as well as the elderly are raped should give you an idea that looks don't really matter in rape. Do you know why? Because rape is rape and rape is sex without consent. Do you think rape laws should factor in the victim's 'beauty' and 'looks'? Is there a set standard as to what is beautiful? For example, a rapist might find an 80 year old bed ridden woman a sexual turn on. And another might find a young nubile 17 year old a sexual turn on. And another might find a 5 year old a sexual turn on. So which one would fulfil the norm of beauty? Should their be a poll?

As someone has already pointed out, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So one cannot actually have a study of the figures as to how many "fat, ugly women" are raped per year because one person's idea of a beautiful woman would be their own and may not be the same with another. For example, your ideal woman might be 4 foot tall, boobs hanging down to her knees and toothless, and you might very well consider her beautiful. But she may be 'ugly' to other men.

How do we know that it is not just pretty young girls who are raped? Well I think the fact that rape victims range from all ages and size, from babies through to the very elderly and infirm, that it might be an indication that it is not just one group (pretty and young) who are rape victims. Wouldn't you agree?