After rape memory pill question

This memory pill actually exists and they use it for treating PTSD (war/rape/calamity victims).

So here is the scenario:

You were raped. (If you are male you were sodomized with a toilette plunger). Your raper was caught and will stand on trial, and you have to testify against him, but:

You are are offered to take the memory pill, that willl COMPLETELY erase the memory of the rape. But as a kicker, since the only evidence against him is your word/testimony, you can not testify because well, you won't remember.

Would you take the pill and forget about rape and also justice, or would you want to keep the memory with you for the rest of your life?
After I get raped I want to forget every despicable, vile, sickening, exciting, vulgar, violent, exhilarating, nauseating, appalling, pleasurable moment of it.

If I remember, then what will that say about me?
I only want to remember what makes me feel nice and maintains my facade.
Would you take the pill and forget about rape and also justice, or would you want to keep the memory with you for the rest of your life?
I think I would want to keep the memory, whatever the outcome of the trial (if it's only my word against his there's not much chance he'd get condemned to anything). Memories shape your personality, they make you who you are. I have plenty of bad memories, and I don't want to erase any of them.